View Full Version : Chamber looking to add new businesses in OKC

01-27-2011, 02:36 AM
Steve, do you think the Chamber is talking about Crescent Market and the grocery store going into LEVEL when they talk about grocery stores looking to open downtown?

Following the successful recruitment of Whole Foods and 550 Boeing jobs, executives with the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber say they're in the hunt for a North American headquarters for a “large international company” and also are in talks with two grocery stores looking to open locations downtown.

Read more:

01-27-2011, 07:24 AM
Positive news to start '11. Let the speculation begin.

01-27-2011, 08:01 AM
I am wondering what international company could be interested in locating US headquarters in Oklahoma City? Since it being an US headquarters, we can prob expect 1,000 + jobs, however, OKC is limited on Class A office space, especially downtown, and new big employers like Class A office space. So from this assumption, 1 of 3 things can happen, 1) new company ends up joining the rest of corporations in "Memorial Mecca" 2) They start new construction of Class A office in downtown area, possibly a high-rise 3) they don't come here at all because of limited Class A office space, because they don't want to have to construct new headquarters.

01-27-2011, 07:13 PM
What class is the current devon building?

01-27-2011, 08:26 PM
What class is the current devon building?

Class A

When Devon relocates they will open up a lot of contiguous class A space in 3 buildings

01-27-2011, 08:30 PM
Did everyone read all of the article to the left under "more info"? (Project Parker, Project SP, Project Evolution, etc...??)

01-27-2011, 08:31 PM
Class A

When Devon relocates they will open up a lot of contiguous class A space in 3 buildings

Although a decent part of it may be, albeit unofficially, spoken for. Then again, perhaps not.

01-27-2011, 09:37 PM
What if Continental Resources is being honest....what if Mid-America Tower was sold so fast because this company was going to buy it? Devon said they were going to aim out of state first....what if this is why it was sold because this opportunity came up?

01-27-2011, 09:52 PM
What if Continental Resources is being honest....what if Mid-America Tower was sold so fast because this company was going to buy it? Devon said they were going to aim out of state first....what if this is why it was sold because this opportunity came up?

^^I think you may be right,I cant believe no one thought of this before!

01-27-2011, 10:24 PM
Crescent Market is NOT going into LEVEL, much too small, but the other one is..

01-27-2011, 10:31 PM
Crescent Market is NOT going into Whole Foods, much too small, but the other one is..

You mean Level?

01-28-2011, 12:48 AM
Yeah, that was the drowsy talking.. I think I corrected it just as you found it.

05-12-2015, 12:19 PM
Did you know that we have another corporation national HQ in OKC (that I’ll bet you never heard of)?
I fell down into a rabbit hole this morning. It started out with one of my pet peeves: Stupid Marketing.
The other day I was looking at my ketchup bottle. I had purchased it based on two things flavor (I like that brand of ketchup) and value (a good price-per-ounce – that’s one of the very few things I like about WalMart: their prices on the shelf have a comparative pricing datum). This particular bottle was 43.75 ounces crammed into their “standard” 35 ounce bottle: a BONUS! Yeah, whatever. I’m so over what’s a bonus or not. I just look at the price-per-ounce/pound/pint and compare from there. I’m “over” it because of bonus fatigue and value fatigue. I’m fatigued primarily because of Purina Dog Chow. There’s different sized bags at every store. PetSmart only carries the 36 pound bags (except when they don’t). WalMart only carries the 50 pound bags (except when they don’t). I assume this is so that you can’t use price-matching guarantees. Again: whatever. Another labeling trick is to note in huge letters that the 10 ounce item has (in huge letters) 25% more (and then in little tiny letters that even lawyers can’t read without their special litigation reading glasses: than the 8 ounce item). If the goal is to confuse me rather than presenting cold hard facts that I can use to determine value, consider the mission accomplished. I guess the thing that irritated me about the ketchup thing was the large letters describing this value as a limited offer. Really!?!? I had no idea that the placement of a product on the shelf wasn’t in and of itself a contract with the consumer to always provide the same product in the same size at the same price for eternity!?!? Whatever. Stupid Marketing.
I was actually a bit insulted by the use of the marketing hook. I’m over it, but I sure wouldn’t mind an intelligent marketing effort for once. I’m even over the shrinking-product-at-the-same-price trick (which I initially noticed with Dog Chow, but I still harbor a grudge). I just want intelligent marketing. There are some who would say that they’ve tried intelligent and honest marketing (is that like using the terms Jumbo Shrimp or Military Intelligence?) and would point to JCPenney’s 2013 marketing and pricing strategy where they announced that they were doing away with coupons and sales and instead just pricing their wares at low competitive prices. Turns out, that experiment almost sank the ship (and some say they haven’t yet recovered from it). Of course, some say the company was almost failed anyway and that the little experiment wasn’t the cause of death, just the facilitator. Whatever the truth is (and whether they’re dead or not), the lesson that’s being touted around marketing water coolers is that people WANT to be wooed and tricked. People want the feeling of success in the hunt (shopping). Whatever. That’s not me. I want to find a value and stick with it. I’m like Raymond Babbit: I want my underwear from K-Mart and only K-Mart. Well, not really, but I’m close. I find a pair of jeans I like and buy only that brand until forced to find another for one reason or another. Really. It makes shopping easier, quicker, and more likely to yield favorable results. $60 for a pair of jeans at Eddie Bauer appears to be a tipping point for abandoning that brand.
So, back to the original topic: Stupid Marketing. I’m fascinated in particular by tobacco marketing. I think it started with running into the store to buy my Mom’s cigarettes. She smoked Benson and Hedges 100s Deluxe Ultra Lights Menthols in a box (and boy! was she brand-loyal). I think I learned mnemonic and public speaking tips from these childhood exercises. It would take her fewer words to tell me to go get the cigarettes (which is great, considering she was a die-hard smoker (sick pun intended)) than it would for me to request them at the counter. If I understand it right, there is no more Marlboro Lights brand. I haven’t investigated it. This little statement is based on eavesdropping at the register. You can buy Marlboro Reds, Golds, Blacks, Silvers, etc., but no “lights” or “ultra-lights.” I guess it’s based on whether or not the lights are actually lighter or something like that. Not a fact known to me – just speculation: more fun and games with marketing. Anyhoo, I’m at Seven-11 this morning getting my daily coffee and I see a sign promoting a brand of cigarettes. I’ve seen this sign daily (it’s mostly right above the register) and today I decide to read it instead of just see it. The brand name: Timeless TIME. It brings to mind movie titles that get lost in translation. I decide to google it.
The first stop falling down this google rabbit hole was the website for KT&G. Google “timeless time” and the first link is for KT&G USA. Since I wanted to see if this was a foreign brand poorly translated, I aver to the Internet Powers that Be that I am of a certain age and can look at their website. KT&G USA announces right up front that they are an “American corporation which supports American jobs.” I can already feel my rectum filling up with smoke, but I’m still curious about the brand name and (now) who KT&G is. Clicking on the brands, you can see that Timeless TIME is a brand that launched in the U.S. in 2011. I can’t tell without more investigation (and I’m losing interest) if it was named something else in another language and that Timeless TIME is a translation fail. I’m beginning to think that it’s not a translation fail, but my rabbit hole trip is being re-routed deeper into the interesting-but-not-monetizable-except-in-my-dream-job-as-professional-trivial-pursuit-player realm. As I see that there are several mentions of Oklahoma on the KT&G website, I’m becoming more and more interested in who KT&G is. They tout that their other brand, Carnival, is “one of the best-selling price value brands in Oklahoma and Texas.” Their contact information at the bottom of the page lists a place in Enid, OK as the place you contact for Logistics and Orders and a place in Oklahoma City (5909 NW Expressway) as the place you contact for Marketing. My first reaction is amazement that Google can somehow determine where I am and provide targeted content on this website, but further investigation reveals that this is not the case. KT&G stands for Korea Tobacco and Ginseng. Their website says they “recently decided directly to enter the US market in 2010 by forming a 100% owned subsidiary of KT&G called Global Trading Inc. (KT&G USA).” and their headquarters are located “in Oklahoma for the purpose of centralized distribution throughout the states.”
That’s when (and not until then) my rabbit-hole trip became (what I thought would be) interesting to OKCTalk.

05-12-2015, 01:25 PM
Wow that read was way too long :)

05-12-2015, 01:28 PM
Sweet baby Jesus...paragraphs please!

05-12-2015, 02:04 PM
Is there a TL:DR version of that?

05-12-2015, 07:49 PM
Hey! He was inspired!

05-14-2015, 01:55 PM
Did you know that we have another corporation national HQ in OKC (that I’ll bet you never heard of)?

I was intrigued by that but I don't think the answer is anywhere in that wall of text.

05-14-2015, 03:10 PM
I was intrigued by that but I don't think the answer is anywhere in that wall of text.
5909 NW Expressway

KT&G stands for Korea Tobacco and Ginseng. Their website says they “recently decided directly to enter the US market in 2010 by forming a 100% owned subsidiary of KT&G called Global Trading Inc. (KT&G USA).” and their headquarters are located “in Oklahoma for the purpose of centralized distribution throughout the states.”