12-07-2010, 04:38 PM
Has anyone heard about this? I don't think it is in MWC limits, but I am sure more businesses will develop around it.
12-07-2010, 05:28 PM
it is in oklahoma city. heard that the required approvals were obtained several weeks ago.
12-07-2010, 08:57 PM
This is great news. Of course you have those that are already whining about how it is going to pin Tinker in and prevent it from growing. These people are the ones that keep any growth on the East side. It seems like every time you want to build anything on the East side they want to claim encroachment on Tinker. I am very excited about this and any development in that area.
12-08-2010, 07:51 AM
Interesting for sure. That's a pretty smart location as far as land goes too. They've got room to grow should that happen later. I'm surprised that it's happening though given the years that Integris spent trying to open a similar facility on 29th, east of Douglas (near the Frog Pond). I guess now that the law about not opening a hospital within X miles of another has gone away, we're open to this sort of thing.
Now for me, unless there just isn't another option, I avoid MRMC. Ever since MWC sold it off, the care isn't as good...sorry, that's what happens when you go from non-profit to profit seeking. And all that crap about "top 5%" or whatever is total B.S. to anyone that can read the survey. The heart hospital opened near me, so I've got 1 other ER option nearby, and it will be nice to know that there's another as well. Hospital affiliations for physicians mean a world of difference in in/out of network payments for services, so having 3 options in the area makes it WAAAAAY easier when you're in trouble. Even if you get transferred later, at least you can get the trauma care you need without getting raped.
12-08-2010, 11:47 AM
I just now heard a couple guys (one from MWC board) talking about this.. I really hope they do SOMETHING with that street!!
12-08-2010, 12:54 PM
I found another site with pictures. It looks like they are also putting one up at SW 134th and I-44 that is almost an exact duplicate.