View Full Version : Prostitution In OKC
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1972ford 06-07-2012, 04:58 PM We should have a state sponsered whore house. The hookers pay for STD screenings and john's have to have one as well in the last 15 days if your dirty you don't get lucky. It would probably save oklahoma money in the end. as well as reduced inmate populations slightly. of course this is a joke suggestion but if the demand is that highlets legalize brothels in a small area mandate condom use yada yada like they do in Reno then we would have another avenue of revenue to the city and state. just put them where the hookers already are lol.
BBatesokc 06-08-2012, 08:09 AM We should have a state sponsered whore house. The hookers pay for STD screenings and john's have to have one as well in the last 15 days if your dirty you don't get lucky. It would probably save oklahoma money in the end. as well as reduced inmate populations slightly. of course this is a joke suggestion but if the demand is that highlets legalize brothels in a small area mandate condom use yada yada like they do in Reno then we would have another avenue of revenue to the city and state. just put them where the hookers already are lol.
Yeah, that idea did wonders for Nevada (not).
kevinpate 06-08-2012, 11:47 AM Out of curiosity, when did prostitution become legal in Reno? I was under the impression both LV & Reno were in counties which excluded brothels by state law and it was only the more rural counties which could say yea or nay to permit one or more brothels to operate.
BBatesokc 06-08-2012, 03:48 PM Out of curiosity, when did prostitution become legal in Reno? I was under the impression both LV & Reno were in counties which excluded brothels by state law and it was only the more rural counties which could say yea or nay to permit one or more brothels to operate.
Just more evidence the poster hasn't really put much thought into their response.
You are correct, while most of Nevada allows for legalized prostitution (by square miles), the areas that are actually populated do not allow prostitution. Even with legalized and regulated prostitution, it has done nothing to reduce illegal prostitution and trafficking in that state.
BBatesokc 06-25-2012, 08:09 AM FYI - The FBI was in OKC late last week and this weekend teaming up with local police for Operation Cross Country - a initiative of the FBI's Innocence Lost project targeting human and child trafficking.
Lots of people arrested and some for exploiting minors for prostitution. Will probably start hearing about it in the news this week.
BBatesokc 06-27-2012, 07:58 AM FOX25 did story last night on No Boundaries Int'l and their new S. Robinson HOPE House.
BBatesokc 06-27-2012, 07:58 AM post repeated.
FFLady 07-06-2012, 07:57 AM Hey Brian - just wondering (this morning) after listening to the news - was this person, Luis E. Ruiz, known on the streets? Or was he pretty much "underground"? Either way, scary dude........
BBatesokc 07-06-2012, 08:13 AM Hey Brian - just wondering (this morning) after listening to the news - was this person, Luis E. Ruiz, known on the streets? Or was he pretty much "underground"? Either way, scary dude........
After his arrest, people on the streets claimed to have known (or known of) him. But I never saw or heard his name prior to the arrest. So, not sure how 'known' he was or if people are just trying to have a connection to the story. Based on his bio I'd guess many people would have known him as I'm certain he was most likely a street level dealer as an extension of the larger more secretive organization.
There are lots of things going on behind the scenes right now. If the rumors (which are pretty believed by law enforcement) are true that the incident was video recorded then several more people will be arrested.
kevinpate 07-06-2012, 09:32 AM ...If the rumors (which are pretty believed by law enforcement) are true that the incident was video recorded then several more people will be arrested.
I don't suppose I will ever fully understand the direct correlation between folks acting wickedly stupid and their need to film it, but I am certain the leo's do appreciate it.
Roadhawg 07-06-2012, 02:05 PM I'm glad they got the guy who did that.
BBatesokc 07-06-2012, 05:36 PM I'm glad they got the guy who did that.
Its a lot more than 1 guy. Probably 3-7 arrests forthcoming. Local media are sitting on a big break in the case at law enforcement's request.
FFLady 07-09-2012, 08:39 AM Get them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a horrible, dispictable way to get an evil message out.......
BBatesokc 07-10-2012, 04:59 PM Here is the Search Warrant paperwork that is being reported today. I redacted the witness's cell phone number (its still good). I'm shocked police would put that number in a public document knowing that the witness was in fear for her life from these murderers. I only left her name because it is being widely reported.
Oklahoman's article:
Search Warrant: Decided to remove link to affidavit until I redact the witness's name also. Other media outlets have since removed the witness's name from their reports - EXCEPT FOR THE DAILY OKLAHOMAN - Who released her name while also acknowledging she is in fear for her life.
BBatesokc 07-10-2012, 09:58 PM Here is the redacted Search Warrant Affidavit......
BBatesokc 07-23-2012, 09:36 AM No Boundaries International is have a benefit concert at the UCO Jazz Lab on Thursday night (7/26/2012) from 7-10pm. Proceeds benefit their Project HOPE initiative.
BBatesokc 08-13-2012, 03:42 PM In today's Oklahoman....
Ministry to prostitutes moving into house in OKC near S Robinson Avenue
Read more:
G.Walker 08-17-2012, 08:42 PM Has prostitution in OKC expanded to downtown? Saw a couple of hookers walking on Robinson and Park Ave.
BBatesokc 08-17-2012, 10:14 PM Has prostitution in OKC expanded to downtown? Saw a couple of hookers walking on Robinson and Park Ave.
Probably not prostitutes. But I have seen some women that i guess work in offices downtown that put some 'hollywood hookers' to shame based on how they were dressed. I often wonder what kind of office they work in.
However, some actual hookers do have to walk from the jail downtown back to Robinson after their release from custody.
pw405 08-29-2012, 05:11 PM
Any good first hand footage Brian?
pw405 08-29-2012, 07:31 PM Probably not prostitutes. But I have seen some women that i guess work in offices downtown that put some 'hollywood hookers' to shame based on how they were dressed. I often wonder what kind of office they work in.
However, some actual hookers do have to walk from the jail downtown back to Robinson after their release from custody.
My guess would be attorney's offices
BBatesokc 08-29-2012, 07:53 PM
Any good first hand footage Brian?
No. But the police were able to convince the media not to mention the arrests mostly occurred at the Skirvin (according to already available police reports). Funny how they almost always mention the name of the hotel if its some 'low rent' hotel.
kevinpate 08-29-2012, 08:04 PM One might wonder if Skirvin guests/arrestees were trolling on S Robinson or were trolling the net for their companion de jour.
I'd guess the latter, but perhaps I am being overly kind.
BBatesokc 08-29-2012, 08:05 PM On the topic of prostitution in OKC. I've spent the last three days at the OK CO courthouse sitting in on Oklahoma vs. Lopez regarding the alleged murder and necrophilia of Robinson prostitute Lori Green (39).
I knew Lori for a few years and have followed this case since her senseless murder in 2011. It really seemed cut and dry - Lopez picks up hooker, parks with her, beats/strangles and kills her and is caught by her pimp and other man while he is still having sex with her dead body.
However, with closing arguments set for tomorrow morning - I'm convinced the prosecutors have not proven their case. I'm not willing to go so far as to say Lopez is innocent, but he certainly has not been proven guilty and prosecutors have played a few dirty tricks to try and ensure a guilty verdict.
Michael McBride is representing the accused and he's doing a damn good job with what he's got. I will be very interested to hear what the verdict is.
BBatesokc 08-29-2012, 08:07 PM One might wonder if Skirvin guests/arrestees were trolling on S Robinson or were trolling the net for their companion de jour.
I'd guess the latter, but perhaps I am being overly kind.
Most of the arrests were for online prostitution - though these days online and Robinson are the EXACT same girls - with the only difference being about $200.
Jim Kyle 08-29-2012, 09:21 PM Back in the late 50s when I was the Oklahoman's police reporter, the Skirvin got the same preferential treatment -- in fact the policy was NOT to mention the name of any of the upper-crust establishments. Most of the time we never bothered to report vice-squad arrests, because they didn't happen often. The usual happening in those days was that the arresting officer let the girl go if she agreed to snitch for him, and he gave the john a stiff warning. However at that time most of the girls were freelancing, at least that was the word around the cop shop... Trafficking was not recognized as a major problem here.
MustangGT 08-30-2012, 08:17 PM The jury found Lopez guilty and gave him a sentence with the possibility of parole. Obviously the prosecuter proved the case in chief and the defense attorney was obviously bested by the truth. I am convinced that the DA did prove his case hence the guilty verdict.
BBatesokc 08-30-2012, 09:35 PM The jury found Lopez guilty and gave him a sentence with the possibility of parole. Obviously the prosecuter proved the case in chief and the defense attorney was obviously bested by the truth. I am convinced that the DA did prove his case hence the guilty verdict.
Based on what? Were you in the courtroom? I was - along with a few volunteers with No Boundaries and two others. While all of us are biased against 'Johns' we all agreed he was not proven guilty at all.
To simply be convinced because of a guilty verdict is naive considering you have no idea what was presented in court.
MustangGT 08-30-2012, 09:55 PM It does not matter what I think nor what you or the others think is important. All the matters to knowledgable folks is what the jury believed. You are just as much a non-lawyer as am I and most on this board. Your prostitution obsession makes you no better a judge of what a jury will do than anybody else. Admit your judgement was in complete error and the system worked.
So here is a news flash accept the verdict as it is and move on.
kevinpate 08-30-2012, 10:18 PM Don't know the case and have no opinion on adequacy of the verdict.
But, as to the reference of the state atty(s) pulling some trick, if accurate they are foolish and it should be exposed.
Their boss recently canned someone, or was it two someones, for pulling a fast one in a case, and then being brash enough to gloat and brag on what they caused to transpire.
So it someone did play fast and loose, I hope it comes to light. When it's deemed acceptable to play fast and loose with an alleged necro freak, it's a short slide on a steep slope for it to be acceptable should it happen to me and you or friends and loved ones.
BBatesokc 08-31-2012, 06:56 AM It does not matter what I think nor what you or the others think is important. All the matters to knowledgable folks is what the jury believed. You are just as much a non-lawyer as am I and most on this board. Your prostitution obsession makes you no better a judge of what a jury will do than anybody else. Admit your judgement was in complete error and the system worked.
So here is a news flash accept the verdict as it is and move on.
What kind of 'knowledgeable folk' believes it matters not what the public thinks when it comes to our courts? Actually, my 'obsession' with exposing 'Johns' wholeheartedly biased me against the defendant - so much so the articles I wrote leading up to his trial were pretty much one-sided against him. That is why I went to the trial - to see him convicted. It was only after sitting through the trial that it became apparent he was not guilty (or at the very least was not proven guilty). I'm imagining you're such a 'sheep' you couldn't even recite the facts of the case beyond what the media elected to publish. Yet, you'd stand so matter of fact behind the verdict.
I guess in the multitude of cases where people are later exonerated you'd say those juries got it right too? As previously pointed out, we have ADA's willing to withhold witnesses and play other tricks to try and convict at all costs.
I can't go into items that will most likely be used for appeal but the prosecutors relied solely on the statements of the two men (one the victim's pimp and the other his friend) that claim to have found Lopez having sex with the dead prostitute Lori Green. Problem is, the forensic and physical evidence proved the defendant had not had sex with the victim and his story never wavered and there was zero motive. The witnesses admitted to smoking crack for 15hrs straight before the event took place and to committing crimes all day long (theft and stolen checks mostly). They also admitted to stripping the defendant of his pants (and discarded them at a different location) and then beating him so badly he had to be hospitalized. Both witnesses are convicted felons and known for violence. The defendant was small in stature, had a job and no criminal record and no motive. The victim was beaten beyond recognition (41 crime scene photos) and had a very visible bruise on her face that was long and straight (like a broom handle). There was no weapon of any sort found in the defendant's car - but the witness pimp admitted to using a broom handle to break out the defendant's windows of the car. The defendant had no bruising on his knuckles and none of Lori's blood was found on him. Also, EMSA testified there was a large amount of fecal matter in the passenger seat and that none was found on Lopez. The two witnesses accounts of what happened were in general the same, but none of the details matched (who was where and did what).
I believe the evidence showed that Green, her pimp (Big Mike) and their friend Jimmy Palmer had been doing drugs all day. Later that night (around 2am) they were feening for drugs. Palmer took Green to a Hispanic bar at 34/Robinson to solicit patrons. Big Mike stayed at the dope house so he could wait for Green to bring him money for his next fix. When Green was picked up by Lopez she picked where they were to park (I've never seen a killer let the girl pick the parking spot). They parked behind the dope house where Big Mike was. Big Mike testified that he saw them pull up. The owner of the dope house, KC, said Big Mike became antsy and was pacing back and forth between a window and the back door wanting Green to hurry up. After several minutes Big Mike went out to the car to see what was taking her so long (I suspect because he was tweaking wanting more drugs). Big Mike testified that the whole time he could see Lopez having straight sex with Green through the window (no DNA or other evidence found to show they had sex). Big Mike testified he hit the window to get Lopez's attention and that Lopez turned and put up one finger - as to say, "Just a minute (I'm still having sex)." (not exactly what someone having sex with a corpse would do). Big Mike says at that point he noticed Green was bloody and unresponsive. Big Mike testified that Palmer had pulled up in his truck and Big Mike grabbed a broom out of the truck and began breaking out the back and rear side window of the car (not the front driver's side as you'd expect). Big mike then claims he somehow got the passenger side door open by reaching through the broken out rear driver's side window and reaching past Lopez and Green and unlocking the passenger side door (not the driver's side). Big Mike then testified that he reached into the passenger side, across Green, and grabbed Lopez and drug him out of the car (across Green's body) and only hit him one time (two other witnesses said multiple times) and Big Mike testified that he began to stomp Lopez with his feet and that Palmer joined in. When a neighbor yelled she was calling police, Big Mike fled the scene with Lopez's pants.
Lopez says he picked up Green and she told him where to park. He gave her $20 for oral sex and he motioned for her to take her pants down. Lopez testified that Lori had undone his pants and was manually stimulating him when Big Mike, Palmer and possibly other approached his car. They tried to open his doors and when they couldn't they began breaking out his windows. Lopez did not know why they were doing this. Lopez testified that Big mike opened the driver's side door (not passenger) and hit him in the face with the broom handle and also hit Lori (as seen in Green's bruising). Lopez also said he was not having straight sex with Green and that Green was leaning over into the driver's seat. Big Mike testified Lopez was on top of Green in the passenger seat and it was reclined. In the police photos the passenger seat is reclined, however, EMSA workers testified that when they arrived the passenger seat was straight up and down as Lopez said it was.
Lopez then testified that he was dragged from the car and that Green tried to grab his shirt as he was removed from the car. Lopez has no idea who killed Green or why - as he was naked and unconscious on the ground.
I suspect this was a combination of drug feening, a robbery gone wrong or jealous rage from Big Mike. I've known Big Mike for awhile and he is a very large and very violent man. When he gets high he gets jealous of his woman (Green) having sex with others. I think when Lopez put his finger up to him that Big Mike took it as disrespect and he exploded. Green most likely was telling him off over the attack (she was not shy to argue loudly with him) and he attacked her.
Makes far more sense than some small framed Hispanic who only had 4 beers and no criminal record picking up a hooker to kill her.
FFLady 08-31-2012, 10:55 AM Very, very interesting Brian......thanks for the behind the scenes narrative!
Northwestsider 09-04-2012, 10:44 AM This is a little bit of a spoiler alert, but the movie Shuttle is a terrifying, real life example of an "it could happen to you, your daughter, spouse or any young woman you know" look at human trafficking. It is worth a watch if you get the chance.
kevinpate 09-04-2012, 01:46 PM I look at posts 447 and 449 and I do shake my head. The poster seems to suggest that a jury of 12 everyday folk are as a whole above making an error. Perhaps I over-read, and if I do, my apologies to the poster.
But if not, and without taking a stance on this particular case, please realize that a jury verdict can at times be a result of something other than a defendant's version of the events being bested by the truth. That's not an assumption on my part, nor is it simple conjecture. It's a realization born out of many years of up close and personal observation and digging into the muck and getting one's hands dirty as it were.
It's an odd situation, but both the following statements are quite accurate.
A. Our system of justice permits serious errors, can be gamed, and it does not always correct mistakes.
B. Not withstanding A, our system of justice is the best available system in existence.
Bill Robertson 09-04-2012, 02:03 PM I look at posts 447 and 449 and I do shake my head. The poster seems to suggest that a jury of 12 everyday folk are as a whole above making an error. Perhaps I over-read, and if I do, my apologies to the poster.
But if not, and without taking a stance on this particular case, please realize that a jury verdict can at times be a result of something other than a defendant's version of the events being bested by the truth. That's not an assumption on my part, nor is it simple conjecture. It's a realization born out of many years of up close and personal observation and digging into the muck and getting one's hands dirty as it were.
It's an odd situation, but both the following statements are quite accurate.
A. Our system of justice permits serious errors, can be gamed, and it does not always correct mistakes.
B. Not withstanding A, our system of justice is the best available system in existence. Both A and B are very true. I sat on a jury some years ago that found two defendants not guilty. After the fact we jurors found out that "rules of evidence" kept us from hearing what really happened. If we had heard the real story both defendants would have been put away. I'm sure it works both ways. For the prosecution at times and for the defense at other times. Sometimes, I like to think most times, our courts get it right. Sometimes not.
BBatesokc 09-04-2012, 04:08 PM I look at posts 447 and 449 and I do shake my head. The poster seems to suggest that a jury of 12 everyday folk are as a whole above making an error. Perhaps I over-read, and if I do, my apologies to the poster.
But if not, and without taking a stance on this particular case, please realize that a jury verdict can at times be a result of something other than a defendant's version of the events being bested by the truth. That's not an assumption on my part, nor is it simple conjecture. It's a realization born out of many years of up close and personal observation and digging into the muck and getting one's hands dirty as it were.
It's an odd situation, but both the following statements are quite accurate.
A. Our system of justice permits serious errors, can be gamed, and it does not always correct mistakes.
B. Not withstanding A, our system of justice is the best available system in existence.
I really wish more people would sit in on jury trials and watch the system they help put in place in action. It can be both inspiring and disheartening. I probably watch at least a dozen jury trials a year and read the files of dozens more. The things that go on in this city that never get reported is mind-boggling.
I'm reading up on one now where a young Hispanic male allegedly walked up on 4 Air-Force servicemen and a woman that were hanging out in a park after dark. The young Hispanic male pulled a gun on them, robbed them and then raped the female right there next to the 4 men - then he ran away.
He took everything from the servicemen - including a simply Sharpie pen. As fate would have it, as police walked the neighborhood, one spotted a Sharpie pen right outside a home nearby. He knocked and asked if any Hispanic youth lived there. He detained the one that did and asked the parents if he could search the house. They said 'sure' - and what do you know, all the rest of the stolen items were in his room. According to court records, this young man wants a trial.
BoulderSooner 09-05-2012, 10:11 AM I really wish more people would sit in on jury trials and watch the system they help put in place in action. It can be both inspiring and disheartening. I probably watch at least a dozen jury trials a year and read the files of dozens more. The things that go on in this city that never get reported is mind-boggling.
I'm reading up on one now where a young Hispanic male allegedly walked up on 4 Air-Force servicemen and a woman that were hanging out in a park after dark. The young Hispanic male pulled a gun on them, robbed them and then raped the female right there next to the 4 men - then he ran away.
He took everything from the servicemen - including a simply Sharpie pen. As fate would have it, as police walked the neighborhood, one spotted a Sharpie pen right outside a home nearby. He knocked and asked if any Hispanic youth lived there. He detained the one that did and asked the parents if he could search the house. They said 'sure' - and what do you know, all the rest of the stolen items were in his room. According to court records, this young man wants a trial.
BBatesokc 09-05-2012, 10:25 AM Have to get it when I'm at home. Its an Oklahoma County case, so you're not going to be able to read anything unless you go down to the court house and pull the file or sit in court (as I did).
Roadhawg 09-05-2012, 11:04 AM I really wish more people would sit in on jury trials and watch the system they help put in place in action. It can be both inspiring and disheartening. I probably watch at least a dozen jury trials a year and read the files of dozens more. The things that go on in this city that never get reported is mind-boggling.
I'm reading up on one now where a young Hispanic male allegedly walked up on 4 Air-Force servicemen and a woman that were hanging out in a park after dark. The young Hispanic male pulled a gun on them, robbed them and then raped the female right there next to the 4 men - then he ran away.
He took everything from the servicemen - including a simply Sharpie pen. As fate would have it, as police walked the neighborhood, one spotted a Sharpie pen right outside a home nearby. He knocked and asked if any Hispanic youth lived there. He detained the one that did and asked the parents if he could search the house. They said 'sure' - and what do you know, all the rest of the stolen items were in his room. According to court records, this young man wants a trial.
Not everybody has the time during the day to do that (jobs)
pw405 09-05-2012, 12:21 PM Not everybody has the time during the day to do that (jobs)
Ya... How do you fund all the work you do during the day? I have a hard time finding enough time in a week day to get my oil changed or go to the doctor, let alone sit in on court cases, etc etc...
BBatesokc 09-05-2012, 12:35 PM Not everybody has the time during the day to do that (jobs)
Didn't say 'everybody' did I? Last time I checked many people on this board are retired, self-employed or are students. Additionally, if someone was so inclined, they could take some time off to sit in on at least an afternoon of a trial. Many trials only last a single day. But, many people rely on excuses to avoid doing all kinds of things.
My wife works 40+ hours a week (traditional day hours) and even she has taken time off to sit in on a trial or two she found interesting.
Also, not sure what you were implying with your comment about 'jobs' but if you're implying I don't have one you'd be sadly mistaken.
Roadhawg 09-05-2012, 01:06 PM Didn't say 'everybody' did I? Last time I checked many people on this board are retired, self-employed or are students. Additionally, if someone was so inclined, they could take some time off to sit in on at least an afternoon of a trial. Many trials only last a single day. But, many people rely on excuses to avoid doing all kinds of things.
My wife works 40+ hours a week (traditional day hours) and even she has taken time off to sit in on a trial or two she found interesting.
Also, not sure what you were implying with your comment about 'jobs' but if you're implying I don't have one you'd be sadly mistaken.
Not many have the time to sit in court all day because they have jobs. I wasn't implying anything, I just mentioned not a lot of people have the time to sit around in court all day because they are working. Now if my significant other worked a full time job I may have the time to do it but unfortunately I don't.
BBatesokc 09-05-2012, 01:20 PM Not many have the time to sit in court all day because they have jobs. I wasn't implying anything, I just mentioned not a lot of people have the time to sit around in court all day because they are working. Now if my significant other worked a full time job I may have the time to do it but unfortunately I don't.
And, like I said, many here do have time because the are either retired, students, self-employed or could choose to use some of their vacation/sick/comp/etc. time to attend part of a trial. Don't really know what a significant other working would have to do with it - you either have the time or can take the time or you don't. Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that more citizens should attend trials and see the system at work.
I'm fortunate enough that my job allows me to be able to attend trials. But, even before I worked for myself fulltime, I was salary at most of my previous positions and could come and go as I choose, as long as my job was done or I'd use comp-time.
Roadhawg 09-05-2012, 02:46 PM Yes you are fortunate you have all that free time to attend trials and I know it's interesting. I don't plan on using any vacation days to sit down at the courthouse and not sure how many others would want to do that either. Fortunately we have you to keep us posted on the daily happenings in the crime world in OKC.
boscorama 09-05-2012, 08:59 PM In the 80's, I once used a day off from work to sit in on the trial of Donna Bechtel. I had no special interest in the case. Just saying, one can do whatever one chooses on a free day.
While it can be boring as all get-out, watching court can be interesting, to say the least.
FFLady 09-06-2012, 08:44 AM I concur! Would be cool if Oklahoma could stream some of their cases. Back in 07, I was researching place in TN to visit, and came across one of the most horrific crimes ever that happened in Knoxville. Not sure why it grabbed me like it did, but I ended up streaming all 4 defendant trials. At the end of the day, they were all convicted, and 6 months later it was proven that the Judge was addicted to pills and used during the there may be a re-trial. Not sure if I'll stream all over again, but it was very interesting to watch the first go round.....
Roadhawg 09-06-2012, 08:48 AM In the 80's, I once used a day off from work to sit in on the trial of Donna Bechtel. I had no special interest in the case. Just saying, one can do whatever one chooses on a free day.
While it can be boring as all get-out, watching court can be interesting, to say the least.
I agree... it can be very interesting and I wish I had the chance to do it more often but between work and days off plans I don't.
BBatesokc 09-06-2012, 11:34 AM I really wish Oklahoma County had a CourtTV type channel or Internet presence where they'd stream both criminal and civil cases and even provide commentary in between. Could be a profitable (to a degree) online venture and even possible to a degree without the in court cameras if someone did it as a private venture.
Wish I had the time, I'd love to develop it.
Roadhawg 09-06-2012, 01:54 PM I'm surprised they don't have it already.
FFLady 09-06-2012, 02:13 PM Me too Hawg -
BBatesokc 09-08-2012, 07:09 AM Last night my wife and I assisted with No Boundaries International ( and their Hope House open house on S. Robinson Ave.
The house is finally pretty much done. Myers Roofing even donated a brand new free roof (all the way down to new decking) that they even installed earlier that morning.
Over 140 people attended the open house. My wife was manning handing out hot dogs and chips, there were clowns painting kids faces and making balloon animals, lots of lawn games being played, my wife and I provided free ice cream to all who attended through Roxy's Ice Cream Social, a tree was planted in honor of a young mother of 3 who was a victim of the streets of Robinson who was recently killed (her family placed her ashes at the base of the tree) and an overall sense of community was felt in an area that rarely experiences such positive things.
2583 2584
Roadhawg 09-09-2012, 12:03 PM Good job NBI
bluewhitesun 10-03-2012, 07:47 AM -----exactly...........but arent most "johns" married anyway?? lol....:tongue:
bluewhitesun 10-03-2012, 07:51 AM Lol!
BBatesokc 11-03-2012, 07:55 AM Just Updating things (from my perspective) of the prostitution topic in OKC.
1.) Visible prostitution along S. Robinson Ave. and the other areas formally recognized by the Okla CO DA's Office as places of persistent prostitution have seen a very noticeable decline in activity (as also noted by police and business owners). The only exception would be the I-40/Meridian area.
2.) This may in part because Okla CO judges/ADA's are once again making a geographic restriction a part of sentencing.
3.) No Boundaries International did their second tree dedication ceremony at their Hope House. This time for a woman who was a victim of the Germaine Coulter & Mario Diaz human trafficking ring. Her parents drove from Texas to attend.
4.) I organized an OKC effort to do a large scale flier distribution for missing teen JaRay Wilson from Weatherford. Investigators claim they have reason to believe she is a victim of human trafficking (I'm not convinced yet, but regardless she is a missing and endangered teen). This effort was done with the cooperation of No Boundaries and started at the Hope House.
5.) Last night No Boundaries held their 2nd annual fundraising dinner at Oak Tree Country Club to raise funds for their efforts, create bridges with city leaders and raise awareness. DA David Prater, Chief Citty, other higher ups with OCPD, members of Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics, Salvation Army leaders and about 220 people from all kinds of organizations and the general public attended. Even met two people from OKCtalk. There was great food (buffet with prime rib, salmon, chicken and other excellent items), a silent and live auction (luxury suite tickets with parking and dinner for one of the Thunder/Lakers games, OCPD Air1 ridealong, and lots more), a great video regarding OKC prostitution and No Boundaries, a guest speaker whose sister was murdered by a man with ties to Oklahoma that was also a serial killer and the entire event was emceed by KFOR's Ali Meyer. Events like this are critical to opening doors and creating working relationships with other organizations in NBI's efforts to positively impact prostitution and human trafficking.
BBatesokc 11-15-2012, 06:43 AM Local high profile pimp and sex trafficker Germaine Coulter pled guilty to money laundering and drug charges yesterday. This is the same 'man' whose neighborhood I put on alert of his criminal enterprise and warrants were issued for his arrest the next day.
Man sentenced to 10 years in prison for role in prostitution, pandering enterprise | (
JayhawkTransplant 11-16-2012, 06:51 PM Brian, I'm curious whether your thoughts on JaRay Wilson and possible human trafficking have changed since the discovery of she and Carina Saunders' profiles on
BBatesokc 11-16-2012, 08:19 PM Brian, I'm curious whether your thoughts on JaRay Wilson and possible human trafficking have changed since the discovery of she and Carina Saunders' profiles on
I think the MeetMe profiles are just a coincidence. Just like the odd coincidence that Saunders' body was found the same day the house she was killed in was professionally demolished.
That said, I am in contact with her father and family members and some things are in the works. While I firmly believe she was initially a runaway, I do believe it is very possible that, that status has made her very susceptible to becoming victimized. Most of the underage girls we encounter on Robinson were initially runaways. Four people from Arizona were just charged in OKC with Human Trafficking a 16-yr old runaway.
Most Oklahomans would be in utter disbelief of how often our young women fall victim to trafficking.
BBatesokc 11-19-2012, 02:29 PM Article and video regarding No Boundaries Int'l's recent fundraiser event at Oak Tree Country Club.
No Boundaries Int’l 2nd annual fundraiser a success | JohnTV (
BBatesokc 11-30-2012, 09:38 AM Oklahoma receives a "C" when it comes to child sex trafficking efforts according to study.
Oklahoma receives a “C” in its efforts to combat child sex trafficking according to study | JohnTV (