View Full Version : Scissortail Park

08-21-2012, 02:44 PM
Mayor Cornett deserves praise for seeking public input on the park. He did the same with MAPS 3. This transparency in process was obviously somewhat lacking with the boulevard, but he deserves kudos for stepping up on this.

08-21-2012, 03:05 PM
Mayor Cornett deserves praise for seeking public input on the park. He did the same with MAPS 3. This transparency in process was obviously somewhat lacking with the boulevard, but he deserves kudos for stepping up on this.

He's learning life long lessons fast I guess, he originally wanted the 'Skydance Bridge' to be named 'Oklahoma City Skydance Bridge'......I like the mayor, don't get me wrong, but iconic structures brand themselves, they need a named location as any kind of help.

09-10-2012, 10:10 AM
There will be a public meeting this Thursday at 6PM at the Downtown Library to solicit public input on Central Park. It will be the first of three such meetings:

Oklahoma City officials seek input on MAPS 3 park at community meeting | (

09-10-2012, 10:46 AM
There will be a public meeting this Thursday at 6PM at the Downtown Library to solicit public input on Central Park. It will be the first of three such meetings:

Oklahoma City officials seek input on MAPS 3 park at community meeting | (

I need a better work schedule :(

09-13-2012, 08:10 PM
Anyone at the meeting? i wasnt able to make it but have a friend there texting me updates. Says they have discussed about possibly have a driving range, which would be incredible for golfers.

09-13-2012, 09:48 PM
That would be pretty cool. I see fenced in driving ranges in urban settings in many big cities.

09-14-2012, 09:16 AM
Anyone at the meeting? i wasnt able to make it but have a friend there texting me updates. Says they have discussed about possibly have a driving range, which would be incredible for golfers.

wouldn't be my first choice. driving range is kind of an Eye sore in a public park in my opinion. Surely we can do better

09-14-2012, 09:39 AM
Here's the News 9 piece from last night:

OKC One Step Closer To Downtown Park (

Does anyone know where you can get the survey and submit that by mail or online if you weren't there last night?

09-14-2012, 09:40 AM
Here's the News 9 piece from last night:

OKC One Step Closer To Downtown Park (

Does anyone know where you can get the survey and submit that by mail or online if you weren't there last night?

they said the presentation and the survey would be on the maps 3 website .. today or tomorrow

09-14-2012, 10:01 AM
don't know about a driving range ... but i would love something link this St. Andrew's Himalayas Putting Course: Golf Digest (

09-14-2012, 01:39 PM
Something like Top Golf in Dallas would be nice.

09-19-2012, 12:47 PM
The City wants your opinion on the new Central Park, please take survey, I hope they do this for the new CC:

MAPS3 Downtown Park Activities and Amenities Survey (

09-19-2012, 05:15 PM
Thank you for posting that.

09-25-2012, 01:07 PM
Most recent property acquisition map shows that they are very close to finalizing all the purchases.

The medium blue properties in the lower right-hand corner are under contract.

The light blue at the top under litigation; meaning eminent domain action. However, they've already gone through this process with several other parcels and it went pretty quickly

09-25-2012, 01:39 PM
I'm not seeing the "light blue"?

is that V1, V3, and V4?

09-25-2012, 02:01 PM
Teo, yes.

09-25-2012, 02:04 PM
also of note is that the brown at the top odot property (off ramp from old I40) and will be turned over to okc after removal ..

09-25-2012, 02:07 PM
I can't wait to see this area cleared, as it's full of power lines and generally hideous concrete and shabby buildings.

Even a large, sodded area with a few benches and trees would make a massive difference and start to get the creative juices flowing for Core 2 Shore.

09-25-2012, 03:02 PM
I can't wait to see this area cleared, as it's full of power lines and generally hideous concrete and shabby buildings.

Even a large, sodded area with a few benches and trees would make a massive difference and start to get the creative juices flowing for Core 2 Shore.

What's the timeline for closing off and removing the intersectional streets?

09-25-2012, 11:18 PM
Just tossing this out there for an idea for our park. I absolutely love this.


09-26-2012, 09:22 AM
What's the timeline for closing off and removing the intersectional streets?

In a presentation to City Council yesterday, they said construction on Phase I (basic park) would be Summer 2013; so less than a year from now.

They also said they will soon begin acquiring land for the park south of the interstate. I was under the impression the south park was not part of MAPS 3, so I don't understand why this would be part of what they are doing now and they seem to plan on spending MAPS 3 funds to do it.

09-26-2012, 10:44 AM
In a presentation to City Council yesterday, they said construction on Phase I (basic park) would be Summer 2013; so less than a year from now.

They also said they will soon begin acquiring land for the park south of the interstate. I was under the impression the south park was not part of MAPS 3, so I don't understand why this would be part of what they are doing now and they seem to plan on spending MAPS 3 funds to do it.

The south park is part of MAPS3:


Upper Section Land Acquisition and Site Prep $18,432,000
Upper Section Phase 1 A&E/Design/Testing/Admin $1,431,000
Upper Section Phase 1 Construction and FF&E $8,374,000
Upper Section Phase 1 Project Contingency $539,000
Upper Section Phase 2 A&E/Design/Testing/Admin $10,393,000
Upper Section Phase 2 Construction and FF&E $57,652,000
Upper Section Phase 2 Project Contingency $3,710,000
Lower Section Land Acquisition and Site Prep $13,470,000
Lower Section A&E/Design/Testing/Admin $3,105,000
Lower Section Construction and FF&E $14,151,000
Lower Section Project Contingency $911,000

Total $132,168,000

09-26-2012, 10:57 AM
Thanks for the info.

It's good we are doing this so far in advance. The C2S stuff will only take shape with these parks largely in place.

09-26-2012, 02:57 PM
Just tossing this out there for an idea for our park. I absolutely love this.

Barry will be implementing those mandatory in his 2nd term, but seriously those are cool!

09-26-2012, 06:53 PM
political barf cleanup on aisle three please. barf cleanup on aisle three please.

back on topic .. last time I was in OKC I drove around the upper park area. Aside from Union Station, it's got no where to go but up. I look forward to taking the next generation there for playtime in a few years.

10-04-2012, 12:20 AM
I was in Overland Park Kansas this past weekend attending one of my daughter's soccer tournaments. They have a world class soccer complex there. OKC and the proposed new Central Park could benefit from having a venue like this. It would be a great draw and revenue generating facility. Hosting regional tournaments and local soccer club activities year round...

Link Overland Park Soccer Complex...

About the Soccer Complex – City of Overland Park (

Just the facts
10-04-2012, 08:18 AM
I was in Overland Park Kansas this past weekend attending one of my daughter's soccer tournaments. They have a world class soccer complex there. OKC and the proposed new Central Park could benefit from having a venue like this. It would be a great draw and revenue generating facility. Hosting regional tournaments and local soccer club activities year round...

That is what is proposed (or atleast was at one time) for Prominade Park that will be on the south side of I-40 (connected by the I-40 pedestrian bridge).

10-04-2012, 09:46 AM
That is what is proposed (or atleast was at one time) for Prominade Park that will be on the south side of I-40 (connected by the I-40 pedestrian bridge).

Could you refresh my memory with old renderings if they are at your disposal? Thanks.

Just the facts
10-04-2012, 09:52 AM
Could you refresh my memory with old renderings if they are at your disposal? Thanks.

You can see it here. Sorry, it is a big file. The northwest part of the park has 6 soccer fields. There are also 4 baseball fields adjacent and 2 tennis courts and 2 basketball courts near by. You can see them on Pg 48 of the PDF file.

10-04-2012, 10:48 AM
I was in Overland Park Kansas this past weekend attending one of my daughter's soccer tournaments. They have a world class soccer complex there. OKC and the proposed new Central Park could benefit from having a venue like this. It would be a great draw and revenue generating facility. Hosting regional tournaments and local soccer club activities year round...

Link Overland Park Soccer Complex...

About the Soccer Complex – City of Overland Park (

We already have that at South Lakes Park. City of Oklahoma City | South Lakes Park (

10-04-2012, 11:03 AM
It is such a beautiful park! It's just too bad it is in Texas.

I can see where it can be confusing but South Lakes is at SW 119th & Meridian.

10-04-2012, 11:20 AM
It is such a beautiful park! It's just too bad it is in Texas.

It's just south of Will Rogers airport a few miles.

10-04-2012, 11:49 AM
It is such a beautiful park! It's just too bad it is in Texas.

Don't worry, Sid. I got the joke.

Larry OKC
10-04-2012, 11:50 AM
WOW. We have had this since 2004???

Just the facts
10-04-2012, 12:42 PM
I was going to ask too if there was a stop for it on the Amtrak line. But wasn't sure enough people even knew we had one of those. ;-)

If we did it would take 9 hours to get there.

All joking aside, this is where the really large parks should be going, but you shouldn't have to drive your car to it. If anything, this park is way to small. It should be at least 10X to 20X as big as it is and connected to the urban core via an interurban line.

10-04-2012, 12:44 PM
I was going to ask too if there was a stop for it on the Amtrak line. But wasn't sure enough people even knew we had one of those. ;-)

yes lots of soccer teams are going to walk to a game ...

Just the facts
10-04-2012, 12:52 PM
yes lots of soccer teams are going to walk to a game ...

They do in Europe (and the rest of the world for that matter). Maybe that is why their soccer teams are better than ours. :)

10-04-2012, 01:05 PM
So you are telling me I didn't walk to the soccer games in Seattle? Or simply that you wouldn't?

i'm telling you that in a soccer complex with 16 fields is going to have lots of people drive to the game no matter where you locate it

10-04-2012, 01:08 PM
So you are telling me I didn't walk to the soccer games in Seattle? Or simply that you wouldn't?

show me where i said that ..... ? do you think that you are in the majority or minority?

10-04-2012, 01:11 PM
So you are telling me I didn't walk to the soccer games in Seattle? Or simply that you wouldn't?

Yes, i am telling you that... you skipped merrily... you did not walk!

10-04-2012, 01:29 PM
show me where i said that ..... ? do you think that you are in the majority or minority?

There's nothing special about majority or minority. Heck, our government system is even designed to protect the interests of minorities in the face of oppression by majorities (this is why we have a Republican Democracy). The fact that a majority of people currently prefer to drive does not mean we should continue to mindlessly perpetuate and prefer one mode of transportation to the detriment of others. And the fact that a majority of people prefer to drive is made even less meaningful when you consider that many of them would take up walking if provided the appropriate environment and infrastructure.

10-04-2012, 02:01 PM
There's nothing special about majority or minority. Heck, our government system is even designed to protect the interests of minorities in the face of oppression by majorities (this is why we have a Republican Democracy). The fact that a majority of people currently prefer to drive does not mean we should continue to mindlessly perpetuate and prefer one mode of transportation to the detriment of others. And the fact that a majority of people prefer to drive is made even less meaningful when you consider that many of them would take up walking if provided the appropriate environment and infrastructure.

show me where to build a 16 field soccer complex that has games all day long where 0 people would have to drive to the games???

Just the facts
10-04-2012, 02:27 PM
show me where to build a 16 field soccer complex that has games all day long where 0 people would have to drive to the games???

I guess step 1 would be to not build 16 soccer fields in one location. I did a quick search around the world and I can't find any place outside the US that have more than 4 soccer fields in one place.

10-04-2012, 03:19 PM
show me where to build a 16 field soccer complex that has games all day long where 0 people would have to drive to the games???

So now you've gone from a majority of people driving to zero people driving? It's helpful to not only think in black-and-white. Like Sid said, the vast majority of our city is dedicated to driving as the only practical transportation, however there are many people here who recognize and desire the many benefits to a lifestyle that involves their feet as their primary mode of transportation. If we refuse to enable different lifestyles in Oklahoma City, everyone will miss out on the advantages and benefits that diversity brings. We need to be a city that attracts urban dwellers or we will fall back into obscurity for rejecting the lifestyle of the majority of the population of the western world.

I know your point was to say that 16 contiguous soccer fields cannot be built downtown – that's true and I don't think anyone actually wants that – but we can strive for diverse, high-density amenities that include public spaces, large parks, restaurants, residences, and workplaces, all supported by streets and public transportation that encourage walking, whether it be to a destination near or far.

10-04-2012, 05:31 PM
Just posted on Urban Neighbors FB page:

Conceptual drawings of the MAPS 3 downtown park will be revealed and discussed during a community input meeting at 6 p.m. on October 25. The meeting will be held in the fourth floor auditorium of the Downtown Library, 300 Park Avenue.

Plutonic Panda
10-04-2012, 05:54 PM
I guess step 1 would be to not build 16 soccer fields in one location. I did a quick search around the world and I can't find any place outside the US that have more than 4 soccer fields in one place.Well, if you searched it on the internet than it means it is true.

10-04-2012, 06:03 PM
Two minute google searches is definitive research. :wink:

10-04-2012, 08:55 PM
Just posted on Urban Neighbors FB page:

Sweet, that's my birthday!

10-05-2012, 07:40 AM
My oldest daughter was enrolling in soccer to play here:,+Seattle,+WA&hl=en&ll=47.635118,-122.359103&spn=0.001999,0.005284&sll=47.628496,-122.357655&sspn=0.015994,0.042272&oq=queen+anne+&t=h&gl=us&hnear=Queen+Anne,+Seattle,+King,+Washington&z=18

BoulderSooner, for some reason you have completely bought into the notion that what isn't done here in OKC, isn't possible, or at least extremely rare. If I am wrong, what is your position again?

i have lived all over the world ..... my notion is not close to what you stated ....

my position is reality .. not idealism

10-05-2012, 08:28 AM
I showed you a map. I don't know how much more "reality" I can get.

okc is not seattle

10-05-2012, 09:00 AM
okc is not seattle

This is the second time you've switched arguments instantly when it suits you. First you say you've lived all over the world and imply that it is fanciful idealism to think that we could have a city that is built to foster something as natural and common as walking. Then Sid refers you back to his map of Seattle to demonstrate that it is, in fact, practical. Now you're back to saying it's just not possible in OKC. know...OKC is OKC, not Seattle. I'm not trying to attack you or belittle your input, but we're just trying to have honest discussions about improving our city in very real and achievable ways. I'm sure everyone would be welcoming of actual constructive input and criticism of ideas being discussed, but I personally am annoyed and put off by your whining and nay-saying. It's not helpful and it stymies the pursuit of a productive discourse.

10-05-2012, 09:06 AM
It isn't impossible to adequately size the facilities for current or expected use.

10-05-2012, 09:11 AM
Is this building mentioned as being "safe"?,-97.521683&spn=0.000861,0.001321&t=h&z=20

Do you mean: is there any possibility of the Little Flower Church being torn down? I have never heard a discussion about the Little Flower Church that didn't support it as an important part of the fabric of that area. I do not believe there is any possibility of it being torn down.

10-05-2012, 09:12 AM
I never said it was.

Moving on, since we have Wheeler so close, I think that adding additional sports options there might make more sense. Then eventually adding a small amount of sports facilities to the north of the CBD as that area increases density.

Very curious to see what they come up with at the meeting later this month. Excited to see this park moving forward!

I agree with you about expanding options at Wheeler. That seems perfectly logical. I'd like to see it as an important destination for community sports.

10-05-2012, 09:12 AM
This is the second time you've switched arguments instantly when it suits you. First you say you've lived all over the world and imply that it is fanciful idealism to think that we could have a city that is built to foster something as natural and common as walking. Then Sid refers you back to his map of Seattle to demonstrate that it is, in fact, practical. Now you're back to saying it's just not possible in OKC. know...OKC is OKC, not Seattle. I'm not trying to attack you or belittle your input, but we're just trying to have honest discussions about improving our city in very real and achievable ways. I'm sure everyone would be welcoming of actual constructive input and criticism of ideas being discussed, but I personally am annoyed and put off by your whining and nay-saying. It's not helpful and it stymies the pursuit of a productive discourse.

haven't whined at all ... comments that compare a south side okc soccer complex to being in dallas ... is not close to productive ..... and at the current time there is not a place in okc that you could build a soccer complex where even half of the teams could walk to the field ... is that possible in the future? i hope so but that is not going to happen for a long long time

new urbanism is a great thing in the right context .. but a lot of the problems that it solves we simply don't have in OKC and might not have in our lifetimes ...

10-05-2012, 09:19 AM
Do you mean: is there any possibility of the Little Flower Church being torn down? I have never heard a discussion about the Little Flower Church that didn't support it as an important part of the fabric of that area. I do not believe there is any possibility of it being torn down.

Yeah, it's not going anywhere. If you look at the Core 2 Shore plan, it's shown on renderings as remaining in place.

Just the facts
10-05-2012, 09:47 AM
new urbanism is a great thing in the right context .. but a lot of the problems that it solves we simply don't have in OKC and might not have in our lifetimes ...

I have come to the conclusion you don't know what the problems are.

Segregation of society (which degrades race relations, income envy, poverty, government dependency, etc)
Heart disease
Wasted infrastructure
Inefficient land use
Social isolation of teens - which leads to depression, drug use, suicide, etc
Suspended childhood for pre-teens
Lonely (abandoned) senior citizens
Water shortages
High taxes (at least higher than they should be)

OKC has most of these problems, and many more, in droves.

10-05-2012, 09:50 AM
I would add energy dependence to that list. Many people fail to make the connection between our development patterns and the energy resources and cost required to build and maintain them.

"American Urban Development and National Security" - that would make a heck of a master's thesis.......

10-05-2012, 09:53 AM
haven't whined at all ... comments that compare a south side okc soccer complex to being in dallas ... is not close to productive ..... and at the current time there is not a place in okc that you could build a soccer complex where even half of the teams could walk to the field ... is that possible in the future? i hope so but that is not going to happen for a long long time

new urbanism is a great thing in the right context .. but a lot of the problems that it solves we simply don't have in OKC and might not have in our lifetimes ...

I'm sorry. You had not whined.

I think this points out a difference in approach to this between you and some others here. New Urbanism isn't at the heart about solving existing problems practically. It's not about finding where new Urbanism can benefit the city in its current contexts. It is about shifting the perspective and changing the context, not acting within the current context. The problems we have now are not problems we want to have (e.g. figuring out where to provide ludicrous amounts of parking for a downtown that people travel to, instead of live in/near). But the problems that new Urbanism solves are problems we desire to encounter and overcome because of the benefits that they endow on our city. So instead of having thousands of parking spots downtown, we can say "let's just create an environment downtown that people want to live in (while providing some parking and public transportation for those who don't)."

New Urbanism is about changing the context. Not acting within it.

For the record, I think building a 16-field soccer complex anywhere near downtown would be a ridiculous waste of money and property.

Just the facts
10-05-2012, 09:54 AM
That too CaptDave. How about a $16 trillion debt - nearly all of it accumulated since 1950 trying to solve the problems created by sprawl, or worse, making more sprawl possible.