View Full Version : My new pup...

01-26-2011, 01:41 PM
Had to show off my new Great Pyrenees that I got from Pets and People in Yukon... my Great Dane needed a big friend.


...I don't normally post in Pets so forgive me if there is a certain thread to post videos to.

01-26-2011, 02:15 PM
Just adorable - thanks for posting. They like each other! The music was perfect - they were dancing.

01-26-2011, 02:21 PM
Thanks! I dunno if its the Great Pyrenees heading instinct or what but he really likes to pull on her ears and nip at her back legs or rear end... like he's trying to get a sheep to comply.

01-26-2011, 02:26 PM
What a great video, and congrats on your adoption. We got our two terrier blends at P&P, and they were wonderful from the get-go. Glad you found a sizable companion for your Great Dane. Looks like they have many happy years ahead.

A work colleague has several GPs up on his farm in the Guthrie area. They live with the sheep, and just blend in out there. Come up to the barn during feeding times, but otherwise stay with the sheep pretty much full time. A really wonderful breed.

01-26-2011, 02:43 PM
Thanks! I dunno if its the Great Pyrenees heading instinct or what but he really likes to pull on her ears and nip at her back legs or rear end... like he's trying to get a sheep to comply.

How old is he? Some of my girls do some of the herding (they are Samoyeds - once used to herd reindeer). Even though some Samoyeds show some inclination, they don't have near the herding instincts of Great Pyranees, from what I understand. The Pyranees I've seen, like Frittergirl said, LIVE to herd. And they love their sheep. They are sheep in wolves clothing. <vbg>

Aren't dogs great?

01-26-2011, 03:06 PM
He is about 1-2 years old... weighs about 90lbs... still needs to fill out some.

I've got a large yard... basically two lots... on without a house on it. He seems to like patrol the perimeter... play deaf... and chew!

He's already escaped the stockade fence by literally EATING through two planks.... sigh.

01-26-2011, 07:47 PM
He is about 1-2 years old... weighs about 90lbs... still needs to fill out some.

I've got a large yard... basically two lots... on without a house on it. He seems to like patrol the perimeter... play deaf... and chew!

He's already escaped the stockade fence by literally EATING through two planks.... sigh.

Play deaf - yeah, I'm familiar. My girl, Evelyn, can't hear a thing unless you whisper cookie and she picks that up from 300 feet away in a high wind.

Condolences on the fence. That is a bad deal when they want out. Is he neutered? That might help. I had a big lab once that freaked out in storms. While we were at work, he ate through the wall in the garage into the house, ate through the utility room wall, then ate all the leather shoes he could find. We used to insist that he stay off the furniture but as soon as we went to bed, he'd sleep on the easy chair. I'd sneak into the den with a flashlight and bust him. We'd just look at each other in the dark. I'd get a brownie and he'd stay put - and neither gave the other one away...

01-27-2011, 11:19 PM
Thanks for sharing Platemaker! It's great to see those two big dogs having fun.

I have three big Labradors myself and they play like that all the time. I love big dogs.

02-01-2011, 03:16 PM

This is my 1000th post!

Now I only need 500 more to get on page one of the members list (sorted by # of posts)!

... and only 12,800+ more to catch up with metro.... :/

Thank you for reading this... I have a special video presentation for my great achievement.

:congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats: :congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats: :congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats:

02-01-2011, 03:22 PM
Go Sprocket Go!

What a great dog.

02-01-2011, 07:15 PM
The old timey video and music is PERFECT! Well done.

I'll post a link for my girls but it isn't nearly as creative:

02-01-2011, 07:26 PM
You have so many great videos of your dogs! We have a neighbor with Samoyed/Husky mixes... I'm sure they were having a good time too!

02-01-2011, 07:34 PM
You have so many great videos of your dogs! We have a neighbor with Samoyed/Husky mixes... I'm sure they were having a good time too!

They are good inspiration - love my girls. When you don't have grandkids nearby, you often go dognutty.

Your video was adorable - really a good job.

02-02-2011, 04:25 PM
I have always wanted a Great Dane! Either that or a Weimaraner.

Also, your Pyrenees is beautiful! I bet hair cleanup is awful!

02-06-2011, 04:18 PM
I thought it would be too... but he hardly sheds... right now. Apparently, the winter coat sheds all at once... when the weather warms I may have a little mess for a couple weeks but that's something I think I can live with.

02-06-2011, 05:50 PM
I thought it would be too... but he hardly sheds... right now. Apparently, the winter coat sheds all at once... when the weather warms I may have a little mess for a couple weeks but that's something I think I can live with.

If Pyranees blow their coat the way Samoyeds do, you are in for quite a startling experience! But you're right, they are easy to keep clean because of their waxy guardhairs and if you get some decent brushes, that will go a long way to help out in the big blow. Here is a site that I use that has a lot of good holistic advice and sells some good brushes: The owner has samoyeds but she knows her stuff and even if you don't order from her, she has good ideas for what works.