View Full Version : Maywood Flatiron

02-19-2011, 06:41 PM
|category1=Buildings with Retail Space
|category2=Deep Deuce
|address= Triangle bounded by NE 4th, Harrison & Oklahoma (
|owner=Red Rock Distributing
|architect=AHMM (
|sq. feet=

Information & Latest News

02-19-2011, 08:32 PM

02-19-2011, 08:46 PM

Are you sure?

This project is for the site located across from the newly proposed Bradshaw apartments on 4th street.

This link actually states "This proposal involves the development of an awkward triangular site measuring 3,480 m2 in Oklahoma City, USA. The site is currently utilised for surface car parking and a petrol station"

02-19-2011, 08:53 PM
It does seem to be different than the Humphreys' proposed Flatiron project, which was to be on the triangle bounded by Harrison, 5th, and Walnut.

02-19-2011, 09:07 PM
I think we will hear an announcement about this project soon, as this is different from the on hold Humphrey's project...

02-19-2011, 09:18 PM
This does seem to be a new project... Shown in pink below.

Red Rock Distribution is listed as the client and they own the unmanned gas station on that property.

02-19-2011, 09:52 PM
Deep Deuce is Rockin and Rollin!!

We've got condos, town homes, apartments, hotel, restaurants, grocery, and now Retail. All underway at the same time!

02-19-2011, 10:45 PM
This does seem to be a new project... Shown in pink below.

Red Rock Distribution is listed as the client and they own the unmanned gas station on that property.

I was told Bradshaw owned that property a couple of years ago.

02-20-2011, 02:12 AM
Deep Deuce is Rockin and Rollin!!

We've got condos, town homes, apartments, hotel, restaurants, grocery, and now Retail. All underway at the same time!

Where will the grocery store be?

Larry OKC
02-20-2011, 04:05 AM
Think there was a possibility (nothing set in stone) of one going in on the ground floor retail of the Aloft???? Someone want to confirm or correct?

02-20-2011, 04:31 AM

Btw, this isn't the first time these renderings have been on OKC Talk.

02-20-2011, 09:32 AM
I was told Bradshaw owned that property a couple of years ago.

He (at least his group, City Center Properties) owned the two lots on either side of the station but sold both to Red Rock Distribution in 2010.

Red Rock has very deep pockets (own tons of gas stations and convenience stores) and I hope they are serious about pulling this off.

Looks like 30,000 square feet of retail with parking for 91 cars on the roof!

02-20-2011, 09:35 AM
From the renderings it doesn't look much bigger than an office building just for Red Rock. Still a great project if it is a serious one.

02-20-2011, 09:41 AM
From that site (2,790 square meters is approx. 30,000 square feet):

"This proposal involves the development of an awkward triangular site measuring 3,480 m2 in Oklahoma City, USA. The site is currently utilised for surface car parking and a petrol station and the site has 5m fall from it’s highest to lowest point and is bounded by heavy vehicular traffic. The client’s brief was to maximise the retail accommodation across the site. Since the mix of retail uses is unknown at this stage, a flexible arrangement and the ability to sub-let are key programme requirements.

Designed by Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM) for Red Rock Distribution, Maywood Flatiron is comprised of 2,790 m2 net retail space with parking for 91 vehicles accommodated on a sloping roof deck. Additionally, a 370 m2 shaded courtyard is provided which serves as a space for outdoor cafes as well providing a link to retail spaces with external circulation to the sidewalk and car park above. The scheme provides three prime retail blocks on the site which may be further divided into smaller shops. Each space has direct sidewalk and courtyard access.

The proposal repairs this fragmented section of city by replacing vehicular parking lots with active street frontage and high quality landscaping. Its thermally efficient curtain walling with integral solar shading ensures permeability from sidewalks to retail spaces and courtyards. The structure consists of a simple in-situ concrete slab, post and beam system with aluminium shop front in-fill to create retail spaces below.

Located between the Oklahoma City Central Business District to the west and I-235 expressway and Health Science Centre to the northeast, the area offers a high degree of catchment. The immediate vicinity remains fairly low density; however, to the south of the site a 228 unit mixed-use residential building is scheduled to break ground early 2011 providing additional catchment and retail opportunities. Also nearby is the Deep Deuce residential development and ‘Brick Town’ a popular Oklahoma entertainment district. Whilst residential population is increasing in these areas, limited options exist for convenient shopping.

Initially, AHMM reviewed the design concept against a more conventional approach to retail developments for this region; that of surface parking adjacent freestanding box shops. It became evident the site restrictions would not allow adequate net rentable area to justify the development. The unique topography, shape and character of the site combined with its urban location, advantageous in terms of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, justified a higher density development reinforced with a more prominent architectural statement. Historical precedents such as the Flatiron building in New York and Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye provided inspiration and rational for working with sharp geometries and inverting the program to improve synergies with shops, pedestrians and the surrounding streetscape. " 202BB22521F198/corner04a%20copy.jpg B104D16845A468/Retail.jpg 76800C6B03A1C2/coutyard%20copy.jpg C10EE3D48AAF0D/elevation%20new%20copy.jpg

02-20-2011, 01:18 PM

Btw, this isn't the first time these renderings have been on OKC Talk.

Yeah apparently the collective attention span of OKCTalk is about six weeks. That was not even very long ago that the link was posted to all of AHMM's OKC concepts including this one.

02-20-2011, 01:48 PM
Hate to be nit picky, but I thought technically this area is the Flatiron District, not Maywood.

02-20-2011, 01:52 PM
Maywood Flatiron is the name of the project given by the architects and developers.

I'm sure they are trying to distinguish it the project proposed by Humphries.

02-20-2011, 03:20 PM
Yeah apparently the collective attention span of OKCTalk is about six weeks. That was not even very long ago that the link was posted to all of AHMM's OKC concepts including this one.

Shane, While I understand your frustration (due to your clearly better-than-others ability to index the web), I don't quite get the derisive attitude for those who cannot. I surely can't remember each and every rumor/photo/post/rendering/idea that streams along in this massive web of info (of which OKCTalk is only a part). The information stream is massive and it's very hard for most to see, in this case - a rendering, and immediately recall that they have seen it before, much less where they saw it and when. Unless following this kind of thing is your business, I wouldn't be too hard on duplicates and such as it's just the nature of our living in a digital dump of information everywhere we turn.

02-20-2011, 03:33 PM
Trying to keep everything straight was one of the reasons why I reorganized the forums.

At least now we have a dedicated thread to this project (and most others) which should make it easier to find/remember everything.

02-20-2011, 04:27 PM
Yeah, I didn't mean to go all-metro on anyone and get angry about thread duplication. That was just a contribution to the discussion, I guess, that I was mentioning that the project actually has been around. We just previously blew it off because we weren't sure it was a serious project. Is there a good reason now to believe so?

02-20-2011, 06:18 PM
Steve had said that all of the Allford Hall Monaghan Morris projects were just "architectural pitches" except for the LEVEL apartments.

post #93

02-21-2011, 02:36 AM
Well we also know 1212 is a real project. Do we have to wait for these to become Steve-confirmed to believe it? Not knocking Steve, I just don't think that's the independent thinking he's attempting to provoke...

Larry OKC
02-21-2011, 03:08 AM

Btw, this isn't the first time these renderings have been on OKC Talk. are correct Sir...I had a feeling a grocery in a hotel didn't sound quite right somehow.

Larry OKC
02-21-2011, 03:16 AM
A sloping roof deck for parking? Hope it is covered or some other contingency is in place given Oklahoma ice storms. Realize that technically the top level of most/all parking garages are open to the elements and are sloped to an extent (but maybe just the ramps and not the parking itself).

(This is not to be taken as a criticism of off street parking or the overall building design).

02-21-2011, 08:48 AM
The top of the Plaza Court in Midtown has parking on top of it as well Larry.

02-21-2011, 09:12 AM
You can't just park there though..

02-21-2011, 11:10 AM
The project looks pretty real in the respect the design isn't just some sort of vague concept... There has been a lot of work done on this, and that doesn't come cheap. Also, Red Rock made it a point to acquire those two properties just last year, so they must plan to do something with them.

I suspect the owner is just going to wait until the time is right or perhaps they can get a letter of intent from a tenant or two.

And with everything that is going on in Deep Deuce, you would think the right time is fast approaching.

02-21-2011, 11:42 AM
This also might be a good time for Humphries to get moving on his triangle project.

02-21-2011, 12:27 PM
This also might be a good time for Humphries to get moving on his triangle project.

Yes, either get moving or get moving along and let someone else develop this property. Isn't Humphries moving out of town to work on other developments? I don't think his focus is in Okc anymore.

02-21-2011, 01:50 PM
Humphreys has already been on the record as saying his focus will be on Carlton Landing and that Kirk Humphreys will be working on the Downtown Airpark. And yeah, the Flatiron is dead.

02-21-2011, 02:02 PM
Steve, the Flatiron project that is focused in this thread? Or Humphreys' Flatiron project?

Chicken In The Rough
02-21-2011, 03:27 PM
This may have been mentioned before, but I don't think single-story developments (2 stories if you count the parking deck) are appropriate for the downtown core.

02-21-2011, 03:58 PM
Infill is infill; if it creates street level activity isn't it better than grass lots?

02-21-2011, 03:59 PM
This may have been mentioned before, but I don't think single-story developments (2 stories if you count the parking deck) are appropriate for the downtown core.

Not to sound snide but whats appropriate for downtown is what the market will bear. Thats why Humphreys flatiron is dead. He was wanting to go underground for parking and building up 3 more stories, a very large and expensive project that just wasnt feasible. Not everything can be a highrise.

02-21-2011, 04:04 PM
The Maywood Flatiron is not the Humphreys project...

02-21-2011, 04:16 PM
The Maywood Flatiron is not the Hunphreys project...

Right, it's important to keep that distinction. While in my opinion the Humphreys project did look more impressive, I think if the Maywood Flatiron is completed it will mold into the fabric of Deep Deuce better in the short term simply due to it being a little bit closer and right across from Bradshaw's new apartments.

02-21-2011, 04:39 PM
Not to sound snide but whats appropriate for downtown is what the market will bear. Thats why Humphreys flatiron is dead. He was wanting to go underground for parking and building up 3 more stories, a very large and expensive project that just wasnt feasible. Not everything can be a highrise.

Your post contradicts itself, sir. Think before you post.

The scope of THAT project had nothing to do with why it failed. Talk about one developer being stretched thin. You don't think the market will bear 3 stories?

02-21-2011, 04:43 PM
This may have been mentioned before, but I don't think single-story developments (2 stories if you count the parking deck) are appropriate for the downtown core.

I agree that this is really desirable land that could easily handle a 2+ story development, but single-story developments can have great urban impact if they are laid out properly (think about Campus Corner in Norman which is mostly 1-story buildings but still a very good urban environment- frankly better than any OKC neighborhood)

02-21-2011, 04:54 PM
Campus Corner is a good point.

02-21-2011, 05:11 PM
You can't just park there though..
Actually you can, it's for patrons of Plaza Court; I park there all the time.

02-21-2011, 05:44 PM
Deep Deuce doesn't need high rises, it needs to sustain it's low rise urban character...and this project will fit perfectly...

02-21-2011, 07:30 PM
Your post contradicts itself, sir. Think before you post.

The scope of THAT project had nothing to do with why it failed. Talk about one developer being stretched thin. You don't think the market will bear 3 stories?

Contradicted myself? Because 3 stories isnt a highrise? Ok, not everything can be 3 stories. Is that better for you? Think before you are a jerk when you post.

And I know the market can bear 3 stories but not when that 3 stories is part of a $30+million project, on a small traingular lot.

02-21-2011, 09:34 PM
The design doesn't look like a strip mall. It has parking and it's far better looking than what is currently there. I would think it's always cost effective to go up a second floor, as that floor can be used for housing or businesses, but perhaps that would affect the parking ramp. I like the idea of parking on the roof, as although there will be enough people in the neighborhood to support some retail, if it's interesting or really good retail, which I would hope, there will be people who drive from elsewhere to it.

Larry OKC
02-22-2011, 12:08 AM
The top of the Plaza Court in Midtown has parking on top of it as well Larry.

I don't have trouble with parking on top, but SLOPED parking?

02-22-2011, 02:00 AM
Contradicted myself? Because 3 stories isnt a highrise? Ok, not everything can be 3 stories. Is that better for you? Think before you are a jerk when you post.

And I know the market can bear 3 stories but not when that 3 stories is part of a $30+million project, on a small traingular lot., where to begin on this post...

03-03-2011, 03:08 PM
a nice little award for this project

03-03-2011, 03:10 PM
An award before it's even been built? Reminds me of the Nobel Prize.

03-03-2011, 03:50 PM
How is this project in the same category as the new Tallinn city hall or the Heart of Doha project?

03-03-2011, 03:51 PM
At least it was titled "Future Project Awards 2011"

08-02-2014, 10:15 AM
Any info on this?

08-02-2014, 10:34 AM
Don't know the status other than they specifically relocated OKSEA from this site which indicates something will happen here sooner rather than later.

08-02-2014, 10:41 AM
Cool, thanks.