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02-25-2011, 05:30 AM
Because I think you have a warped view of sex (when mommies and daddies love each other very much). I think most of society has a standard which must be upheld. "No sex slaves and human rights violations" doesn't seem too strict to me.

I am just pointing out what everyone on here thinks about you, Thunder...and that is that you can't be for real. You can't really believe the arguments you always try and make.

No, that is what you think. It is your own opinion. I still don't understand what you are talking about. Warped view of sex? You will need to cut the trolling crap and get serious here.

02-25-2011, 07:16 AM
thunder & spartan... let's get back to topic. -M

02-25-2011, 11:57 AM
Let me guess, you came to this conclusion after watching HBO's Cathouse. Try reading 'Prostitution & Trafficking in Nevada; Making the connections' by Melissa Farley. Unlike an HBO special, the author actually conducted a 2-year research study of legalized brothels in Nevada with extensive interviews with women currently and formerly employed as legal prostitutes. I have other excellent titles too that I have read, but that one is the best in my opinion. There is a side the TV shows never let you see. They don't tell you that virtually every legal brothel requires the ladies to be dropped off (no personal vehicle allowed on the property), so they can't leave. Several of the women reported that they came to Nevada to work temporarily as a prostitute to overcome a financial crisis - only to be introduced into drugs that are prevalent in the brothels and became addicted. Many more report violence from the brothel staff and Johns.

I'm not saying some women don't choose to do it and don't decide that's what they are going to continue to do. That is one reason I personally do not address certain types of prostitution. But, I also do not fool myself with a lack of knowledge on the reality of all prostitution. Too many people are too opinionated without actually knowing anything about the facts.

And I'm sure I could write a book about school teachers, and find enough teachers thoroughly disillusioned with that profession, and with plenty of negative stories to tell. But you're right - all I was trying to say is that there are those who choose it, and are completely okay with it - especially the elite who cater only to the wealthy, and get complete pampering. If you have the right stuff, and are smart about it, there can be very little downside - compared say, to working in a coal mine!

02-25-2011, 03:02 PM
The problem is that this community is victimized by the prostitutes, the pimps, the Johns, the drug dealers and all the other opportunistic criminals these types of crimes, criminals and environment attract. In most cases, the only thing these residents and business owners have to rely on for relief is law enforcement. The public face of law enforcement continues to tell these communities that they do care and they are trying to positively impact these areas with zero tolerance policies, but that they are under staffed, under funded and prostitution is a lower priority crime. Residents are reminded to call 911 whenever they see these prostitutes gathering and openly soliciting and flagging cars. However, as this photo shows, often when the police respond they do nothing to discourage the activity. They often befriend and flirt with the more attractive girls and (as shown in this photo) put themselves in situations that further fan the flames of the residents distrust with police.

I saw plenty wrong in the photos and overall situation above and the police representative that contacted me agreed.

According to the prostitute, she was given a standard FI (Field Interview) and she was ran for warrants. She was then shown her information on the MDT. She said the cop just chatted with her a bit and told her residents had called police about her out prostituting. He then left and she continued to prostitute in the neighborhood.

I was a block away to the North and with the cop and her in the same video frame you could tell she was walking the wrong direction on the side of the road. That was probably the only violation the officer would have witnessed. And yes, some officers who patrol the area will write the girls pedestrian violations for walking the wrong direction, j-walking, littering, not crossing the street at a 90-degree angle, walking around a vehicle incorrectly (can't remember if it was in the front or back - I had never heard of that until I saw the ticket) and flagging moving vehicles. This is not speculation. I have seen the records. Many of these are laws I had no idea existed and probably break every day. However, some officers use it as a deterrent and to make the environment unfriendly for the hookers and pimps. I support that approach and also feel it saves tax payers alot of money.

Now I really am confused... according to your website you weren't even there and somebody else took the picture and sent it to you. How can you be a block away and talk to her afterwards when according to you, you weren't there?

2/8/2011 – OKC, OK — Today’s Pic-of-the-Day is quite the head scratcher (no pun intended) and we at don’t know exactly what to think about it. Primarily because we didn’t take the series of photos in this collage (click photo left) and neither the photographer nor JohnTV know exactly what is going on or why this hooker is kneeling down and leaning into the cruiser.

We often get photos and videos from individuals both in and outside of Oklahoma City. Some of the photos are posted to our FaceBook page and the videos posted to YouTube. Most of them do not meet our standards for publication.

One JohnTV FaceBook ‘friend’ had a pretty realistic opinion on what was going on in the photos.

As much as I would like to say something dirty went on.. it really looks like he is showing her something on his computer they have in their cars.. Most likey he pulled up her file…. You can tell he is looking to the right and down where the computer would be.. and all she is doing is trying to get a closer look… I bet he let her know if he see’s her hooking he will pick her up.. But since he didnt see her at that time and may not have a record there was nothing else he could do..

Sounds good to us, just doesn’t look good to a neighborhood that is already suspect of police often seen waving to the hookers that families and business in the area would rather see arrested.

02-25-2011, 03:22 PM
RoadHawg - You are drawing a conclusion i never stated. I didn't take the pictures. A resident did and gave them to me. I was parked a block away to the North at a park talking to someone and I took some video, but from my angle you couldn't really even see the girl at all except when she stood up. My original post is accurate. I only got details later when I spoke to the girl and her pimp when I asked if they'd consider being interviewed about their 'work' in general.

02-25-2011, 03:28 PM
And I'm sure I could write a book about school teachers, and find enough teachers thoroughly disillusioned with that profession, and with plenty of negative stories to tell. But you're right - all I was trying to say is that there are those who choose it, and are completely okay with it - especially the elite who cater only to the wealthy, and get complete pampering. If you have the right stuff, and are smart about it, there can be very little downside - compared say, to working in a coal mine!

I don't necessarily take issue with that. The problem is, many people take that perspective and apply it to all prostitution. However, these women were not relating 'disgruntled employee tales.' They were sharing allegations of abuse and victimization - big difference.

It is because of my open stance of decriminalizing certain types of prostitution that many prostitute correspond with me to share their thoughts, story and opinion. There are two Nevada prostitutes that I know of that are members of my JohnTVokc FaceBook page. They openly admit the Cathouse version of the industry is a lie.

02-25-2011, 09:12 PM
I don't necessarily take issue with that. The problem is, many people take that perspective and apply it to all prostitution. However, these women were not relating 'disgruntled employee tales.' They were sharing allegations of abuse and victimization - big difference.

It is because of my open stance of decriminalizing certain types of prostitution that many prostitute correspond with me to share their thoughts, story and opinion. There are two Nevada prostitutes that I know of that are members of my JohnTVokc FaceBook page. They openly admit the Cathouse version of the industry is a lie.

I know some teachers who might actually use the words "abuse" and "victimization" :Smiley145 Just sayin...

02-25-2011, 11:00 PM
I don't understand your post. :-(

I'm not really involved with politics. Only time I like to root for someone is the Governor and President elections.

I had already said that I do not like prostitution on the streets. I was saying that "prostitution" should never be a crime, especially for adults who want to do it privately, such as online and inside clubs. As long the activities is legal, then it should be fine.

No clue why you would bring my sexuality into this...

THUNDER you are right this crime is nuts and stupid and to think they charge people with it

02-26-2011, 06:01 AM
Mr. Bates, I like the videos you post and the ones that show up on talk shows, it does make okc people see the bad things that go on in okc, maybe thats why certain people complain, they dont like being shown the ugly in their own backyard.

Thank You! I have my supporters my critics and my ravenous critics. The supporters and critics I value equally. The ravenous critics are fun to mess with some times, but it often gets old.

People like and hate what I do for various reasons. Many of my critics are Johns or simply men who feel entitled to purchasing the services of a woman. Some just convince themselves there is nothing wrong with prostitution. Like I said before, one of my biggest critics here is a regular poster to a pro prostitution forum - a deviant forum that compares the girls services, price and photos. Other critics don't like me personally and some don't like how I cast a negative light on OKC.

Personally, unless the criticism is well thought out I don't pay it much attention and most critics just take childish swipes that tell more about them than me.

02-26-2011, 01:18 PM
Because I think you have a warped view of sex (when mommies and daddies love each other very much). I think most of society has a standard which must be upheld. "No sex slaves and human rights violations" doesn't seem too strict to me.

I am just pointing out what everyone on here thinks about you, Thunder...and that is that you can't be for real. You can't really believe the arguments you always try and make.
I don't have trouble believing Thunder is for real. Just because he doesn't look at the world from the same viewpoints as you doesn't make him less real. But then I guess you feel that you are more real than Thunder.

02-28-2011, 09:15 AM
Thank You! I have my supporters my critics and my ravenous critics. The supporters and critics I value equally. The ravenous critics are fun to mess with some times, but it often gets old.

People like and hate what I do for various reasons. Many of my critics are Johns or simply men who feel entitled to purchasing the services of a woman. Some just convince themselves there is nothing wrong with prostitution. Like I said before, one of my biggest critics here is a regular poster to a pro prostitution forum - a deviant forum that compares the girls services, price and photos. Other critics don't like me personally and some don't like how I cast a negative light on OKC.

Personally, unless the criticism is well thought out I don't pay it much attention and most critics just take childish swipes that tell more about them than me.

I don't dislike you personally, we have never met, but IMHO you guess and assume on a lot of things you think is going on and make it appear to be fact. You said you don't think officer was doing anything wrong but again IMHO you made it appear he was. I'm neither a 'John' nor do I feel entitled but you're right, I don't feel prostitution is that big of a crime because it's a transaction between two consenting adults.... and what are you doing hanging around 'deviant forums'?

02-28-2011, 11:05 AM
I don't dislike you personally, we have never met, but IMHO you guess and assume on a lot of things you think is going on and make it appear to be fact. You said you don't think officer was doing anything wrong but again IMHO you made it appear he was. I'm neither a 'John' nor do I feel entitled but you're right, I don't feel prostitution is that big of a crime because it's a transaction between two consenting adults.... and what are you doing hanging around 'deviant forums'?

Actually, I didn't MAKE it appear as anything. The officer put HIMSELF in a position that he most certainly should not have (as agreed by the police dept.). I also was clear I didn't think he was engaging in a lewd act, but I did feel his actions were inappropriate. I only posted it here after an appropriate discussion was started by someone else.

I keep close tabs on lots of things - police reports, arrests, probably cause affidavits, court proceedings, etc. Watching the underground forums, backpage, craigslist etc. is a no-brainer. Its one of the best ways of knowing what is going on. I have infiltrated numerous organized efforts to promote prostitution and trafficking. Many years ago I was given access to a 'verified' member account of an member. A cable TV program teamed up with me and surprised an organized APSD event at an extended stay hotel on Reno and exposed a millionaire from Tulsa and others. It also forced the worldwide site to completely shutdown the Oklahoma section indefinitely. Later the founder (former escort) died and the entire site closed. I've infiltrated enough Internet sites that I have been contacted by local police and FBI to sign papers and turn over established fake profiles, email accounts etc. so they could use them to further the investigation. This is one way I helped get a pimp living in a $700K home in North edmond busted and forced another to flee his Blue Stem $400K home. The latest one I worked with the FBI after I found the evidence a pimp was using a bogus carpet cleaning business and car lease lot as a way to launder prostitution funds.

02-28-2011, 11:27 AM
Actually, I didn't MAKE it appear as anything. The officer put HIMSELF in a position that he most certainly should not have (as agreed by the police dept.). I also was clear I didn't think he was engaging in a lewd act, but I did feel his actions were inappropriate. I only posted it here after an appropriate discussion was started by someone else.

I keep close tabs on lots of things - police reports, arrests, probably cause affidavits, court proceedings, etc. Watching the underground forums, backpage, craigslist etc. is a no-brainer. Its one of the best ways of knowing what is going on. I have infiltrated numerous organized efforts to promote prostitution and trafficking. Many years ago I was given access to a 'verified' member account of an member. A cable TV program teamed up with me and surprised an organized APSD event at an extended stay hotel on Reno and exposed a millionaire from Tulsa and others. It also forced the worldwide site to completely shutdown the Oklahoma section indefinitely. Later the founder (former escort) died and the entire site closed. I've infiltrated enough Internet sites that I have been contacted by local police and FBI to sign papers and turn over established fake profiles, email accounts etc. so they could use them to further the investigation. This is one way I helped get a pimp living in a $700K home in North edmond busted and forced another to flee his Blue Stem $400K home. The latest one I worked with the FBI after I found the evidence a pimp was using a bogus carpet cleaning business and car lease lot as a way to launder prostitution funds.

and then one time at band camp.....

02-28-2011, 11:29 AM
and then one time at band camp.....

I know the movie, but you lost me.

02-28-2011, 12:43 PM
Actually, I didn't MAKE it appear as anything. The officer put HIMSELF in a position that he most certainly should not have (as agreed by the police dept.). I also was clear I didn't think he was engaging in a lewd act, but I did feel his actions were inappropriate. I only posted it here after an appropriate discussion was started by someone else.

I keep close tabs on lots of things - police reports, arrests, probably cause affidavits, court proceedings, etc. Watching the underground forums, backpage, craigslist etc. is a no-brainer. Its one of the best ways of knowing what is going on. I have infiltrated numerous organized efforts to promote prostitution and trafficking. Many years ago I was given access to a 'verified' member account of an member. A cable TV program teamed up with me and surprised an organized APSD event at an extended stay hotel on Reno and exposed a millionaire from Tulsa and others. It also forced the worldwide site to completely shutdown the Oklahoma section indefinitely. Later the founder (former escort) died and the entire site closed. I've infiltrated enough Internet sites that I have been contacted by local police and FBI to sign papers and turn over established fake profiles, email accounts etc. so they could use them to further the investigation. This is one way I helped get a pimp living in a $700K home in North edmond busted and forced another to flee his Blue Stem $400K home. The latest one I worked with the FBI after I found the evidence a pimp was using a bogus carpet cleaning business and car lease lot as a way to launder prostitution funds.

So, how many lives did you destroy for having consensual sex between two adults?

02-28-2011, 01:10 PM
I know the movie, but you lost me.

it was just a reference to another tall tale

02-28-2011, 01:11 PM
So, how many lives did you destroy for having consensual sex between two adults?

As usual Thunder, you have no clue of the facts, but yet you make very broad and uneducated accusations. However, if any lives were destroyed it was at the hands of the men who chose to engage in prostitution knowing full well if it was discovered it would have dire consequences.

02-28-2011, 01:51 PM
As usual Thunder, you have no clue of the facts, but yet you make very broad and uneducated accusations. However, if any lives were destroyed it was at the hands of the men who chose to engage in prostitution knowing full well if it was discovered it would have dire consequences.

Its simple.

We don't go to jail for having free sex.

We go to jail for paying and receiving payment for sex.

Both end result is the same... People having sex. Wave the money, be instantly sent to jail.

02-28-2011, 02:17 PM
Its simple.

We don't go to jail for having free sex.

We go to jail for paying and receiving payment for sex.

Both end result is the same... People having sex. Wave the money, be instantly sent to jail.

Again, you don't know what you are talking about. When referencing my cases (as in the people I catch on camera) - they are actually arrested for public lewdness not prostitution. So, yes, they could very well be going to jail for 'having free sex.' Rarely is there any evidence of payment.

Fortunately (for me), the statute covering public acts of lewdness and prostitution are one-in-the-same. There are dozens of examples of people in OKC being arrested for having 'free sex' but the charge is still 'engaging in prostitution/lewdness.'

I have a friend who got caught by a jerk cop being sexual with a woman he's known for a long time inside his car outside a local bar. The cop arrested him for public lewdness inside the car - but the blotter and charge still read lewdness/prostitution. Same for a longtime couple caught being sexual inside a car in the Penn Square Mall parking garage.

02-28-2011, 02:54 PM
Another way to look at it Thunder:

Masturbate in your bedroom - no big deal.
Masturbate on the sidewalk at Northwest Expressway and May Ave. - go to jail.

To use your own words - "The end result is the same": masturbation. Do it in public - go to jail.

02-28-2011, 03:04 PM
Another way to look at it Thunder:

Masturbate in your bedroom - no big deal.
Masturbate on the sidewalk at Northwest Expressway and May Ave. - go to jail.

To use your own words - "The end result is the same": masturbation. Do it in public - go to jail.

What about masturbation in the privacy of a motel room or your own car where no one can see you?

02-28-2011, 03:07 PM
Like many other crimes.... if nobody sees you then you probably get away with it.

02-28-2011, 03:49 PM
unless some nut job is following you around with a camera and opens up your door.

Disclaimer: Not saying any one here falls under that classification.

02-28-2011, 03:57 PM
Another way to look at it Thunder:

Masturbate in your bedroom - no big deal.
Masturbate on the sidewalk at Northwest Expressway and May Ave. - go to jail.
To use your own words - "The end result is the same": masturbation. Do it in public - go to jail.

change may to independence and you can call that the Byron Houston

02-28-2011, 04:20 PM
What about masturbation in the privacy of a motel room or your own car where no one can see you?

I imagine a thank you would be due for closing your curtains and having tinted windows on your car. So, on behalf of the general public, thank you.

02-28-2011, 08:16 PM
Like many other crimes.... if nobody sees you then you probably get away with it.

Good thing my boyfriend and I didn't get caught on the bench by the lighthouse at Lake Hefner on Valentine night.

Still, Brian, what the deal with online sites? Police and you are cracking down on people there... That is such a shame, really. And something about you working with police to bust an event that was being held inside a building.... Explain.

03-01-2011, 08:12 AM
Good thing my boyfriend and I didn't get caught on the bench by the lighthouse at Lake Hefner on Valentine night.

Still, Brian, what the deal with online sites? Police and you are cracking down on people there... That is such a shame, really. And something about you working with police to bust an event that was being held inside a building.... Explain.

I'm sure I just threw up a little bit at that visual image.

The beauty is I don't feel a desire to explain anything. Especially to someone who rarely 'gets it' and turns any explanation into something else. Perfect example - you said I worked with police to bust an event and wanted an explanation. Nowhere did I ever say I worked with police to bust the ASPD event. Police were not even involved. I was contacted by a cable show (Justice Files I think - or something like that years ago). They were doing a story on organized upscale prostitution and the affluent men who participate. I used my verified access and fake profile to gain the location of the event. The cable show simply taped the attendees arriving, we ran their tag numbers, interviewed a few who left early (as they went back to their cars) and then they showed up at the party trying to interview people as men and women ran in different directions. Not really my thing to break up as it appeared to be private and consensual but that was what I was contracted to do.

I've been working with CNBC on a special airing soon also on street and high end prostitution covering both OKC and Tulsa. Another feature I just finished working with a crew on was locating an operational brothel in the city and working to help them get an interview with the owner and workers.

The last email account and profile I faked and was asked to give over to police was because it became apparent a man was looking to abuse young children.

03-02-2011, 04:39 AM
You know what I mean.

Its okay to observe to make sure no one is forced, no human trafficking, and underage kids, but it is not okay to harass full grown adults when they are consenting to sex with another full grown adults. Taking their tag numbers is a bit too far and interviewing them as if they were guilty is just sad.

Contracted or not, you shouldn't morally get yourself involved with reality shows or whatever cable network they are on the hunt ruining people's lives.

03-02-2011, 04:47 AM
You know what I mean.

Its okay to observe to make sure no one is forced, no human trafficking, and underage kids, but it is not okay to harass full grown adults when they are consenting to sex with another full grown adults. Taking their tag numbers is a bit too far and interviewing them as if they were guilty is just sad.

Contracted or not, you shouldn't morally get yourself involved with reality shows or whatever cable network they are on the hunt ruining people's lives.

Actually, "morally" THEY shouldn't be involved in organized criminal activity they know will have dire consequences when it is eventually exposed. Plus, I've gotta tell ya, you're the last person I'd take advice from on how one should live their life or conduct business.

03-02-2011, 05:06 AM
... Just because government says paying for sex is criminal doesn't mean it is... Sex is sex. Why should the people go to jail for spending hard-earned money on sex? :-/

03-02-2011, 05:40 AM
... Just because government says paying for sex is criminal doesn't mean it is... Sex is sex. Why should the people go to jail for spending hard-earned money on sex? :-/

Hmmmm, actually, if the government says something is illegal and there are specific laws against it then YES it is illegal. But, of course I've also read your posts where you don't think you need to pay income tax on your Internet and other sales. Be sure and tell the government your opinion on those laws too.

03-03-2011, 08:24 AM
Meanwhile, in a neighboring hamlet, the world's oldest profession appears to include one of the world's oldest professionals

Midwest City - Two women [ages 36 and 61] accused of propositioning undercover Midwest City police officers at massage parlors were arrested Wednesday.

Read more:

03-03-2011, 08:43 AM
Meanwhile, in a neighboring hamlet, the world's oldest profession appears to include one of the world's oldest professionals

Midwest City - Two women [ages 36 and 61] accused of propositioning undercover Midwest City police officers at massage parlors were arrested Wednesday.

Read more:

Reminded me of an article I recently posted to my site about a woman arrested for prostitution in a massage parlor in Norman (lived in Del City)....

03-03-2011, 11:17 AM
There have been a lot of these asian massage joints poping up lately especially on n may ave.

03-03-2011, 11:33 AM
Reminded me of an article I recently posted to my site about a woman arrested for prostitution in a massage parlor in Norman (lived in Del City)....

Maybe my recall is faulty, but it seems like two different places near Adams were hit in the recent past. I think in addition to the Norman pro gone KY raid, another parlor up the street just a bit, next to a convenience store, also got tagged on prostitution and drugs.

03-03-2011, 12:48 PM
... Just because government says paying for sex is criminal doesn't mean it is... Sex is sex. Why should the people go to jail for spending hard-earned money on sex? :-/

I guess some people believe that sex is a priceless act of affection toward someone thought of as special and so it shouldn't come with an actual price demanded for it. Of course, doing that is no problem, if one is blessed with enough sex appeal in finding someone to share that priceless act with.

03-03-2011, 01:02 PM
Meanwhile, in a neighboring hamlet, the world's oldest profession appears to include one of the world's oldest professionals

Midwest City - Two women [ages 36 and 61] accused of propositioning undercover Midwest City police officers at massage parlors were arrested Wednesday.

Read more:

And once again the streets of MWC are safe! Except from drugs, carjackings, rapes, domestic violence...

03-03-2011, 03:00 PM
I guess some people believe that sex is a priceless act of affection toward someone thought of as special and so it shouldn't come with an actual price demanded for it. Of course, doing that is no problem, if one is blessed with enough sex appeal in finding someone to share that priceless act with.

I always hear the B.S. about 'what about dude's with no sex appeal or communication skills." Problem is, 80% of the men I catch and almost 90% of the men OCPD catches are already married. Yeah, I know, its their wive's fault (sarcasm).

03-03-2011, 03:01 PM
And once again the streets of MWC are safe! Except from drugs, carjackings, rapes, domestic violence...

Oh c'mon, you don't want to deny cops the fun or using your tax dollars to go from spa after spa getting nude massages all day long in hopes of getting a happy ending do you?

03-03-2011, 03:22 PM
Oh c'mon, you don't want to deny cops the fun or using your tax dollars to go from spa after spa getting nude massages all day long in hopes of getting a happy ending do you?

Thats what Fire Stations are for...

03-03-2011, 09:07 PM
Well to repond to this thread this is really a shameful law to have on the books period I undeserstand when you have underage girls being out in this lifestyle thats illegal and shuld be dealt with severely but on the other hand a woman choosing to do as she wishes with her body and a man making a choice shouldnt be a crime and punishable unless again Underaged on park and church grounds....I have really thought of BBates personal mission and efforts to stop Prostitution in OKC but you must realize it was here before you and will be after you gone and you really need feel fortunate because if you think its smart and heroic to put yours and your families lives in danger you should ask is it worth it....How can you feel you are helping people when your working with police and DA's office to create programs and outlets and give job opportunities to them....but thats not your goal its the goal of yours to embarrass be in other people business and personally get your personal thrills....You are not trying to help anyone you expose Bates and you have ruined so many lives and you really need to redirect your focus by establishing help and assistance for people who might truly need help not degrading them

03-04-2011, 12:33 AM
I really don't understand these personal attacks on Mr. Bates. I find him to be well-spoken and courteous in all of this posts. Also, no matter your opinion, prostitution is illegal. If this element was in my neighborhood or outside my window, I would welcome Mr. Bates to do what he does. Lastly, these people choose to participate in these illegal activities that he catches on video so they need to take responsibility if their lives are ruined or if they get embarrassed. People need to take responsibility for their actions and choices. Hey, if I get caught speeding then I will get a speeding ticket. That's the law.

03-04-2011, 12:54 AM
How many bags of single serve Fritos does a hooker cost? -- that was a bad joke from a couple years ago!

“Right now there are hundreds of girls all across Atlanta and this region who are waiting in hotel rooms to be purchased by men on the Internet,” said Representative Buzz Brockway, from the suburbs northeast of the city.

03-04-2011, 03:19 AM
I always hear the B.S. about 'what about dude's with no sex appeal or communication skills." Problem is, 80% of the men I catch and almost 90% of the men OCPD catches are already married. Yeah, I know, its their wive's fault (sarcasm).

It's not BS to whatever percentage of the dudes who lack sex appeal and/or communication skills.

I bet a good number of those married men going to prostitutes have a greater than average sex drive and want sexual intercourse more often than, lets's say, once every day. So they're not going to get any when the wife is at work or out of town. Going to a prostitute in response is a pretty bad thing to be doing, unless the wife knows about it and approves of it.

03-04-2011, 05:01 AM
It's not BS to whatever percentage of the dudes who lack sex appeal and/or communication skills.

I bet a good number of those married men going to prostitutes have a greater than average sex drive and want sexual intercourse more often than, lets's say, once every day. So they're not going to get any when the wife is at work or out of town. Going to a prostitute in response is a pretty bad thing to be doing, unless the wife knows about it and approves of it.

From my reading, interviewing etc. I find those that focus on street prostitutes it really doesn't come done to sex drive - it is far more deviant.

However, like I've said over and over again, I take no stance against private and consensual 'escorts.'

03-04-2011, 08:57 AM
Well to repond to this thread this is really a shameful law to have on the books period I undeserstand when you have underage girls being out in this lifestyle thats illegal and shuld be dealt with severely but on the other hand a woman choosing to do as she wishes with her body and a man making a choice shouldnt be a crime and punishable unless again Underaged on park and church grounds....I have really thought of BBates personal mission and efforts to stop Prostitution in OKC but you must realize it was here before you and will be after you gone and you really need feel fortunate because if you think its smart and heroic to put yours and your families lives in danger you should ask is it worth it....How can you feel you are helping people when your working with police and DA's office to create programs and outlets and give job opportunities to them....but thats not your goal its the goal of yours to embarrass be in other people business and personally get your personal thrills....You are not trying to help anyone you expose Bates and you have ruined so many lives and you really need to redirect your focus by establishing help and assistance for people who might truly need help not degrading them

Actually, there is nothing 'shameful' about our laws against prostitution. What would be shameful would be laws that encourage prostitution and justify others desires to victimize and turn our government into these lady's pimp. Decriminalization in some instances might be a step in the right direction however.

Actually, my family, who certainly know more about me and my activism than you, are behind me 100%. The fact I've been very active for 15 years without so much as a scratch shows I'm not only very lucky but use a very level head when doing what I do. Your comments show you actually know nothing about my activism, yet you claim to have given much thought. Not once do I claim to be trying to end prostitution (that's pretty unrealistic). If you had actually paid attention to my goal then certainly you would have read it on my site ( (where it has been for a long time)...

The goal of Mr. Bates and® is not to put an end to prostitution as that is an unrealistic goal. The purpose of JohnTV® is to put a spotlight on the graphic realities of street prostitution, expose the perpetrators and dispel the myths that further the abuse.
JohnTV® works to achieve that goal by lifting the veil of anonymity that empowers the Johns by exposing them on this site.
The motto of this site is, “You pay to play and you’re here to stay!”

Actually, you have no idea what I do because you only know what gets posted to YouTube or JohnTV or some rant posted by some other critic who is as clueless as you and then you fill in the blanks with your own bias. You want to better know what I do, the extent of the real problem, etc. then I welcome you to sit in on one of my many speaking engagements. I will be at UCO next week addressing journalism students and after that I'm being interviewed for a research study at OU. Send me a message and I'll give you the date and time.

As for lives ruined - I don't know about you, but I was always raised that people have to take responsibility for their own actions. I'm contacted by many of the wives and family members of the Johns I have exposed and not once has one said they wished I hadn't contacted them or made them aware of what was going on. Furthermore, I invite you to join my JohnTVokc FaceBook page. Lots more information there and there are MANY former Robinson prostitutes who are active there and they do not share you misguided opinion.

03-05-2011, 01:22 PM
Well tell us more about your success stories and programs created from your activities from which you indulge? Any safe homes or places you have offered to open and assist with with out fear prosecution and being put on YouTube and JohnTV and all if you really REALLY wanted to help people go out and get these shelters and safe places and educational facilities open but naw I don't see you doing that at all you just think that by exposing and harassing people will change them C'MON MAN get real your a fraud until you do otherwise

03-05-2011, 01:59 PM
Brian was on the Jerry Springer show. Am I right? Or was it Maury's? I saw him on one of those shows. He's famous. Really famous!

03-05-2011, 02:06 PM
Brian was on the Jerry Springer show. Am I right? Or was it Maury's? I saw him on one of those shows. He's famous. Really famous!

I like that THUNDER yes Springer Maury it really bothers me Thunder that he BATES is the CRIMINAL and is committing acts and LEWDNESS and needs to be called out he IS FAKE hasn't done a thing to help people at all....ONE DAY THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT ON HIM

03-05-2011, 02:17 PM
I like that THUNDER yes Springer Maury it really bothers me Thunder that he BATES is the CRIMINAL and is committing acts and LEWDNESS and needs to be called out he IS FAKE hasn't done a thing to help people at all....ONE DAY THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT ON HIM

I can make no sense of this. Is English your native language?

03-05-2011, 02:29 PM
I can make no sense of this. Is English your native language?

USG 60 im saying so you will understand Bates is a fraud Fake and the TRUTH WILL SOON COME OUT ON HIM

03-05-2011, 03:15 PM
.oO(If someone is a 'fraud Fake', seems to me that would mean they're actually the real deal and not a fake at all. All in all, not the clearest of descriptions.)Oo.

03-05-2011, 03:26 PM
I like that THUNDER yes Springer Maury it really bothers me Thunder that he BATES is the CRIMINAL and is committing acts and LEWDNESS and needs to be called out he IS FAKE hasn't done a thing to help people at all....ONE DAY THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT ON HIM

This is the worst constructed sentence in all of OKCTalk. One can sorta determine what it is saying but just sorta. Did you get any English credits before you dropped out of Middle School? Learn to express yourself so others can know what you are MEANING to say.

03-05-2011, 04:22 PM
I don't think people should be making fun of how people construct sentences... Such person under attack may have Autism. There are several reasons, but never make fun of how people put into words.

03-05-2011, 04:58 PM
I don't think people should be making fun of how people construct sentences... Such person under attack may have Autism. There are several reasons, but never make fun of how people put into words.

You're a hoot, li'l bro. I love ya.

03-05-2011, 07:05 PM
Brian was on the Jerry Springer show. Am I right? Or was it Maury's? I saw him on one of those shows. He's famous. Really famous!

Its Maury - I've been a regular guest and under contract with them since 2002. Lost count of the number of appearances but a couple dozen at least.

03-05-2011, 07:15 PM
Well tell us more about your success stories and programs created from your activities from which you indulge? Any safe homes or places you have offered to open and assist with with out fear prosecution and being put on YouTube and JohnTV and all if you really REALLY wanted to help people go out and get these shelters and safe places and educational facilities open but naw I don't see you doing that at all you just think that by exposing and harassing people will change them C'MON MAN get real your a fraud until you do otherwise

You make no sense at all, literally and figuratively. I'm guessing from your irrational ranting that you must have been caught on the business end of my camera's lens. "Fake," "Fraud" - ????? The videos are very much real, my dedication to this issue is very much real and long lasting and my goal is clearly stated and doesn't mention any of the things you seem to want me to prove. Where have I ever proclaimed my goal is to save anyone, start any programs etc.? Seems like I live up to every goal I state which would make me anything other than a fraud or a fake.

I clearly told you to email me and I'll make sure you have a personal invitation to my next public speaking engagement. But, you didn't - maybe the fraud and fake is you - you know, the turd hiding behind the Internet.

FYI - this fake and fraud spent the day at the Oklahoma Regional Food Bank packing weekend take home meals for elementary kids who can only count on meals at school and without these take home packs would often not get to eat all weekend - I packed 1,000+. What did you do?

03-06-2011, 10:55 AM
You make no sense at all, literally and figuratively. I'm guessing from your irrational ranting that you must have been caught on the business end of my camera's lens. "Fake," "Fraud" - ????? The videos are very much real, my dedication to this issue is very much real and long lasting and my goal is clearly stated and doesn't mention any of the things you seem to want me to prove. Where have I ever proclaimed my goal is to save anyone, start any programs etc.? Seems like I live up to every goal I state which would make me anything other than a fraud or a fake.

I clearly told you to email me and I'll make sure you have a personal invitation to my next public speaking engagement. But, you didn't - maybe the fraud and fake is you - you know, the turd hiding behind the Internet.

FYI - this fake and fraud spent the day at the Oklahoma Regional Food Bank packing weekend take home meals for elementary kids who can only count on meals at school and without these take home packs would often not get to eat all weekend - I packed 1,000+. What did you do?

I didnt ask about the meals and food bank Bates I ask about you helping the same people your harassing on a daily basis? Yes it may be considered a rant but you know the true you and what your about and your very hypocritical.... So instead of going to speaking engagement and misleading people about your community activism how about establishing safe shelters for abuse women and children of this so called horrible crime....I would really commend your actions if it was done with the HEART and MIND to lift people up not KICK them when they are down....You should really access your mission and ask yourself am I really helping to change peoples lives in a positive or negative way and I believe your sites and your going through arrest and crime records to embarrass and harass is low life and unacceptable but again you continue on and doing what your doing getting your thrills from someone elses troubles and trying time is really low down

03-06-2011, 02:48 PM
I didnt ask about the meals and food bank Bates I ask about you helping the same people your harassing on a daily basis? Yes it may be considered a rant but you know the true you and what your about and your very hypocritical.... So instead of going to speaking engagement and misleading people about your community activism how about establishing safe shelters for abuse women and children of this so called horrible crime....I would really commend your actions if it was done with the HEART and MIND to lift people up not KICK them when they are down....You should really access your mission and ask yourself am I really helping to change peoples lives in a positive or negative way and I believe your sites and your going through arrest and crime records to embarrass and harass is low life and unacceptable but again you continue on and doing what your doing getting your thrills from someone elses troubles and trying time is really low down

Opening shelters isn't my gig and I've never pretended it to be. You are placing expectations on me that I've never taken on. How have I mislead anyone about my activism? My goal is clearly spelled out (a skill you've yet to learn) and not misleading or hypocritical one bit. I'm not qualified and have zero interest in setting up shelters. If it were that easy then we'd have qualified shelters for these women, but we don't.

I've invited you to learn more about my activism and invited you to join my FaceBook. There you will find several of the women that were targets of my camera in the past and not a single one has had anything negative to say about it. Some joined the page simply to let me know they had turned their lives around and from knowing me they knew I'd actually want to know how they are doing.

You don't have to like it, and I personally don't care. What is obvious is you are an illiterate coward and much like the 'Johns' use anonymity as your empowerment. Unless you can bring some facts to the table, I'm done with you.

03-06-2011, 07:24 PM
Opening shelters isn't my gig and I've never pretended it to be. You are placing expectations on me that I've never taken on. How have I mislead anyone about my activism? My goal is clearly spelled out (a skill you've yet to learn) and not misleading or hypocritical one bit. I'm not qualified and have zero interest in setting up shelters. If it were that easy then we'd have qualified shelters for these women, but we don't.

I've invited you to learn more about my activism and invited you to join my FaceBook. There you will find several of the women that were targets of my camera in the past and not a single one has had anything negative to say about it. Some joined the page simply to let me know they had turned their lives around and from knowing me they knew I'd actually want to know how they are doing.

You don't have to like it, and I personally don't care. What is obvious is you are an illiterate coward and much like the 'Johns' use anonymity as your empowerment. Unless you can bring some facts to the table, I'm done with you.

Well you should consider doing something to help those people you call yourself exposing....You wanna tell people they need to change their lives and how they are living wrong but your not giving them or providing material and places for them to go to get help your just using your cam and trying to believe your making a difference....again as I mention to you if you wanna call yourself making a difference help them and others by directing them to places that could really change their lives....Until then you have NO PURPOSE and there is NO MEANING to your front as community activist....See your so called gig is worthless if its not to help people turn there lives around for the better....I believe people should wanna change before it can happen but since your in the business of trying to force change on them why not be more proactive in help your so called community...I mean since you have so many so called contacts and access to resources and referral literature.... You know DA's police council members lawmakers Bates how about truly going to BAT and using access to GRANT MONEY to do something POSITIVE... not break up families and destroy people opportunities to better themselves....If you would commit to something like this then im all for what your doing and I would support your cause to help people not HURT people because you know you can....Think about it as you noticed i didn't do any name calling....So again start honestly helping change lives and making a real difference with video that show success instead of getting ARREST RECORDS and CRIMINAL REPORTS to blast people then again i will gladly come to your speaking seminars and meetings to HELP people NOT Humiliate and embarrass them....