05-10-2013, 04:59 PM
Those barriers look pretty permanent.
View Full Version : OKC seeks railroad quiet zone downtown... BB37 05-10-2013, 04:59 PM Those barriers look pretty permanent. OKCisOK4me 05-10-2013, 05:04 PM Gonna have to get down there to see those! Just looked at Google Maps and realized that 12th has been blocked for a least since Google's last aerial update. UncleCyrus 05-11-2013, 01:46 AM Here is the 14th street crossing as of Thursday. 3731 Tier2City 05-28-2013, 11:39 AM Resolution approving a funding plan for a Downtown Sealed Railroad Safety Corridor, in the area east and west along the north-south Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail line between NE 7th Street and NE 16th Street. Ward 6. Councilwoman Salyer SIRE Public Access ( Approved 7-1 at City Council just now. LakeEffect 05-28-2013, 01:12 PM Resolution approving a funding plan for a Downtown Sealed Railroad Safety Corridor, in the area east and west along the north-south Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail line between NE 7th Street and NE 16th Street. Ward 6. Councilwoman Salyer SIRE Public Access ( Approved 7-1 at City Council just now. 7-1? Who was the no vote? Tier2City 05-28-2013, 01:24 PM 7-1? Who was the no vote? Pete White. Doesn't like pork, canal was a success but he was/would be against that on principle, too much spent downtown with MAPS 3, etc., etc. Pat Ryan was against it earlier but he was very pleased to see the $600K private sector contribution. Pettis would like to see it extended north to 122nd, etc. BNSF is anxious to close SE23rd (major safety issues) and would pay for that. Meg recused herself. LakeEffect 05-28-2013, 01:28 PM Pete White. Doesn't like pork, canal was a success but he was/would be against that on principle, too much spent downtown with MAPS 3, etc., etc. Pat Ryan was against it earlier but he was very pleased to see the $600K private sector contribution. Pettis would like to see it extended north to 122nd, etc. BNSF is anxious to close SE23rd (major safety issues) and would pay for that. Meg recused herself. Pete is surprising me, and not in a good way. Investments in downtown now mean more sales tax later and making a better place for future OKC residents who want to be closer to downtown. Pettis' wish wouldn't be too difficult to accomplish except for the horrible intersection of Western & Britton. Building the correct quiet zone configuration there would be very tough. Doable, maybe, but tough. adaniel 05-28-2013, 02:20 PM Pete is surprising me, and not in a good way. Investments in downtown now mean more sales tax later and making a better place for future OKC residents who want to be closer to downtown. Pettis' wish wouldn't be too difficult to accomplish except for the horrible intersection of Western & Britton. Building the correct quiet zone configuration there would be very tough. Doable, maybe, but tough. Hasn't Pete White always been a bit of a fly in the ointment? HangryHippo 05-28-2013, 03:18 PM Where does the quiet zone go from here? Finishing up the rest of the crossings? bluedogok 05-28-2013, 03:42 PM Pete is surprising me, and not in a good way. Investments in downtown now mean more sales tax later and making a better place for future OKC residents who want to be closer to downtown. Pettis' wish wouldn't be too difficult to accomplish except for the horrible intersection of Western & Britton. Building the correct quiet zone configuration there would be very tough. Doable, maybe, but tough. I would bet his vote reflects that of his constituents, many of the suburbanites have no desire to invest in downtown, they don't see the benefit of that investment because they never venture down there. They don't seem to understand or have forgotten how the city used to be when downtown was a black hole. hoya 05-28-2013, 03:58 PM I would bet his vote reflects that of his constituents, many of the suburbanites have no desire to invest in downtown, they don't see the benefit of that investment because they never venture down there. They don't seem to understand or have forgotten how the city used to be when downtown was a black hole. I have no patience for people who are willfully ignorant. Actually I have no patience in general, but it's especially non-existent for people who are willfully ignorant. OKCisOK4me 05-28-2013, 05:17 PM Where does the quiet zone go from here? Finishing up the rest of the crossings? More like redoing the crossings. The ones they keep will be made into fully gated crossings, meaning no dodging trains by weaving through the gates. LakeEffect 05-29-2013, 07:52 AM More like redoing the crossings. The ones they keep will be made into fully gated crossings, meaning no dodging trains by weaving through the gates. I'm not so sure of that. BNSF had previously indicated that making them all quad-gates wouldn't work due to their signal timing network. I think the plan was to do those at 10th and 13th and use alternative means at other intersections. I could be wrong - technology hopefully advanced since I worked on it in 2008/2009. Rover 05-29-2013, 08:24 AM I would bet his vote reflects that of his constituents, many of the suburbanites have no desire to invest in downtown, they don't see the benefit of that investment because they never venture down there. They don't seem to understand or have forgotten how the city used to be when downtown was a black hole. So, are you saying they didn't support the Maps votes either? It was downtown residents that passed it over the wishes of the suburbanites? Someday we have to get past this us vs them mentality. It is offensive to so many of us who don't live downtown but vigorously support it over and over. Railroad routes through the city should be safe and quiet regardless of where in the CITY it is. That's what we should support. Dubya61 05-29-2013, 10:21 AM So, are you saying they didn't support the Maps votes either? It was downtown residents that passed it over the wishes of the suburbanites? Someday we have to get past this us vs them mentality. It is offensive to so many of us who don't live downtown but vigorously support it over and over. Railroad routes through the city should be safe and quiet regardless of where in the CITY it is. That's what we should support. Amen, Rover. This tribal mentality is best for sports and stupid for EVERYTHING else. bluedogok 05-29-2013, 10:17 PM So, are you saying they didn't support the Maps votes either? It was downtown residents that passed it over the wishes of the suburbanites? Someday we have to get past this us vs them mentality. It is offensive to so many of us who don't live downtown but vigorously support it over and over. No, but it didn't pass at 100% either. I've never lived in or near downtown, I've worked in downtown OKC, Dallas and now Denver, I live 20 miles away from Downtown Denver (in Aurora) and when I open up my own practice I have no desire to locate downtown, I'm already tired of working downtown again. I would consider a near downtown area or in a TOD type of development before I will consider an office downtown but I see the value in all areas of the city prospering, many people have a hard time seeing anything outside of their 3 mile bubble. I know plenty of OKC residents who didn't vote for MAPS because it was a "downtown thing" and they weren't interested in spending any money there (or on pretty much anything else outside of downtown). I voted for it during the elections that I lived in far NW OKC, my parents voted for it living out in West OKC. My father had very little hope that it would turn out the way that it did, he envisioned another String of Pearls failure but he voted for it anyway because he knew something needed to be done. Many of those in the rural areas of the OKC city limits (no matter what quadrant) have no desire to spend anything on the city as whole because it doesn't affect them living out where they do, those type of people are a large part of Pete White's constituency. Some will never see the value of a vibrant and healthy core and you will more than likely never change their minds but if enough of them contact their council member, they will consider what they have to say. LakeEffect 05-30-2013, 09:07 AM I've included a rudimentary map of OKC population density (persons/sq mi) shown in block groups. Pete White may have a large area, but his constituents certainly aren't all rural. He represents a large number of people in urban areas, and he actually represents people that live along the south side of the proposed quiet zone (SE 23rd area). 3768 warreng88 06-05-2013, 08:22 AM Quiet, please A funding plan finally takes shape to develop a so-called ‘quiet zone’ to minimize train noise near downtown. Tim Farley June 5th, 2013 A drive to stop railroads in downtown Oklahoma City from tooting horns that disturb residents and business owners finally has hit the fast track. City planners, property owners and business leaders in the area have been working on the project, commonly known as the “Quiet Zone,” since 2009. Discussion surrounding it has been ongoing for the last decade, noted City Manager Jim Couch. Four years ago, Oklahoma City Council approved a measure calling for a quiet zone east and west along the Burlington-Northern Santa Fe rail line between N.E. Seventh and N.E. 16th. In 2010, engineering services were finished, but the project stalled due to funding constraints. The project will seal off scarcely traveled crossings and enhance crossing signals and gates. Potentially, crossings as far south as S.E. 25th and as far north as Wilshire Boulevard could be closed as part of the work, according to Public Works Director Eric Wenger. On May 28, the council voted 7-1 to approve a funding plan. Ward 4 Councilman Pete White cast the only dissenting vote. Wenger told council members the project will cost an estimated $3.9 million with $2.65 million coming from the downtown Tax Increment Finance district, $500,000 from the city’s general fund and $255,000 from the city’s facilities authority. The remaining balance will be paid by private donors, particularly land owners and businesses along Automobile Alley and in Midtown. So far, private contributions total $668,000, said Mickey Clagg, president of the Automobile Alley Association. Of that amount, the association pledged $100,000. Clagg said 28 donors have pledged money toward the project. The need for a quiet zone has grown along with downtown’s residential development. In years past, the proposed area was predominantly industrial. A quiet zone will allow railroad engineers to pass through the crossings without sounding the locomotive’s horn. Current regulations require the train whistle to blow 15 seconds before reaching a crossing. City officials have pursued the project at the insistence of local developers and property owners. More than anything, Ward 6 Councilwoman Meg Salyer said, it will have an effect on quality of life downtown. “This is an issue that involves everyone,” she said. “That sound (train’s horn) is so loud and so long, people have to stop events or conversations to let the train go by. This is significant, but not just significant for Ward 6.” Salyer said she’s been impressed with the amount of effort from area stakeholders to make the project work. A property owner along Broadway Avenue, she recused herself from the council’s discussion and vote on the funding. The next step, Wenger said, involves public meetings to gather citizen input followed by design work. The project will include two phases, the first of which will allow for approval of a quiet zone by the Federal Railroad Administration. Pete 04-21-2014, 12:10 PM From today on Twitter: Automobile Alley @AutoAlleyOKC 36m .@cgorshing Good news: Quiet Zone is happening! Modifications already underway. When complete, trains won't sound from SE 23rd to Wilshire. Just the facts 04-21-2014, 01:06 PM Never mind, I see the original story is 10 months old. soonerguru 04-21-2014, 01:11 PM Anyone know why Pete White voted no? Few people can explain Pete White's votes on any issue. Seriously. I've stopped paying attention or worrying about it. He just seems like a grouchy old man who relies more on his "feelings" that day about an issue -- as opposed to facts -- and votes accordingly. okclee 04-21-2014, 01:19 PM I never realized that the quiet zone was going to be this large of an area from south to Wilshire. kevinpate 04-21-2014, 01:43 PM somewhere, torea is weeping happy tears into a beer. venture 04-21-2014, 02:28 PM somewhere, ----- is weeping happy tears into a beer. Stop it! 2 more times and it'll appear. shawnw 04-22-2014, 08:46 AM ugh. dupe. shawnw 04-22-2014, 08:47 AM In that same tweet thread AA said it would be done by 2015. I presume that means by the end of 2015. Which is probably good timing for the Metropolitan. Pete 05-28-2014, 09:21 AM Construction to be finished by November 2015: Volume control: ‘Sealed corridor’ for trains could mean less noise, fewer crossings By: Brian Brus The Journal Record May 27, 2014 OKLAHOMA CITY – It may soon get less noisy in downtown Oklahoma City. The City Council moved Tuesday toward appropriating $3.9 million to renovate the railway corridor through Oklahoma City’s downtown districts. The “sealed corridor” plan is expected to improve safety and eliminate the need for warning horns. It could also close several crossings. Work is expected to begin this year on the Burlington Northern Santa Fe line just east of Broadway from NE 16th to SE 23rd streets and will be completed next year. Council members approved a preliminary report Tuesday and authorized staff to prepare final plans and specifications. The planned series of about a dozen rail and street intersections is called a sealed corridor because the ultimate goal is to silence train horns downtown, which requires making the street crossings much safer, Public Works Director Eric Wenger said. Trains normally must sound a warning a mile in advance of intersections. To meet Federal Railroad Administration standards, the crossings will have to be upgraded with elements such as extra mechanical arms and medians to keep drivers from maneuvering around the barriers. The project will likely involve closing five streets entirely. The project has been backed by the Automobile Alley Association, the Alliance for Economic Development and several other groups and merchants in the area, with the expectation that a quiet zone will foster development in districts near the track. Similar sealed corridors have been established across the country, such as the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Southeast High Speed Rail. Follow-up studies have found that sealed corridors cut down on accidents, law enforcement demands and repairs. Other corridors are intended to allow trains to pass through populated areas at higher speeds, such as the Amtrak Northeast corridor between Boston and Washington, D.C. BNSF regional spokesman Joe Faust said the only issue at stake in Oklahoma City is quietness, not speed. He said his company supports the modifications. For regulatory reasons, City Hall will pay for the work to be done by BNSF and the railroad will continue to maintain the crossings. Construction will be backed by unlisted bond funds through the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority, officials said. ljbab728 05-28-2014, 10:50 PM Steve's article. Train horns to go quiet downtown by November 2015 | News OK ( Plutonic Panda 06-23-2014, 08:42 PM Quiet Zone Plan In The Works For Trains In Downtown OKC - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | ( FighttheGoodFight 06-24-2014, 01:24 PM Quiet Zone Plan In The Works For Trains In Downtown OKC - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | ( I'm happy this is going forward. I was sitting outside with my wife at Hillbilly Po Boys and the train came blasting by. The conducter smiled as he looked at me dead in the eye and honked the horn. He was having fun I'm sure. ou48A 06-24-2014, 03:59 PM The quite zones are nice ideas but fewer trains mean’s less noise…… and more safety! We can reduce the number of trains, perhaps significantly, by putting more liquids in pipelines. Modern pipelines are safer for the public than trains. They cause less pollution and deliver products to end users at a lower cost. New pipelines can largely be located well away from major metro areas, further lowering risk factors. OKCisOK4me 06-25-2014, 11:01 PM The quite zones are nice ideas but fewer trains mean’s less noise…… and more safety! We can reduce the number of trains, perhaps significantly, by putting more liquids in pipelines. Modern pipelines are safer for the public than trains. They cause less pollution and deliver products to end users at a lower cost. New pipelines can largely be located well away from major metro areas, further lowering risk factors. I hate to burst your bubble but this line is primarily used for auto, intermodal, coal & grain unit trains AND with outgoing shipments of grain to Mexico increasing, you're not going to decrease the volume of traffic on the Red Rock Sub. The tonnage for this line is one of BNSF's heavier routes due to it not being double tracked. Sorry buddy... Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk MustangGT 06-26-2014, 09:26 AM The article indicates some crossings "could" be closed but did not say they will be closed. Just as long as the folks who negligently get hit by the train, which by the way is all of them, cannot sue the railroad or anybody else for that matter if they get hit. LakeEffect 06-26-2014, 10:33 AM The article was essentially wrong. 14th, 12th, 11th, and Park Place WILL be closed. 14th, 12th & 11th already are. Pete 02-10-2015, 04:52 PM Report in City Council meeting said the quiet zone could be complete by the end of 2015. ljbab728 02-10-2015, 11:05 PM Report in City Council meeting said the quiet zone could be complete by the end of 2015. Everything seems to be pointing in that direction. Railroad ?quiet zone? could be done this year | ( okclee 04-02-2015, 09:41 AM I was wishing for that quiet zone last night. This is one of those projects that is moving at a snails pace. Maybe I just picked up on it more last night but the Trains seemed to be extra long and loud with their horns last night. Canoe 07-24-2015, 06:29 AM Any updates on this quality of life project? Pete 07-24-2015, 08:35 AM The City has applied to close several of the road crossings around NW 10th Street, which is the first formal movement I've seen. loveOKC 07-24-2015, 09:40 AM I still don't understand why this Quiet Zone can't be extended to Memorial Rd. Why stop at Wilshire? Urbanized 09-11-2015, 06:15 AM Railroad 'quiet zone' sidetracked | ( Canoe 09-11-2015, 07:19 AM The man at NW 14th leases the land from the railroad on which he owns a building that he leases it to other tenants? Did I read that right? I wonder if he would accept something other than keeping the road open. AP 09-11-2015, 07:32 AM It reads as if that crossing has already temporarily been closed, correct? I don't see what the issue is. baralheia 09-11-2015, 11:16 AM The crossing at NW 14th has indeed been closed, and has been for around 2 and a half years. BNSF removed the pavement and signals for this crossing, and "Road Closed" signs and permanent barricades were erected on the east and west approaches to the crossing. The main issue is that closing that crossing limits the use of that warehouse building - known as the Morrison Building ( - because of very limited maneuverability to the four loading dock doors that front NE 14th. Boxtail trucks would have little to no problem getting in and out, but full-on semis would have a very difficult time backing up to the dock. One potential remedy to this situation would be to lease additional land from the railroad; their easement on the south side of NE 14th is the same width as the Morrison Building's loading dock. Lease it, pave it, and then semis could pull head-first into that spot, then back up across the street to the Morrison building. That is, of course, assuming that BNSF would be willing to lease that spot - but I'm sure if the City leaned on them, the option would be available. ljbab728 10-01-2015, 09:05 AM From yesterday's city council meeting. Railroad 'quiet zone' takes another step forward A potential railroad "quiet zone" in OKC's urban core took another step forward Tuesday when the Council voted to approve a number of street closures along BNSF Railway tracks. The Council voted to close NW 27, NW 12, W Park Place and SW 23 near the railroad tracks to help facilitate the creation of the quiet zone. Traffic elsewhere on those streets will not be affected by the changes. Locomotive operators don't have to sound their horns when approaching intersections in quiet zones, which alleviates noise concerns but requires modifications to crossings and some street closures to ensure safety. The Planning Commission and Council still must approve other unresolved issues related to the quiet zone before it takes effect. Pete 10-01-2015, 09:24 AM During my recent trip, I was staying in SoSA and was amazed by how loud the train is that far west. And, they seem to roll through about every 15 minutes at all hours. This really needs to get done. sooner88 10-01-2015, 09:29 AM During my recent trip, I was staying in SoSA and was amazed by how loud the train is that far west. And, they seem to roll through about every 15 minutes at all hours. This really needs to get done. You definitely get used to it, but still look forward to it getting done. They really do seem to come through at all hours of the night. shawnw 10-01-2015, 09:34 AM Yeah I used to notice it all the time and now I'm like, what train? OH, yeah, THAT train... Urbanized 10-01-2015, 10:26 AM Yeah, I actually find it comforting sometimes when the fireplace is in use, screen open, train sound coming down chimney. Other times I'm mostly immune to it. Unless I'm having lunch outdoors on 9th or a conversation at Sidecar, in which case it's brutal. It's especially bad when the horn is continuos. There is lots of variation between trains, which leads me to believe it revolves around specific engineers. My theory is that someone once got in trouble for not sounding it enough so now lays on out of spite. shawnw 10-01-2015, 10:28 AM Yeah I once ate outside at Hillbilly's. Probably not the best idea if having a conversational meal. Five trains during our time there. AP 10-01-2015, 10:35 AM ^I've had the same experience. Wasn't great. Pete 10-01-2015, 10:44 AM I generally like train sounds and have them now where I currently live, but the situation in downtown OKC is crazy loud and frequent. Even once the quiet zone is implemented I'm sure there will be plenty of train noise for ambiance. LakeEffect 10-01-2015, 10:53 AM It's especially bad when the horn is continuous. There is lots of variation between trains, which leads me to believe it revolves around specific engineers. My theory is that someone once got in trouble for not sounding it enough so now lays on out of spite. It's related to the train speed. They have to sound for a minimum duration and in bursts before they approach a crossing, so a fast train essentially has to hold the horn down while blowing through, while a slow train gets time in between to be quiet. Trains in this corridor are often tied down at 16th (going SB), and therefore take a while to gain speed as they head south. Conversely, many trains stop near OnCue to switch crews, so they begin to slow down in the corridor. It's quite rare that I actually see a train at speed through the entire corridor nowadays... Just the facts 10-01-2015, 11:13 AM Why is the planning commission and Council just now voting to close crossing that don't even exist. SW23 hasn't existed for months. Pretty sure most of the others mentioned have already been taken out as well. OKCisOK4me 10-01-2015, 11:24 AM I wonder if they're going to use the whistle blowing crossing guards like what's in use in Flagstaff. All the crossings there are equipped with whistles that are much more quiet than the standard train horn. Being on the BNSF Transcon its quite quiet. All you hear is the diesel engines... LakeEffect 10-01-2015, 11:41 AM I wonder if they're going to use the whistle blowing crossing guards like what's in use in Flagstaff. All the crossings there are equipped with whistles that are much more quiet than the standard train horn. Being on the BNSF Transcon its quite quiet. All you hear is the diesel engines... I don't believe they plan to use wayside horns. I think the predominant item is extending curbs and possibly 4-way signal arms at one intersection. And big signs that state no train horn is used. baralheia 10-01-2015, 02:21 PM From yesterday's city council meeting. Seems silly to me that they only just now voted to close these crossings, since all of the crossings listed - except for SE 27th St - have been closed (and the grade crossings removed) for a while now. OkiePoke 10-01-2015, 02:53 PM I wish they would not allow them to block 10th street at 8 in the morning... LakeEffect 10-01-2015, 03:15 PM The streets for closure are 14th, 12th, 11th, Park Place, and S 23rd. My memory is a little fuzzy, but I thought the closures were first brought to Planning Commission a few years ago, but Planning Commission balked because the Quiet Zone was not funded or designed. If it wasn't all closures, it was at least one related to the Bomasada plan along Broadway. Now, with funding, design, and the agreement of BNSF and relevant state and federal agencies, Planning Commission was free to recommend approval. Except for 14th Street due to the adjacent property owner's complaint... not sure the status of that particular one. The 14th, 12th & S 23rd crossings are closed now due to BNSF, not City, actions. 27th is a separate case that I think was inadvertently added to the Council notes. OKCisOK4me 10-05-2015, 08:50 PM After this is done, I'd like to see the viaduct covered with more murals. It is about as ugly as the Santa Fe Parking Garage. |