02-23-2011, 12:42 PM
I've seen this group mentioned several times (typically in bio's or obits of city fathers). According to the internets, they even maintain an office on Classen (though it's probably just an exec suite set-up for mailing purposes). Does anyone know anything about the group? There's some GOOG indication that there may even be a group history out there from 1901-1960/70ish.
02-27-2011, 12:18 AM
If the group you are talking about is the one my father goes to, they have quarterly lectures at one of the churches downtown and bring in national speakers - primarily media and political figures - they have had Juan Williams and Kathleen Parker lately. Being OKC, probably tilts conservative but has had liberal figures and just general types of speakers as well. More intellectual than advocacy. Seriously. My dad has often remarked how much he enjoys it and how he would love for me to go with him if I still lived in OKC. Afterwards, they go to OKC Golf and Country Club for lunch with the speaker. I'm sure it costs something to participate - not sure how much - a few hundred dollars a year? Hope this helps.
02-27-2011, 12:24 AM
Just re-read and realized that I got 2 things mixed up. My dad actually does both. The luncheon series is called "Town Hall" and it's as I described. The dinner club is very similiar except it's - obviously - at night and the lectures include dinner and cocktails. They used to have them at the Home Builders on I-44 but now that that's been gobbled up by Chesapeake it must be somewhere else. Same general group participates in both. Once or twice a year they invite women and I think the last one my Mom went to with my Dad was someone from National Geographic? (I may be wrong)
02-27-2011, 12:42 AM
OK...last post, I promise. Just did the google because I was trying to get these straight in my head. Town Hall is co-Ed, open to the public and does it's thing. Looks like they have a good line-up of speakers this year. The Men's Dinner Club is obviously more private. But I know that I'm right in my assertion that their speakers are similiar. When my Dad tells me on the phone about a particular lecture, I'm not always sure that I retain whether it was from one group or the other. Must. Go. To. Bed.
03-03-2011, 09:18 AM
Here's the info for Town Hall:
I've attended quite a few of their events in the past. They try to keep a good mix of speakers and cover a broad range of topics. Tickets are quite reasonable.
09-25-2012, 04:33 PM
Wow, great info. I'm familiar with Town Hall (Home | Oklahoma City Town Hall (http://okctownhall.com)). Men's Dinner club, though, seems to be an invite only thing.
09-25-2012, 04:49 PM
Not hard to get an invite. Ask a member.