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04-24-2013, 11:44 AM
Two UCO students wrote a play entitled "VOICED: The Real Story of Prostituted Women"

It is being performed tonight at OU at 7:30pm. To be followed by a panel discussion with local professionals in the field; No Boundaries International, OATH and myself. | Student-written play hopes to bring awareness of sex trafficking (

04-24-2013, 01:06 PM
I see the DOK ran an article about a prostitution sting that snared 10 -- about 1/2 women and 1/2 men, as I recall. Brian: Is that normal? to go after the pimps, as well?

04-24-2013, 01:24 PM
I see the DOK ran an article about a prostitution sting that snared 10 -- about 1/2 women and 1/2 men, as I recall. Brian: Is that normal? to go after the pimps, as well?

I covered it too (in more detail).... OKC Vice arrest 11 during S. Robinson prostitution sting Monday | JohnTV (

Was actually 11 arrests and then 3 more late that night from online stings.

One of the 'Johns' is rapist registered sex offender.

As for your question - overall the women are usually arrested 3-5x more often than the Johns. Seems like since myself and others have made a big issue over that fact the last several years that the arrests are tending to now even out.

None of those arrested were suspected pimps. Actually, pimp arrests are rare on a local level. Federal agents arrest far more pimps in this state than local PD's do.

However, under the new legal definitions of trafficking, many more pimps should be able to be arrested in the future.

A notorious pimp from OKC (Adrian Easlick), also a registered sex offender, is currently being transferred back to Oklahoma from Florida, where he was on the run.

Its actually very difficult to make a case against a pimp because it usually requires the ONGOING cooperation of the individual(s) he was pimping and that's not easy to do.

04-24-2013, 01:31 PM
For some reason, I failed to think of the male arrests as 'Johns.' Thanks for the clarification.

Its actually very difficult to make a case against a pimp because it usually requires the ONGOING cooperation of the individual(s) he was pimping and that's not easy to do.
That's a shame. I know it's ignorantly thought of as a victimless crime, but the intimidation, coercion and assault on the esteem is incredible.

04-24-2013, 01:46 PM
For some reason, I failed to think of the male arrests as 'Johns.' Thanks for the clarification.

That's a shame. I know it's ignorantly thought of as a victimless crime, but the intimidation, coercion and assault on the esteem is incredible.

What the public has to do is realize prostitution is not a black and white issue. There are people who prostitute 100% by choice and those that prostitute 100% by force and then there are the gray areas in-between... Those whose pimp is their addiction, or women who are mentally handicapped, homeless or simply lack the ability and/or support to pursue anything else. Regardless, I have interviewed and spoken to women from all levels of prostitution - homeless addicts on the streets, women forced to prostitute within the Coulter/Diaz ring to three different women who have worked within the legal brothels in Nevada. Regardless of their level of consent, they were all broken women and when the pieces were put back together they rejected prostitution in all forms.

Probably the interview I did that has the biggest impact is the one with Yvonne.

I taped this in 2002. On Friday I go to visit her at a Salvation Army retreat near Tahlequah where she is the guest speaker.

04-24-2013, 01:55 PM
Regardless of their level of consent, they were all broken women and when the pieces were put back together they rejected prostitution in all forms.

How do they go about putting the pieces back together? Is there an organization that does that locally? NBI? OATH? Others?
I take it Yvonne managed to put the pieces back together. How did she?
I don't mean to hog the thread. If you think this is best as PM, take it there.

04-24-2013, 02:23 PM
How do they go about putting the pieces back together? Is there an organization that does that locally? NBI? OATH? Others?
I take it Yvonne managed to put the pieces back together. How did she?
I don't mean to hog the thread. If you think this is best as PM, take it there.

Everybody is different, but most have to hit rock bottom before they even begin to look up and then forward. Then there are those that have managed to survive at rock bottom for so long that the never even attempt to help themselves.

All of the organizations locally do their part and we continue to do what is within our limits. Mine is awareness. Other groups have the resources to offer counseling and more. Often several groups come together to provide what is needed for a specific case - like getting someone away from a pimp in the middle of the night, and then getting that person out of state and into a safe house. From there she must be fed, clothed and her needs assessed. I've participated in such events many times.

But so much more needs to be done.

One resource recently left OKC and is apparently doing well in San Antonio.... Home is a step for victims seeking to get selves free of sex trafficking - San Antonio Express-News (

Yvonne is one who hit rock bottom. She then was helped by local non-profits and churches. Often those most successful at getting off the streets turn to religion. Some simply exchange one addiction (drugs) for another (God). Others truly find peace in religion and more importantly create a new circle of influence around them.

04-24-2013, 02:26 PM
What the public has to do is realize prostitution is not a black and white issue. There are people who prostitute 100% by choice and those that prostitute 100% by force and then there are the gray areas in-between... Those whose pimp is their addiction, or women who are mentally handicapped, homeless or simply lack the ability and/or support to pursue anything else. Regardless, I have interviewed and spoken to women from all levels of prostitution - homeless addicts on the streets, women forced to prostitute within the Coulter/Diaz ring to three different women who have worked within the legal brothels in Nevada. Regardless of their level of consent, they were all broken women and when the pieces were put back together they rejected prostitution in all forms.

Probably the interview I did that has the biggest impact is the one with Yvonne.

I taped this in 2002. On Friday I go to visit her at a Salvation Army retreat near Tahlequah where she is the guest speaker.

I may be mistaken but isnt she the one who turned her life around and at one point worked/owned a hair salon?

04-24-2013, 05:28 PM
I may be mistaken but isnt she the one who turned her life around and at one point worked/owned a hair salon?

Yep, that's her. She lives in Mississippi now.

05-01-2013, 04:00 PM
The Salvation Army is hosting a Human Trafficking Summit this Saturday (5/4/2013) at Crossing Community Church from 10am-2pm.

They are flying in Oklahoma sex trafficking survivor Yvonne (see video interview above).

Yvonne recently spoke at a women's retreat in Tahlequah.... (the video of her speech - not shot by me - Yvonne Adcock; 10 years later - YouTube ( )

More info on the summit here.... Human Trafficking Summit | A community banded together to combat a serious problem. (

05-13-2013, 06:31 AM
Couple of updates for anyone interested.....

1.) Yvonne (see video of woman above) was one of two guest speakers at the Human Trafficking Summit. Below is her speech.

2013 Salvation Army Human Trafficking Summit (OKC, OK) Yvonne Speech - YouTube (

2.) In a first for S. Robinson Ave. - lifelong S. Robinson Ave. pimp, drug dealer and violent criminal, Gerald Loud, aka 'G', died a few days ago from lingering medical issues. The ladies from No Boundaries International came forward and held his funeral at their new firehouse community center at SW 34 and S. Robinson Ave. It was Sunday at 3pm. About 30 people attended - including women he prostituted and men who openly identified themselves as fellow pimps. The gesture by NBI appears to have gone a long way in bridge building and opening lines of communication with those on the street and showing them that if they ever choose to get out of the life that there is an open non-judgemental door with NBI.

05-13-2013, 10:35 AM
Couple of updates for anyone interested.....

1.) Yvonne (see video of woman above) was one of two guest speakers at the Human Trafficking Summit. Below is her speech.

2013 Salvation Army Human Trafficking Summit (OKC, OK) Yvonne Speech - YouTube (

2.) In a first for S. Robinson Ave. - lifelong S. Robinson Ave. pimp, drug dealer and violent criminal, Gerald Loud, aka 'G', died a few days ago from lingering medical issues. The ladies from No Boundaries International came forward and held his funeral at their new firehouse community center at SW 34 and S. Robinson Ave. It was Sunday at 3pm. About 30 people attended - including women he prostituted and men who openly identified themselves as fellow pimps. The gesture by NBI appears to have gone a long way in bridge building and opening lines of communication with those on the street and showing them that if they ever choose to get out of the life that there is an open non-judgemental door with NBI.

It's kind of head-shaking in a way, but that last sentence (I bolded it) must speak volumes (and loudly) for what NBI is all about. Good to read, Brian.

05-13-2013, 11:28 AM
Couple of updates for anyone interested.....

1.) Yvonne (see video of woman above) was one of two guest speakers at the Human Trafficking Summit. Below is her speech.

2013 Salvation Army Human Trafficking Summit (OKC, OK) Yvonne Speech - YouTube (

2.) In a first for S. Robinson Ave. - lifelong S. Robinson Ave. pimp, drug dealer and violent criminal, Gerald Loud, aka 'G', died a few days ago from lingering medical issues. The ladies from No Boundaries International came forward and held his funeral at their new firehouse community center at SW 34 and S. Robinson Ave. It was Sunday at 3pm. About 30 people attended - including women he prostituted and men who openly identified themselves as fellow pimps. The gesture by NBI appears to have gone a long way in bridge building and opening lines of communication with those on the street and showing them that if they ever choose to get out of the life that there is an open non-judgemental door with NBI.

I would have to say that Yvonne looked pretty amazing.

05-13-2013, 11:38 AM
I would have to say that Yvonne looked pretty amazing.

She really did. We had her and the ladies with NBI over for dinner - it went until late that night and was a great time. She has come so far considering where she started.

05-13-2013, 11:40 AM
It's kind of head-shaking in a way, but that last sentence (I bolded it) must speak volumes (and loudly) for what NBI is all about. Good to read, Brian.

It really does. I am not fortunate enough to be such a forgiving person.

This is the Gerald Loud I will always remember and his victims are still suffering from his actions.....

Plutonic Panda
05-13-2013, 02:04 PM
Did you make this video and are you the videovigilante???? That's awesome man, if that's the case!!!!

05-14-2013, 08:15 PM
Who let the cat out of the bag?

06-27-2013, 12:37 PM
Here is a video that was produced by No Boundaries International regarding prostitution in OKC. One of the women featured is Rusti Bates (no relation). She was killed by a hit-and-run driver and he was sentenced yesterday to 8-years in prison.

Bill Robertson
06-27-2013, 03:46 PM
Brian, I said this once before and you said the problem was still bigger than I saw. But.......I go to Freedom Cycles at least twice a week. Usually almost every afternoon. Two years ago and before it was common to see 10 to 15 girls on Robinson between 29th and 44th. I still see an occasional girl but rarely. The efforts of No Boundaries, the neighborhood in general, yourself, and whoever else have greatly helped. I'm not saying it's time to say OK and move on but all involved need to accept pats on the back.

06-27-2013, 09:31 PM
Brian, I said this once before and you said the problem was still bigger than I saw. But.......I go to Freedom Cycles at least twice a week. Usually almost every afternoon. Two years ago and before it was common to see 10 to 15 girls on Robinson between 29th and 44th. I still see an occasional girl but rarely. The efforts of No Boundaries, the neighborhood in general, yourself, and whoever else have greatly helped. I'm not saying it's time to say OK and move on but all involved need to accept pats on the back.

Thanks. Actually, we have experienced a severely sharp decline in the persistent presence of street prostitutes along South Robinson Ave. for going on 6-8 months now. We know this for a fact because No Boundaries does regular street ministry a couple of times a week and the numbers are usually very low.

Also, arrests are down.

I believe it is a combination of increased awareness from law enforcement and the community, No Boundaries, prevalence and ease of access to the Internet for more of the street girls and the normal ebb and flow of prostitution traffic tied to weather, gas prices, the economy etc.

Only time will tell if it holds. But I do know the neighborhood welcomes the change and they have expressed that fact.

Unfortunately, I also heard from a police friend that a member of OKC Vice was spinning the decrease into a negative - claiming that just as many girls are out there but now we've spread them out all over the city, making it harder to do stings.

I am not buying this. There has been no increase in 911 dispatches for prostitution in areas of the city that previously did not have a problem and there has also not been an upsurge in arrests of Robinson prostitutes in other parts of the city that previously did not have prostitution problems.

I personally think its cops mad that they are not getting the credit and are having a harder time justifying overtime to do stings that produce no results.

I'm not sure where all the girls have gone. I do know of several persistent prostitutes that are off the streets because of No Boundaries and my efforts. I know this because they tend to friend my JohnTV Facebook page and then share their good news with me and volunteers.

I also know that several now use smart phones and simply work off the Internet instead of the streets and tend to stay full time in the hotels that are increasingly becoming slums around I-40 and Meridian (this is soon to become a big problem).

Here is a video of Yvonne - the former prostitute featured in the video several posts up from this. As you can see she has turned her life around and is a marvelous speaker on the topic.

07-25-2013, 02:54 PM
Sad day for Oklahoma and the fight against human trafficking. Received a message today that Oklahoman's Against Trafficking (OATH) is being dissolved immediately. They really helped create awareness to this problem.

Jim Kyle
07-25-2013, 03:59 PM
Did they give any reason?

07-25-2013, 04:57 PM
Did they give any reason?

From their Facebook page and an email I received.....

"It is with sadness that we announce the resignation of Mark Elam as Executive Director of OATH, Inc. After much deliberation the OATH Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to dissolve OATH Inc. The primary reasons for our decision are the lack of funds to pay an Executive Director and lack of required board members needed to lead OATH initiatives.

We want to thank Mr. Elam and OATH’s many volunteers for their hard work in the fight against human trafficking; because of them, statewide awareness and training on the issue of human trafficking has increased. While the work of OATH Inc. is coming to an end, it is our hope that awareness may continue to grow in order to assist victims caught in the trap of trafficking, whether foreign or domestic, labor or sexual, adult or minor.

Because OATH is in the process of being dissolved, we are asking all agencies and organizations to PLEASE REMOVE OATH INC from their websites and future events. We are concerned about victims or other individuals seeking information from a resource that no longer exists. Should a person need to contact the OATH Inc. Board during this transition period an email has been set up for official business:

NOTE: The OATH facebook page will remain up as the OATH Board works through the details of dissolving OATH Inc. over the next month. All websites and phone numbers are in the process of being taken down."

I posted this in response....

"While I am very saddened to see an organization such as OATH dissolved - It would have been the right thing to do to have left the OATH website up with a message directing individuals to other resources in their area. Also, it would have been possible to have coordinated this dismantlement with other non-profits so as to continue to take steps forward and not a step back in the fight against human trafficking. Volunteers and resources could have been dispersed and shared amongst those organizations that will have to fill the void OATH has left.

This seems sudden and not well thought out as many of OATH"s activities could have been continued with a base of volunteers (a paid executive director is not a necessity).

Not trying to be abrasive, but this is a topic close to my heart and I would have preferred to have seen it handled differently.

I wish Mark well on his future endeavors."

Jim Kyle
07-25-2013, 05:47 PM
Sounds as if they ran out of funds and volunteer board members about the same time. As I'm sure you are aware, maintaining a web site costs money, so if they became flat broke they would not be able to maintain it. Non-profit groups operating under 501-C-3 are not allowed to display advertising except for themselves, so the route of having a site supported by click-through charges would not be available to them (I'm assuming that they were, indeed, such a non-profit organization). That's rather unfortunate, but the universe doesn't always allow us to do things as we would prefer...

07-25-2013, 06:10 PM
Sounds as if they ran out of funds and volunteer board members about the same time. As I'm sure you are aware, maintaining a web site costs money, so if they became flat broke they would not be able to maintain it. Non-profit groups operating under 501-C-3 are not allowed to display advertising except for themselves, so the route of having a site supported by click-through charges would not be available to them (I'm assuming that they were, indeed, such a non-profit organization). That's rather unfortunate, but the universe doesn't always allow us to do things as we would prefer...

Are you sure? I know some that allow advertising and they simply claim it as 'unrelated business taxable income' and fill out a 990-T. Even then not all advertising is taxable.

Also, a website such as their's can be maintained FREE via numerous providers (weebly being just one) or for as little as $5/month.

No Boundaries has over a dozen full time staffers and not a one receives a dime in salary.

Jim Kyle
07-25-2013, 06:37 PM
I'm on the boatd of a 501-C-3 organization (volunteer, just as are all the other officers and board members) and our legal beagle insists that we cannot even advertise back issues of our quarterly magazine, or surplus copies of class yearbooks, for sale without endangering our non-profit status. Additionally, we cannot solicit contributions for other charitable organizations.

Perhaps our legal adviser is being a bit over-conservative; I haven't studied the regulations myself.

07-25-2013, 08:57 PM
I think he's/she's being very conservative, and possibly to your organization's detriment. I just asked a CPA friend of mine and he said non-profits do this sort of thing all the time, but they need to keep very good records. The examples he used where advertising in church bulletins, neighborhood newsletters, and advertising on event t-shirts and ever sponsorships that specifically provide advertising for the 'sponsors.' Also mentioned that tons of non-profits run basically retail stores either in brick and mortar buildings or online. Don't know if that falls into what you were referring to.

07-25-2013, 11:30 PM
Sad day for Oklahoma and the fight against human trafficking. Received a message today that Oklahoman's Against Trafficking (OATH) is being dissolved immediately. They really helped create awareness to this problem.

This is a shame. I feel like there could have been plenty of options that they didn't possibly pursue. I know I work on the board of several non-profits and it seems like there are always options. My grandfather founded orgs such as Oklahomans Against Pornography so I grew up in that world (although I didn't always agree with his goals).

07-26-2013, 03:33 AM
And so apathy ruled in the end. I think most activist organizations find this a big problem. For another example of how that goes: Stillwater Watchdogs | Citizens for Fiscally Responsible City Government (

07-27-2013, 07:17 AM
And so apathy ruled in the end. I think most activist organizations find this a big problem. For another example of how that goes: Stillwater Watchdogs | Citizens for Fiscally Responsible City Government (

I wouldn't agree with that. The topic of prostitution and human trafficking has never been so popular. Conferences that used to barely draw an audience are not packed and often standing room only. Churches used to refuse to address this topic and are now donating large sums to combat this problem and embracing communities suffering from it. The FBI named the OATH director as Citizen of the Year.

There is more at work with OATH's demise than is being made public.

Fox25 did a brief piece on them last night.... Pioneering Anti-Human Trafficking Group Shuts Down (

07-27-2013, 09:50 AM
I wouldn't agree with that. The topic of prostitution and human trafficking has never been so popular. Conferences that used to barely draw an audience are not packed and often standing room only. Churches used to refuse to address this topic and are now donating large sums to combat this problem and embracing communities suffering from it. The FBI named the OATH director as Citizen of the Year.

There is more at work with OATH's demise than is being made public.

Fox25 did a brief piece on them last night.... Pioneering Anti-Human Trafficking Group Shuts Down (
What an odd shame they had to stop while interest in it had apparently been building up. Sounds like they didn't have enough money to hire a new director, so they shut down. Probably no one wanted to volunteer to be a director for little or no compensation as well. I think only large non profit organizations need or can afford a paid director.

07-29-2013, 10:36 AM
Last week OKC participated in a nationwide federal crackdown on organized prostitution and human trafficking. Dozens arrested for charged ranging from aiding and abetting, to solicitation to even human trafficking.

Most likely will be all over the news today. Several juveniles were taken into protective custody.

07-29-2013, 02:48 PM
Last week OKC participated in a nationwide federal crackdown on organized prostitution and human trafficking. Dozens arrested for charged ranging from aiding and abetting, to solicitation to even human trafficking.

Most likely will be all over the news today. Several juveniles were taken into protective custody.

FBI arrests 150 in three days in sex-trafficking sweep (;_ylt=Ai1Bj9knbsHjbLYUPQnDhrUJVux_;_ ylu=X3oDMTI5dGFidThmBG1pdANBVFQgMyBTdG9yeSBKdW1ib3 Ryb24gSG9tZSBDYWNoZWQEcG9zAzQEc2VjA01lZGlhQXR0V2lk Z2V0cm9uQXNzZW1ibHk-;_ylg=X3oDMTFkcW51ZGliBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRw c3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3BtaA--;_ylv=3)

08-23-2013, 10:08 AM
Might not get any press - but a high profile pimp and human trafficker - Mario Diaz - pleaded guilty on Tuesday and was sentenced to 10yrs in prison (far too light in my opinion - same judge gave a woman LIFE for shoplifting handbags).

OKC pimp featured on America?s Most Wanted pleads guilty to prostitution related crimes | JohnTV (

He was previously featured on Lifetime and AMW....

The woman depicted in the AMW is most likely the shorter woman in the photo below I took on S. Robinson Ave. (Heather).

08-23-2013, 12:25 PM
She looks cute, at least from the back.

08-23-2013, 06:34 PM
Might not get any press - but a high profile pimp and human trafficker - Mario Diaz - pleaded guilty on Tuesday and was sentenced to 10yrs in prison (far too light in my opinion - same judge gave a woman LIFE for shoplifting handbags).

Maybe the judge got sick and tired of seeing her back in his courtroom for repeated criminal charges, so he thought he would just get rid of her for the rest of his life.

08-23-2013, 07:55 PM
Maybe the judge got sick and tired of seeing her back in his courtroom for repeated criminal charges, so he thought he would just get rid of her for the rest of his life.

She - the handbag thief - I don't believe was ever in front of Elliot previously. He simply looked at her page2 (priors) and made an irrational call (IMO). I personally don't care how many times you steal from a retailer - it never deserves life in prison if violence was never a factor.

However, Diaz the pimp also had a lengthy page2 but got a slap on the wrist. The difference between the two IMO is that Diaz's criminal activity creates a large wake of victimization upon individuals and the community. The handbag thief - not so much.

08-29-2013, 06:30 AM
Some here might find this interesting. This is a montage of interviews featuring a woman who was prostituted in Oklahoma from the age of 12.

Some here have already seen part of this video, but other parts are new. I think it gives an interesting and local insight to one woman's journey from since I've known her (2001 - 2013).

Its a 38 minute video, so get comfortable.

09-02-2013, 06:18 PM
Don't really have an opinion on this one way or the other, but a good example of another country's take on the problem.

Zurich opens drive-in 'sex boxes' in a new experiment with its legal prostitution trade | Fox News (

Fashionably teak-colored open wooden garages, popularly called "sex boxes" by the Swiss media, will be open for business for drive-in customers. The several dozen sex workers who are expected to make it their new hub will stand along a short road in a small, circular park for clients to choose from and negotiate with. The park was built in a former industrial area nestled between a rail yard and the fence along a major highway.

The publicly funded facilities — open all night and located away from the city center — includes bathrooms, lockers, small cafe tables and a laundry and shower. Men won't have to worry about video surveillance cameras, but the sex workers — who will need a permit and pay a small tax — will be provided with a panic button and on-site social workers trained to look after them.

09-03-2013, 02:46 AM
I'd sooner have it has a motel converted into a big whore house. The hookers would pose in the room windows.

09-03-2013, 05:58 AM
OKC has publicly funded locations for the sex trade to hold their meet and greets. Of course, these are not dedicated spaces and are simply called parks, alleys and parking lots.

09-03-2013, 08:02 AM
OKC has publicly funded locations for the sex trade to hold their meet and greets. Of course, these are not dedicated spaces and are simply called parks, alleys and parking lots.

Parking lots? I knew I was forgetting to check somewhere.

09-03-2013, 12:20 PM
Parking lots? I knew I was forgetting to check somewhere.

Parking lots, stop lights, slow moving multi-lane roads. One down side to driving a taller vehicle is sometimes learning TMI about other travelers. Over the years it's been fairly clear there's more than a few folks who lack the capability or willngness ito just go and get a room.

09-03-2013, 12:23 PM
Parking lots, stop lights, slow moving multi-lane roads. One down side to driving a taller vehicle is sometimes learning TMI about other travelers. Over the years it's been fairly clear there's more than a few folks who lack the capability or willngness ito just go and get a room.

or tinted windows on their car.

09-06-2013, 04:41 PM
I am probably the only one here who thinks paying for sex as a crime is ridiculous and stupid, it is just sex, there is alot of worst crimes out there than paying for sex

09-06-2013, 05:01 PM
I am probably the only one here who thinks paying for sex as a crime is ridiculous and stupid, it is just sex, there is alot of worst crimes out there than paying for sex

I understand what you're saying, but you fail, IMO, to see that the entire industry is set up around a single "production facility", if you will, that is often woefully undercompensated and horrifically abused. The industry around prostitution is the criminal part, IMO. It's not unlike selling body parts. If you were to remove the repulsive factor, it's just a specialized business transaction, but it's universally outlawed because of the all-too-imaginable tendency for it to become corrupt and ill-intentioned.

09-06-2013, 05:32 PM
I am probably the only one here who thinks paying for sex as a crime is ridiculous and stupid, it is just sex, there is alot of worst crimes out there than paying for sex

I too have no problem with the concept of 'selling sex in the form of prostitution' as long as you're willing to remove every other facet of the reality of prostitution. You seem to be amongst those who prefer to see prostitution as either black or white and ignore the reality.

I fully recognize there is both prostitution by force and prostitution by choice. As long as the prostitution by choice isn't underage, public or organized (as in a 3rd party directly benefiting by the prostitution of another - as in a pimp) then I have always been said it is of no concern of mine.

09-07-2013, 11:14 AM
I too have no problem with the concept of 'selling sex in the form of prostitution' as long as you're willing to remove every other facet of the reality of prostitution. You seem to be amongst those who prefer to see prostitution as either black or white and ignore the reality.

I fully recognize there is both prostitution by force and prostitution by choice. As long as the prostitution by choice isn't underage, public or organized (as in a 3rd party directly benefiting by the prostitution of another - as in a pimp) then I have always been said it is of no concern of mine.

Have you posted pictures or videos on your site of people engaged with a prostitute who was by choice?

09-07-2013, 11:50 AM
Have you posted pictures or videos on your site of people engaged with a prostitute who was by choice?

There's prostitution . . . and then there's "prostitution"

I think that's a Surgeon General's warning tattooed on her forearm in the picture on left.

09-07-2013, 05:09 PM
Have you posted pictures or videos on your site of people engaged with a prostitute who was by choice?

My activism targets prostitution that is either public, forced or organized. If one or more of those elements existed, then it is/was/will be fair game for my website.

As for if any of the women were engaging in prostitution 'by choice' - that is far too ambiguous of a question for me to answer it - though I have no idea what angle your question was going for.

Plutonic Panda
09-07-2013, 05:21 PM
I too have no problem with the concept of 'selling sex in the form of prostitution' as long as you're willing to remove every other facet of the reality of prostitution. You seem to be amongst those who prefer to see prostitution as either black or white and ignore the reality.

I fully recognize there is both prostitution by force and prostitution by choice. As long as the prostitution by choice isn't underage, public or organized (as in a 3rd party directly benefiting by the prostitution of another - as in a pimp) then I have always been said it is of no concern of mine.That is why you regulate it.

Plutonic Panda
09-07-2013, 05:22 PM
I am probably the only one here who thinks paying for sex as a crime is ridiculous and stupid, it is just sex, there is alot of worst crimes out there than paying for sexI agree with you. I think if it regulated it would be just fine. The only problem I have is the sex trade and forcing young girls to be prostitutes. Pimps working on the street and so on, that needs to stop.

09-07-2013, 05:35 PM
What alot of people forget is the dark side of prostitution. Its not girls who are looking to make a few bucks. Its children and young women (generational) who are forced and threatened into these situations and trafficked all around the country. If they try to escape or run away they are hurt and/or their family members. There have been several high profile cases in OKC where a 4 year old boy was taken from their meth head mother, raped for days, beaten, hung from the ceiling with a dog collar, had lye and bleach burns all over their bodies and in their mouth and are now completely blind. After his meth head mother came too, she realized he was hurt 'real bad' this time and finally took him to the hospital.

I could go on and on abut other cases, but just follow news 9 website for a week or two and you will find another one pop up. Just think how many millions across the country that are going on at this moment that we never hear about until its too late.

So the idea (that i even had) where its just a couple of college girls who want to make some easy cash is completely false.

I'm on the border about a well regulated and small brothel of sorts, and dramatically increasing the jail time and punishments for people who are caught outside of the system and even sterilization when children are involved. Sounds harsh but the more i've learned about human trafficking im amazed at how we turn a blind eye to torture and modern day slavery.

09-07-2013, 10:01 PM
Problem is, legalization and regulation has not shown to have an impact on human trafficking. Actually, quite the opposite has happened. Countries with legalized prostitution actually have the highest rates of human trafficking ( People point to Amsterdam, France and the Netherlands and then completely ignore the reality or are never exposed to it.

If countries (including our own) want to legalize prostitution - fine - but don't do it because you've convinced yourself it will positively and measurably impact illegal prostitution and sex trafficking - because it doesn't.

Prostitution, like virtually every other crime has existed from the dawn of humanity and will continue to exist - that doesn't mean we abandon the fight.

Oklahoma County hasn't even begun the initial steps to take a real stance against human trafficking and I place a large percentage of the blame with our DA's office. Literally pimps are being given $50 fines, the fines for a John average less than $80 and the most recent guilty plea by a man charge in Oklahoma County with HUMAN TRAFFICKING (not pandering, not aiding and abetting, but human trafficking), pleaded guilty to prostituting a pregnant 15-year old in Edmond and was only given a years worth of R.I.D.

Cleveland County is no better - Another man replies to a Craigslist ad advertising a 7-year old autistic boy for sex - actually rapes the boy while the father watches and pleasures himself and the man is only sentenced to only 2-years in prison.

We passed legislation that is supposed to help human trafficking victims clear up their records - but so far its a joke. I'm working closely with a young woman right now that was a part of Oklahoma's most well-known human trafficking ring - the Coulter/Diaz ring. She has 5 separate cases (3 felony and 2 misdemeanor) for prostitution. She's being told she can't have the felonies expunged until 10-years after her deferments end. She wasn't even convicted of a crime because she was seen as a victim, yet she has the Scarlet Letter of a prostitute around her neck for the next 10+ years. She has no other record and is in college seeking a health related degree and will never be able to work in her field of study until those cases are expunged. Fortunately I've rallied some important allies that are going to do everything we can to expedite her expungements as a victim of human trafficking.

09-07-2013, 10:42 PM
Cleveland County is no better - Another man replies to a Craigslist ad advertising a 7-year old autistic boy for sex - actually rapes the boy while the father watches and pleasures himself and the man is only sentenced to only 2-years in prison.

That is just too morally sick to comprehend, if that is possible, and then the lack of punitive justice. So what happened to the boy's father? Anything?

09-07-2013, 11:33 PM
Probably nothing . . . yet.
"Instant" Karma may not get him, but sometimes the wheels of ["Karma"] grind slowly.
And never, ever, stop.

Frankly, I don't know how he can live with himself.
Was his address made public? . . . In order to increase--or perhaps decrease--his sleepness nights?
(nah . . . that would be too cruel and unusual)

And here I thought that Ariel Castro had demonstrated the nadir of depravity . . .

09-08-2013, 07:52 AM
That is just too morally sick to comprehend, if that is possible, and then the lack of punitive justice. So what happened to the boy's father? Anything?

The 'dad' (I use the term loosely) was given 7 years in prison. Its an 85% crime so he'll be out in 6. The victim - he obviously received a life sentence.

09-09-2013, 02:19 AM
The rapist should have gotten much more than 2 years. OK State Rep. Cory Wells, in his announcement to see reelection, sounds like he's aware of what's been going on and wants to reform the state justice system saying, "For so long, we have wanted to be tough on crime and have arbitrarily assigned draconian punishments to relatively low-impact crimes while some violent crimes have rather innocuous punishments." I hope he's reelected and has plenty of fellow supporters at the State Capitol to get something significant passed. More at: Williams announces candidacy for re-election » Local News » Stillwater NewsPress (

09-09-2013, 09:48 AM
My activism targets prostitution that is either public, forced or organized. If one or more of those elements existed, then it is/was/will be fair game for my website.

As for if any of the women were engaging in prostitution 'by choice' - that is far too ambiguous of a question for me to answer it - though I have no idea what angle your question was going for.

I wasn't going for any angle. You said prostitute by choice was "of no concern of mine." I was just curious if it was no concern did you still put up pictures or videos of them on your site. Judging by your post the answer is yes. I understand it's probably difficult to tell if the prostitute has a pimp or not and not even sure if you ask them.

09-09-2013, 09:50 AM
The 'dad' (I use the term loosely) was given 7 years in prison. Its an 85% crime so he'll be out in 6. The victim - he obviously received a life sentence.

That's sad and I hope the other cons find out what he's in for.