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10-27-2011, 08:44 PM
If HIV transmission from prostitute to John was really a concern, then I'd be using that fact to my advantage.

I do however believe they contribute to other STD infections and outbreaks - some of which are incurable and even fatal.

Are other STD infections a concern of yours?

10-27-2011, 08:49 PM
Do you remember that pic that you posted of that lady with all of the paramedics around her? She was on the ground and her body was in a weird position. Did you ever find out if she was alive or what happened?

10-27-2011, 08:52 PM
Are other STD infections a concern of yours?

I'm not overly concerned. But it is the reason I often contact the John's wife - and most likely the reason I've never had a wife express that they wished I had not contacted them.

But, STD infection is a huge issue in the sexually active population in general.

10-27-2011, 08:53 PM
Do you remember that pic that you posted of that lady with all of the paramedics around her? She was on the ground and her body was in a weird position. Did you ever find out if she was alive or what happened?

She was a discarded hooker, but I don't know if she lived or not.

11-04-2011, 06:24 AM
An interview with me on KWTV9 last night at 6pm regarding child prostitution in OKC...

A feature at 10pm last night on KWTV9 regarding a local woman who was sexually trafficked.....

11-04-2011, 09:37 AM
I'm not overly concerned. But it is the reason I often contact the John's wife - and most likely the reason I've never had a wife express that they wished I had not contacted them.

But, STD infection is a huge issue in the sexually active population in general.

You contact the guy's wife if you catch him with a hooker?

11-04-2011, 09:44 AM
You contact the guy's wife if you catch him with a hooker?

Sometimes. Its no secret - media has been reporting on that for a long time. It used to be fairly difficult, but with the ease of running tag numbers, doing utilities searches and social media (like FaceBook), its pretty simple. I don't bother as much to contact the wife unless the John is a habitual offender. Regardless, it seems someone always recognizes the Johns I catch and then contacts the wife or other relatives/friends anyway.

11-04-2011, 10:47 AM
Sometimes. Its no secret - media has been reporting on that for a long time. It used to be fairly difficult, but with the ease of running tag numbers, doing utilities searches and social media (like FaceBook), its pretty simple. I don't bother as much to contact the wife unless the John is a habitual offender. Regardless, it seems someone always recognizes the Johns I catch and then contacts the wife or other relatives/friends anyway.

To me that seems to be none of your business. I can some what understand you chasing hookers around but to contact the John's wife seems way over the line. I'm surprised one of those John's hasn't come looking for you after doing that. I don't have the need to use a hooker and never have but if it was me and you contacted by other half you and I would be having some words and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like what I had to say.

11-04-2011, 11:09 AM
To me that seems to be none of your business. I can some what understand you chasing hookers around but to contact the John's wife seems way over the line. I'm surprised one of those John's hasn't come looking for you after doing that. I don't have the need to use a hooker and never have but if it was me and you contacted by other half you and I would be having some words and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like what I had to say.

To me - its actually none of YOUR business. The only opinions on the matter that mean anything or would influence my activities are those of the individuals directly involved. In 15 years not a single wife (Zero, Nada, None) has ever expressed that it was none of my business and that I shouldn't have contacted them. This is posted publicly, my name's on it and not a single person can ever come forward showing it to be wrong. And yes, many of the wives and even the Johns contact me after the fact. I had lunch with a busted John three weeks ago. Had lunch with another John and his wife (who works for the Sheriff's department), before that. The wives are always thankful and the men are almost always remorseful and often they claim getting outted was ultimately the best thing that has happened.

Like I said, I don't bother to contact wives that often because usually someone else see's the video or stills and contacts the wife, friends, relatives anyway.

I get these vague and direct treats all the time from 3rd parties. Luckily it seems all the real 'tough guys' are too busy on the internet and apparently are not out in the real world where I am. As for what you've got to say, I've heard it before and really couldn't care less. I've caught people of all types, sizes and mentalities. A few were even armed when I caught them. I don't really give it much thought. If someone would really be upset and have "words you wouldn't like" then I suggest they don't prey upon homeless drug addict hookers. Because ultimately it is my words and videos THEY will not like.

Furthermore, how anyone can watch the news reports and my own videos above and defend someone's 'right' to pick pun a street hooker is beyond me. You want to pick up an independent whore on the internet - you won't have to worry about me because I take no stance against that.

Not so much directed at Roadhawg specifically. But I get that criticism in general, overwhelmingly from 'men', and it obviously pushes a button with me. Especially after spending two weeks doing work for a child trafficking documentary that is airing on cable soon. People who pick up street hookers are complete scum and I'll put my name and face on that opinion anytime with anyone.

11-04-2011, 12:03 PM
It's clear we have two different opinions on the contacting the wife issue. Like I said I'm surprised one of the husbands you did that too didn't react in a way you didn't like. I wouldn't always believe all the 'tough guys' are sitting home on the internet, one may surprise you one of these days. When you continue to post what you do on a message board for all to comment on it does become others business.

11-04-2011, 12:29 PM
When you continue to post what you do on a message board for all to comment on it does become others business.

I think we've been down the road before, albeit 6 years ago. >>

If this is something he wants to do, and is making a good living off of it, then more power to him. However, I'm with you that is crosses a line when you go from getting evidence and reporting illegal activity to taking the notification process into your own hands.

11-04-2011, 12:41 PM
I think we've been down the road before, albeit 6 years ago. >>

If this is something he wants to do, and is making a good living off of it, then more power to him. However, I'm with you that is crosses a line when you go from getting evidence and reporting illegal activity to taking the notification process into your own hands.

I didn't know he had a fan club *lol*

11-04-2011, 01:21 PM
^ I regret saying the things I said in that thread. Having had the chance to be acquainted with Mr. Bates, I think he's actually a pretty brave person who has placed his personal safety on the line just about every day to help clean up our streets (and D.A.'s office).

11-04-2011, 01:24 PM
What are your thoughts on legalization, BBates?

11-04-2011, 01:25 PM
I think we've been down the road before, albeit 6 years ago. >>

If this is something he wants to do, and is making a good living off of it, then more power to him. However, I'm with you that is crosses a line when you go from getting evidence and reporting illegal activity to taking the notification process into your own hands.

Funny how people not involved in any way think they can determine where the 'line' is? I also find it odd any 'man' would enable this behavior by saying his or someone else's wife shouldn't know what he is up to when it has the potential to have a very direct and negative impact on the spouse. The guy wants to have an affair - what do I care. He wants to troll our streets looking for homeless drug addicts to throw $20 at in exchange for sex - he deserves what he gets.

11-04-2011, 01:26 PM
What are your thoughts on legalization, BBates?

11-04-2011, 01:32 PM
^ I regret saying the things I said in that thread. Having had the chance to be acquainted with Mr. Bates, I think he's actually a pretty brave person who has placed his personal safety on the line just about every day to help clean up our streets (and D.A.'s office).

No regrets needed. What I do is VERY controversial and I can only do it because I have very thick skin, I am very passionate about it, and do not take much personally. I also have to remain ever aware that society has learned that those who stand up the tallest against things often are proven to be the biggest hypocrites. If I do nothing else I want to be one of those people who lives what he preaches.

I've earned every critic I have and I appreciate them. If I wasn't pissing people off I would either only be preaching to the choir or what I am doing wouldn't really be that necessary.

11-04-2011, 01:34 PM
Sometimes people who open doors to private vehicles and stick a camera in a persons face or call other people's spouses get what they deserve too. If you want to run around chasing hookers go for it but I don't remember anyone appointing you King of Morals and savior of the spouses. You've made a good living doing what you do and I can see that your passionate about it but I still believe calling the spouse is over the line. We've never met and I'm sure you're probably a nice guy like Mid said, we just disagree on this point.

11-04-2011, 01:42 PM
Sometimes people who open doors to private vehicles and stick a camera in a persons face or call other people's spouses get what they deserve too. If you want to run around chasing hookers go for it but I don't remember anyone appointing you King of Morals and savior of the spouses. You've made a good living doing what you do and I can see that your passionate about it but I still believe calling the spouse is over the line. We've never met and I'm sure you're probably a nice guy like Mid said, we just disagree on this point.

No doubt, I could very well get shot or worse one day. Even the DA's office has told me they would be hard pressed to charge someone for shooting me while I was in the commission of opening a car door. That's a risk I've taken into consideration. And, considering I've done it hundreds of times in 15 years I'm fairly certain I use good judgment.

Don't make the mistake of labeling me the 'moral police.' It has nothing to do with morals. It has to do with right and wrong and something specifically I see as an issue most people would rather ignore than take the stones that are often cast if they address the issue.

I don't hold it against people that think notifying a spouse is too harsh, but I do defend the practice because I believe in it 100% - because, unlike most of my critics, I have seen the issue completely and have know the practice makes an impact. I can catch a guy 2-3 times and continue to see him on Robinson. I catch him and his wife, employer, relatives, friends, etc. find out (sometimes by me, but usually by followers of my activism)...... and I never see him again.

11-04-2011, 01:43 PM

So some people feel a lot safer keeping prostitution in the hands of criminals by keeping it illegal than legalizing it. That's like the reason for not wanting to legalize marijuana.

11-04-2011, 01:45 PM
So some people feel a lot safer keeping prostitution in the hands of criminals by keeping it illegal than legalizing it. That's like the reason for not wanting to legalize marijuana.

I support decriminalization of certain forms of prostitution - for no other reason than to direct limited resources to prostitution that does the most harm. That said, legalization does not make prostitution safer and does not stop human trafficking - so, why do it?

11-04-2011, 02:46 PM
No doubt, I could very well get shot or worse one day. Even the DA's office has told me they would be hard pressed to charge someone for shooting me while I was in the commission of opening a car door. That's a risk I've taken into consideration. And, considering I've done it hundreds of times in 15 years I'm fairly certain I use good judgment.

Don't make the mistake of labeling me the 'moral police.' It has nothing to do with morals. It has to do with right and wrong and something specifically I see as an issue most people would rather ignore than take the stones that are often cast if they address the issue.

I don't hold it against people that think notifying a spouse is too harsh, but I do defend the practice because I believe in it 100% - because, unlike most of my critics, I have seen the issue completely and have know the practice makes an impact. I can catch a guy 2-3 times and continue to see him on Robinson. I catch him and his wife, employer, relatives, friends, etc. find out (sometimes by me, but usually by followers of my activism)...... and I never see him again.

I understand what you are saying and know you believe in it but like I said we differ on notifying the family or employer. I don't know about the DA having a hard time pressing charges but I know I would have a hard time convicting somebody that did it, all they would have to say is they thought you were a carjacker. I do hope the situation never comes up where that has to happen.

11-04-2011, 02:52 PM
I understand what you are saying and know you believe in it but like I said we differ on notifying the family or employer. I don't know about the DA having a hard time pressing charges but I know I would have a hard time convicting somebody that did it, all they would have to say is they thought you were a carjacker. I do hope the situation never comes up where that has to happen.

For clarification (though I doubt its going to impact your opinion), employers are only notified if the employee was caught in the employer's vehicle.

12-10-2011, 07:50 PM
One group gives Oklahoma a "D" when it comes to protecting children from sexual trafficking.....

12-11-2011, 12:16 PM
Can we tax it and move on? :-P

Well said!!!

12-11-2011, 12:27 PM
Getting into a fist battle after someone gets their drawers unknotted seems a bigger possibility than getting shot at.

Maybe I lack imagination, but somehow I seem to think the prostitute wouldn't be all that keen for the john to be sitting or standing there with a firearm in hand or within easy reach. And, given the few videos of yours I've seen, I'd also be hard pressed to imagine many johns would display a firearm in front of the pro, if only due to fear she'd take it and collect a generous tip. I would guess there is a very low incident rate of johns calling 911 to report they got robbed mid-service.

12-11-2011, 12:35 PM
I would guess there is a very low incident rate of johns calling 911 to report they got robbed mid-service.

Exactly. This is why the stupidest thing a John can do is wear his wedding ring while soliciting prostitution. Many prostitutes will rob their John if they know him to be married because even if they call police they are not going to dare point the finger at the hooker.

Not only does the ring make you a target for robbery, but many of these men are seriously injured during the robbery.

12-11-2011, 12:36 PM
Well said!!!

Actually, not well said at all. Taxing it has nothing to do with addressing the problem of street level prostitution and would have little or no effect on the problem.

12-11-2011, 01:36 PM
One group gives Oklahoma a "D" when it comes to protecting children from sexual trafficking.....

Shameless self promotion? :Smiley112

12-11-2011, 04:50 PM
Shameless self promotion? :Smiley112

That should be my tagline! I'm thinking maybe t-shirts too!

12-11-2011, 06:55 PM
John TV -
Shamelessly Promoting Shameful Illicit Behavior Since 19__

Sorry, dinna remember the year

12-11-2011, 09:48 PM
John TV -
Shamelessly Promoting Shameful Illicit Behavior Since 19__

Sorry, dinna remember the year


12-11-2011, 10:12 PM
"Shameless Self-Promotion"
That should be my tagline! I'm thinking maybe t-shirts too!

I had a thought for a tee-shirt slogan the other night . . .
(Not directly within the confines of these, specific, contextural boundaries)

The Slogan?:

It's Cheap
It's Mediocre
Waddaya Want?

The original context was maybe half a step up on Maslow's famous "pyramid" of human needs.
I am glad that it has wider application.

12-12-2011, 10:11 AM

12-20-2011, 08:24 PM
As suspicioned, the Carina Saunders murder and dismemberment has direct ties to human sex trafficking in Oklahoma City.

12-23-2011, 02:53 PM
Justin Adams, whose wife, Jaymie, was reported missing Dec. 10, says the Oklahoma woman may have been involved in prostitution on Craigslist.

NewsOK FAIL, its called Backpage haha.

12-23-2011, 03:01 PM
Justin Adams, whose wife, Jaymie, was reported missing Dec. 10, says the Oklahoma woman may have been involved in prostitution on Craigslist.

NewsOK FAIL, its called Backpage haha.

Backpage? What the heck is this?

12-23-2011, 04:21 PM
Sounds like breaking news . . .
Like . . .
(the foundations of the state capitol building under the weight of the dome paid for with public funds diverted to some form of prostitution are crumbling . . . like the crumbs in the bottom of the dorito bag to mix metaphors and so forth)

Public Service:
It's Cheap
It's Mediocre
So Whaddaya Want?
(the pavement is wet because of the rain . . .
and while temperatures plummet . . .
tempers are on the rise)


12-23-2011, 06:48 PM
I saw the same story on KOCO. Both are the same, KOCO and KWTV. No clue what the original poster is on about.

01-11-2012, 10:55 AM
As many know, I don't post very many links to my website..... but this story I just posted really chaps my hide. This guy served very few years for a string of serious crimes, then commits more while on probation (including pimping) and looks to be getting only a year or two in prison for it.

01-11-2012, 11:01 AM
Brian, I'm sure you can somehow work your magic adding more time to those prison sentences.

01-11-2012, 11:03 AM
Also, on a side note.... No Boundaries International (a group I am proud to say I work with) is focusing their efforts on OKC and S. Robinson Ave. They are having a community meet and greet this Friday night....

Facebook page on the meeting;

Organizations Facebook;

The organizations website;


01-11-2012, 11:18 AM
As many know, I don't post very many links to my website..... but this story I just posted really chaps my hide. This guy served very few years for a string of serious crimes, then commits more while on probation (including pimping) and looks to be getting only a year or two in prison for it.

Who's this guys lawyer? I want him on my side.

01-11-2012, 11:21 AM
Scott Adams (full disclosure, my best friend and my lawyer)

01-11-2012, 11:40 AM
Scott Adams (full disclosure, my best friend and my lawyer)

Off topic here but Scott and his brothers used to run one the greatest paintball fields in the metro area back in the later 80s.

01-12-2012, 08:58 AM
Off topic here but Scott and his brothers used to run one the greatest paintball fields in the metro area back in the later 80s.

Right off Lincoln Blvd! - I actually used to play there - back in the day of strategy and stealth over pricey flashy guns and distance. I met him then and had no idea we'd meet back up again decades later and become friends. I still play on occasion near Guthrie.

01-12-2012, 10:34 AM
Scott Adams (full disclosure, my best friend and my lawyer)

Isn't he partially to blame for the light sentences this guy has been getting?

01-12-2012, 02:33 PM
Isn't he partially to blame for the light sentences this guy has been getting?

How is that? Is that not a defense attorney's job? If he wasn't at all times working for his client's best interest then he wouldn't be a very ethical defense attorney.

Deals can't be made unless prosecutors agree to them. Its that simple.

01-12-2012, 04:10 PM
Right off Lincoln Blvd! - I actually used to play there - back in the day of strategy and stealth over pricey flashy guns and distance. I met him then and had no idea we'd meet back up again decades later and become friends. I still play on occasion near Guthrie.

That field over off of Lincoln used to be wonderful. It had all various kinds of terrain that could have been used for proper cover and concealment. I remember one season the brothers developed something that resembled a medieval weapon it was kinda like a slingshot that fired huge paintballs. They also built a fort or 2 there that ultimately became deathtraps lol.

01-12-2012, 04:21 PM
How is that? Is that not a defense attorney's job? If he wasn't at all times working for his client's best interest then he wouldn't be a very ethical defense attorney.

Deals can't be made unless prosecutors agree to them. Its that simple.

I agree but you were pissed off the guy kept getting light sentences but you don't see his lawyer is partially responsible for that?

01-12-2012, 06:04 PM
Brian, do you ever let your friends or paid customers to go on a tour with you on the street? Or are you afraid of Thunder?

01-12-2012, 06:29 PM
I agree but you were pissed off the guy kept getting light sentences but you don't see his lawyer is partially responsible for that?

Not at all. Again, that is the defense lawyers job. Defense lawyers often see their clients as 'scum bags' but their duty is to serve them and their best interests throughout the judicial process and without prejudice. 100% of the burden is on the prosecution. How can you fault a defense lawyer at all for providing the best defense possible.

01-12-2012, 06:30 PM
Brian, do you ever let your friends or paid customers to go on a tour with you on the street? Or are you afraid of Thunder?

Yes. If you're asking for a ride-a-long, no. Unless you want to pay the International media rate I charge, then I would consider it ($3,500 per day).

01-12-2012, 06:49 PM
Damn, you know I can't afford that. Geez.

Uncle Slayton
01-15-2012, 07:36 PM
Unless you want to pay the International media rate I charge, then I would consider it ($3,500 per day).

And you have the nerve to follow people around with a camera hoping to interrupt a $100 dollar f**king when you're doing basically the same thing for $3500 a day?

PT Barnum was right.

01-15-2012, 07:47 PM
Either the long rumored rates for S Robinson have gone way the heck up (despite a sad economy) or someone may be getting serviced in more ways than one.

01-15-2012, 11:28 PM
And you have the nerve to follow people around with a camera hoping to interrupt a $100 dollar f**king when you're doing basically the same thing for $3500 a day?

PT Barnum was right.

I can agree with you that people have the right to have sex with whoever they choose and the right to do what they want with their own money. However, our dysfunctional government choose to enforce that freedom to be illegal. Brian is just trying to enforce the laws and doing his job to support his family. Can't fault him on that.

01-16-2012, 08:16 AM
Not at all. Again, that is the defense lawyers job. Defense lawyers often see their clients as 'scum bags' but their duty is to serve them and their best interests throughout the judicial process and without prejudice. 100% of the burden is on the prosecution. How can you fault a defense lawyer at all for providing the best defense possible.

Again I'm not faulting the defense lawyer at all, it's his job and it seems he's doing it well. All I was saying is you were complaining that guy keeps getting off with light sentences and all I said was his lawyer is part of the reason he gets those sentences.

01-16-2012, 08:19 AM
I can agree with you that people have the right to have sex with whoever they choose and the right to do what they want with their own money. However, our dysfunctional government choose to enforce that freedom to be illegal. Brian is just trying to enforce the laws and doing his job to support his family. Can't fault him on that.

I think he's trying to make a buck more than trying to enforce the laws. jmho

Uncle Slayton
01-16-2012, 08:19 AM
I can agree with you that people have the right to have sex with whoever they choose and the right to do what they want with their own money. However, our dysfunctional government choose to enforce that freedom to be illegal. Brian is just trying to enforce the laws and doing his job to support his family. Can't fault him on that.

He's not a law enforcement officer and has neither mandate nor authority to enforce anything. Plainly put, he's a voyeur who has found a way to make his particular brand of kink profitable (note that I did not say 'legitimate'), which, distasteful as it may seem, he has a perfect right to do, and to sell the 'fruits of his labors' to the highest bidder.