View Full Version : Props to the Road crews

02-05-2011, 06:51 AM
Late yesterday afternoon, while out on some errands I saw something I rarely see in Norman. A road crew on Robinson was using front end loaders to clear driveway cuts on the south side of Robinson which had been all but buried by grader work (and not just the business cuts.)


02-05-2011, 01:12 PM
Nice. Now if they would only get to the secondary residential areas to help give those of us that have to take a street or two to get to a main artery to have a decent drive.

02-05-2011, 01:20 PM
I saw cars getting stuck on Norman streets yesterday

02-05-2011, 01:37 PM
Nice. Now if they would only get to the secondary residential areas to help give those of us that have to take a street or two to get to a main artery to have a decent drive.

They won't and shouldn't do residential streets.
How would they decide where to start, and it would be totally unfair because they would never be able to clear every street in every neighborhood.

02-05-2011, 01:46 PM
Nice of them to do that and nice of you to mention it, Kevin.

02-05-2011, 01:52 PM
I have lived in a town of about 10,000 in western Oklahoma where they did plow virtually every street in town. They also salted and sanded virtually every street corner and hill.
This western OK town had a lot of people that had moved in from Minnesota who didn’t take no for an answer and didn’t put up with weak and lame excuses.

I also live in Guymon; they even plowed my alley if it was deep enough.

02-05-2011, 01:55 PM
I have lived in a town of about 10,000 in western Oklahoma where they did plow virtually every street in town. They also salted and sanded virtually every street corner and hill.
This western OK town had a lot of people that had moved in from Minnesota who didn’t take no for an answer and didn’t put up with weak and lame excuses.

I also live in Guymon; they even plowed my alley if it was deep enough.

If you need / want this type of service, move back to a small town, in a City the size of OKC or Norman it's impossible to clear every street.

02-05-2011, 02:54 PM
I have lived in a town of about 10,000 in western Oklahoma where they did plow virtually every street in town. They also salted and sanded virtually every street corner and hill.
This western OK town had a lot of people that had moved in from Minnesota who didn’t take no for an answer and didn’t put up with weak and lame excuses.

I also live in Guymon; they even plowed my alley if it was deep enough.

First it it good you are getting the snow cleared off roads fast and are glad the city is investing wisely, but Guymon got less snow in the storm. Second if you compare the work to clear every street on the north/south & east/west grid and the highways in Guymon, then proportionally OKC needs somewhere around 125 to 150 for every one snow plow in Guymon to cover only the snow routes that are in OKC (not including the snow routes the suburbs or counties are responsible for). And I am not even going to try and estimate the difference in residential road mileage but it is huge.

02-05-2011, 04:48 PM
First it it good you are getting the snow cleared off roads fast and are glad the city is investing wisely, but Guymon got less snow in the storm. Second if you compare the work to clear every street on the north/south & east/west grid and the highways in Guymon, then proportionally OKC needs somewhere around 125 to 150 for every one snow plow in Guymon to cover only the snow routes that are in OKC (not including the snow routes the suburbs or counties are responsible for). And I am not even going to try and estimate the difference in residential road mileage but it is huge.

Sure it’s a huge difference, but if I remember correctly Guymon had one road grader with a big V plow and one truck mounted plow and that also sanded and salted their streets.On edit Guymon did have a front end loader.
I can assure you that they see winter storms that are far more severe in the Oklahoma panhandle than anything we ever see in central Oklahoma.

I am not nessasarly asking for the same level of service but I also don’t think it’s at all unreasonable to have the snow routs plowed with in 48hr of a storms end. Clearly that has not been the case.

02-06-2011, 11:51 AM
all we need are plows on trash trucks like the big snow cities

02-06-2011, 12:49 PM
all we need are plows on trash trucks like the big snow cities

They didn't pick up my trash...

02-08-2011, 03:05 PM
The City crews did clear my residential street, which is probably the first time they have done that here in East Norman. I was quite surprised, the crews even collected the snow with a front-shovel truck into one corner of every off-shoot.