View Full Version : Fine Dining and Coupons
blangtang 01-18-2011, 01:11 AM Hey, since when did purported fine dining and coupons co-exist? This is really about the Groupon for Coach House, with over 1100 groupons purchased for the special they are running. If I go to some fancy high dollar place I dont want to be sitting next to some coupon draggin trash. No thanks!
ljbab728 01-18-2011, 01:17 AM Hey, since when did purported fine dining and coupons co-exist? This is really about the Groupon for Coach House, with over 1100 groupons purchased for the special they are running. If I go to some fancy high dollar place I dont want to be sitting next to some coupon draggin trash. No thanks!
LOL. That's the most snobbish post I've seen here for a long time. I often use coupons for eating out and I don't care if it's for McDonalds or the Coach House. I won't apologize for it. Why would you want to pay full price at a high dollar restaurant if you can use a coupon to get a discount? I hope you're never sitting next to me. I would probably ask to be moved.
bandnerd 01-18-2011, 06:15 AM Why do you care what other people do, or how they pay, if they aren't actually interrupting your meal?
BBatesokc 01-18-2011, 06:49 AM Hey, since when did purported fine dining and coupons co-exist? This is really about the Groupon for Coach House, with over 1100 groupons purchased for the special they are running. If I go to some fancy high dollar place I dont want to be sitting next to some coupon draggin trash. No thanks!
Well, let us know the next time you go so we won't have to offend you. I bought two, so we'll be there soon. One we plan to use ourselves soon and the other I bought to gift to a young married couple who rarely eat out at expensive places. We always buy Groupons and the like for the more expensive places in particular because it makes the meal far more enjoyable when at 50% off it is actually closer to an acceptable price range for food.
I concur with ljbab728, I don't know you, but that statement was beyond snobbish and says far more about you than 'those coupon draggin trash.'
You'd probably look down on those who go to fancy shmancy restaurants and share a meal too because they find it healthier than indulging on huge portions alone.
Either way, I say get over it and I'd rather not eat next to people with such prude ideals.
kevinpate 01-18-2011, 07:33 AM When you fly, do you demand to pay top fare rates?
When you attend an event, do you only seek out a seat from the top ten in the price list?
When you visit the grocer, do you only buy the items that are full price, even if you don't have to go out of your way for the same item on sale?
Or in these instances might you be the money saving trashster ruining the experience of the full rate pricer next to you in the aisle?
Purely early morning idle musing on my part. Me, I suppose I'm a bum. Why, I've even been known to settle for a 2 liter of A&W when it was 89 cents and my fav was 1.89 on the next shelf. And horrors of horrors, in 30+ years I've only picked up one car from a dealership, and I dinna pay top price then either.
Yeah, me and Toby, we're just white trash with money, though Toby be a might bit trashier than me when ya gits right down to it.
MadMonk 01-18-2011, 08:13 AM ^^^^^^^
LOL, great stuff.
pickles 01-18-2011, 11:31 AM Sarcasm does not play well here.
Making a mental note...
ljbab728 01-18-2011, 11:44 PM Sarcasm does not play well here.
Making a mental note...
If you're saying that blangtang was just being sarcastic, I considered that possiblity before I responded. I thought about it and could see nothing in his post that hinted of any humor. If he was trying to be sarcastic, his post did not convey that in the least.
jmarkross 01-19-2011, 07:32 AM Sarcasm does not play well here.
Making a mental note...
Be careful of the KKK....Krabby Kweens Korner...also--take note of who shows up 18-hours a day--at all hours...will give you demographic clues to most everyone....and you can match that with simple CIA 1208 findings of your own deduction...
bradzilla 01-28-2011, 06:52 PM If I go to some fancy high dollar place I dont want to be sitting next to some coupon draggin trash. No thanks!
Once i started working i noticed something about truly successful people. They were always low key, always looking for a good deal, and humble about showing their wealth. I personally know a few self made millionaires who are driving cars over 10 years old and are borderline shameless when it comes to using coupons for something they want. (to include eating at certain times, going on certain days, etc)
Then I look at the rest of us pay check to pay checker's who try always to appear wealthy but are a stones throw away from losing it all. A few months ago I started clipping coupons....
If you really step back and think about it, what type of sense does it make to pay more for the same exact product someone sitting next to you is getting ?
If you ask me thats the definition of stupid.
Joe Kimball 01-29-2011, 09:56 PM This IS a joke, right? A clever (if edgy) way to let us know of such nice things as Groupon for Coach House?
Midtowner 02-05-2011, 11:53 AM As long as the coupon doesn't affect your tip, what's the big deal?
--oh, and for cred, my office is currently lit by burning Benjamins.
rcjunkie 02-05-2011, 01:48 PM I'm pissed, I've been all over Norman and the highest price I can find or unleaded (no alcohol) is 2.97 a gallon, but I refuse to pay less than 5.84, and all of the stations refuse to let me pay more than what the pump says.
kevinpate 02-05-2011, 02:19 PM I'm pissed, I've been all over Norman and the highest price I can find or unleaded (no alcohol) is 2.97 a gallon, but I refuse to pay less than 5.84, and all of the stations refuse to let me pay more than what the pump says.
rcjunkie, I hate to see your heart stressed and even more for you to be pissed. I am here to ease your pain. Simply set up an appointment with me a day in advance, and while you enjoy a cup of coffee, I will go top off your tanks for you. you'll never need see a price at a pump again, nor deal with an uncooperative fuel jockey. And to make certain you have total bliss, I can assure you you can not pay 2.97, nor be limited to 5.84. I can produce bliss for you for a prepaid 18.43 a gallon, eight gallon minimum purchase, irrespective of space in your tank.
I wouldn't do this for just anyone, but as you appreciate Tenkiller, I feel I should assist you.
Just PM a day in advance of when we are to me, and bring cash when we do.
rcjunkie 02-05-2011, 04:53 PM rcjunkie, I hate to see your heart stressed and even more for you to be pissed. I am here to ease your pain. Simply set up an appointment with me a day in advance, and while you enjoy a cup of coffee, I will go top off your tanks for you. you'll never need see a price at a pump again, nor deal with an uncooperative fuel jockey. And to make certain you have total bliss, I can assure you you can not pay 2.97, nor be limited to 5.84. I can produce bliss for you for a prepaid 18.43 a gallon, eight gallon minimum purchase, irrespective of space in your tank.
I wouldn't do this for just anyone, but as you appreciate Tenkiller, I feel I should assist you.
Just PM a day in advance of when we are to me, and bring cash when we do.
thanks Kevin, I knew I could find a fellow Normanite to help, could you also bring me a $12.00 cup of coffee from 7-11
kevinpate 02-05-2011, 06:35 PM thanks Kevin, I knew I could find a fellow Normanite to help, could you also bring me a $12.00 cup of coffee from 7-11
silly, silly, you know their coffee is only $7.11 for a 16 oz cup.