View Full Version : The Spy

12-04-2010, 11:07 AM
This morning, there facebook page says that are no longer broacasting on 105.3, but online, does anybody know more details, and its there a new format on the station.

12-04-2010, 12:42 PM
OKC.Biz Article (

Hope that helps a little!

12-04-2010, 03:53 PM
Wow that's unfortunate. Does nobody in OKC support them?

12-04-2010, 05:36 PM
Guess not. Just another station that could not make it in the marketplace. They were not the first and won't be the last. Radio is a cut-throat business.

12-05-2010, 01:12 AM
I think one of the main issues was lack of metro coverage. I understand the reasons behind it. but 930 watts from Kingfisher isn't gonna cut it in OKC. It was the same issues that hurt Jack FM.

12-05-2010, 08:09 AM
I think one of the main issues was lack of metro coverage. I understand the reasons behind it. but 930 watts from Kingfisher isn't gonna cut it in OKC. It was the same issues that hurt Jack FM.

I agree soonerman, but i was hoping they were going to upgrade their power, but i guess it didn't happen, anyways as of now or the last time I checked there were playing spy music but there using the old stuff from 2002-2004, i wonder what format they are going to put on here next, probably salsa music.

12-05-2010, 08:12 AM
Wow thats really sad to hear. I didnt care for alot of the music played but I have a lot of respect for Brian Howard and the independent spirit of the Spy

12-05-2010, 11:55 AM
Guess not. Just another station that could not make it in the marketplace. They were not the first and won't be the last. Radio is a cut-throat business.

That's not what happened. Read George Lang's story on NewsOK

12-05-2010, 12:33 PM
I have to say I never listened to this station. But I remember when WKY, who was doing well as a talk show station went Spanish.It was like one day you're listening and things are fine and then the next day you wake up to Spanish music and dialogue you can't understand. That change was a big mistake, not sure about this one.

12-05-2010, 03:55 PM
Just another sign that the corporate owned radio behemoths have ruined terrestrial radio, especially in larger markets. The homogenization of America by broadcasting everything from the media centers, for the most part there is really no such thing as "local radio" anymore. The one here in Austin that was always considered more "local" than the rest was owned by the Indianapolis conglomerate Emmis Communications and they have recently tweaked the format by moving more towards what the spreadsheet producers in Indy have decreed much to the dismay of the real "local" people. The conglomeration of radio holdings has harmed the format and driven the licenses out of sight for the local owner who wants to really create a truly local radio station. The only places that seem to be able to pull it off are the small towns that the conglomerates in faraway places don't seem to know exist. Community radio at those locals seem to be doing better but the focus has to be serving the community rather than trying to extend the reach to a larger market, most of those trying to do that have struggled because the signal never has enough reach, that always seemed to be the problem with The Spy in its prior iteration, the Stillwater reach never seemed to be far enough or clear enough.

Good luck to the effort at the web radio format.

12-05-2010, 04:18 PM
Just another sign that the corporate owned radio behemoths have ruined terrestrial radio, especially in larger markets. The homogenization of America by broadcasting everything from the media centers, for the most part there is really no such thing as "local radio" anymore. The one here in Austin that was always considered more "local" than the rest was owned by the Indianapolis conglomerate Emmis Communications and they have recently tweaked the format by moving more towards what the spreadsheet producers in Indy have decreed much to the dismay of the real "local" people. The conglomeration of radio holdings has harmed the format and driven the licenses out of sight for the local owner who wants to really create a truly local radio station. The only places that seem to be able to pull it off are the small towns that the conglomerates in faraway places don't seem to know exist. Community radio at those locals seem to be doing better but the focus has to be serving the community rather than trying to extend the reach to a larger market, most of those trying to do that have struggled because the signal never has enough reach, that always seemed to be the problem with The Spy in its prior iteration, the Stillwater reach never seemed to be far enough or clear enough.

Good luck to the effort at the web radio format. Is KOKE "SUPER ROPER RADIO" still in Austin?

12-05-2010, 10:39 PM
90% of their listeners were listening from the website? Wow, that's never a good sign for much success over the radio waves. Weird. I never listened online but I always had it on in my car when I was in town.

12-06-2010, 07:56 AM
90% of their listeners were listening from the website? Wow, that's never a good sign for much success over the radio waves. Weird. I never listened online but I always had it on in my car when I was in town.

Yeah, everybody I know (not that many, admittedly) that listened to them did it in their car too, strange that the numbers aren't there (it's not like we have a huge mass transit system that everybody rides and listens to their iwhatevers all the time)... We can get it almost anywhere we drive in OKC/Edmond. Only radio station I listened to, very sad.

12-06-2010, 08:05 AM
Yeah, everybody I know (not that many, admittedly) that listened to them did it in their car too, strange that the numbers aren't there (it's not like we have a huge mass transit system that everybody rides and listens to their iwhatevers all the time)... We can get it almost anywhere we drive in OKC/Edmond. Only radio station I listened to, very sad.

Ditto for me! I listened to them only in my car, but switched back regularly between The Spy and one of our two NPR stations. Only radio worth listening to in this market. I used to have satellite, but when I got a new car a few years back, we soon discovered it was not satellite compatible. Stinks, since now I'm back to mostly CD's or my ipod.

12-06-2010, 10:07 AM
That's not what happened. Read George Lang's story on NewsOK

Just did and so??? It did not appraise high enough, that sounds like it was not worth the trust thought it was worth. It is still a failure in the marketplace financial if not ideological but a failure none the less.

According to O'Brien, the purchase fell through when the station did not appraise for Last Bastion Trust's asking price.

"When it comes back at nowhere near that number, it just doesn't make sense," O'Brien said.

Read more:

12-06-2010, 10:09 AM
I used to have satellite, but when I got a new car a few years back, we soon discovered it was not satellite compatible. Stinks, since now I'm back to mostly CD's or my ipod.

There are many stand-alone satellite radio units you can have installed. Once you go satellite it is almost impossible to go back. I would hate going back to regular commercial infested broadcast radio.

12-07-2010, 06:14 PM
this really sucks.

the Spy was the only station i listen to besides occasionally the sports animal. The rest of local radio is complete garbage.

i guess its back to cd's & ipod once this is gone. I dont want to hear Pink & Lady GaGarbage constantly.

I would do XM but their customer service is criminal and once you deal with them you are basically their junkie because you can't cancel their service and they will keep billing you and billing their "customer service" is 10,000 miles a way so good luck with that...

12-07-2010, 08:08 PM
I am suprised to see this happen but I kinda doubt the info given in the NewsOK article. Radio Stations have been selling for several times their value over the last 10 years or so. I sure what Citadel wants for the station is inflated, but I don't think the price was a secret and there was plenty of time to get a handle on the stations actual value before it got to this point. I think any attorney involved in this deal should be drug over the coals. Without having a contract to buy it, there should have been some sort of agreement that if there is no deal the station goes back to spanish or some other format. Ferris should have been able to have the Spy brand pulled off the air when he left the building. Sad thing is the web radio will run the money well dry quick. When you get a lot of listeners online you are charged royalties on a per composition-per listener basis. And the more money you make, thie higher the price per song.All internet radio including Pandora deal with this issue. Donations will help for a while but you won't break even. Hopefully, the fans will be loyal enough to go to a subscriber based model to help him keep a roof over his head. Most won't because the value or recorded music is minimal and people prefer youtube or p2p.

12-31-2010, 08:59 AM
Interesting - heard a commercial for the "2010 into 2011" Lips NYE Freakout on the OTA version of The Spy yesterday, so it's not just on a loop from the archives from way back (although if I hear that Death Cab for Cutie song one more time....). Wonder how the online version's doing? Hope he can make it....

12-31-2010, 06:50 PM
I am suprised to see this happen but I kinda doubt the info given in the NewsOK article. Radio Stations have been selling for several times their value over the last 10 years or so..

If George Lang wrote the story (he did), you can bank on it being right. And technically, your comment is right: radio stations WERE selling for several times their value several years ago. But not recently. It's like saying real estate sale prices in Las Vegas, California and Florida have been skyrocketing "the last 10 years or so" ... which is true. But not after 2007.

01-06-2011, 07:05 AM
If George Lang wrote the story (he did), you can bank on it being right. And technically, your comment is right: radio stations WERE selling for several times their value several years ago. But not recently. It's like saying real estate sale prices in Las Vegas, California and Florida have been skyrocketing "the last 10 years or so" ... which is true. But not after 2007.

I know George wrote with the information that he was given. These properties that
we're spun off to Last Bastion to sell are WAY overpriced. Radio prices have not
changed much since 2007. The properties have gone down in value (TRUE) but it does
not mean the idiots at the helm of the companies that own them are going to sell them
for a fair market price especially since these spun off stations could be competing
against the companies that used to own them. Companies like Citadel are in financial
turmoil right now. They need every penny they can get their hands on.

It's crappy deal. The online thing will be a challenge. The current rate set by the CRB
is .0017 per composition per listener. And if you are making money that rate will and does go up.


01-08-2011, 07:29 PM
Someone with good music to play ought to be bold enough to bring back a pirate FM radio station to Oklahoma City again. A 100 watt station can cover a good sized chunk of OKC with at least a mono signal.

One could reduce getting caught by being on the air only on Saturday and Sundays under the theory the FCC is short staffed and funded and doesn't want to work enforcement officers overtime on weekends. That and careful frequency selection so as not to interfere with the licensed local stations, and one might be able to pull if off for a good long time. It wouldn't be real cool, though, if programming mainly sounded like high school boys playing radio and talking trash about sex.

On the other hand, it can probably be said the huge variety of talk, news and music on the Internet has lessened the need for any pirate radio station activity.

01-12-2011, 07:08 AM
If caught expect misery. The FCC is understaffed but there are plenty of engineers that LOVE to hunt down pirates and report them. President Obama just signed off on the LPFM bill which will open more spots again with exactly that - 100 watt stations. Too bad there arent any daytime only AM stations in OKC that could be grabbed up. FM boosters are available that will allow you to run 20% of the AM daytime only power. In the right spot in OKC that could also be an option for the spy.


01-13-2011, 10:44 AM
If caught expect misery. The FCC is understaffed but there are plenty of engineers that LOVE to hunt down pirates and report them. President Obama just signed off on the LPFM bill which will open more spots again with exactly that - 100 watt stations. Chris Cool. But I hope the nrw LPFM stations won't be claimed by mostly churches.

01-22-2011, 10:55 PM
Look for the comission to hammer down on them after the translator war of 2003. EDGEWATER BROADCASTING, INC and RADIO ASSIST MINISTRY, INC. both in Idaho got a ton of contruction permits and have sold many and have a ton in the market for sale. I think the comission is going to look at the churches long and hard before giving them the nod.


lake hefner breeze
02-17-2011, 01:04 AM
It appears that the Citadel version of the Spy will soon be broadcasting on 96.9 FM in some capacity. Probably on the HD2 side channel, can't be sure since they are rather cryptic on their Facebook ang blog about this. Obviously there is little chance that they would flip BOB FM to the Spy. I'm sure Citadel is hoping that being on HD2 will help with the Norman market (which currently can't pick it up on 105.3) as well as Midwest City, Southside, etc. But this of course means listeners must purchase an HD get a station that might not be on the air much longer given it's lack of local advertising support.

The links:

02-18-2011, 12:42 AM
96.9 is not showing up as an HD signal but I guess that could change. There way too many dinosaur rock stations in OKC so it makes sense that one of them change. 105.3 can't cover the metro.


02-18-2011, 01:40 PM
those links can't be found now. interesting... maybe it's just a glitch.

lake hefner breeze
02-18-2011, 05:26 PM
Those links were working when I posted them, but you are right as of 6:25 pm today they are both gone. That is too much of a coincidence to just be an accident imho. Either some kind of change is afoot or this radio ruse continues to run it's ridiculous course to nowhere.

02-18-2011, 06:44 PM
Why not flip BOB to the Spy? I like Classic Rock but as others said OKC has enough classic rock stations. they could also bring back Jack FM to the metro on 96.9 and the Spy on HD2.

lake hefner breeze
02-18-2011, 08:06 PM
Why not flip BOB to the Spy? I like Classic Rock but as others said OKC has enough classic rock stations. they could also bring back Jack FM to the metro on 96.9 and the Spy on HD2.

I never said that BOB should not be flipped to the Spy, Soonerman.

In fact, the Spy is the only station I listen to. In my post above I simply offered my opinion that: "Obviously there is little chance that they would flip BOB FM to the Spy." (Even though I would more than welcome that change.) I was simply pointing out the unlikelihood of this happening due to certain business aspects. In particular, the fact that Citadel is finding it impossible to sell advertising time on the Spy due to many if not all previous Spy clients siding with Ferris in the aborted purchase of the signal.

Maybe this could be overcome with the larger broadcast capabilities of 96.9, which would open up many areas to sell to that can't be reached now, but they may feel the same way about Citadel as well.

Apart from that, flippping BOB to the Spy is inherently a major risk in and of itself because of many other reasons that basically amount to "safe sells". Which makes Jack FM a good idea.

Just like a lot people I will be really surprised if Citadel puts the Spy on 96.9, but it seems that is what they were hinting at in the blogposts that have since been removed.

In any case I hope they do it.

02-18-2011, 11:31 PM
I never said that BOB should not be flipped to the Spy, Soonerman.

In fact, the Spy is the only station I listen to. In my post above I simply offered my opinion that: "Obviously there is little chance that they would flip BOB FM to the Spy." (Even though I would more than welcome that change.) I was simply pointing out the unlikelihood of this happening due to certain business aspects. In particular, the fact that Citadel is finding it impossible to sell advertising time on the Spy due to many if not all previous Spy clients siding with Ferris in the aborted purchase of the signal.

Maybe this could be overcome with the larger broadcast capabilities of 96.9, which would open up many areas to sell to that can't be reached now, but they may feel the same way about Citadel as well.

Apart from that, flippping BOB to the Spy is inherently a major risk in and of itself because of many other reasons that basically amount to "safe sells". Which makes Jack FM a good idea.

Just like a lot people I will be really surprised if Citadel puts the Spy on 96.9, but it seems that is what they were hinting at in the blogposts that have since been removed.

In any case I hope they do it.

I think that Citadel blew it bigtime by trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the listeners. They are extremely
brand loyal and it shows. They would have been much better off taking the "Spy" brand off the air and just running
some sort of alt format. Listeners would have been aware that Ferris exited but still heard their music on the air even if
it wasnt "the Spy".They had a chance to build a relationship with the listeners that were on 105.3 but they thought
they were idiots and wouldnt notice the difference (radio groups think that quite often).

96.9 is not "owned" by Citadel and I am thinking the actual owner in Enid would have to buy in to any format change.

As far as "Jack" goes, it is a satellite format delivered by Dial Global Radio Networks and it would be a cost saving measure as
"Bob" has actual local talent on the air.


lake hefner breeze
03-05-2011, 12:23 AM
The Citadel Spy has flipped to 105.3 "The Martini". Playing Sinatra and other standards.
Happened around 6pm Friday evening. So all those Facebook posts where they made it look like they were headed to 96.9 were just to annoy Ferris...and from reading some of his Facebook updates, it worked. People will say he won in the end, but nobody won anything here. Just lots of lessons learned about how much corporate radio sucks.

This may be a stunt (if it isn't, then demo-wise it's nuts), but they have already put more work into the imaging on this than anything that was on for the past few months so...

I like hearing Billie Holiday on the radio, though.

more here

lake hefner breeze
03-05-2011, 01:27 AM
The Citadel Spy has flipped to 105.3 "The Martini". Playing Sinatra and other standards.
Happened around 6pm Friday evening. So all those Facebook posts where they made it look like they were headed to 96.9 were just to annoy Ferris...and from reading some of his Facebook updates, it worked. People will say he won in the end, but nobody won anything here. Just lots of lessons learned about how much corporate radio sucks.

This may be a stunt (if it isn't, then demo-wise it's nuts), but they have already put more work into the imaging on this than anything that was on for the past few months so...

I like hearing Billie Holiday on the radio, though.

more here

It's possible that Ferris was in talks with the owner of the 96.9 signal about leasing it as soon as the current LMA with Last Bastard ends and Citadel heard this and put all that stuff out there just to mess with him. This is, after all, the way they work. Ferris can easily afford to pay for leasing 96.9. Or should I say, his Mom can.

03-05-2011, 02:46 PM
Rumor is D Day is coming on Monday with the announcement that Cumulus will buyout Citadel. I would think
Cumulus would want the LMA. I think if ferris wanted a lease he could get one from the group out of Enid that
has the new oldies station at 99.3 (i think). It all comes down to $$$$$$.


03-06-2011, 03:44 PM
So they change 105.3 to standards, WOW, I wonder what station will change formats next, hope its BOB FM.

03-11-2011, 01:15 PM
So they change 105.3 to standards, WOW, I wonder what station will change formats next, hope its BOB FM.

Bob and 99.5 - that would make a good combo lease option for an up and coming radio group. Just do something unique.


03-11-2011, 01:36 PM
Bob and 99.5 - that would make a good combo lease option for an up and coming radio group. Just do something unique.


I like The Martini. It's "new standards" with not just the old original songs, but contemporary artists singing these tunes, too. It's a narrow niche to be sure, but it's great office music, great chillin' music - I like it!

03-14-2011, 04:03 PM
Totally agree with you Mike. There is nothing wrong with what they are doing. I wonder how many 20something
spy followers are digging 105.3?
