06-01-2011, 02:21 PM
Great find Frisky!
Great find Frisky!
View Full Version : Remember these bands from the '60s and '70s? Pages :
grantgeneral78 06-01-2011, 02:21 PM COMc3K-97z4 Great find Frisky! skyrick 06-02-2011, 08:15 PM The remains of Iron Butterfly...Captain Beyond! I always liked this song but, until two years ago, never knew who did it. FRISKY 11-24-2011, 01:25 AM 43-years ago today, about this time of night, I was listening to this song on an "underground" FM radio station in OKC. I think it was a DJ called Poison Ivy that played it. She also played Alice's Restaurant. vSrZ68JV3mY ... JmyXTOHC3w8 ... qA83Xsj4WHM RadicalModerate 11-24-2011, 02:20 AM One quick--yet verbose and windy--question, Amigo . . . In regard to the relative value of "necroing" (c/o venture) a thread . . . Here on The Cusp of Consumer Insanity (Cross ref. other topics) Involving "Thanksgiving" . . . Is this Historically Correct Contextualizing representation of alternative visions of what it was . . . another attempt to "necro" The Feel Good MusicThread . . ? =) Is it a nearly perfect example of what a "Celebration" of "Thanksgiving"--on several levels of meaning--means? Is it, more likely, an attempt to lend an element of Actual Thanksgiving . . . on every level of that olde fashioned Maslow's Pyramid sort of stuff . . ? There is no wrong answer to the question. And . . . I suppose that is the reason for Arlo Guthrie. =) Happy Thanksgiving to You, Too, Frisky! (no kidding, no joke) Despite "Global Warming" . . . (Did I forget to say I heard it the first time ever about the same time in Boulder, Colorado?) FRISKY 11-24-2011, 02:28 AM The answer is "42"...and what is this "Arlo Guthrie" you speak of? This is the Nostalgia & Memories section. You're supposed to post old stuff (A 5-month necro?) in here. Happy Thanksgiving to you! =) ljbab728 11-24-2011, 02:37 AM one quick--yet verbose and windy--question, amigo . . . In regard to the relative value of "necroing" (c/o venture) a thread . . . Here on the cusp of consumer insanity (cross ref. Other topics) involving "thanksgiving" . . . Is this historically correct contextualizing representation of alternative visions of what it was . . . Another attempt to "necro" the feel good musicthread . . ? =) is it a nearly perfect example of what a "celebration" of "thanksgiving"--on several levels of meaning--means? Is it, more likely, an attempt to lend an element of actual thanksgiving . . . On every level of that olde fashioned maslow's pyramid sort of stuff . . ? There is no wrong answer to the question. And . . . I suppose that is the reason for arlo guthrie. =) happy thanksgiving to you, too, frisky! (no kidding, no joke) despite "global warming" . . . (did i forget to say i heard it the first time ever about the same time in boulder, colorado?) huh? RadicalModerate 11-24-2011, 02:56 AM huh? yup . . . ya shure . . . yew betcha . . . (sortava previking video game deal back in the olden tymes) different ways to be happy about thanksgiving. as compared to thanksreceiving . . . doncha know . . . de veras? Sorry LibJab . . . I forgot to ask if you actually lived OR EVEN WATCHED the provided the historical video ed'ucation provided. Immediately above. (The Arlo Guthrie act to Woody Guthrie stuff . . . uh...k?) I apologize again for whatever I feel . . . akin to that JazzGreat . . . was it Looie Armstrong? . . . Who said: If I has to define it you ain't gonna unnerstand." Google: Woody Guthrie . . . Arlo Guthrie . . . Jazz Great/Whatever. What the "Hey" . . . Expand your horizons by seeking out "Lord Buckley" . . . "Lennie Bruce" . . . and even the elusive [fill in the link . . .] FRISKY 11-24-2011, 02:58 AM huh?Read RM's posts like you would listen to Thelonious Monk's Eccentric Jazz. It will all make sense. RadicalModerate 11-24-2011, 04:27 PM yeh . . . like that.... there =) (visual aid for the ...... challenged): F2s6LZUdYaU ljbab728 11-24-2011, 09:28 PM Read RM's posts like you would listen to Thelonious Monk's Eccentric Jazz. It will all make sense. Sorry, I have never ever liked jazz. ljbab728 11-24-2011, 09:39 PM Sorry LibJab . . . I forgot to ask if you actually lived OR EVEN WATCHED the provided the historical video ed'ucation provided. Immediately above. (The Arlo Guthrie act to Woody Guthrie stuff . . . uh...k?) I apologize again for whatever I feel . . . akin to that JazzGreat . . . was it Looie Armstrong? . . . Who said: If I has to define it you ain't gonna unnerstand." Google: Woody Guthrie . . . Arlo Guthrie . . . Jazz Great/Whatever. What the "Hey" . . . Expand your horizons by seeking out "Lord Buckley" . . . "Lennie Bruce" . . . and even the elusive [fill in the link . . .] Radical, I saw Arlo peform live in the 60's. I had his albums as well as his dad's and just about wore them out playing them. Arlo is a great fun live performer. Maybe if you would make a video of you singing your posts in front of an audience I would understand them and enjoy them too. LOL |