03-19-2014, 12:05 PM
There is an article on People.com regarding this story.
View Full Version : Prostitution In OKC Tavia 03-19-2014, 12:05 PM There is an article on People.com regarding this story. BBatesokc 03-19-2014, 01:08 PM There is an article on People.com regarding this story. Thanks, I wasn't aware. Young Mom's Dead Body Found in Trash-Sorting Facility - Crime & Courts, Death, True Crime, Real People Stories : People.com (http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20797993,00.html) Plutonic Panda 04-10-2014, 02:51 AM wow Human Trafficking Suspect Pleads Guilty, Gets Deferred Sentence - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (http://www.news9.com/story/25209078/human-trafficking-suspect) BBatesokc 04-10-2014, 06:13 AM Pretty sad deal. Yet our DA's office claims to have zero tolerance for such crimes against our children. 7-months in RID and no conviction even after initially pleading guilty to prostituting a 15 (who then turned 16) year old pregnant girl. According to court paperwork (and a social media post awhile back by his mother) he appears to have been raped in prison. Not saying he deserved it, just saying it happened and some people believe in karma. When you compare this guy's sentence to so many in our prison for non-violent crimes, its a real shame. Plutonic Panda 04-10-2014, 12:07 PM Pretty sad deal. Yet our DA's office claims to have zero tolerance for such crimes against our children. 7-months in RID and no conviction even after initially pleading guilty to prostituting a 15 (who then turned 16) year old pregnant girl. According to court paperwork (and a social media post awhile back by his mother) he appears to have been raped in prison. Not saying he deserved it, just saying it happened and some people believe in karma. When you compare this guy's sentence to so many in our prison for non-violent crimes, its a real shame.It's amazing.... someone I know just received 10 year w/ parole for possessing a mj plant, just ONE plant and he was never any threat to the public what so ever and never sold it, just smoked it for himself and this guy who has been selling human beings and putting their life in immediate danger gets off..... what wonderful priorities we have here My money is on this guy getting picked up again soon though... either doing this or some other charge. Once people start engaging in criminal activities, it seems it can be hard to stop. hoya 04-10-2014, 04:51 PM Pretty sad deal. Yet our DA's office claims to have zero tolerance for such crimes against our children. 7-months in RID and no conviction even after initially pleading guilty to prostituting a 15 (who then turned 16) year old pregnant girl. According to court paperwork (and a social media post awhile back by his mother) he appears to have been raped in prison. Not saying he deserved it, just saying it happened and some people believe in karma. When you compare this guy's sentence to so many in our prison for non-violent crimes, its a real shame. Human trafficking is nonviolent. It is not on the list of Title 57-571 crimes. By law he gets RID. Kid gets raped while in prison, gets the crap beat out of him so he's got a metal plate in his jaw, and yeah, the DA will have some compassion on a young guy who was basically whoring out his girlfriend. BBatesokc 04-10-2014, 05:46 PM Human trafficking is nonviolent. It is not on the list of Title 57-571 crimes. By law he gets RID. Kid gets raped while in prison, gets the crap beat out of him so he's got a metal plate in his jaw, and yeah, the DA will have some compassion on a young guy who was basically whoring out his girlfriend. He gets RID because of his age. Nothing in the law says after he completes rid he can't still be sentenced to prison. As noted in his plea agreement, he faced life in prison. The law certainly doesn't say he gets a deferred sentence and a reduced charge. "Basically whoring out his girlfriend." Could you be any more of an apologist for the scum bag? He was literally "whoring out" a 15 year old who turned 16 while being "whored out" and became pregnant by who knows what 'John.' We are not talking about a 21+ year old female, we are talking about a girl who should have been in junior high and couldn't even legally drive when first 'whored out' by the guy you're defending. To agree with the sentence and lack of justice is a sad commentary. mkjeeves 04-10-2014, 06:44 PM He gets RID because of his age. How old is he? I don't see it in the story. kevinpate 04-10-2014, 07:29 PM FWIW, this defendant's crime can not be erased from public knowledge in short order, for a couple of reasons. First, it is an eight year deferred sentence. Second, after completing the deferred sentencing period (assuming it is completed which in itself may be a stretch), he has to also become eligible for an arrest expungement. That is not a given in this state. All the same, I would be foolish to not acknowledge I have seen numerous sentences that were harsher, for lesser conduct, over the years. hoya 04-10-2014, 10:24 PM He gets RID because of his age. Nothing in the law says after he completes rid he can't still be sentenced to prison. As noted in his plea agreement, he faced life in prison. The law certainly doesn't say he gets a deferred sentence and a reduced charge. He can't go to RID on a 57 571 case. If judges start sentencing kids to prison after they successfully complete RID then I'm never pleading another kid to it again. You complete RID, you get probation. That's the way it works. "Basically whoring out his girlfriend." Could you be any more of an apologist for the scum bag? He was literally "whoring out" a 15 year old who turned 16 while being "whored out" and became pregnant by who knows what 'John.' He was whoring out his girlfriend. I know this case and everyone involved. We are not talking about a 21+ year old female, we are talking about a girl who should have been in junior high and couldn't even legally drive when first 'whored out' by the guy you're defending. To agree with the sentence and lack of justice is a sad commentary. I've defended far worse people than this kid. RID is designed to give young morons a chance to turn their life around. If you want to ensure that he keeps screwing up, making him a convicted felon will do that. hoya 04-10-2014, 10:26 PM How old is he? I don't see it in the story. 21 years old. Plutonic Panda 04-11-2014, 12:15 AM He can't go to RID on a 57 571 case. If judges start sentencing kids to prison after they successfully complete RID then I'm never pleading another kid to it again. You complete RID, you get probation. That's the way it works. He was whoring out his girlfriend. I know this case and everyone involved. I've defended far worse people than this kid. RID is designed to give young morons a chance to turn their life around. If you want to ensure that he keeps screwing up, making him a convicted felon will do that.at 21 he is hardly a kid. How much you want to bet this parasite will be back behind bars within the next two years? I'll bet even further to say or will be a violent charge to, likely domestic violence or an assault of some kind. Just sit back and watch. Keep defending this parasite but it was your daughter, you'd feel a little differently. He chose to sell this girl for sex, a girl who's brain has not completely developed unlike his which has nearly developed to the point where he is completely coherent to make these kinds of decisions and capable of knowing the outcome in many different aspects. You say he should be given a second chance, you should thankful I'm not in charge because someone who knows what they're doing which is selling and taking advantage of a young girl girls life to make a few extra bucks warrants a death penalty in my opinion. Call me anything you want, but I don't tolerate things like and don't think these kinds of worthless, subhuman waste should be given second chances. (sorry for any bad grammar as I'm trying with my phone) Jeepnokc 04-11-2014, 12:34 AM at 21 he is hardly a kid. How much you want to bet this parasite will be back behind bars within the next two years? I'll bet even further to say or will be a violent charge to, likely domestic violence or an assault of some kind. Just sit back and watch. Keep defending this parasite but it was your daughter, you'd feel a little differently. He chose to sell this girl for sex, a girl who's brain has not completely developed unlike his which has nearly developed to the point where he is completely coherent to make these kinds of decisions and capable of knowing the outcome in many different aspects. You say he should be given a second chance, you should thankful I'm not in charge because someone who knows what they're doing which is selling and taking advantage of a young girl girls life to make a few extra bucks warrants a death penalty in my opinion. Call me anything you want, but I don't tolerate things like and don't think these kinds of worthless, subhuman waste should be given second chances. (sorry for any bad grammar as I'm trying with my phone) Everybody, no matter the charge is entitled to representation. If it was your child that was charged with a crime, you would want the best counsel you could get and would want one that was going to defend him/her to the best of his ability without judgment. Everyone hates defense attorneys until they need one. Most people don't realize that defense attorneys are the last protectors of the constitution and your rights. It is defense attorneys that prevent cops being able to randomly stop you for no reason or storm into your house in the middle of the night without a warrant. If a person is found not guilty...it isn't that the defense attorney did anything sneaky. Under our constitution, it is the government's (District attorney and cop) job to prove to a jury of his peers that the accused committed the crime and that proof must be beyond all reasonable doubt. If the person is found not guilty...then they didn't do their job. This may seem like a high burden but it is better ten guilty people go free than one innocent person (who could be you!) go to prison. In cases where there is a plea agreement, that is an agreement between the state and the defense of which the judge must approve the agreement. They will generally be based upon the facts of the case as well as the strength of the evidence and credibility of the witnesses. I don't know the facts of this case but for example...how strong is your case if your main witness refuses to testify or is going to get on the stand and say she wasn't forced to do anything? (it happens because they are in love with their man much along the lines of a domestic violence victim that stays with her abuser and refused to testify) One year DOC boot camp and 8 years of probation is better than the kid getting a not guilty and walking free. A true plea negotiation will result in both sides feeling they left a little bit on the table and both sides being a little unhappy with the deal. BBatesokc 04-11-2014, 05:44 AM He can't go to RID on a 57 571 case. If judges start sentencing kids to prison after they successfully complete RID then I'm never pleading another kid to it again. You complete RID, you get probation. That's the way it works. What's your point? You and I both know there is NOTHING in the law requiring a get out of jail free card because some delinquent scum bag completes offender camp. Who cares if you never plead another human trafficker to RID, he deserves to be in prison - at the VERY LEAST he deserves a felony record and one that reflects his crime. He was whoring out his girlfriend. I know this case and everyone involved. Your moral compass may be fine with reducing this 15/16 year old girl to "being whored out by her boyfriend" but exactly how (in any way) does it make confessed child sex trafficker Joshua Hudson any less culpable and any less deserving of a criminal record? Personally, I've never known a pimp that didn't consider all of his 'little whores' his girlfriends. And I've never met a prostitute that didn't consider her pimp her boyfriend. I've defended far worse people than this kid. RID is designed to give young morons a chance to turn their life around. If you want to ensure that he keeps screwing up, making him a convicted felon will do that. Again, point? He had a chance to turn his life around. He was old enough and mature enough to know better than to be a child sex trafficker. The guy was a father already from at least one other girl. He was confronted by FBI agents weeks before he was caught in the OCPD Vice sting. He has a prior record. Exactly how many chances does your bleeding heart think this POS deserves? I stand fully behind my quote to the media; Had I sold this 15/16 year old drugs I'd be in prison and have a scarlet letter 'F' for felony for the rest of my life. But, if instead I sell the 15/16 year old girl to as many men as I possibly can, I get a pass. hoya 04-11-2014, 08:29 AM What's your point? You and I both know there is NOTHING in the law requiring a get out of jail free card because some delinquent scum bag completes offender camp. Who cares if you never plead another human trafficker to RID, he deserves to be in prison - at the VERY LEAST he deserves a felony record and one that reflects his crime. I'd never plead another person to RID, regardless of the charges. Drug possession, concealing stolen property, doesn't matter. The RID statute says that if you are between the ages of 18 and 21, and you are charged with a non-Title 57 section 571 crime, and you either plea guilty or are convicted, then you are required to do the delayed sentencing program. Delayed sentencing can be in custody or out of custody. The in custody version is called RID. He goes to prison for 8 months, and if he successfully completes the program, he can get probation. RID is not a walk in the park, it's a very tough, regimented program. Kids come back saying "sir, yes sir!" Upon successful completion of delayed sentencing, the judge can defer or suspend the sentence, or even dismiss the charges. Yes, it's true that the judge can sentence someone to prison even after they complete RID. But if a judge really wanted to, they could let the kid go to trial, get convicted, then let the kid out of custody, delay sentencing for two days, and then dismiss the charges. It's absolutely within the judge's authority under the statute to do that. I don't know a judge who would, but I don't know a judge other than Twyla Gray who would put the kid in prison after he successfully finished RID either. If you start sending kids to prison after they successfully complete RID, I'll take every single case to trial and you can watch as your witnesses refuse to show up. Sure some guys will lose. But some guys will win, too. Your moral compass may be fine with reducing this 15/16 year old girl to "being whored out by her boyfriend" but exactly how (in any way) does it make confessed child sex trafficker Joshua Hudson any less culpable and any less deserving of a criminal record? Because he pled to it in exchange for a deal. No deal, no plea. Each case is unique. Personally, I've never known a pimp that didn't consider all of his 'little whores' his girlfriends. And I've never met a prostitute that didn't consider her pimp her boyfriend. That should probably put things into a little different perspective for you then. But of course it won't. Again, point? He had a chance to turn his life around. He was old enough and mature enough to know better than to be a child sex trafficker. The guy was a father already from at least one other girl. He was confronted by FBI agents weeks before he was caught in the OCPD Vice sting. He has a prior record. Exactly how many chances does your bleeding heart think this POS deserves? He deserves everything the law allows him. You talk about him having a prior record, no he doesn't. He had some DUI charges that he pled at the same time as this one. He didn't have a felony record. And if the FBI caught him doing something wrong, let the Feds prosecute him, if they have enough evidence. I stand fully behind my quote to the media; Had I sold this 15/16 year old drugs I'd be in prison and have a scarlet letter 'F' for felony for the rest of my life. Not if I was your defense attorney. But, if instead I sell the 15/16 year old girl to as many men as I possibly can, I get a pass. You're a guy in his 40s or 50s, that's a bit different from a 21 year old kid. Uncle Slayton 04-11-2014, 08:40 AM What's your point? You and I both know there is NOTHING in the law requiring a get out of jail free card because some delinquent scum bag completes offender camp. Who cares if you never plead another human trafficker to RID, he deserves to be in prison - at the VERY LEAST he deserves a felony record and one that reflects his crime. Your moral compass may be fine with reducing this 15/16 year old girl to "being whored out by her boyfriend" but exactly how (in any way) does it make confessed child sex trafficker Joshua Hudson any less culpable and any less deserving of a criminal record? Personally, I've never known a pimp that didn't consider all of his 'little whores' his girlfriends. And I've never met a prostitute that didn't consider her pimp her boyfriend. Again, point? He had a chance to turn his life around. He was old enough and mature enough to know better than to be a child sex trafficker. The guy was a father already from at least one other girl. He was confronted by FBI agents weeks before he was caught in the OCPD Vice sting. He has a prior record. Exactly how many chances does your bleeding heart think this POS deserves? I stand fully behind my quote to the media; Had I sold this 15/16 year old drugs I'd be in prison and have a scarlet letter 'F' for felony for the rest of my life. But, if instead I sell the 15/16 year old girl to as many men as I possibly can, I get a pass. You have always seemed way too invested in this, as this three year duration thread evidences. You ever think maybe it's time to get a(nother) hobby? Birdhouses are nice. Easy to build, cathartic, pretty low-key, non-controversial. Not so "vaguely creepy in a way I can't quite define, yet am 95+ percent certain is a valid vibe" sorta way. Maybe Pinterest or I dunno, build a deck or something. BBatesokc 04-11-2014, 09:28 AM You have always seemed way too invested in this, as this three year duration thread evidences. You ever think maybe it's time to get a(nother) hobby? Birdhouses are nice. Easy to build, cathartic, pretty low-key, non-controversial. Not so "vaguely creepy in a way I can't quite define, yet am 95+ percent certain is a valid vibe" sorta way. Maybe Pinterest or I dunno, build a deck or something. "Way too invested"? Yeah, I'm guessing if I spent the last 17 years 'saving the whales' or 'feeding the homeless' then you wouldn't be making that comment. Funny how working diligently to positively impact humans (like 15 and 16 year old girls) who fall prey to predators like Joshua Hudson and worse is somehow deemed odd or creepy to you. As I type this RIGHT NOW a skilled carpenter and drywall professional is on his 4th day working at my home. I could have hired anyone. But who did I hire? The finance of a woman I caught on Robinson some time ago. She sought me out after catching her and told me that seeing her video online and from a perspective of a 3rd person caused her so much shame she got out of the life immediately and has stayed out. She found a man who loved her despite her past. He's a skilled laborer who works hard to support his finance and her children. I didn't hesitate to hire him to help me and therefore help himself and her. Two weeks ago I personally raised over $3,500 to cover the expungment fees for a woman who is getting her record sealed under HB1058 as a sex trafficking victim of the Germaine Coulter & Mario Diaz trafficking rings. I also found her a lawyer that will represent her for free and introduced her to a local non-profit that is working with her going forward. In both of these circumstances the women sought me out because they knew my commitment and my compassion for those who are ready to help themselves. If you doubt either story, you can join my JohnTV Facebook page and I'll introduce you to both as both are 'friends' there. I tell you this because you have no idea who I am or what I do on a daily basis. I don't seek handshakes or pats on the back. I do what I feel is right. You may be content to make birdhouses or simply go through life with blinders on, but I'm not. JohnTV; No Time For Haters! (http://johntv.com/blog-no-time-for-haters/) Jeepnokc 04-11-2014, 09:46 AM "Way too invested"? Yeah, I'm guessing if I spent the last 17 years 'saving the whales' or 'feeding the homeless' then you wouldn't be making that comment. Funny how working diligently to positively impact humans (like 15 and 16 year old girls) who fall prey to predators like Joshua Hudson and worse is somehow deemed odd or creepy to you. As I type this RIGHT NOW a skilled carpenter and drywall professional is on his 4th day working at my home. I could have hired anyone. But who did I hire? The finance of a woman I caught on Robinson some time ago. She sought me out after catching her and told me that seeing her video online and from a perspective of a 3rd person caused her so much shame she got out of the life immediately and has stayed out. She found a man who loved her despite her past. He's a skilled laborer who works hard to support his finance and her children. I didn't hesitate to hire him to help me and therefore help himself and her. Two weeks ago I personally raised over $3,500 to cover the expungment fees for a woman who is getting her record sealed under HB1058 as a sex trafficking victim of the Germaine Coulter & Mario Diaz trafficking rings. I also found her a lawyer that will represent her for free and introduced her to a local non-profit that is working with her going forward. In both of these circumstances the women sought me out because they knew my commitment and my compassion for those who are ready to help themselves. If you doubt either story, you can join my JohnTV Facebook page and I'll introduce you to both as both are 'friends' there. I tell you this because you have no idea who I am or what I do on a daily basis. I don't seek handshakes or pats on the back. I do what I feel is right. You may be content to make birdhouses or simply go through life with blinders on, but I'm not. JohnTV; No Time For Haters! (http://johntv.com/blog-no-time-for-haters/) And of course, every inbound link to his website helps his ranking. From his website: To offset those costs, JohnTV relies on fees paid by others for advertising, licensing, interviews, appearances, etc. We often receive emails, telephone calls and other correspondence from fans wanting to directly support our efforts. JohnTV always welcomes in-kind donations (video cameras, SD-memory cards, external hard drives, video equipment, etc.), gas cards, or cash (check, money order, PayPal or credit card). JohnTV is NOT a non-profit, so donations are NOT tax deductible. Seems to me with the amount of knowledge of the law you profess and the number of attorneys you know like the one you feature on your website, you could set this up as a non-profit with a board of directors to help you because it really isn't about you. Of course, there isn't any arguing with you as you are working for the cause and from your posts, it is evident that you are never wrong. Btw, they do send 21 y/o drug dealers to Rid and they get deferred sentences. Uncle Slayton 04-11-2014, 10:19 AM And of course, every inbound link to his website helps his ranking. From his website: To offset those costs, JohnTV relies on fees paid by others for advertising, licensing, interviews, appearances, etc. We often receive emails, telephone calls and other correspondence from fans wanting to directly support our efforts. JohnTV always welcomes in-kind donations (video cameras, SD-memory cards, external hard drives, video equipment, etc.), gas cards, or cash (check, money order, PayPal or credit card). JohnTV is NOT a non-profit, so donations are NOT tax deductible. Seems to me with the amount of knowledge of the law you profess and the number of attorneys you know like the one you feature on your website, you could set this up as a non-profit with a board of directors to help you because it really isn't about you. Of course, there isn't any arguing with you as you are working for the cause and from your posts, it is evident that you are never wrong. Btw, they do send 21 y/o drug dealers to Rid and they get deferred sentences. It's all for the chirren, of course. Hell, he could probably retire selling subscriptions to "JohnTV After Dark", the unedited tapes of the VV. Uncle Slayton 04-11-2014, 10:21 AM Just sayin...stare too long into the abyss, abyss stares into you, all that jazz...and more than a few of your posts suggest there may be some 'image burn-in' occurring. Good luck with the drywall. Plutonic Panda 04-11-2014, 11:13 AM You have always seemed way too invested in this, as this three year duration thread evidences. You ever think maybe it's time to get a(nother) hobby? Birdhouses are nice. Easy to build, cathartic, pretty low-key, non-controversial. Not so "vaguely creepy in a way I can't quite define, yet am 95+ percent certain is a valid vibe" sorta way. Maybe Pinterest or I dunno, build a deck or something.Why does it matter? If you pick a hobby, wouldn't you want to be as invested in it as you can? Isn't that the point at a hobby to practice it and become good at it? Just curious... Stew 04-11-2014, 12:28 PM People can say what they will but I have probably learned more from Brian's OKCTALK posts than anybody else's, whether it be toilettes, the legal system, home stereos, where to eat and not to eat....the list goes on and on. So I would simply like to say, thank you Brian. Bunty 04-11-2014, 01:22 PM Someone, like Bates, needs to be a watchdog over this unpleasant issue. The Oklahoma state legislators, rather than speak out, would rather look the other way to cut taxes and do other special political favors, such as the Merry Christmas bill. BBatesokc 04-12-2014, 06:07 AM Hoyasooner (B.Y.), Now that it's been pointed out to me you're in the Oklahoma County Public Defender's office I can see where your perspective differs from mine... Though I still find it pretty disconcerting that you'd support Hudson's plea deal after reducing the facts to "He was whoring out his girlfriend. I know this case and everyone involved." And, since you were (until you unfriended in the last few hours) friends on my Facebook page then you also know I too 'know' many of those people closely involved because they posted to that very page and provided lots of details (Hudson's mother, friends and family). All of which seem to echo your sentiment; Yeah he knew she was hooking and he took part in it, but it doesn't matter because the female child is just a little whore. Because he pled to it in exchange for a deal. No deal, no plea. Each case is unique. Regardless, he pled. His own words on the plea paperwork read, "On May 9, 2013, in Oklahoma County, I knowingly and willfully harbored and maintained [the juvenile female], a person under 18 years old, for the purpose of engaging [the juvenile female] in a commercial sex act.” Are you now saying that isn't true and that you (as a member of the public defender's office) endorse a policy of lying to the courts to get a plea? You can't have it both ways. Either Hudson's statement is true and therefore he deserved a harsher punishment or his statement is false and he lied to the courts. Or, are you of the mind that if an adult male knowingly participated in the prostitution of a juvenile they should simply get a slap on the wrist and go on. If that's true, then where is the line between punishment and/or a criminal record and the deal Hudson received? Seriously, what other elements would have to be present before you'd say the person deserves at least a criminal record (if no prison time)? Lets also not forget, there is an audio file from Hudson's arrest that clearly has him saying to arresting officers at the scene, he posted the ads onto Backpage, told her what to charge for sex acts and took the money she was paid. He deserves everything the law allows him. No he doesn't - nobody does. If that were the case then every rapist, murderer and drug dealer would 'deserve' the least amount of punishment under the law. He certainly has the ability to seek the lowest penalty under the law, but that doesn't make him deserving of it simply because its an option. I don't fault his attorney (a public defender, but not you) seeking the lowest punishment possible - that is an attorney's job and obligation. So, if a lawyer wants to argue.... "Hudson was my client and I'm not bound to seek justice, I'm bound to seek the best possible deal under the law that is in my client's best interest..." Then I'd agree 100% with that statement. However, that still doesn't address the outrage the public should have with the DA's office agreeing to the deal. And, if you truly do know all about this case, then you also know the drama now playing out behind the scenes. hoya 04-12-2014, 09:05 AM Hoyasooner (B.Y.), Now that it's been pointed out to me you're in the Oklahoma County Public Defender's office I can see where your perspective differs from mine... Though I still find it pretty disconcerting that you'd support Hudson's plea deal after reducing the facts to "He was whoring out his girlfriend. I know this case and everyone involved." And, since you were (until you unfriended in the last few hours) friends on my Facebook page then you also know I too 'know' many of those people closely involved because they posted to that very page and provided lots of details (Hudson's mother, friends and family). All of which seem to echo your sentiment; Yeah he knew she was hooking and he took part in it, but it doesn't matter because the female child is just a little whore. ??? I was not friends with you on Facebook, nor did I unfriend you. Or your website. Regardless, he pled. His own words on the plea paperwork read, "On May 9, 2013, in Oklahoma County, I knowingly and willfully harbored and maintained [the juvenile female], a person under 18 years old, for the purpose of engaging [the juvenile female] in a commercial sex act.” Are you now saying that isn't true and that you (as a member of the public defender's office) endorse a policy of lying to the courts to get a plea? Where did I say he didn't plea or that he lied? You can't have it both ways. Either Hudson's statement is true and therefore he deserved a harsher punishment or his statement is false and he lied to the courts. Or, are you of the mind that if an adult male knowingly participated in the prostitution of a juvenile they should simply get a slap on the wrist and go on. If that's true, then where is the line between punishment and/or a criminal record and the deal Hudson received? Seriously, what other elements would have to be present before you'd say the person deserves at least a criminal record (if no prison time)? You present a false dichotomy. It is not either a) or b). His statement can be true and yet still be deserving of what he got. Lets also not forget, there is an audio file from Hudson's arrest that clearly has him saying to arresting officers at the scene, he posted the ads onto Backpage, told her what to charge for sex acts and took the money she was paid. No he doesn't - nobody does. If that were the case then every rapist, murderer and drug dealer would 'deserve' the least amount of punishment under the law. He certainly has the ability to seek the lowest penalty under the law, but that doesn't make him deserving of it simply because its an option. I don't fault his attorney (a public defender, but not you) seeking the lowest punishment possible - that is an attorney's job and obligation. So, if a lawyer wants to argue.... "Hudson was my client and I'm not bound to seek justice, I'm bound to seek the best possible deal under the law that is in my client's best interest..." Then I'd agree 100% with that statement. However, that still doesn't address the outrage the public should have with the DA's office agreeing to the deal. And, if you truly do know all about this case, then you also know the drama now playing out behind the scenes. Yes I do know about it, but I'm not going to talk about people's private lives on a public forum. Edit: By the way, I don't appreciate the vaguely threatening/stalkerish "no one is anonymous on the internet" Facebook message you sent me. I've never made my identity here secret. kelroy55 04-12-2014, 11:56 AM Edit: By the way, I don't appreciate the vaguely threatening/stalkerish "no one is anonymous on the internet" Facebook message you sent me. I've never made my identity here secret. He kind of did the same thing to me when he posted my name on here a while back. Must be some kind of power trip. *shrug* BBatesokc 04-12-2014, 05:58 PM By the way, I don't appreciate the vaguely threatening/stalkerish "no one is anonymous on the internet" Facebook message you sent me. Then you should get over it just fine. I don't appreciate public defenders who dismiss human traffickers actions because "they were just whoring out their [16 year old] girlfriend. Where did I say he didn't plea or that he lied? You made it sound like he only pled to get a deal - as if the plea wasn't genuine. You present a false dichotomy. It is not either a) or b). His statement can be true and yet still be deserving of what he got. So, in your mind an adult can freely admit to prostituting a minor (thus making it human trafficking, therefore making them a human trafficker) and in your mind probation and no record is perfectly acceptable and deserving? Because, despite what you thick you know about the defendant, those are the facts. Yes I do know about it, but I'm not going to talk about people's private lives on a public forum. Private lives? The drama behind the scenes is going on now at the DA's office. Obviously you don't know. Prunepicker 04-12-2014, 06:31 PM Edit: By the way, I don't appreciate the vaguely threatening/stalkerish "no one is anonymous on the internet" Facebook message you sent me. I've never made my identity here secret. As an aside, it's against the OKC Talk policy to disclose any information about any member of the forum without permission from that person or unless s/he has divulged personal information on OKC Talk. hoya 04-12-2014, 08:06 PM He kind of did the same thing to me when he posted my name on here a while back. Must be some kind of power trip. *shrug* I think we've gotten a good look at the type of person Mr. Bates is now. As an aside, it's against the OKC Talk policy to disclose any information about any member of the forum without permission from that person or unless s/he has divulged personal information on OKC Talk. For some reason, I don't think the privacy of other people has ever been a concern of Mr. Bates. Perhaps Pete will rein this in. hoya 04-12-2014, 08:57 PM Then you should get over it just fine. I don't appreciate public defenders who dismiss human traffickers actions because "they were just whoring out their [16 year old] girlfriend. I'm not losing any sleep over it, if that's what you mean. But I see how quick you are to go after someone personally when they don't kowtow to your agenda. I disagree with you and you feel compelled to confront me on Facebook. 7383 You made it sound like he only pled to get a deal - as if the plea wasn't genuine. Generally yes, people plea to get deals. If you don't have a deal, you go to trial. This is not rocket science. So, in your mind an adult can freely admit to prostituting a minor (thus making it human trafficking, therefore making them a human trafficker) and in your mind probation and no record is perfectly acceptable and deserving? Because, despite what you thick you know about the defendant, those are the facts. It depends entirely upon the facts of the case. If you, a 50-something year old man, kidnap a 12 year old boy, take him halfway across the state, and prostitute him out, then no, I don't think you should get probation. On the other hand, if you are still basically a kid yourself, and your old-enough-to-legally-have-sex-with girlfriend asks you to help set up her whoring webpage, and then when you are caught you go to prison for 9 months where you are raped and then hospitalized in an attack by other inmates, but you do everything possible to complete the program and turn your life around, then yes, I think a deferred sentence is appropriate. Our human trafficking statute has some holes in it. It's poorly written and overbroad. Too many things are termed "human trafficking" that shouldn't be. I believe this scenario is one of them. Private lives? The drama behind the scenes is going on now at the DA's office. Obviously you don't know. I know what is going on. But I know and respect the people you are talking about and I'm not going to badmouth anyone for your amusement. 7384 If there's someone in the DA's office who wants to talk to me, let them talk to me and not hide behind private messages. Prunepicker 04-12-2014, 09:41 PM I'd like to know why some believe "the straw man gambit" is assumed to be a worthy defense. Can anyone explain this to me? Pete 04-13-2014, 09:27 AM I had not seen these exchanges until this morning. This seems to have become entirely too personal and therefore I am closing this thread. |