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Bellaboo 11-30-2015, 12:25 PM could the current jail be re-purposed by the county (or city) into office space when the new building is built? Will the new building be a tower/mid-rise like the current one?
At one time, the sheriff suggested a low rise in Choctaw. Not kidding.
Spartan 11-30-2015, 12:51 PM Yes ^ It will be a low-rise somewhere remote. That is the only thing Whetsel will settle for at the moment.
Yes, and in a similar vein, the US could save billions in military spending if we could just get ISIL (et al) to listen to reason.
No one up to now has made any assertion that a philosophical change isn't needed or welcome in re the way we incarcerate our criminals. The fact is, the jail is broken NOW. The pipes are bursting from the walls NOW. The heating/air problems are happening NOW.
What you are proposing is a fundamental philosophy in how/when law enforcement and treatment interact...something that would take several years (at best) before it could be codified and enacted, much less have any effect on the overpopulated OK County jail.
We all get it, you don't want to throw good money after bad. But the fact is, we have an overpopulated hell-hole of a jail that needs an immediate solution. I think it's fair that someone like Kevin can want to immediately fix the most present problem (what to do with the building to house the inmates' immediately), while also recognizing the value in shifting long term to a treatment model.
In the meantime, you would do best to avoid the degrading comments; they make you look ignorant.
I don't call people ignorant. You hurt your credibility and ruin your authenticity when you do that.
A jail is a 5-7 year solution realistically. You are being dishonest when you claim this is immediate knowing full well that if Whetsel had a magic wand (although he does seem to get everything he asks for..) there would still be financing, location, design, and construction to work through.
We already have a building and a site, so I don't see how minimal retrofit to the existing facility isn't faster. How could that not be faster and less than $400 million? I know they have studies claiming it's costlier. I doubt that, and I have no reason to take a leap of faith with this bumbling inept county govt.
As for the "philosophical changes," those are needed too, and can be implemented faster than a huge construction project. What you mean to say is that there is no will to do so, which is true, and that finding that will to do so will take forever.
It will take even longer once we have a new jail to fill, but how dare you or anyone use a straw man to discredit me and then call me ignorant. My focus is not "philosophical changes," but rather on the bricks and mortar that seem to be the issue. My focus is also on what OKC needs to do with $400 million in the big picture. I think this county govt is not looking at solutions, not willing to consider a minimal approach that just satisfies the DOJ issues. With our streetcar, which costs 1/3rd what this jail will cost by the way, the size of it was a negotiated compromise between the ideal and the feasible. This project needs to be forced to innovate and save money wherever and whenever possible just like every other essential building project.
I think they are only willing to look at rehabbing a high-rise jail into a flat jail, which probably is Infeasible. As someone who does project management in the real world, I know building costs and what can be done. I know that we possess the ability to fix air/HVAC issues. I know we have architects that are smart enough to fix "pipes bursting in the walls NOW." Come on let's not be ignorant. That would be bad.
Well, I'm going to chime in here. I was a public defender for nearly a decade, and I visited that jail once a week or more during that time. It has major structural problems that cannot be resolved. The fact is, it was designed very poorly. There are blind spots within the jail where guards can't see what inmates are doing. The construction is so shoddy that inmates can dig their way through concrete walls with plastic spoons. You can wad up a piece of toilet paper and put it in the right place and the cell doors won't lock. This lets the inmates get out and wander around. If you flush the toilet repeatedly, the water drains out of it, and because the plumbing is badly designed, this lets you pass contraband down through the toilet pipes to anyone in a cell below you. Tie a string to a shank, or drugs, or whatever, and you can lower it down from the 8th floor to the 6th floor or the 4th floor, etc.
There are structural problems with the jail that cannot be fixed. The building must be replaced. I don't care what your expertise is, Spartan, I've been on every floor of that jail. It can't be saved. You haven't been inside it, you haven't seen it.
Now, this is not to say that voters should bend over for Whetsel and the county officials. A lot of the stuff Whetsel says we need has nothing to do with the physical jail itself. He just wants a bigger budget. We need a new sheriff before we build a new jail. But we do need a new jail.
Spartan 11-30-2015, 05:13 PM We spent $52 million in 1991 for that, which is $90.8 million today.
I appreciate the informed perspective and for sure all of those issues must be solved, but it just seems like this is what prisoners do in prison, which goes back to the central issue of visibility and security. I think that issue is also inherent with high rise jails, but I could be wrong.
It seems like Tulsa just recently (last ten years) built a new jail for around $60 million. Tulsa County is relatively close in population to Oklahoma County.
I'm not sure how they design plumbing in high security facilities but I can see the challenges. I just hear that Whetsel wants a $400 million MAPS for Jail. I just don't understand how anyone can defend that.
By the way kudos for being a public defender. That's a tough, thankless, essential job.
Plutonic Panda 11-30-2015, 05:24 PM How much longer is Whetsel's term?
ethansisson 11-30-2015, 09:11 PM It seems like Tulsa just recently (last ten years) built a new jail for around $60 million. Tulsa County is relatively close in population to Oklahoma County.
I'm not sure how they design plumbing in high security facilities but I can see the challenges. I just hear that Whetsel wants a $400 million MAPS for Jail. I just don't understand how anyone can defend that.
It's not entirely clear what your argument is on building a new jail. You've been adamant that you disagree with building a new jail, but what you said above implies that you aren't opposed to a new jail, just to spending $400 million on it. This $400 million number seems outdated given that the Edmond Sun article above quotes Whetsel as saying a new jail would cost $260 million, versus $230 million to rehab the existing jail and add adequate recreation facilities (required by DOJ). For the sake of argument, let's use the $60 million figure you provided as what the Tulsa County jail cost. Would you still be opposed to building a new jail if it were to cost $60 million versus $53 million (roughly the same ratio as 230/260) to rehab the existing one?
You have expressed doubt that it would actually cost as much as it's being made out to cost to renovate the jail, but you're also expressing doubt that building a new jail shouldn't cost more than $100 million. So it seems based on your statements that you acknowledge that the costs for the two options might be similar. Are you against building a new jail even if it's true that the costs for building new compared to renovating and expanding are within about a 15% of each other? If so, I disagree. The existing jail has numerous and significant deficiencies, and improvements to address these would be little more than a band-aide on some of the more severe issues (e.g. supervision). The result would be a substantially inferior jail, likely with poorer outcomes for arrestees/inmates and a shorter lifespan of the facility, compared to building a new one. Just to save a relatively small amount of money in the short-term.
However, your argument, as I have understood it, is that renovating would cost significantly less than building new. How do we know? You say you don't trust the numbers provided by Whetsel, but we don't have any other informed numbers to reason by. To me, the logical conclusion of your argument isn't to oppose building a new jail, but to try to get a trustworthy estimate of what the two options would actually cost.
Spartan 12-01-2015, 12:03 AM Yes, we need a lot more information. I already suggested that the city and state, to the extent they are also involved in this situation, work with the DOJ to figure out what they need us to do at a minimum.
If we are hypothetically choosing between two options with a difference of $30 million, there isn't a single shred of doubt that we should save $30 million. Could you imagine what we could do with $30 million? We would have less debates about where to extend the streetcar. The convention center could finish out its exhibition floor so we aren't stuck with a "Phase 2 in Waiting" area. We could have more senior centers in neighborhoods with actual seniors in need.
The reason that this needs to be weighed against other projects is because those other projects are all weighed against each other. They are talking about using the same funding mechanism, a temporary sales tax, as well. That could be extremely dangerous, coming at a time when state sales tax may get redirected to pay for teacher raises in some bizarre new scheme.
I am just being as vocal as I am because I don't like what I see and I am extremely concerned that this situation is part of the reason we can't have nice things. That is all. We need to be consistent in how we go about these projects and not throw our principles away when it comes to a jail. If anything we should be more principled with a project like that to keep it from getting out of hand, which it already has.
HOT ROD 12-01-2015, 05:46 AM that's just plain ridiculous, a low rise in Choctaw? I thought Oklahoma City was the county seat of Oklahoma county?
Move the presumed by bus/car to downtown for hearings and trials, that's a cost effective way of doing business for Oklahoma County? what about public safety of such a move? Could that be the reason (or at least one of them) why the proposals from Whetsel are not passing - particularly at his proposed budget. ...
NO - build another jail, state of the art, in downtown OKC as a high-rise (no less than 15 floors, perhaps more to account for mental health processing/holding) near the current jail/courthouses/etc. Repurpose the current jail as office space (thus saving the county $$, perhaps leasing space out to other govt agencies such as ACOG, OKC city, Feds), give OKC the best in public safety, the presumed a safe/constructive environment that perhaps could improve their behavior (not just lock them up), and provide a much needed facility to reach to the mental ill. This, for his $400M or whatever likely would pass, not same price for a 'farm' in Choctaw.
TheTravellers 12-01-2015, 02:06 PM ... Repurpose the current jail as office space (thus saving the county $$, perhaps leasing space out to other govt agencies such as ACOG, OKC city, Feds), ...
Not sure if it could actually be repurposed as any kind of office building - for one, the windows are minimal and I don't think *anybody* would look at that building and think it'd be a good place to work at, and that's just from the outside. And secondly (and probably more important) - I'd bet the inside walls are concrete or concrete block, and therefore not movable like regular studded/drywalled walls are in most office buildings, so I doubt it could be rehabbed on the inside as an office building. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, though, as I've never been inside...
It cannot be turned into an office building. The whole thing is concrete. Crappy concrete.
kevinpate 12-01-2015, 05:16 PM To be fair, it could be turned into crappy office space. When I was with a state agency, several years were spent in old dorm building (Cross Center OU D, then D and B.)
The agency also spent several years in an old somewhat converted hospital building. Some areas were built out into offices. My group was in an old psych wing, complete with large, heavy doors, no windows, that could only lock from the outside of the room. Oddly enough, We felt rather comfortable there. Well, while I was there. After I was gone and the ac and heat got real dang contrary, the comfort levels changed a bit.
All that to say this - one can turn almost anything into office space. Whether or not it is a good idea is a whole nuther conversation.
Whatever savings the county can come up with in building a jail, will be available for county needs, not the wants and desires or even needs of any specific city within the county.
There are benefits to a jail not being multiple stories. Not sure there are any obvious benefits to plopping a jail out near Choctaw other than possibly land costs. Aand these days, that's not assured either.
ethansisson 12-01-2015, 10:15 PM If we are hypothetically choosing between two options with a difference of $30 million, there isn't a single shred of doubt that we should save $30 million.
That depends on the value the $30 million provides. Of course no one would want to spend $30 million more to get the exact same thing, but a renovated abysmally-designed jail building is not the same as a new jail building built to the latest standards of efficiency, humane treatment of those in custody, and the safety of all. Maybe renovating and retrofitting the jail is good enough and we can save some money by doing that. But maybe there are long-term costs associated with that option and substantial benefits of building a new jail that make investing more money now a wiser choice. It's an open question far less certain than you're making it out to be.
Sheriff Whetsel is arguing the latter case – that spending more now to build a new jail is a better use of resources. One of his points is that they estimate the $30 million difference can be made up for over a period of only 10 years through improved operational and utility efficiency in a new jail. If all the numbers add up the way Whetsel describes, it seems to me to make building a new jail a no-brainer. Saving money on the front end is not always the best choice. The main questions that need trustworthy answers are what are the realistic estimated costs of each option, what are the risks of each option, and what added value would a new jail provide versus keeping the existing jail.
These are questions Sheriff Whetsel seems to have already analyzed using data that he considers satisfactory. This is just the kind of issue he, as the elected sheriff, is responsible for considering and recommending solutions to. And he has concluded that building a new jail is the better option operationally and fiscally. However, $30 million, let alone $260 million, is a lot of money and the justification for the appropriation and use of that much money (e.g. whatever studies the county has commissioned, etc.) should be scrutinized carefully by the public, the media, etc. If the people of Oklahoma County are asked to approve a new tax, they should have all of the unbiased information they need to make an informed decision.
HOT ROD 12-02-2015, 01:44 PM Guys, I'm not talking about class-A leasible office space for the market, I'm talking about a 'perhaps' easy repurpose of the building to serve government office needs, keeping (or moving) them downtown to the OKC Civic Center complex. Particularly OK County which doesn't seem to have any office space other than their sprawling but cramped OK County building. Might also work for ACOG, City (Storage, Records, etc), govt functions that don't need/require outside views. Perhaps the upper floors (at least) could be redone to have windows?
Just my ideas on how we could expand on what we have and build a quality, much needed "Corrections and Mental-Health facility" DOWNTOWN (where it needs to be) and not just tear down the existing building for a farm jail in E OK County, for $400m tax increase.
Spartan 12-02-2015, 02:41 PM I know skepticism doesn't sound convincing or professional at all, but I just don't buy the argument for this jail at this cost. They obviously got it all wrong before with the current jail. Portland, Oregon managed to spend $60 million on their jail under similar circumstances and then never even used it to house a single inmate. It's a 528-cell facility that they financed with bonds, rather than a tax, in 2004.
Multnomah Co's unused Wapato Jail for sale (
Jackson, MS is currently building a new jail for $30 million.
Jackson County jail should be completed by September | Mississippi News - WAPT Home (
Check out this resource on new jails:
Albuquerque - $78 million
Boulder - $19 million
Dallas - $110 million
Nashville - $77 million
Omaha - $37 million
So no matter what, I do not buy $280 million which will surely balloon to $400 million which I've also seen. As for a $30 million increase no matter how justified, the answer must be no. It's that simple. So someone needs to either explain what is so trashy about us that we need 2.5 times the jail that Dallas has, or where all of this money is really going and why. It doesn't pass the smell test and never has, and I'm afraid that anyone who cares enough to defend it makes themselves look like sheeple. The reality with the MAPS projects, including the one voters want the most (streetcar) is that another $30 million for any of these projects could be easily justified. However it's not happening. The streetcar must be planned with the tiny budget that we have, and that's all there is to it. Public projects must be balanced against each other.
The jail costs above are operating costs and not construction cost.
Jersey Boss 12-02-2015, 04:50 PM Jackson County Miss. Population- 140,450
Oklahoma County OK Population- 755,245
ljbab728 12-02-2015, 11:19 PM
NewsOK Videos | Panel discusses county jail, mental health issues (
ethansisson 12-02-2015, 11:35 PM I know skepticism doesn't sound convincing or professional at all, but I just don't buy the argument for this jail at this cost.
My main point is exactly that if $260 million is more than the jail should cost then no one should buy the argument for that jail at that cost. As best as I can figure, your argument is that $260 million is more than a new jail should actually cost so we shouldn't build a new jail at any cost – we should renovate the existing jail for $230 million. That's illogical. If Sheriff Whetsel says the new jail will cost $260 million but there are indicators that suggest an adequate jail could be built for far less than that, the next logical step is to determine the requirements of a new jail, get an accurate estimate to build a jail that meets those requirements, and then weigh the costs and benefits of building that jail versus renovating the existing jail.
As for skepticism, my entire last post was written with a healthy dose of skepticism. You're not being skeptical. You're being cynical and illogical. You've already made up your mind before you even have the information necessary to do so. I've been giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're actually approaching this issue with rationality and an open mind, but it's clear now that you're not interested in finding the best solution. You just really, really don't want a new jail built for some reason, apparently even if it might cost no more than keeping the existing jail. I don't get it.
As for a $30 million increase no matter how justified, the answer must be no. It's that simple.
What increase? There's no increase. Building a new jail is an entirely different project than renovating and retrofitting the existing jail, with arguably very different results.
And again with the irrationality. You openly state that even if spending more is entirely justified, we must not do it. In other words, what I hear you saying is that the only relevance the costs and benefits of each option have is that we must choose the least costly option regardless of the benefits. It just doesn't make sense. How about this...instead of building Central Park as designed by Hargreaves for $132 million, let's just raze all the structures, leave whatever trees are already there, dig a big hole and fill it with water, and lay sod over the entire surface. It'll still be a park, but it will only cost $117 million. Sure, spending that extra $15 million to build a better park would be perfectly justified, but no matter how justified, the answer must be no.
So someone needs to either explain what is so trashy about us that we need 2.5 times the jail that Dallas has, or where all of this money is really going and why. It doesn't pass the smell test and never has, and I'm afraid that anyone who cares enough to defend it makes themselves look like sheeple.
I'm not defending a $280 million jail. I'm defending cost-benefit and social return on investment analysis.
The reality with the MAPS projects, including the one voters want the most (streetcar) is that another $30 million for any of these projects could be easily justified. However it's not happening. The streetcar must be planned with the tiny budget that we have, and that's all there is to it. Public projects must be balanced against each other.
Why keep dragging MAPS into this? I don't see how it's relevant and it's not a useful comparison. The only overlap between MAPS projects and the jail is that they are both sales-tax-funded public construction projects. They belong to entirely separate governments. They're on completely different timelines. Each involves its own separate tax. And funds cannot be exchanged between the two. I agree that public projects must be balanced against each other, but it's not as if the city's streetcar will get an extra $30 million in funding if the county decides not to build a new jail. Sure, theoretically a proposal like that could be worked out (perhaps if OKC and the county were consolidated *shudder*), but let's be serious. As you said, it's not happening. Comparing the two is also complicated somewhat by the fact that the jail is integral to an essential government service, but MAPS are quality-of-life enhancements. If anything, that should give an edge to the jail in terms of prioritizing/balancing funding, but of course essential services can't just suck resources away from other projects without justification.
Oh, I forgot. It doesn't matter to you how justified it is. This is irrelevant though. MAPS is a red herring.
Spartan 12-03-2015, 06:19 AM I don't have time to read that, but if you think MAPS is a red herring, then I just don't know what to say. I dot think we are going to agree because defending MAPS is my sole issue. Sorry for not caring enough to get excited about the jail.
What is a social return on investment analysis and what does that have to do with the Central Park being barren? As for your straw man reconstruction of my argument, it's not that I concede that this spending is justified. I sit in meetings all day where spending all the money in the world is justified. I've never seen a non-justified project, so I just concede that point. It's not worth fighting.
David 12-03-2015, 08:53 AM Of course MAPS is relevant. If we have to fund a new jail either voluntarily or involuntarily through fed enforcement and that funding ends up as some form of tax burden, that is going to have an effect on the potential success of any future sales tax vote.
Spartan 12-03-2015, 11:12 AM (edit: sorry to all for the long rant, I just really dislike the county's mere existence...I added a "recap" cliff notes section below)
Additionally, the state legislature is trying to raise the state sales tax to cover teacher pay, which is one of the stranger cases of robbing of Peter to pay Paul I've seen. That combined with a new jail sales tax, which seems to be the county's preferred solution (bonds or property tax levy, really the same solution, would disproportionately affect Oklahoma County homeowners which we can't have) - it looks pretty dark for a MAPS 4. Really it will be a MAPS 4 Jail.
So while in the other silo those of you that defend that county's actions here are dreaming up a MAPS 4 with transit, more convention center (bc we can't get enough), a MAPS theme park, PluPan's beloved 5-stack interchanges to nowhere, and who knows what else that someone may think is a good idea - it aint happening bc of this. These are connected issues. Instead of that steak dinner, here's some chicken that will do, courtesy of county mismanagement and bankrupt leadership.
That leads back to the short term and long term solutions here. We don't need a new jail or an old jail or a yellow jail or a purple jail. Bottom line: We just need to fix DOJ's list of problems. It's as simple as that. We don't need $280 million to do that either.
Then in the long term, we need to get the county out of this, and this is as good an issue as any to evoke that needed discussion on county home rule. We've come oh so close before but for the lobbying power of the county commissioners to keep their jobs. It's really that simple. The reason the voters can't fix the issue by electing some enlightened county commissioners is bc there is no such thing. County govt is a form of govt that works in rural areas, not in urban areas. One of the reasons that county govt simply can't be fixed at the ballot box is bc the only people who are going to run for this office are those who care about the unincorporated areas, and yet somehow they are funded almost entirely by incorporated areas. Other states relegate unincorporated governance to townships which are left to fend for themselves as they should.
The uniquely bizarre arrangement we have here is a redistribution of resources from the urban to the rural, which is really how Oklahoma has always operated anyway. Oklahoma County has sort of become more urban than rural, I would say. Same for Tulsa County (not sure but they might not have any unincorporated territory at all, so maybe they have more of a coordinating role between muni's ala INCOG, I don't know). All the other counties can keep the form of govt that works for them. There is a reason that fiscal demands are moving more urban counties toward consolidated governance, and I thought we were all for fiscal responsibility?
So just to recap (otherwise I know my argument will be falsely reconstructed), my issue isn't any of the jail nuances because I really don't care. My issue is 1, ardently preserving the MAPS penny increment (and I don't care how "ignorant" my defense of that makes me look, luckily it's just OKC Talk); 2, ensuring there isn't a dime extra spent beyond DOJ's list of needs; 3, finding a true long-term solution for better management going forward so that we aren't back in this situation.
I have major major concerns on all three of those fronts with the way this has been executed (seemingly unilaterally on the county's part). The county has de jure responsibility here, but we can fix that. There is a toolbox of solutions to get them out of the way. Just as I'd be concerned if I was the project manager here with what little I know about jails, the county doesn't seem any better. They have 1 goal which should be perfectly clear to all: To increase the county budget. Period. From an urban perspective, I can't figure out what exactly the county does that produces value for the city.
Plutonic Panda 01-19-2016, 04:37 PM Deferred decisions: Feds give county two more years to fix jail | The Journal Record (
warreng88 01-19-2016, 08:36 PM Deferred decisions: Feds give county two more years to fix jail | The Journal Record ( decisions: Feds give county two more years to fix jail
By: Dale Denwalt The Journal Record January 19, 2016
OKLAHOMA CITY – Attorneys with the U.S. Department of Justice have agreed to hold an action for two years while Oklahoma County remedies its jail situation.
District Attorney David Prater said he met with the DOJ a week ago in Washington, D.C., and asked for the reprieve, which would prevent any federally initiated civil rights court action against the county. The DOJ could have entered a consent decree or filed a lawsuit – both of which would have been considered litigation against Oklahoma County.
“They’ve now said they’re not going to do either,” Prater said.
Roy Williams, president of the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, told the Oklahoma City Rotary Club 29 about the DOJ’s decision. Part of the reason the feds are willing to back off is a task force’s involvement and the hiring of a firm to study the county’s criminal justice system.
“The threat of a takeover is now on the sideline,” Williams said. “They all believe we will actually implement a better and broader solution for this process than the feds coming in and taking over the system.”
The chamber-backed task force includes 17 of the state’s most powerful business, government and civic leaders as members.
Williams presented on Tuesday the findings of an initial study ordered by the task force. The Vera Institute of Justice noticed several key drivers of the county’s jail overpopulation. Three-quarters of arrests are for misdemeanor or lower crimes, and the nonprofit social science consulting organization said there’s a lack of community interventions such as mental health and substance abuse alternatives to incarceration.
Williams also noted that Vera found inmates who spend up to 10 days in jail without charges filed and without an attorney.
“We have a situation where we have a fairly significant inefficiency in the charging and arraignment process,” Williams said.
Other problems found in the short study showed that inmates might spend longer times in jail because public defenders have a financial incentive to file continuance motions, and poor inmates could fall into a cycle of debt and jail time just because they can’t pay the county’s fines.
“Inappropriate sentencing can, in turn, create even worse social outcomes for the individual, for the individual’s family and for the community as a whole,” said Williams.
The task force has agreed to engage Vera for a second, more in-depth study of the county’s criminal justice system and jail, which could take seven to nine months to complete. Williams said there won’t be any proposals to renovate or replace the jail until after the phase-two recommendations are presented.
“By completion of this process, we will begin to understand then what our long-term facility needs are – both the type of facilities we need and the size of the facilities we will need,” he said.
Sheriff John Whetsel, who is in charge of the jail and frequently criticizes conditions there, said he is willing to wait until the public can be presented with the best idea.
“Obviously we have an immediate need and concern, but I’m also very committed to the objectives and the mission of the task force,” Whetsel said. “It’s extremely important that whatever it is we do, we do right.”
Before getting the reprieve, there was worry that the Justice Department might require new facilities at taxpayers’ expense, regardless of the county’s best intentions. Officials said previously that given Oklahoma County’s budget, the debt would probably be paid via a property tax hike over three years if voters did not approve some other form of funding.
Plutonic Panda 01-19-2016, 10:30 PM Oklahoma County gets two-year reprieve to resolve jail issues | News OK (
Spartan 01-19-2016, 10:37 PM So AFTER the next MAPS vote.. which this will be used as ammo against. Pros and cons.
David 01-20-2016, 08:22 AM So, two more years of zero action, and then the feds will be back.
Spartan 01-21-2016, 09:26 AM Basically.
I just hope we get really serious NOW about finding ancillary ways to soften the problem, else it will grow and be even more difficult in the future.
I'm not at all against fixing this issue, which I see as both safety and QoL. Just building Whetsel a new jail isn't the solution though. Come on... that dude has flow charts for solving every problem in town that lead to him getting another new jail.
Plutonic Panda 02-15-2016, 08:49 PM Couple of articles from NewsOk about this:
Multiple fees, fines and bail charges add to Oklahoma County jail crowding | News OK (
ljbab728 02-20-2016, 11:42 PM Somehow, this isn't much of a surprise.
Judge says Oklahoma County jail is overcharging inmates | (
Oklahoma County jail inmates have been overcharged for years for the days they spent locked up, a judge has
"I'm appalled," District Judge Ray C. Elliott said Thursday during a hearing over what the daily incarceration rate should be this year.
The judge Thursday became upset after discovering that total has included such unrelated things as a percentage of the salaries paid to court clerk employees, county juvenile justice bureau workers and the county public defender's staff.
"How in the world can you justify that?" the judge asked angrily and repeatedly as he went over the so-called indirect costs added to the jail's total operating costs. "I think the public needs an explanation."
warreng88 04-20-2016, 08:00 AM OKC Council approves TIF funds for county jail
By: Brian Brus The Journal Record April 19, 2016
OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma County Jail will receive a multimillion-dollar boost from the Oklahoma City municipal government for badly needed upgrades and repairs.
“I, for one, am thrilled and very thankful for the assistance,” said Willa Johnson, one of three Oklahoma County commissioners who manage a $185 million budget separate from the city’s $1 billion budget. “The county doesn’t have any money, I can tell you that. We don’t have enough to operate the jail in an appropriate way. We just can’t afford it, so any help we get is greatly appreciated.”
City Council members approved the request for $3.4 million without comment Tuesday. The money comes from TIF No. 2, the second tax increment finance district created out of about a dozen now in operation across the city.
Tax increment finance districts have become a popular funding vehicle for large-scale economic development throughout the state. According to the Oklahoma Tax Commission, local governments across the state had more than $445 million in active TIF districts in 2015.
A TIF typically is designed to set aside a small portion of property or sales taxes from a bounded area and dedicate those funds to pay for public improvements. The target for improvement usually falls within the TIF, and the arrangement has a finite life span unless a city council extends it.
For example, Oklahoma City TIF No. 3 was designed to promote the redevelopment of the historic Skirvin Hotel downtown, now operated by Hilton and identified by City Hall’s website as the jewel of the city’s hospitality industry. TIF No. 8 is dedicated to streetscaping and infrastructure improvements around the Devon Energy skyscraper.
TIF No. 2 was created in 2000 to capitalize on the original MAPS projects by promoting redevelopment around downtown. City Council members agreed to amend its original purpose in February this year so that other taxing jurisdictions – public school districts, for example – could also benefit directly, economic development project manager Brent Bryant said.
County commissioners requested the money to support capital needs and capital improvements to public facilities including replacement of the downtown County Annex Building roof, concrete repair to the courthouse, a new front entrance and security system for the annex, upgrading exterior lights, remodeling the ninth floor of the courthouse, jail roof replacement and upgrading the county jail fire notification system.
In September, the TIF No. 2 Review Committee approved the allocation for county projects as assistance in development financing.
That was good enough for council members Tuesday. County Engineer Stacy Trumbo showed them photos of the repairs needed and told them that conditions at the jail are so bad that detainees have been diverted to other holding areas.
Councilman Ed Shadid said after the meeting that he was not pleased with the deal, but he did not speak up because the fight had already been lost months earlier when City Hall and the Alliance for Economic Development agreed to create six new TIFs downtown. Shadid said Tuesday’s agenda item was a trade-off for political support earlier.
“All that stuff the county needs fixed? It’s their responsibility,” Shadid said of the commissioners.
Jail operations have been under scrutiny for years, beginning shortly after it was opened in 1991. Problems have included window escapes by detainees, plumbing accidents and staff shortages because of floor designs. In 2008, the Justice Department determined that inmates’ constitutional rights were violated due to overcrowding. The memorandum of understanding signed at the time allowed operations to continue as long as corrective efforts were made. Federal officials gave the jail an extension this year while officials work on reforms in the justice system.
County commissioners also have had to deal with a breach-of-contract complaint by Armor Correctional Health Services when the sheriff’s office failed to pay a $3 million debt remaining from 2014-15.
Plutonic Panda 05-02-2016, 03:00 PM
OKCPetro83 05-02-2016, 08:13 PM If derplahoman lawmakers decriminalized drugs the way of Portugal, I wonder what things would look like.
Plutonic Panda 06-16-2016, 08:26 PM
OK County Expected To Announce New Jail Plans
Posted: Oct 18, 2016 4:42 AM CDT
OKLAHOMA CITY - A new plan will be unveiled today for the troubled Oklahoma County Jail.
Representative Mike Christian will announce what he calls a "groundbreaking" plan for the jail later this morning.
Interest in updating the county jail isn't new. Some of the major issues there have been magnified by inmate deaths, federal civil rights investigations, and lawsuits. At the same time, there are concerns about overcrowding and under-staffing, raising questions about sanitation and safety.
Plans have stalled so far to vote this year on a sales tax to help build a more than $300 million jail. That tax initiative would have also included plans for money to buy fire and police equipment and a citizens advisory board.
Today's announcement will be at Couch and Shartel, just adjacent to the jail at 10 a.m.
bombermwc 10-18-2016, 08:32 AM One thing that will help people decide to vote for a new facility is to get a new Sherrif to manage it. Get Whetsel out and i think more people will be willing to vote for it. Why allow someone that's so bad at his job to make any decisions on a new facility? He didn't build the current facility, but he for sure has overseen it's downfall.
jerrywall 10-18-2016, 08:51 AM Get Whetsel out and i think more people will be willing to vote for it. Why allow someone that's so bad at his job to make any decisions on a new facility?
Really? I'm not a Whesel fan, but I don't get the feeling there's a consensus that he's bad. People seem to like him for some reason.
Jeepnokc 10-18-2016, 09:00 AM Really? I'm not a Whesel fan, but I don't get the feeling there's a consensus that he's bad. People seem to like him for some reason.
I like Whetsel but it is taking 24-36 hours to process someone in and out of the jail. That is ridiculous. Used to take 4 -6 hours. You get arrested Saturday night and you may not make it to work on Monday. The lawsuits for abuse and medical neglect are bothersome also. The processing and jail are understaffed which I understand budget cuts but not when you have deputies out patrolling the same streets that are already protected by municipal and state law enforcement. The problem is that the alternative isn't too attractive either either.
LakeEffect 10-18-2016, 09:36 AM Really? I'm not a Whetsel fan, but I don't get the feeling there's a consensus that he's bad. People seem to like him for some reason.
People aren't really focused on him, so he gets away with things...? I don't like his opponent's tactics in this campaign, so it's a tough vote.
Personally, I don't understand why the Sheriff's Office has such an arsenal of operational machinery, when the unincorporated area that the County handles is only 128 square miles (total county is 720 square miles). There are 20 incorporated areas in the County, and the majority of those have their own police forces as well... He parades that machinery around in a show of force, and the jail sits neglected...
jerrywall 10-18-2016, 09:54 AM Personally, I don't understand why the Sheriff's Office has such an arsenal of operational machinery, when the unincorporated area that the County handles is only 128 square miles (total county is 720 square miles). There are 20 incorporated areas in the County, and the majority of those have their own police forces as well... He parades that machinery around in a show of force, and the jail sits neglected...
This is exactly my problem. Every time I see his ridiculous parade of equipment in the Edmond 4th of July Parade I just fume. I know most of the vehicles say "donated" on them, but it still seems ludicrous.
MagzOK 10-18-2016, 12:24 PM Not here to argue for or against, but from what I understand the vehicles are purchased and spruced up with drug money and federal grants in return for drug scores that is for that type of stuff.
jerrywall 10-18-2016, 04:02 PM Audit report on sheriff's office came out today -
Approximately $900,000 was spent on the purchase of Sheriff vehicles during a time when other obligations of the Sheriff’s Office were not being met.
Spartan 10-18-2016, 07:03 PM The county administration has a long, proud history of wanton corruption, with its banner years being in the 1980s, rescinding after the county commissioners scandal, and now I do believe Whetsel has brought that culture back.
The obvious solution is to merge the city and county govt, enhancing and streamlining accountability as well as resources for the functions carried on by both - especially where there is overlap (basically anything the county does).
The short-term solution is to vote Whetsel out, even if that means voting for another Republican. I have real concerns about why a Republican wants to be county sheriff and how he would pursue non-violent poor offenders, but it can't be any worse than a 6th term for Whetsel.
It's not that nobody has called Whetsel out for these things over the years. The Gazette has done a fine job IMO, and kudos to David Prater for the high standard he brings to the judge and demands of his side of the justice system. Prater is the second best politician in Oklahoma, after Mick Cornett.
bombermwc 10-19-2016, 08:03 AM People aren't really focused on him, so he gets away with things...? I don't like his opponent's tactics in this campaign, so it's a tough vote.
Personally, I don't understand why the Sheriff's Office has such an arsenal of operational machinery, when the unincorporated area that the County handles is only 128 square miles (total county is 720 square miles). There are 20 incorporated areas in the County, and the majority of those have their own police forces as well... He parades that machinery around in a show of force, and the jail sits neglected...
Big one for me too. He purchases all this crap on bonds or grants, but that doesn't pay for maintenance, fuel, etc and it's equipment that the municipalities do NOT need. Talk about the militarization of the police force, look no further. Because we totally need a freaking armored personnel carrier.
Another one for me, STAY OUT OF THE CITIES! His job is to patrol UNincorporated areas, yet we see them more often in the cities than where they are supposed to be.
Given the above statement, the force is too large on patrol for 128 miles of rural area. You simply do NOT need as much force for rural areas and if he would stick to that, we would have more funding for things like the jail.
The management of the jail and all of the processes in there is a very big item too. As mentioned, he's caused crowding because of the inefficiencies in operations. Again, it's not staffed properly because we have so much funding taken up by patrol officers running around in town. Hell, i see more county sherrif patrol cars on the highways than i see OHP!!!!
I think the only reason he hasn't been ousted yet is because the opponents always seem to be worse than him. I'm not sure that this year is any better.
I think we might be better off by merging the patrols and having the county contract those patrols out to the closest municipality. MWC/OKC/Moore/etc. There is an immediate efficiency in consolidating the administrative side as well as the physical assets like vehicles/buildings/etc. Adding a couple of officers to those cities spreads the cost out too. Tinker did that with their EMS services, contracting out to Midwest Regional years ago. It only takes 2 units to cover the whole base, just like it did with Tinker airmen doing it. But they get better coverage when a unit is on a call because others from the MRMC fleet can back-cover from having the larger fleet to pull from. Same thing here.
Step one though, get the existing administration gone so things can start over.
jerrywall 10-19-2016, 08:51 AM I've always wondered why the OKCPD doesn't maintain their own jail facilities...
rezman 10-19-2016, 10:24 AM Canadian County does the same thing. They like to bring out all their toys as a show of force. This year, they had 2 brand new Victory Police bikes added to the mix, but was unable to get a good shot of them. That stuff just pisses me off.
Spartan 10-19-2016, 07:25 PM I've always wondered why the OKCPD doesn't maintain their own jail facilities...
Judicial functions do make more sense at the county level, however, that can also be consolidated with a city govt.
Logan County could take Edmond and Lincoln County could take MWC. Nichols Hills, Village, Bethany, etc could just be unincorporated or autonomous areas like Belle Meade in Nashville Metro Government's footprint.
bombermwc 10-21-2016, 09:15 AM I believe they do have some limited facilities like any other suburb has in town. The intent is to hold for very short stuff. anything more than 12 hours is probably sent off to county.
BBatesokc 12-30-2017, 09:30 AM From News OK (9/14/2017) - OKC Police Chief: "We're just putting fewer people in jail." (
This effort to keep the jail census low is getting out of hand. Over and over again I see people being granted low bond or no bond (O.R.) releases - even in violation of our own laws.
I'm not talking about non-violent offenders.
Recent example:
Shaquan Shananae Miles, 23, was recently charged with the Human Trafficking of a minor from out of state. Her co-defendant pleaded guilty fairly early on and was sentenced to 16-years in prison (combined with other active cases).
Upon her original arrest, Miles was assigned a bond of $50,000. That amount was then raised to $200,000 at arraignment.
At Miles' preliminary hearing (she waived it) her bond was lowered to $0 (O.R. bond).
A month later Miles failed to appear in court and a warrant was issued. Miles was arrested on that warrant and went before the judge who gave her an O.R. bond.
Miles was then released again, this time on a $100 bond.
At the time of her arrest, Miles was on probation for a 2012 conviction for aggravated assault and battery. Miles is also charged in Comanche County for violation of the Mary Rippy Violent Crimes Registration Act.
Human Trafficking is considered a violent crime and requires a convicted offender to serve at least 85% of the sentence. How does the system justify this?
Furthermore, Oklahoma law doesn't allow for anyone charged with Human Trafficking to be released on anything less than a $15,000 bond.
From OSCN: Okla. Statutes Citationized, Title 22, Chapter 19 - "Bail, by sufficient sureties, may be admitted upon all arrests for violations of Sections 1028, 1029, 1030, or 1081 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes and shall be in an amount of not less than Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00). Bail on personal recognizance bond for such offenses shall not be admitted."
This is not an isolated case.
PlaschkeSucks 04-28-2018, 12:53 PM I like Whetsel but it is taking 24-36 hours to process someone in and out of the jail. That is ridiculous. Used to take 4 -6 hours. You get arrested Saturday night and you may not make it to work on Monday. The lawsuits for abuse and medical neglect are bothersome also. The processing and jail are understaffed which I understand budget cuts but not when you have deputies out patrolling the same streets that are already protected by municipal and state law enforcement. The problem is that the alternative isn't too attractive either either.
Whetsel is/was a crook as is the whole Sheriff's department. Taylor isn't any better but not as bad.
Taylor isn't any better but not as bad.
Politics aside, these two statements are mutually exclusive.
bombermwc 04-30-2018, 07:46 AM My understanding from someone that worked at the jail is that Taylor was more responsible for the issues at the jail than Whetsel beacuse Taylor was the one doing the operations there. So we really need to see who's doing ops at the jail now to see what they're doing. Also, assuming Taylor doesn't but all the stupid crap toys and stops patrolling in the cities, then maybe they'll have funding to send to the jail rather than on maintaining equipment that sits 99.9% of the time or duplicating coverage in the city/burbs.
Plutonic Panda 01-08-2019, 11:05 PM I don’t have access to this article(I’ll probably buy a sub soon) but the headline seems encouraging.
Plutonic Panda 09-03-2019, 06:02 PM It looks like the Sheriff's office will no longer be in charge of running this jail. I am highly critical of Whetsel but I haven't really kept with Taylor so I am not sure if this is a good thing or if Taylor wasn't given a chance. Either way changes are obviously needed so I'm leaning towards this being a good thing. A new jail is the best outcome and hopefully it isn't placed way out in the sticks. It needs to stay close to the core and accessible to more services and transit for those released and its workers.
I have noticed a change in the patrolling of freeways and less traffic stops from the Sheriffs. I am not a fan of the new paint job as it makes the patrol cars more inconspicuous which should NOT be the case, IMO.
Oklahoma County Sheriff P.D. Taylor sat tight-lipped in his seat at the far left end of the Oklahoma County commissioner’s conference table, waiting to call out his vote.
Taylor, sheriff since 2017, had just given an emphatic speech about improvements his office made at the county jail and his desire for the Oklahoma County Jail Trust to let him keep running the operation.
Things didn’t go his way.
Taylor listened as six trustees voted "yes" to hire an outside administrator to run the jail. He was one of only two "no" votes.
“I really thought I could prove myself by doing a good job,” Taylor said days after the Aug. 19 vote. “That is where I was probably incorrect.”
Two years of targeted reforms were not enough to curb the power of a 28-year tidal wave of public frustration, costly lawsuits, inmate deaths, mismanagement and political scandal.
PD Taylor is John Whetsel Part 2.
Plutonic Panda 09-03-2019, 08:04 PM ^^^ disappointing if that is the case but not surprising.
Hollywood 09-04-2019, 01:27 AM I wonder what those in Deer Creek will be thinking when it comes to law enforcement protection. For several years Whetsel made sure those in DC were covered, now I just don’t see how the SO can truly sustain adequate field operations to truly patrol areas.
Got to be some residents thinking thst annexing into Edmond (keeping their existing fire dept, schools, and water service) may be the better long term move...
BoulderSooner 09-04-2019, 06:37 AM I wonder what those in Deer Creek will be thinking when it comes to law enforcement protection. For several years Whetsel made sure those in DC were covered, now I just don’t see how the SO can truly sustain adequate field operations to truly patrol areas.
Got to be some residents thinking thst annexing into Edmond (keeping their existing fire dept, schools, and water service) may be the better long term move...
this will free up more reasources for patrols
BBatesokc 09-04-2019, 08:14 AM Not surprising. The jail is a complete mess, it's far more dangerous than most any part of the metro, the staff is frustrated unhappy and has a terrible reputation in the minds of the public (some well deserved). We needed more change than simply putting the #2 man in charge after Whetsel left.
CloudDeckMedia 09-04-2019, 09:16 AM I wonder what those in Deer Creek will be thinking when it comes to law enforcement protection. For several years Whetsel made sure those in DC were covered, now I just don’t see how the SO can truly sustain adequate field operations to truly patrol areas.
Got to be some residents thinking thst annexing into Edmond (keeping their existing fire dept, schools, and water service) may be the better long term move...
Patrols & jail are two completely separate functions of OCSO.
The Shadow 09-04-2019, 10:26 AM Not surprising. The jail is a complete mess, it's far more dangerous than most any part of the metro, the staff is frustrated unhappy and has a terrible reputation in the minds of the public (some well deserved). We needed more change than simply putting the #2 man in charge after Whetsel left.
Not to mention, the number of years he was the #2 man in charge.