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04-27-2023, 11:47 AM
I lived a half mile from the current jail for almost 3 years and never had a single jail related issue. Sunset bar was bigger threat to my safety than the jail ever was.

I lived across the street for 5 years. No problems whatsoever. The worst thing the jail brings is a bunch of tacky bail bonds shops. Aside from that, there will likely be no issues.

04-27-2023, 12:47 PM
I lived across the street for 5 years. No problems whatsoever. The worst thing the jail brings is a bunch of tacky bail bonds shops. Aside from that, there will likely be no issues.

When I lived at 8th & Shartel, I called it the Bail Bond District.

Plutonic Panda
04-27-2023, 11:02 PM
VeloCity Article:

04-28-2023, 06:06 PM
When I lived at 8th & Shartel, I called it the Bail Bond District.

Hmmm, catchy real estate moniker .... BaiBo.....

Plutonic Panda
06-30-2023, 09:34 AM
It looks like they have revised some of the sites they will consider and that now includes the current site as well:

06-30-2023, 10:09 AM
Reusing the current site would be a terrible mistake, IMO. I'm sure it was fine back in the early 90's when the current jail was built and Downtown OKC was in a state of disarray. But since then, areas around the jail have been revitalized and the current site can now be put to a better use.

Plutonic Panda
06-30-2023, 10:15 AM
While redevelopment opportunities would be amazing I am more for keeping the jail downtown and closer to the courthouse. It just makes more sense. Many major cities have downtown jails and they work out.

06-30-2023, 04:05 PM
They may have included the current site, but the odds are pretty low that they would select it. Property size is a big issue and what would they do with the inmates during construction? Would they just build on the parking lot? That just leads to a multistory building which is one of the reasons why the jail has so many issues.

07-02-2023, 12:56 PM
I don’t get the “requirement” that the jail be 1-3 stories. … wherever the site is should dictate the rising.

I personally think they should sell the current site (which gets redeveloped and the tower repurposed) and a NEW TOWER is build closer to the courthouse. As mentioned earlier, plenty if not most other major cities have highrise jail towers downtown and close to the courthouse and are run just fine. I think that needs to be an option and we need to stop building everything so far away for the sake of it.

one other compromise could be a twin location option where we build/keep the downtown highrise with detention cells but also build an incarceration facility for long/er term stays outside of downtown. I believe LA and Chicago May work this way, but it’s probably forever “fix” the jail concern since not everything is constrained yet we still have the downtown location for court action. My thought is, defendants are initially booked and kept in cells downtown, they get hearings, then when sentenced they are bussed to the new location outside of downtime for “hard time” or longer processing. One at the new facility they could remain or then be processed to other facilities like Mac or return downtown for more court action. This idea offers the best flexibility and inmate experience while not overloading the system.

07-28-2023, 08:59 AM
Per post #47 in the Red Ridge thread, 4 potential sites for the new jail were eliminated on Tuesday. Does anyone know which sites are still in contention? A quick Google search turned up no new articles on this.

Richard at Remax
07-28-2023, 09:59 AM
Per post #47 in the Red Ridge thread, 4 potential sites for the new jail were eliminated on Tuesday. Does anyone know which sites are still in contention? A quick Google search turned up no new articles on this.

There were the 4 sites that were eliminated:

2. 69 acres of land located at the northwest corner of I-35 and Britton Road and offered for sale by Oakes Technology Park, LLC
6. 89 acres of land located at NE 10th and I-35 and offered for sale by the Commissioners of the Land Office and the Oklahoma City Water Trust
7. 133 acres of land located at 5500 Lincoln Boulevard and offered for sale by the Commissioners of the Land Office
8. 51 acres of land located on the southwest corner of Portland Avenue and Memorial Road and offered for sale by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation

To add onto this, they also approved a motion to basically open it back up to receive new submissions from the public. As someone who is representing one of the pieces of land still in the running, this is a tad frustrating. I hear that they don't really like any of the sites and that's why this was made. I understand to an extent but this basically means that this process will drag on even longer.

07-28-2023, 10:08 AM
I still say the old Pull A Part site is the best location...

07-28-2023, 11:37 AM
I hope you win Richard.

07-28-2023, 12:58 PM
I don’t get the “requirement” that the jail be 1-3 stories. … wherever the site is should dictate the rising.

I personally think they should sell the current site (which gets redeveloped and the tower repurposed) and a NEW TOWER is build closer to the courthouse. As mentioned earlier, plenty if not most other major cities have highrise jail towers downtown and close to the courthouse and are run just fine. I think that needs to be an option and we need to stop building everything so far away for the sake of it.

I think the 1 -3 stories requirement is out of fear that the new jail will be built to crappy standards again if built taller.

07-28-2023, 01:05 PM
I think the 1 -3 stories requirement is out of fear that the new jail will be built to crappy standards again if built taller.

it also deals with the fact they this will not be in the down town area

Dob Hooligan
07-28-2023, 01:18 PM
I don’t get the “requirement” that the jail be 1-3 stories. … wherever the site is should dictate the rising.

I personally think they should sell the current site (which gets redeveloped and the tower repurposed) and a NEW TOWER is build closer to the courthouse. As mentioned earlier, plenty if not most other major cities have highrise jail towers downtown and close to the courthouse and are run just fine. I think that needs to be an option and we need to stop building everything so far away for the sake of it.

one other compromise could be a twin location option where we build/keep the downtown highrise with detention cells but also build an incarceration facility for long/er term stays outside of downtown. I believe LA and Chicago May work this way, but it’s probably forever “fix” the jail concern since not everything is constrained yet we still have the downtown location for court action. My thought is, defendants are initially booked and kept in cells downtown, they get hearings, then when sentenced they are bussed to the new location outside of downtime for “hard time” or longer processing. One at the new facility they could remain or then be processed to other facilities like Mac or return downtown for more court action. This idea offers the best flexibility and inmate experience while not overloading the system.

It would be political suicide to suggest a tower. The city population knows "tower bad", and never gonna okay another one. At least not as a direct replacement.

07-28-2023, 01:48 PM
There is absolutely no doubt this will end up in one of the South OKC sites. This is total BS and a joke.

Plutonic Panda
07-28-2023, 02:07 PM
it also deals with the fact they this will not be in the down town area
I just knew you would say something like this. How did I know? I need to play the lottery today. . .

07-28-2023, 06:53 PM
There is absolutely no doubt this will end up in one of the South OKC sites. This is total BS and a joke.

where would you rather it be?

07-28-2023, 07:03 PM
It can go on Britton for all I care. However, South OKC shouldn’t be the catch all for every ****ty project the city doesn’t want. I.e., land fills, trash centers and jails. The fact of the matter is this all pre determined and there is political clout that will always ensure these projects never end up north. Optics absolutely ensures these projects will never end up in NE OKC. I hate the BS talk of ONE OKC but one side of town with ZERO political clout gets consistently crapped on. Additionally, this could easily go NW or West okc.

07-28-2023, 07:43 PM
It can go on Britton for all I care. However, South OKC shouldn’t be the catch all for every ****ty project the city doesn’t want. I.e., land fills, trash centers and jails. The fact of the matter is this all pre determined and there is political clout that will always ensure these projects never end up north. Optics absolutely ensures these projects will never end up in NE OKC. I hate the BS talk of ONE OKC but one side of town with ZERO political clout gets consistently crapped on. Additionally, this could easily go NW or West okc.

It's only one OKC when it comes to paying taxes and election time.

Jersey Boss
07-28-2023, 07:59 PM
So what sites are in contention?

07-29-2023, 03:43 PM
This whole thing is is so strange to me. Obviously the jail should be downtown. It should be close to the courthouse, close to the highest concentration of attorneys, close to where the bus lines converge (as many of the visitors are likely carless), in the geographic center so as to make it as equitable as possible for the highest concentration of people. As much as is possible, all civic uses should be downtown.

95% of county jails in the country are in urban environments, many of which are very close to gentrified districts.

I haven't followed this closely, but I understand that much of the problem with the current jail is shoddy construction. So build the replacement in a non-shoddy manner. But it just doesn't make geographic sense for this to be stuck in one directional part of town or the other.

07-29-2023, 09:28 PM
This whole thing is is so strange to me. Obviously the jail should be downtown. I.

this is not "obvious" and this is not what is going to happen ..

look at cleavland county and where that jail is ... and then apply that to OKC

07-29-2023, 10:49 PM
Proximity to the courthouse and government institutions should be a factor. Not right next door but closeby I would think. It's not a super-max. No one wants a jail near them, but someone has to lose...

07-30-2023, 12:57 AM
FWIW, I lived across the street from the jail for 5 years and never had a single issue with it.

07-30-2023, 06:40 AM
FWIW, I lived across the street from the jail for 5 years and never had a single issue with it.

More of a psychological thing I think. In theory it should be one of the safest neighbors to have. Anyone who escapes from jail is not going to linger around, and anyone who is avoiding jail will go somewhere more quiet for their dirty deeds.

Plutonic Panda
07-30-2023, 02:02 PM
It should be downtown.

07-30-2023, 09:43 PM
Or an industrial area.

07-31-2023, 07:40 AM
Or an industrial area.

ding ding ding we have a winner ..

07-31-2023, 07:47 AM
It absolutely will not be downtown as they are not building a tower model. It will take up a large amount of land and downtown wont be it. Move it to crossroads or an industrial area but there are a ton of locations that are in the central area of town without disrupting development downtown.

07-31-2023, 09:46 AM
The large vacant lot to the west of Acme Brick on the SW corner of NW 10th & Villa would be fairly close to an ideal site, IMO.

Dob Hooligan
07-31-2023, 10:10 AM
The large vacant lot to the west of Acme Brick on the SW corner of NW 10th & Villa would be fairly close to an ideal site, IMO.

I agree. Appears it isn't as large as they want.

07-31-2023, 05:38 PM
It’d be an improvement over Crossroads…

Plutonic Panda
08-03-2023, 04:09 AM
It looks like they are going to reconsider potential sites:

Dob Hooligan
08-03-2023, 09:07 AM
The large vacant lot to the west of Acme Brick on the SW corner of NW 10th & Villa would be fairly close to an ideal site, IMO.

The Free press article says the site must be 40 to 80 acres and 1000ft from any school. Acme site is 20 acres IIRC and next door to Positive Tomorrows elementary school

09-27-2023, 06:18 AM
possible locations for the jail will be limited to two Oklahoma City-owned properties near Will Rogers World Airport, the existing location of the Oklahoma County jail downtown, and a 71-acre property located at 1901 E Grand Blvd., offered for sale by Willowbrook Investments LLC and Garrett & Company Resources LLC

09-27-2023, 08:23 AM

if i was del city i wouldn't like the E grand location ..

09-27-2023, 09:29 AM
This is great news. I am pulling for the airport location by the Federal transfer facility. It is close enough to the center of the city to be convenient for most individuals. We are fortunate to have a lot of land around the airport that can be developed. Unless I am taking crazy pills it is also more isolated from residential areas than the other locations. The major thing I would like to see for the facility is a guaranteed ride for formerly incarcerated individuals to either the bus station, or a place like Palomar that can assist them with vocational and housing services. Some of the unhoused individuals in OKC are a result of mental health issues and that is a much bigger problem to overcome. If we could as a city work to reduce or better yet eliminate homelessness for previously incarcerated individuals, I believe it would go a long way towards creating a more stable society with better outcomes for our fellow citizens.

09-27-2023, 09:48 AM
This is no different than the behind the scenes that happened with the new DT arena. I told you all when all the sites were announced that this was 1000% ending up in South OKC. Shocker….

09-27-2023, 10:23 AM
This is no different than the behind the scenes that happened with the new DT arena. I told you all when all the sites were announced that this was 1000% ending up in South OKC. Shocker….

what location would be better?

09-27-2023, 10:24 AM
Many people live out by the airport, I’m not happy about adding another facility personaly and I don’t see this as being anywhere near the center of the city of county for that manner.

09-27-2023, 10:45 AM
There were many locations “considered”. Put it on Broadway extension for all I care or up around Lake Hefner. The point is South OKC is the catch all for all of the crappy projects no one wants in there back yard.

09-27-2023, 12:14 PM
Many people live out by the airport, I’m not happy about adding another facility personaly and I don’t see this as being anywhere near the center of the city of county for that manner.

The airport is bordered by major highways to the North and East as well as Industrial zoning to the West and South. Oklahoma county services Bethany, Choctaw, Del City, Edmond, Harrah, Mid West City, Nichols Hills, Nicoma Park, Oklahoma City, Spencer, The Village, Warr Acres, Arcadia, Forest Park, Jones, Lake Aluma, Luther, Smith Village, Valley Brook, Woodlawn Park, Newall, and Wheatland. The Airport is centrally located enough to accommodate all these municipalities. It may not be perfectly centered, but with the availability of land it is just about one of the best locations available. The area has some pretty clear physical boundaries that should limit interactions with the local community. We should all push for a program that provides free travel to the bus station or to housing and vocational services.

09-27-2023, 01:28 PM
There were many locations “considered”. Put it on Broadway extension for all I care or up around Lake Hefner. The point is South OKC is the catch all for all of the crappy projects no one wants in there back yard.

I'm just waiting for one of these north siders to come in and tell you how you are wrong.

Unfortunately as a Southsider myself, I find that what you said tends to be the reality. Sure we get some city money and some projects, but it's never the same quality IMO.

I'm sure someone will tell me wrong and I don't care, because this is my perception and no one has the right to tell me what to think.

09-27-2023, 01:32 PM
I'm just waiting for one of these north siders to come in and tell you how you are wrong.

Unfortunately as a Southsider myself, I find that what you said tends to be the reality. Sure we get some city money and some projects, but it's never the same quality IMO.

I'm sure someone will tell me wrong and I don't care, because this is my perception and no one has the right to tell me what to think.

what great projects does the "north" side get??

I mean hundreds of millions of dollars of projects at the airport don't count i guess?

09-27-2023, 01:39 PM
The airport is much more of its own thing than belonging to the south side, especially in this case. It is separated from all areas to the north and east by two limited-access highways, and to the south and west is basically farmland and sprawling McMansions, save for one large subdivision at SW 119th and Meridian.

09-27-2023, 03:01 PM
This is no different than the behind the scenes that happened with the new DT arena. I told you all when all the sites were announced that this was 1000% ending up in South OKC. Shocker….

I don't really see what's wrong with it ending up in a fairly isolated industrial area next to Trosper off Grand just southeast of downtown or near the airport where we already have a federal prison facility. I also don't even really consider either of those "South" OKC. The airport is western OKC if anything and the grand location is only about a mile as the crow flies from Okana.

Stick it directly at the north or south end of one of the runways where no one would ever want to build residential. Plenty of space on both ends and its all in directly in the flight path and not overly desirable for any other kind of development.

09-27-2023, 06:49 PM
The jail should not be built south of the river as south okc is stigmatized enough already. It is the perception that it is ok to dump undesirable projects in this area that is the issue. I have had coworkers from north okc refuse to venture south of the river or express fear at the thought of coming south. This happened even when south OKC was the safest part of the city. Many northsiders flat out refuse to dine or shop in south okc. Another person told me as a teenager their father forbade them from dating southside boys.

Maps has essentially stopped at the shore of the river even though it was promoted for the benefit of the entire city. A couple of senior centers ( one of which has been under contstruciton for 2+ years) is about all south OKC has received out of what a billion+ dollars. The Maps 3 AIrport/ S. May trail which was in the plan and used to get south okc votes was abandoned in favor of trails north of the river Apparently only one of the Maps 3 subcommitte memebers was from South OKC - this tells you Maps is not for SOKC. Ward 5 is the only ward in the city without trails. The city of OKC underserves and underfunds south okc.

The airport area is surrounded by neighborhoods. Public transportation is extremely limited in south okc. Is the proposed BRT between the airport and downtwon going to stop at the jail?

09-27-2023, 07:37 PM
The jail should not be built south of the river as south okc is stigmatized enough already. It is the perception that it is ok to dump undesirable projects in this area that is the issue. I have had coworkers from north okc refuse to venture south of the river or express fear at the thought of coming south. This happened even when south OKC was the safest part of the city. Many northsiders flat out refuse to dine or shop in south okc. Another person told me as a teenager their father forbade them from dating southside boys.

Maps has essentially stopped at the shore of the river even though it was promoted for the benefit of the entire city. A couple of senior centers ( one of which has been under contstruciton for 2+ years) is about all south OKC has received out of what a billion+ dollars. The Maps 3 AIrport/ S. May trail which was in the plan and used to get south okc votes was abandoned in favor of trails north of the river Apparently only one of the Maps 3 subcommitte memebers was from South OKC - this tells you Maps is not for SOKC. Ward 5 is the only ward in the city without trails. The city of OKC underserves and underfunds south okc.

The airport area is surrounded by neighborhoods. Public transportation is extremely limited in south okc. Is the proposed BRT between the airport and downtwon going to stop at the jail?

Yeah I care a lot more about “what is the best location” than worrying about any perceived stigma (ie…where can it be built on free or cheap and undesirable or at least industrial land that isn’t that close to anything else) . What neighborhoods are on the north side of the runways? There are probably fewer residential units south of the airport (because no one wants to live under a flight path) than there are where the jail is now….and few if anyone considers that “south OKC.”

as far as MAPS goes, there weren’t that many projects in general outside of the core…mainly the senior centers and trails which were also added on the south side.

the airport seems like a great place as far as transportation is concerned because it’s a natural destination for mass transit in the future.

Plutonic Panda
09-27-2023, 08:58 PM
The Best location is downtown. Either where it’s at or perhaps, maybe it should be part of a redevelopment of the current County building where the courts are. That parking garage is also not in the best condition either. The last time I was in the county court building it was in pretty rough shape.

Perhaps a new jail could be built where the parking garage is at and then the County building is rebuilt with subterranean Parking.

Pedestrian tunnels, could then be constructed the transport, prisoners, and or staff between the City Hall and county buildings, reducing the need for custody transport by Van.

09-28-2023, 12:16 AM
The Best location is downtown. Either where it’s at or perhaps, maybe it should be part of a redevelopment of the current County building where the courts are. That parking garage is also not in the best condition either. The last time I was in the county court building it was in pretty rough shape.

Perhaps a new jail could be built where the parking garage is at and then the County building is rebuilt with subterranean Parking.

Pedestrian tunnels, could then be constructed the transport, prisoners, and or staff between the City Hall and county buildings, reducing the need for custody transport by Van.

I go back and forth on this. On one hand, I think the convenience of having it downtown near the court house can't be understated and does draw a bunch of works/officers/attorneys/bailbondsman/etc downtown.

On the other hand, it's on land that's way more valuable than pretty much anywhere they're thinking about moving it and the county can sell that land for redevelopment which would probably cover a decent portion of the cost of the new jail or any other number or projects that the county has in the queue.

09-28-2023, 03:27 AM
Back in my hometown of Canton, Ohio, the county jail is 5 1/2 miles from the county courthouse and actually in a neighboring township. So, it's not unheard of for the county jail to not be in downtown. Yeah, it would be convenient for it to be near the courthouse, but the land that the current jail is one would be far better suited for something else other than the jail.

09-28-2023, 08:17 AM
Back in my hometown of Canton, Ohio, the county jail is 5 1/2 miles from the county courthouse and actually in a neighboring township. So, it's not unheard of for the county jail to not be in downtown. Yeah, it would be convenient for it to be near the courthouse, but the land that the current jail is one would be far better suited for something else other than the jail.

cleveland county jail is not in downtown by the courthouse ..

09-28-2023, 08:19 AM
Maps has essentially stopped at the shore of the river even though it was promoted for the benefit of the entire city.

Maps essentially stopped at 23rd street also .. going north .. where are the projects for the north side of the city??

wait you mean almost all of maps was focused on the center of the city "downtown" that belongs to everyone ...

wow what a concept ...

09-28-2023, 08:33 AM
I wonder how often we really need to be physically in the courtroom now with better video conferencing these days. It's county, so we're not looking at major trials from here are we? I'm not a law expert so i honestly have no idea if those folks stay somewhere else for longer.

And to be honest, once the jail moves, we do have the possibility of moving the county courthouse too. That building is a pile of crap as well. Maybe we could get a new county complex at the new site?

09-28-2023, 08:34 AM
Back in my hometown of Canton, Ohio, the county jail is 5 1/2 miles from the county courthouse and actually in a neighboring township. So, it's not unheard of for the county jail to not be in downtown. Yeah, it would be convenient for it to be near the courthouse, but the land that the current jail is one would be far better suited for something else other than the jail.

In my opinion the requirements for a jail require it to be designed to a pretty high standard structurally and mechanically. It is easier to design and maintain these building elements when you have the proper horizontal space. Downtown land is more expensive and there is pressure to maximize the volume of a building by increasing the vertical component like the current jail downtown. If downtown land is cheap and abundant then I would be okay with having the jail right next the courthouse. However Downtown space is limited and a choosing a spot with enough horizontal space to properly design and maintain the jail should be prioritized over the conveyance of the lawyers.

09-28-2023, 08:59 AM
The Best location is downtown. Either where it’s at or perhaps, maybe it should be part of a redevelopment of the current County building where the courts are. That parking garage is also not in the best condition either. The last time I was in the county court building it was in pretty rough shape.

Perhaps a new jail could be built where the parking garage is at and then the County building is rebuilt with subterranean Parking.

Pedestrian tunnels, could then be constructed the transport, prisoners, and or staff between the City Hall and county buildings, reducing the need for custody transport by Van.
This is honestly the best take and I agree with it. Just build a new jail on some of the lots surrounding the current location. Anyone who gets out jail currently has access to the bus station which is a few blocks away. Along with plenty of social services agencies as well.

There is zero reason to move to another part of the city other than the city not wanting that element downtown. Plenty of cities have their county jail downtown. The land is valuable but so what the efficiency of the jail, court house, law offices along with public transportation and social services within walking distance is more important.

09-28-2023, 09:01 AM
And to be honest, once the jail moves, we do have the possibility of moving the county courthouse too. That building is a pile of crap as well. Maybe we could get a new county complex at the new site?

We have already lost one of the old grand courthouses when the old courthouse burned and was torn down. I would agree that the County building is a dump but the courthouse has great bones and is a beautiful building that would be a great loss to tear down. Not to mention it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Here is the previous old courthouse which was located over near Main and Dewey where the holiday inn was built

09-28-2023, 10:22 AM
Random question, but I am going to ask it anyways: How much do you think the location will be swayed by what is happening around the existing jail currently from a development standpoint?