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BBatesokc 02-13-2012, 11:19 AM Also, Dr. Phil's crew was in OKC the last couple of days getting footage. Member's of OATH (Oklahoman's Against Trafficking Humans) will be taping a show today regarding the issue of sex trafficking. It should air by the end of this month.
SSEiYah 03-14-2012, 10:58 AM Big Crackdown yesterday.
Roadhawg 03-14-2012, 12:06 PM Glad I decided to stay home yesterday
Bunty 03-14-2012, 02:17 PM My goodness, if one is good looking enough to get sex for me, why even think of paying a whore for it?
Roadhawg 03-14-2012, 02:34 PM Big Crackdown yesterday.
Looking at the pictures in the article that first one looks a little rough for only being 28.
BBatesokc 03-14-2012, 06:16 PM Looking at the pictures in the article that first one looks a little rough for only being 28.
I know her. She's experienced more than I can imagine.
BBatesokc 03-14-2012, 10:32 PM Monday's arrests also marked the first time the new vehicle impoundment law was utilized since taking effect.
Six vehicles driven by the John's arrested were impounded. The owner's can't get them back for 90-days and the fees equal $2,000.
Ozzie 03-15-2012, 08:09 AM I know her. She's experienced more than I can imagine.
Is she mentally ill? What options does she have?
BBatesokc 03-21-2012, 09:40 AM Is she mentally ill? What options does she have?
She has the mentality of about a 10-12 year old. She just started prostituting about 6-12 months ago.
She is apparently on state assistance but her family takes it from her. Working with a group to try and get her some help.
Roadhawg 03-21-2012, 10:35 AM She has the mentality of about a 10-12 year old. She just started prostituting about 6-12 months ago.
She is apparently on state assistance but her family takes it from her. Working with a group to try and get her some help.
Sad... hope she finds the help she needs.
BBatesokc 03-21-2012, 10:59 AM Sad... hope she finds the help she needs.
Fortunately, people who know her saw this video and contacted me with the details needed to try and get the state to help (like her address, mom's name, etc.).
ljbab728 04-22-2012, 12:37 AM
BBatesokc 04-22-2012, 10:13 AM
Should be a good time. That's one of the best things about the energy No Boundaries brings to the fight on South Robinson - they see the entire community as victims of street level prostitution and want to become a part of the community and remind them they are a community worth saving.
We've been planning this for awhile and hopefully with good weather a good time should be had by all.
oneforone 04-23-2012, 01:39 AM Brian.... Why aren't you on TruTV. They have shows about pawn shops and repo services. I would think your show would be a hit. If nothing else it might show people the reality of prostitution.
BBatesokc 04-23-2012, 06:38 AM Brian.... Why aren't you on TruTV. They have shows about pawn shops and repo services. I would think your show would be a hit. If nothing else it might show people the reality of prostitution.
As much as many people would like to believe I try to whore myself out to the media for fame more than the women do on Robinson for cash and crack, it simply is not true. I've had several tv show offers and I've been approached by the biggest names in the business. I've been flown to California to meet with the bigwigs at CAA and even been offered huge cash sums to simply license my entire library for others to distribute. Not to say I wouldn't, I'm just not overly motivated to do so. If someone came to me with the right idea I'd consider it. But they don't want 'reality' TV, they want scripted and contrived BS that is the furthest thing from reality. I'm content with licensing my footage to studios producing documentaries and doing occasional one-off's with news and infotainment productions. Dateline was in town last week and I spent several days with them for an upcoming one-hour special. A piece I did for France's largest TV network M6 just aired a special on my video activism.
My idea of a show would be a cross between 'To Catch a Predator' and COPS with some real back stories on the women and their victimization and hopefully some followups showing some getting out of prostitution.
BBatesokc 04-23-2012, 11:12 PM The harsh reality of South Robinson Ave.
I know this pimp well. His name is Jermal Omar Turner, AKA 'Stacks.' He has pimped women out on S. Robinson for years.
Today his pimping stopped when he was stabbed and killed at SW 43 and S. Robinson Ave.
BBatesokc 04-29-2012, 11:15 AM
The South Robinson Block Party was a huge success. Went from 11am - 3pm, but by 1:30pm we were out of hotdogs, most of the homemade sweets and virtually all of the toys for prizes and they brought hundreds of all of it. A lot more kids showed up than expected and it appeared virtually all were from the immediate area as most arrived on foot.
The kids had a great time, the parents really appreciated it and for the first time in a long time the area had a sense of community. We had a mix of every race and all ages. I really feel the best way to discourage the rampant and blatant criminal activity in any area is to develop a sense of community.
The Salvation Army gave out hundreds of lunches of hotdogs, chips and snacks. EMSA had an ambulance on scene the kids could tour. The fire department had a ladder truck the kids could tour and were given junior fireman badges. The OKC Barron's were represented with their mascot and some employees brought field hockey gear and organized several field hockey games (their staff was incredible with the kids). There were three Bounce Houses, tons of carnival type games with prizes, face painting, temporary tattoos, crafts station, cake walk, puppet shows and lots great live/local entertainment (singers, guitar players, youth flamingo dancers, etc.).
The event even started off with a group of prostituted women coming up to No Boundaries event organizers and myself specifically to say "hello", "thank you" and to ask to be prayed for. The volunteers stopped what they were doing and got into a prayer circle with the young women (some teenagers).
The event had no visible security present and not once was there a tense moment even with such a large and diverse group.
It was decided this will become an annual event in the area. (
ljbab728 04-29-2012, 08:49 PM That's fantastic news, Brian. Maybe it will inspire more community based events in that area.
BBatesokc 04-29-2012, 09:34 PM Here's a brief time-lapse/slide show of the event.
FFLady 04-30-2012, 08:33 AM Not that it matters Brian, but was Stacks one of those hard core pimps? (sorry my experience with pimps is what I see on TV) that 80's movie Vice Squad - Pimp Ramrod was ruthless!!! Just makes me wonder if thats how it is in real time -
BTW - well done with your awareness gigs -
BBatesokc 04-30-2012, 09:01 AM Not that it matters Brian, but was Stacks one of those hard core pimps? (sorry my experience with pimps is what I see on TV) that 80's movie Vice Squad - Pimp Ramrod was ruthless!!! Just makes me wonder if thats how it is in real time -
BTW - well done with your awareness gigs -
Yes, he ('Stacks') was very ruthless. He and I had a few run-ins over the years and I've witnessed his violent nature against others.
Below is a pic of him prostituting a young woman at SW 42nd and S. Rob in 2009. When he was killed at SW 43 and Rob he was still prostituting the same young lady and apparently a few others. Those girls appear to have been passed over to his pimp cousin, Gregory Keith Crawford. I featured Crawford in my notorious flyer that I was giving out at the courthouse years ago. I photographed Crawford at 'Stacks' murder scene a couple of days ago. He was there hanging up some sort of memorial with a group of prostitutes and making threats about what he was going to do to 'Sweets' the young prostitute who killed 'Stacks.' (
(This is Stacks prostituting a young woman in 2009)
This is the suspect ('Sweets') police are looking for. For whatever reason the police came to me for a name and photo of the suspect but refuse to acknowledge publicly this is the woman they are seeking and instead insist on only releasing a very vague description. They are not even passing this photo on to officers who work the Robinson area (as of a few days ago when a patrol officer asked if I'd give him a copy of the photo). (
ddavidson8 04-30-2012, 09:17 AM Pictures aren't working for the last post.
BBatesokc 04-30-2012, 09:21 AM Pictures aren't working for the last post.
Weird. They are showing up for me - even if I log out.
FFLady 04-30-2012, 11:25 AM Wow - what a story.....
Jim Kyle 04-30-2012, 01:57 PM Could it be that they really don't want to find her, Brian? In my days as police reporter for the Oklahoman, more than 50 years ago, the "working girls" were the main source of snitches for the detectives. I attended several non-arrests along California and Reno in those days...
BBatesokc 04-30-2012, 07:04 PM Could it be that they really don't want to find her, Brian? In my days as police reporter for the Oklahoman, more than 50 years ago, the "working girls" were the main source of snitches for the detectives. I attended several non-arrests along California and Reno in those days...
No. They are trying to find her, they just have a totally backwards way of doing it. If they didn't want her found they would not have come to me for footage from my time lapse cameras and a pic and their suspect.
My main concern is that pimp friends and/or relatives of Stacks may find her first.
wallbreaker 05-01-2012, 01:13 AM I guess my questions is do they care about finding her first? (maybe I'm just being negative)...
BBatesokc 05-01-2012, 07:00 AM I guess my questions is do they care about finding her first? (maybe I'm just being negative)...
The whole "what do the police care, its just another dead pimp (dead hooker, whatever)" is a myth for the most part. Certainly I've seen cases that were not given the attention other cases would have received. One example would be the death of former military member and prostituted woman 'Libby' Diaz - who would have celebrated her 35th birthday last week. Her death was ruled simple overdose way too quickly. I uncovered additional evidence and they reopened the case, but no additional arrests were made. It was determined other were probably with her when she died and tried to cover it up, but in the end they still think she overdosed. I personally think it was a forced overdose.
However, I find the police pursue people who kill other people regardless of who they are or who the victim is. Like I said, they immediately wanted any footage I had of that corner, wanted to know if I could ID the victim and if I had pics of the suspect. Even though it was obvious at the scene it was hooker vs. pimp.
Also, I've documented several cases where prostitutes claimed they were raped and in each case the police fully investigated the allegations and had the man criminally charged. Again, I don't think they investigated as carefully or as quickly as they would had it been some Edmond woman, but in the end the person did go to prison in each case.
FFLady 05-02-2012, 10:42 AM Any reasoning as to why this not make the news? (Or if it did, did I miss it)?????
kevinpate 05-02-2012, 11:13 AM Any reasoning as to why this not make the news? (Or if it did, did I miss it)?????
It did. A pimp death won't ever get the coverage of a child or public figure death, but it was covered.
FFLady 05-03-2012, 08:26 AM Hmmmmm must have missed that....thanks -
I just noticed in the pic above - she is dressed like its 100 degrees out - Stacks, not so much....Brian - did you get any footage of him offering her his jacket? :rolleyes:
BBatesokc 05-03-2012, 08:30 AM Hmmmmm must have missed that....thanks -
I just noticed in the pic above - she is dressed like its 100 degrees out - Stacks, not so much....Brian - did you get any footage of him offering her his jacket? :rolleyes:
All he ever offers these women is a fist to the face. I did get footage of him being bagged up and hauled off.
BBatesokc 05-03-2012, 08:34 AM On another note. The families living in very nice neighborhood (Edmond/N. OKC) at N. Eastern Ave. and the John Kilpatrick Turnpike area are getting ready to find out about a very large and ruthless prostitution ring being run out of one of the homes.
Bunty 05-03-2012, 11:56 AM Which doesn't sound so bad, assuming the business isn't in their streets.
Wambo36 05-03-2012, 12:01 PM On another note. The families living in very nice neighborhood (Edmond/N. OKC) at N. Eastern Ave. and the John Kilpatrick Turnpike area are getting ready to find out about a very large and ruthless prostitution ring being run out of one of the homes.Sounds like the neighborhood of one of the evening news anchors.
FFLady 05-03-2012, 01:56 PM All he ever offers these women is a fist to the face. I did get footage of him being bagged up and hauled off.
I've watched that 3 or 4 times.....he must have had someplace to be that day - notice the crease in in khaki's...I feel sorry for that girl (in the summer dress) having to follow him around and stand next to him like that....
BBatesokc 05-03-2012, 09:24 PM Which doesn't sound so bad, assuming the business isn't in their streets.
Really..... which part "doesn't sound so bad"? 'Ruthless', 'Prostitution' or the part about it being in a home in a neighborhood full of families?
I hear comments like that a lot from people who have no idea what prostitution involves other than what they've seen on TV.
This not 'so bad' organization I speak of is well documented in police reports and affidavits. Here are some excerpts detailing the very organization I mentioned above. (
I can't disclose their current location at this time (actually 2 locations), but their previous location was this home in Edmond....
BBatesokc 05-05-2012, 07:38 AM A rapper named Khaki Mustafa contacted me and offered up a song he wrote and asked me to put some imagery to it. I gladly did.
All the images in this video are from South Robinson in OKC.
Lauri101 05-06-2012, 05:53 AM Not much of a rap fan, but all I can say on that one - powerful message
FFLady 05-07-2012, 08:42 AM Agree with Lauri101......
what a dark, dark place to be in.....................................
Redskin 70 05-12-2012, 09:08 AM Yet, you return, time and time again - not to actually add anything to the topic, but to revert into some 7th grade bully mentality. Guess what Roadhawg, I get it - you're no fan of what I do. Trust me, that's no big deal to me. But the constant need of yours to followup each and every post of mine with your nonsense and juvenile behavior gets really old. I don't make it a habit to promote my activism on this site and limit it to simply responding to related threads.
At any point will you be satisfied that we (I) get it - you find satisfaction in sitting namelessly behind your computer throwing stones but providing zero content or insights to the topic at hand?
Obviously either the topic of prostitution or myself are of great interest to you. Regardless, why don't you stop with the middle school mentality and come to the next public meeting regarding the topic. Its 2/10 at the Salvation Army 2808 SE 44th Street from 6:30pm - 9pm. We had a huge turnout at the last meeting, so you can find comfort in knowing you can remain anonymous. We are pleased to welcome keynote speaker Alesia Adams,Territorial Coordinator For Human/Sex Trafficking, from Atlanta GA.
Who knows, maybe you'll learn something.
Mr bates, I find what you do to be a good service.
As a retired police officer with over 25 years out here thoswe who think that prostitution is a "victimless" crime are self deluded or participating themselves.
Keep it up. Its good, its moral and its Christian
Roadhawg 05-12-2012, 11:27 AM Mr bates, I find what you do to be a good service.
As a retired police officer with over 25 years out here thoswe who think that prostitution is a "victimless" crime are self deluded or participating themselves.
Keep it up. Its good, its moral and its Christian
Yep... we should all live by what others think are moral and Christian.
BBatesokc 05-12-2012, 12:20 PM Yep... we should all live by what others think are moral and Christian.
Yeah, because thinking its okay to pick up homeless drug addicts or trafficked street women is preferential?
Does that even have to be labeled "moral" or "Christian" to be the right way to live?
You wanna solicit some chick off the Internet or in a bar - go for it. You want to try and defend a person's 'right' to solicit people on Robinson and you've got a principles I'll never understand. But its obvious you and I see the world differently.
Roadhawg 05-12-2012, 12:37 PM Yeah, because thinking its okay to pick up homeless drug addicts or trafficked street women is preferential?
Does that even have to be labeled "moral" or "Christian" to be the right way to live?
You wanna solicit some chick off the Internet or in a bar - go for it. You want to try and defend a person's 'right' to solicit people on Robinson and you've got a principles I'll never understand. But its obvious you and I see the world differently.
What I was saying is not everybody has to live by what some see as moral or Christian. If some butt ugly guy or a disabled guy need to go get a hooker to have some enjoyment then so be it. It's not my place to tell that guy he shouldn't do it because it might be against my beliefs. If I find it against my morals or religious belief then I don't do it but I sure as hell don't put that person down because he believes differently. That's just arrogance at it's highest. Personally I would like to see that "homeless drug addict" get help but while they are on the street I would rather they get their money from hooking than stealing, which I'm sure they already do but to a lesser degree.
You're right about us seeing the world somewhat different, I would never dream of going up to somebodies car with a camera and opening up their door or following them around. Seems a good way to get hurt is you open up the wrong door. So I'll stick with what I do and you can stick to your tabloid TV.
kevinpate 05-12-2012, 01:09 PM ...
You wanna solicit some chick off the Internet or in a bar - go for it. ...
Other than not disturbing residents living near typical stroll areas, is it really any different if the 'chick off the internet or in a bar' is still a homeless/trafficked/addicted teen or adult? Still not a free will voluntary activity if only the location changes.
BBatesokc 05-12-2012, 01:50 PM Other than not disturbing residents living near typical stroll areas, is it really any different if the 'chick off the internet or in a bar' is still a homeless/trafficked/addicted teen or adult? Still not a free will voluntary activity if only the location changes.
Exactly. I agree 100%. My stated goal is to only target prostitution that is public, forced or organized. My example was implying if some woman (or man) WANTS to be a professional whore, and they keep their business 100% behind closed doors, I don't have to like it or wish it upon anyone, but I'm certainly not going to stand up against it feel the government should get involved.
BBatesokc 05-12-2012, 02:54 PM What I was saying is not everybody has to live by what some see as moral or Christian. If some butt ugly guy or a disabled guy need to go get a hooker to have some enjoyment then so be it. It's not my place to tell that guy he shouldn't do it because it might be against my beliefs. If I find it against my morals or religious belief then I don't do it but I sure as hell don't put that person down because he believes differently. That's just arrogance at it's highest. Personally I would like to see that "homeless drug addict" get help but while they are on the street I would rather they get their money from hooking than stealing, which I'm sure they already do but to a lesser degree.
You're right about us seeing the world somewhat different, I would never dream of going up to somebodies car with a camera and opening up their door or following them around. Seems a good way to get hurt is you open up the wrong door. So I'll stick with what I do and you can stick to your tabloid TV.
In your scenario (which by the way hardly ever actual plays out in real life on S. Robinson) then this imaginary ugly disabled guy is free to seek the companionship of a 100% consensual, private and professional whore. Not only would he not meet up with me, but he also would be far less likely to run into police, contract a disease or get robbed. Not to mention, probably have a much better time.
Most of the 'men' police catch in Robinson stings are married Hispanics. Most of the men I catch on Robinson are married Caucasians. Not ugly disabled lonely guys who can't get sex any other way.
To me, this has nothing to do with Christian beliefs, I'm openly Agnostic. It has to do with basic decency to individuals and the community.
I'm not exactly certain what kind of 'man' has a belief system where it is acceptable to solicit homeless drug addicts or trafficked individuals for their 'entertainment' as you put it.
A person is free to disagree with my tactics of addressing the issue - what I do is admittedly controversial - but obviously what has been done by others up to this point does not work and I volunteer lots of time, energy and money to other causes that address this issue in other ways.
kevinpate 05-12-2012, 09:13 PM Having seen some of your videos, your married caucasian guys would also be prime candidates for an Ugly Man jeans ad campaign.
I find it somewhat interesting you usually tag caucasians in your lens and the police usually tag hispanics in stings. Different parts of the stroll? Different 'shifts'? What in your experience might account for the different demographics?
BBatesokc 05-12-2012, 11:28 PM Having seen some of your videos, your married caucasian guys would also be prime candidates for an Ugly Man jeans ad campaign.
I find it somewhat interesting you usually tag caucasians in your lens and the police usually tag hispanics in stings. Different parts of the stroll? Different 'shifts'? What in your experience might account for the different demographics?
Both OCPD Vice and myself primarily target S. Robinson Ave.and primarily in daylight hours - The difference is the circumstances surroundings my arrests vs their arrests.
An OCPD arrest only occurs because police conducted a sting wherein they placed undercover female officers on Robinson to arrest men that solicit them. The stings are pretty obvious, even for many inexperienced casual observers. However, it seems the Hispanic males often do not detect the tell-tale signs of a sting - I assume its a cultural thing.
In my arrests, nothing is setup so there is nothing to detect. I feel the demographics of my arrests are more realistic to the overall numbers and nationalities/races of most of the johns. If you watch, there are far more Caucasian males trolling Robinson Ave than Hispanic males, but to look at OCPD arrest data it wouldn't look that way.
As for the 'ugly man' stereotype - I guess its all relative. But regardless of their looks, most are married from the ones I hear from - to wonderful wives who provide very normal sex lives.
Two examples;
1.) A video I just recently posted is of a guy (a biker) who was in his wife's mini-van. Ironically the min-van had a vanity plate that read, "I'm not spoiled, I'm just well taken care of." I caught him with a young girl just off Robinson. The girl was actually one of the main prostitutes of a pimp named 'Stacks' who was recently murdered by another prostitute at SW 43 and Rob. She has now been passed down to Stacks' cousin, Crawford.
The guy is the Commander of VFW Post 382 in El Reno and a member of the Rolling Thunder cycle club. At the time of the tape he was a regular on Robinson. I've heard from several people in El Reno who know him (apparently this is the talk of the town). They all say his wife is a wonderful woman and he dotes over her (and she over him) and can't imagine why he did this - especially when he was risking so much.
2.) Another guy caught on tape just emailed me to let me know what happened after he got caught and his wife saw his picture on my Twitter stream (she happens to follow me).
"I just wanted to update you. Suprisingly, my wife did not kick me out, nor has she left me. We sat down and talked for some time about the whole incident.
It was at a time when she and I were having difficulties. She was a lot nore forgiving than I gave her credit for. I think you helped strngthen a marriage, and for that I am truley Thankful.
Thank again Brian. You Rock Dude. (Lets call this a life lesson WELL LEARNED. A Success Story)."
I wouldn't call either one of the guys 'good looking', but both apparently have good wives.
Did I have any right to tape them and publicly humiliate them? Maybe, maybe not. All depends on one's perspective. I don't hold it against anyone who disagrees with my tactics (if they can mange to keep it civil). But regardless of my tactics, the problem of this type of public and forced prostitution is a real issue, is not victimless and should not be ignored.
Roadhawg 05-13-2012, 10:17 AM In your scenario (which by the way hardly ever actual plays out in real life on S. Robinson) then this imaginary ugly disabled guy is free to seek the companionship of a 100% consensual, private and professional whore. Not only would he not meet up with me, but he also would be far less likely to run into police, contract a disease or get robbed. Not to mention, probably have a much better time.
Most of the 'men' police catch in Robinson stings are married Hispanics. Most of the men I catch on Robinson are married Caucasians. Not ugly disabled lonely guys who can't get sex any other way.
To me, this has nothing to do with Christian beliefs, I'm openly Agnostic. It has to do with basic decency to individuals and the community.
I'm not exactly certain what kind of 'man' has a belief system where it is acceptable to solicit homeless drug addicts or trafficked individuals for their 'entertainment' as you put it.
A person is free to disagree with my tactics of addressing the issue - what I do is admittedly controversial - but obviously what has been done by others up to this point does not work and I volunteer lots of time, energy and money to other causes that address this issue in other ways.
I don't think it's a secret that we have different opinions on this issue and it's safe to assume neither one of us is going to change the others mind and I do support the volunteer work you've done. The difference, as I see it, is I don't see the harm in somebody who in most cases couldn't get laid without paying for it picking up a hooker. I try to not be arrogant enough to think everybody should have the same morals and values I do and live their life according to what I think they should do. If you want to really make a difference why don't you go around filming drug dealers and going up to their cars and opening the doors on them? Doesn't seem a person is free to disagree with you because when they do you attack them. <shrug>
BBatesokc 06-03-2012, 12:18 AM America's Most Wanted Profiled one of Oklahoma's most high profile and infamous human traffickers. However, he was actually arrested in Houston a day before this episode aired. He will be brought back to OKC soon.
This is a guy I've confronted many times on S. Robinson and he's a real P.O.S.
Achilleslastand 06-03-2012, 01:00 AM America's Most Wanted Profiled one of Oklahoma's most high profile and infamous human traffickers. However, he was actually arrested in Houston a day before this episode aired. He will be brought back to OKC soon.
This is a guy I've confronted many times on S. Robinson and he's a real P.O.S.
FFLady 06-06-2012, 07:05 PM I think a few on here question your motives Bates - but I say good on ya - keep the exposure...!
BBatesokc 06-07-2012, 07:02 AM I think a few on here question your motives Bates - but I say good on ya - keep the exposure...!
Thanks. I'd hope after 15+ year my motives would be clear - spend my life involved in the activism of awareness surrounding prostitution and human trafficking while being able to be financially self-sustaining (meaning it doesn't cost anyone a dime and I don't take grant money that could be used by other organizations)
Just to get this out there; Don't point any fingers at me when the anti-trafficking and prostitution groups start their fear mongering about how the NBA Championship is going to attract record numbers of pimps, human traffickers and prostitutes to OKC. I am openly against such tactics because they have zero foundation in reality. That said, groups are already starting to mobilize to get that message out - which in my opinion unnecessarily tarnishes the great things hosting the Championship means to OKC. While I am a member of at least one of these well known and respected organizations, I am a vocal critic of this particular awareness campaign. Just saying.
Jim Kyle 06-07-2012, 10:06 AM Here's some backup data (on a much larger scale) for your position, too:
Roadhawg 06-07-2012, 10:39 AM Nm
BBatesokc 06-07-2012, 12:24 PM Here's some backup data (on a much larger scale) for your position, too:
I actually just posted this article regarding OATH's initiative to convince Oklahomans a sex trafficking hoard is heading to our fair city.
Jim Kyle 06-07-2012, 01:00 PM I was especially impressed by the BBC's report about the Greek Olympics in 2004. The record shows that the number of sex-related arrests DOUBLED during the Olympics -- but that this was just 181 compared to 93 the previous year, a far cry from the 40,000 that had been predicted! And not a single one of those 181 arrests was linked to the Olympics.
Crying "Wolf!" too often is never a good idea...
EDIT: Incidentally, you have a typo in that post's disclaimer. It says AOTH instead of OATH at one place...
Martin 06-07-2012, 01:23 PM I was especially impressed by the BBC's report about the Greek Olympics in 2004. The record shows that the number of sex-related arrests DOUBLED during the Olympics -- but that this was just 181 compared to 93 the previous year, a far cry from the 40,000 that had been predicted! And not a single one of those 181 arrests was linked to the Olympics.
i wonder if it could be argued that the reported doubling is the result of an increase in enforcement rather than an increase in activity. -M
BigBadBen 06-07-2012, 04:31 PM If prostitution was restricted to consenting adults, then so be it.
The problem is the human trafficking where these young girls are victims. That's sad stuff.