12-30-2010, 01:45 PM
Here are the previews to a new IMAX movie coming in March.
Here are the previews to a new IMAX movie coming in March.
View Full Version : New IMAX Movie "Tornado Alley" SoonerQueen 12-30-2010, 01:45 PM Here are the previews to a new IMAX movie coming in March. SoonerQueen 04-10-2011, 02:15 AM I am wanting to bring the movie "Tornado Alley" to Oklahoma City, but I need some help. Please call the following number and request that they show this movie. Omnidome Theater - Kirkpatrick Science & Air Space Museum 2100 Northeast 52nd Street, Oklahoma City, OK - (405) 602-6664 Dustin 04-10-2011, 03:12 AM Was this movie filmed by Sean Casey from "Storm Chasers" on Discovery Channel? venture 04-10-2011, 09:20 AM Yeah it is the movie made by that idiot Sean Casey. I can't wait for some law enforcement official to finally say enough is enough and throw this moron in jail. Sorry, but seeing this movie just rewards stupidity, disregard for the law, and to fill the pockets of someone's ego. I'd rather see the movie not played anywhere and the man go bankrupt. 1iMdJy3qMak IQQ_-ECVVag Thunder 04-10-2011, 01:25 PM Yeah, listen to Venture. He's da man. :-) Matt 04-10-2011, 03:43 PM Anyone know if they're ever planning on showing this at the Omniplex? SoonerQueen 04-11-2011, 01:11 AM I think you have to call and request it. Regardless what the others say, I have only heard really good reviews about the movie. It's a short documentary, but I would like to see it. Thunder 04-11-2011, 02:03 AM I think you have to call and request it. Regardless what the others say, I have only heard really good reviews about the movie. It's a short documentary, but I would like to see it. Well... Duh? Seriously, even if the "movie" is awesome does not make it morally right on how it was made. That guy have always and will always constantly put more lives at risk more so than a tornado may bring. Bottom line, he is dangerous and he does not care who he may hurt as long the end result pocket him cold, hard cash. The best way to protest his actions is by not supporting his "movies for profits at the expense of innocent lives" career. RadioOKC 04-11-2011, 09:17 AM I know this is competetive, but I did not realize people would go to such craziness to get footage. I personally won't pay money to see this movie. This clown is no better than the dumb 16 year olds that make homemade fighting movies and put them on YouTube. Chris |