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01-05-2011, 11:56 AM
Your loquacious explanation of why you made the choice you did rather decisively proved my point that you in fact made a choice to move back to OKC. Thanks for helping out.

Let's see, the "choice" was pretty much between these 2 options:

1. Possible homelessness, bankruptcy, and unemployability in an area that we couldn't live in for much longer anyway.
2. A job in a city that I didn't like and still don't like, but have lived there before and have family/friends there.

Yeah, let's take what's behind door #1 and completely f*** up my life for the rest of it, along with the people (and pets) that depend on me for their own lives and quality thereof. Yep, it was a "choice", but there really wasn't much involved on which "choice" we should take. :doh: :dizzy:

We all have *tons* of "choices" in our lives, but not all of them are voluntary:
Hyperbolic example of torturer talking to a prisoner - Would you like all your fingernails pulled out or would you like all your toenails pulled out?

01-05-2011, 12:16 PM
Many of us may have moved here unwillingly. I certainly did, as I've said. But, again, ultimately happiness is easier to achieve by attempting to make the best of a situation, rather than focusing on what one doesn't like. Find what's positive here and you'll be happier, or find a way to work towards improving things that make you unhappy. A third option is to focus all your energies on getting out, rather than spending time on a message board, unless this is therapy for you. Focusing on what makes you miserable is like picking a scab. It's enjoyable in some pleasure-pain way that is not well understood, but it never allows the wound to heal.

01-05-2011, 12:23 PM
It always seems to be the self-described progressives who show themselves to be close-minded, intolerant, and generally miserable. Curious phenomena.So you feel that conservatives are a lot higher caliber of people than liberals? If so, I bet a lot of people on here would strongly agree with you.