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Larry OKC 03-29-2010, 10:39 PM We just need Grant Humphreys to go buy the big Red Derrick from Six Flags...not sure how it compares to the Eiffel Tower but since everything in Texas is bigger etc. And if you have ever been up it, it offers an amazing 360 degree view of the Metroplex.
jbrown84 03-29-2010, 10:48 PM No no no no no no no no no no no
OKC@heart 03-29-2010, 11:34 PM Ah yes a fine idea...lets do all we can to thwart all of our progress and make the city a punchline for all the years that a one hundred million dollar oil dereck that looks like it has a couple of trailers attached to it midway up to the culmination of the observation deck that has a horible panel design that could I guess be sold as the largest and highest billboard sign at its crown. Stradling the Oklahoma river and embarassing the would be world class rowers from ever wanting to be seen in its waters.
This is one of those ideas where just be cause you can doesn't mean that you should. The verticle symbols that attain greatness do so becuase they communicate an idea or triumph, but do not articulate it in a literal way. It is in the articulation of the idea in an abstract way that is clear but, in itself unique and distinct. Set the Eiffel tower and the Oil dereck image together at scale and tell me which denotes beauty and class and style. Both are feats honoring revolutions of industry, however one is what was accomplished due to the change of industry, ie the casting of wrought iron. The other is simply taking an industrial object, that was in its own right a symbol, and supersizing it. By the way the symbol itself is having less and less appeal nationally and internationally, and would undobtably have very unintended consequences. Remeber we want to attract corporations from other locations to come and participate in the vibrant new OKC; the one who is innovative and cutting edge...and well if we just spent a huge sum of money to make our symbol one of the nature being proposed. It will not bode well for the future of the city. And I can almost write the quib late night show hosts dialogue of dismissal everytime something noteworthy or newsworthy is ever made public...not a pleasent thought.
Larry OKC 03-30-2010, 12:41 AM People have different tastes and some things become attractive (the Eiffel Tower was lambasted as ugly when it as proposed...think it was called the Awful Tower). I am NOT in favor of the design posted but it can be done well. One can embrace the history or try to run from it. What seems to work best is when you can take what some might see as a negative image and turn it into a positive. In any case, no matter what you do, you have to put a local spin on it otherwise you aren't any different from any other city.
Spartan 03-30-2010, 01:29 AM since everything in Texas is bigger etc.
But everything in Oklahoma is cornier.
Larry OKC 03-30-2010, 02:07 AM But everything in Oklahoma is cornier.
And darn right proud of it too! Can't wait to bring the kin folk down to the concrete ditch ...err "Bricktown Venice" :LolLolLol
jbrown84 03-30-2010, 05:57 PM no no no no no no no no no
BigD Misey 03-30-2010, 06:05 PM An oil derrick is an American icon of the past. I see nothing wrong with the thought of building one, especially one higher than the Eiffel Tower.
That makes one of us!
I promise if you do a pole on whether it should or should not be built, and show the proposed picture, it will be 80% no!
it lacks style, purpose and a uniqueness to OKC or OK for that matter. Yeah, OK has alot of them, but so does Texas and Kansas. An Oklahoman did not invent the various models that i know of. If something should be built for 100M dollars, it should be uniquely Oklahoman, built with style (at least the Eifle tower has that!). The rendering of that particular model I saw was, well, Lacking!
Will it have a story, history or be trendsetting? If it is to rival something, Could it be like the Statue of Liberty, only an Arapaho or Cherokee indian instead, designed by an American indian, an Oklahoman?
Oh boy...Rambling...
Dustin 03-30-2010, 06:20 PM I sincerely hope that you are being sarcastic in trying to promote that one hundred million dollar monstrosity
Monstrosity is RIGHT!! BLEH!
Let Rand design it and MAYBE.........Nahhhhh.
mmonroe 03-30-2010, 07:41 PM no no no no no no no no no
okrednk 03-30-2010, 10:37 PM That makes one of us!
I promise if you do a pole on whether it should or should not be built, and show the proposed picture, it will be 80% no!
it lacks style, purpose and a uniqueness to OKC or OK for that matter. Yeah, OK has alot of them, but so does Texas and Kansas. An Oklahoman did not invent the various models that i know of. If something should be built for 100M dollars, it should be uniquely Oklahoman, built with style (at least the Eifle tower has that!). The rendering of that particular model I saw was, well, Lacking!
Will it have a story, history or be trendsetting? If it is to rival something, Could it be like the Statue of Liberty, only an Arapaho or Cherokee indian instead, designed by an American indian, an Oklahoman?
Oh boy...Rambling...
It could be the world's largest arrow. As long as its not the typical monuments built in the U.S. I feel it should be something of Oklahoma's history. Why follow trend, buck the trend and hold on for the ride.
Larry OKC 03-31-2010, 12:53 AM Think that was one of the Oklahoma themes in a World's Fair (from Arrows to Atoms) or something like that. We already have some oversized arrows out at the with it I guess...maybe incorporate the Native American statue someone mentioned (think Tulsa was supposed to get this but is on hold) have him facing in the direction of the new Cultural Center maybe with the arrow jutting out of the ground as if the statue had shot it (think the pose that is on our new license plates)...
jbrown84 03-31-2010, 08:09 PM We don't need a giant anything...
OKC@heart 03-31-2010, 09:02 PM We don't need a giant anything...
:bright_id Amen!!! :bright_id
andy157 03-31-2010, 09:34 PM We don't need a giant anything...I guess Devon's Tower set us for life?
mmonroe 03-31-2010, 10:10 PM no phallus envy here
Dustin 03-31-2010, 10:19 PM We don't need a giant anything...
I dont mind giant things... Just as long as they look good. I dont think a giant eyesore on the side of the river will do any good for the city.
BigD Misey 03-31-2010, 11:26 PM We don't need a giant anything...
While that may be true... name the world famous landmark attractions that are not one of the largest if not the largest. That's more a request for input than a challenge to the validity of your point.
When I think of Paris, I think Eiffel tower...HUGE. NYC=Statue of Liberty or Huge buildings. St Louis=Arch, Huge again. All the space needles are 500 to 750' tall. Chicago - The fountains with the faces, something like 30ft tall screens, oh and the Sears Bldg (which is now named something else. Each Texas City boasts something the biggest whatever as a draw for tourism.
Unfortunately, notoriety and allure are often due to giant something's.
ljbab728 03-31-2010, 11:53 PM While that may be true... name the world famous landmark attractions that are not one of the largest if not the largest. That's more a request for input than a challenge to the validity of your point.
When I think of Paris, I think Eiffel tower...HUGE. NYC=Statue of Liberty or Huge buildings. St Louis=Arch, Huge again. All the space needles are 500 to 750' tall. Chicago - The fountains with the faces, something like 30ft tall screens, oh and the Sears Bldg (which is now named something else. Each Texas City boasts something the biggest whatever as a draw for tourism.
Unfortunately, notoriety and allure are often due to giant something's.
And when I think of Rome, I think of the Trevi Fountain. In London I think of the Tower Bridge and in Venice, it's the canals. Biggest isn't always the main draw.
jbrown84 04-01-2010, 02:37 PM Exactly. Our landmarks and iconic symbols don't have to be giant. There's the Memorial, the Crystal Bridge, and the future American Indian Cultural Center with the big hill/promenade.
A giant oil derrick is not original, and there are no "giant things" that haven't already been done.
Jettmiester 06-19-2010, 09:25 PM The Space needle is an attraction because it is a work of art and design. Not just because its huge. The giant oil derick is not a work of art or design. Take the Tower Of The Americas in San Antonio, it is larger than the Space Needle, and it sits in the shadows, has nowhere near the allure and notoriety Space Needle endures.
Spartan 06-19-2010, 09:27 PM The Space needle is an attraction because it is a work of art and design. Not just because its huge. The giant oil derick is not a work of art or design. Take the Tower Of The Americas in San Antonio, it is larger than the Space Needle, and it sits in the shadows, has nowhere near the allure and notoriety Space Needle endures.
Are you related to Shane Jett, the rep who first floated the idea of the huge oil derrick?
Jettmiester 06-20-2010, 04:53 PM Not at all. The Oil derrick is or would be a total eyesore.
Jettmiester 06-20-2010, 04:54 PM However, the Sunsphere in Knoxville is not the attraction it should be because it is not large or tall enough. Its all a matter of proper design.
RedDirt717 06-20-2010, 11:06 PM I wonder if we could buy this.
Durant, OK - World's Largest Peanut - Gone (
Bunty 06-22-2010, 11:13 PM Oklahoma City should get back at Texas for having America's biggest Ferris wheel by putting up America's new biggest Ferris wheel.
Jettmiester 06-25-2010, 01:41 AM Oklahoma City tried for a World's Fair,and now they are thinking of putting up a tourist attraction Ferris Wheel. Hmmm....the Ferris Wheel was invented for a World's Fair, the World's Columbian Exposition 1893 Chicago. What goes around Comes around (pun intended).
rcjunkie 06-25-2010, 05:55 AM Oklahoma City tried for a World's Fair,and now they are thinking of putting up a tourist attraction Ferris Wheel. Hmmm....the Ferris Wheel was invented for a World's Fair, the World's Columbian Exposition 1893 Chicago. What goes around Comes around (pun intended).
Jesseda 06-25-2010, 12:35 PM so is there actually any real plans to build something large and grand on the oklahoma river, or is this just what ifs
ljbab728 06-25-2010, 11:57 PM so is there actually any real plans to build something large and grand on the oklahoma river, or is this just what ifs
Other than the ferris wheel, which should eventually happen, everything else is sheer speculation or wishing.
Rover 06-26-2010, 02:11 PM We cannot compare what we need to do in OKC with what exists in Paris, Rome, London, etc.
The idea and advantage of a huge (tall) unique structure is that it will define our skyline and be shown every time OKC is displayed. That is why the space needle works in Seattle, the CN tower in Toronto, The Sears Tower in Chicago, the TransAmerica building in San Francisco, the arch in St. Louis, the GM Center in Detroit, the Hyatt tower/ball in Dallas, etc., etc. It would be one UNIQUE structure to be a logo mark for the city.
Bunty 06-26-2010, 02:35 PM I think the structure you're talking about is now under construction. It's the Devon Tower.
SkyWestOKC 06-26-2010, 02:47 PM That's exactly what I was thinking Bunty!
Larry OKC 06-26-2010, 05:01 PM We cannot compare what we need to do in OKC with what exists in Paris, Rome, London, etc.
The idea and advantage of a huge (tall) unique structure is that it will define our skyline and be shown every time OKC is displayed. That is why the space needle works in Seattle, the CN tower in Toronto, The Sears Tower in Chicago, the TransAmerica building in San Francisco, the arch in St. Louis, the GM Center in Detroit, the Hyatt tower/ball in Dallas, etc., etc. It would be one UNIQUE structure to be a logo mark for the city.
The Mayor has made those global comparisons with parts of MAPS 3 the Boulevard too. Unfortunately we Okies have this self-image problem and we feel that we need to keep saying to ourselves that we are good enough, smart enough etc etc. Much like the SNL character that would repeat affirmations into the mirror. Instead of doing something uniquely "us", we feel we have to imitate everyone else.
urbanity 07-29-2010, 08:37 AM ntinues_to_develop.aspx
metro 07-29-2010, 09:04 AM Gazette's server is down right now, can you post the story if you get a chance?
Just in case you all haven't seen this:
ljbab728 08-26-2010, 01:06 AM This is a nice feature from KFOR showing some of the new construction and an interview with Rand Elliott.,0,2434533.story
metro 08-26-2010, 08:41 AM Great shot of the Devon Boathouse project, the exterior is almost done.
Urban Pioneer 08-27-2010, 08:01 PM Pic I took yesterday.594
Platemaker 08-27-2010, 08:47 PM ehh... might as well post mine from yesterday too... not quite as good as Urban Pioneer's.
okcsince1987 02-05-2011, 03:52 PM Just wanted to know if anyone knew of any plans to bring clubs, restuarants, more hotels, ect... along the Oklahoma River. I'm aware of the 2 or 3 hotels around Meridian I think it is and 15th. I think it is long over due and would be awesome. Hopefully something like that happens while I can still enjoy it before I get too old. I'm 24 now. haha
G.Walker 02-05-2011, 04:00 PM The Waterfront:
Construction is slated to begin March of 2012...
Dustin 05-03-2011, 11:25 PM Take a look at this photo..
I can't figure out if this is the finished product or a computer generate image.
metro 05-03-2011, 11:27 PM That's real, not rendering
Dustin 05-03-2011, 11:28 PM Very nice! The FLT looks great!
wschnitt 05-04-2011, 11:00 AM That is also what everything looks like as we speak. I row down there everyday out of that boathouse.
OKCisOK4me 05-04-2011, 01:27 PM I like how the backside of Devon looked last night as I'm going from 235 South to 40 West after the game. It's only lit up in all white but I like it!
kevinpate 05-04-2011, 08:41 PM is the finish line tower accessible?
wschnitt 05-04-2011, 10:48 PM is the finish line tower accessible?
What do you mean? Open to the public at this moment-no
Open open at all-it could be used I supposed but have only seen construction people go in and out.
Before the Devon Boathouse was finished they were encouraging us, the USRowing Athletes, to go in and look around, but none of my teammates have been in the timing tower.
Goodengroup 05-05-2011, 11:54 AM Not sure if I've already posted this or not, but this is a video tour of the Whitewater Center in Charlotte, NC. This is the type of facility OKC is aiming for at the Oklahoma River through MAPS 3.
Featuring: Jennifer Eve
kevinpate 05-05-2011, 02:56 PM What do you mean? Open to the public at this moment-no ...
Thanks, that's what I was wanting to know. Probably will do a bit of walk about this weekend and if it were accessible, I imagine some decent views would be possible. Oh well, another time then.
stdennis 05-05-2011, 03:39 PM Do we know where the whitewater facility is going to be located exactly? If not what are some of your guesses? How big is it going to be? In the video they had zip-lines are there going to be other things outdoorsy connected or near there?
Architect2010 05-05-2011, 06:30 PM My guess would be directly east of boathouse row. So that it's nestled between that district, I-40, and I-35.
For some reason, this is where I always imagined it. No idea how realistic this site is though.
bluedogok 05-05-2011, 07:16 PM Real pic, the building is still under construction.....
For one, if it is a rendering you would never purposefully make the grass that bad or show exposed Georgia-Pacific DensGlass Gold sheathing in a rendering. It would be "dressed up" a bit more than what that picture shows.
Architect, that would be the perfect place and should be about the right size.
Charlotte's facility is about 50 acres and the area you outlined is more like 35, but I don't think ours will be as big anyway.
stdennis 05-05-2011, 08:01 PM I think Charlotte's is about 30 something acres and 45 after you add the parking lot... The area he highlighted is about 25 acres i would hope we would have a parking garage and wouldn't need as much space for a parking lot. And the lot could be north of the boathouses and be shared among the the boathouses and the rapids. That area or the pull apart land are the two locations i was thinking would fit the best depending on size
dankrutka 05-05-2011, 08:51 PM It's crazy to think how awesome the river is going to be in a few years when this is all done (assuming it's done well). It will be agreat asset to OKC... Really excited.
LuccaBrasi 05-05-2011, 09:53 PM I believe that is where is has been envisioned for quite a while now. And Pete is correct, I think the OKC facility is planned to be a bit smaller than Charlotte's. I believe Charlotte's was originally envisioned to be near their urban core but it never materialzed for many reason, thus it ended up futher out. In the end, I think it will have a bigger impact on OKC than most citizens can even fathom in terms of tourism and OKC shocking everyone by becoming a destination location for water sports.
metro 05-05-2011, 10:03 PM Pretty sure it's going in between I-35 and eastern on the north shore. I bet it's very unlikely to be at or near the highlighted section above. I'd also imagine that'd make too much current where they race row boats, where the more still the water, the better.