12-02-2010, 12:27 PM
Heard they were going in where Cheeseburger in Paradise used to be. Anybody confirm?
View Full Version : Twin Peaks BIGBBD 12-02-2010, 12:27 PM Heard they were going in where Cheeseburger in Paradise used to be. Anybody confirm? CuatrodeMayo 12-02-2010, 03:09 PM Twin Peaks = boobies. Easy180 12-02-2010, 08:13 PM Always enjoy their billboards when heading to Dallas Any one been to one? For some reason it was never high on the wifey's list when were down there...more hardcore than Hooters? jbkrems 12-02-2010, 10:08 PM I walked into the one in Tulsa, not knowing what it was, and when "Bambi" the hostess greeted me... and I looked at the menu... I'm sorry, but I cannot eat a steak when girls around are dressed like that. I guess I'm a wet blanket, but this place is worse than Hooters. jbkrems 12-02-2010, 10:08 PM Oh, I left the place in Tulsa, and went to Mac Grill next door. :) Matt 12-03-2010, 11:47 AM Has Mayor Cornett been informed of this? Steve 12-03-2010, 12:51 PM It wouldn't surprise me. They were shopping around Bricktown a couple years ago. metro 12-03-2010, 01:16 PM Steve, are you going to do an article on them coming? fromdust 02-16-2011, 07:50 PM anyone gone yet? it was packed when i drove by the other night. Roadhawg 02-17-2011, 01:30 PM I'll be happy to investigate !!! for some reason the fish taco's sound good OKCisOK4me 02-17-2011, 01:33 PM My coworker keeps telling me that I'm the only guy she knows that hasn't been yet, lol. She's even been with her husband and said it's pretty interesting to say the least! fromdust 02-17-2011, 07:10 PM for some reason the fish taco's sound good bahahaha! crude...i love it! jbkrems 02-17-2011, 08:32 PM I do not plan on going there, and I won't. Roadhawg 02-18-2011, 09:13 AM bahahaha! crude...i love it! Hey... it's on the menu lol Roadhawg 02-18-2011, 09:16 AM I do not plan on going there, and I won't. So... how do you really feel about pretty girls working at a food place? Easy180 02-18-2011, 06:28 PM "Hi welcome to Twin Peaks" "might I recommend the Please don't bother hitting on me platter with a side of I'm way out of your league" SOONER8693 02-19-2011, 12:04 PM I'm not 100% certain, but, I believe they are owned by the same people that have all the Bone Daddy's in the DFW metroplex. The food at Bone Daddy's rates a 10+. I've eaten at one Twin Peaks in Bedford, and although the food was good, it was not Bone Daddy's good. However, the eye candy was fine. Pete 12-21-2017, 06:11 AM In my search for a decent sports bar to meet friends from Edmond, decided to try this place last night. They actually have a great layout for watching games, one of the best in OKC. Even though they were quite busy for a Wednesday night we were able to get a table right in front of a large TV to watch the Thunder. I knew they focused on waitresses with big racks but had no idea they all also basically wear thongs. I've never seen anything like this in a mainstream restaurant... Most of the women working there were virtually bottomless. Effectively, they were all wearing low-cut bras and thong panties. Typical pub type food that was mediocre but the service was great and they were very busy. And even though they had a bunch of beers on tap, they were all domestics like Coors and Bud Lite. They only had one local brew: Coop F5. When we left around 9PM I counted about 50 patrons; 5-6 were female. jerrywall 12-21-2017, 09:11 AM My favorite thing about this place is the patio, and being able to sit where I can watch the bike. Otherwise... Meh. It's ok. OkiePoke 12-21-2017, 09:54 AM I would probably frequent this place if the waitresses were more clothing. I feel awkward in there... It isn't a strip club. sooner88 12-21-2017, 09:57 AM I've been once (not my suggestion) and have no desire to go back. Very weird setting, and we were seated at a communal table with a group with a ton of children. BBatesokc 12-21-2017, 10:02 AM Is that dependent on the location? Been to one once (Tulsa I think) and they had tan shorts on and a shirt over a push up bra. Food wasn't that great. Pete 12-21-2017, 10:12 AM It's odd enough these women show up at your table in skimpy bras -- yes, bras, not even the pretense of a quasi top. But then all the sudden you notice a good percentage of the watiresses are walking around in thongs with the entirety of their arses completely hanging out. You can't see in the picture below (this was taken in the Memorial location) but both these women have completely exposed butts. I honestly don't know how they get away with it and WTH are people thinking taking kids in there? bradh 12-21-2017, 10:27 AM around holidays (Halloween, Valentine's Day, Christmas) they wear themed outfits, not the traditional uniform jerrywall 12-21-2017, 10:39 AM around holidays (Halloween, Valentine's Day, Christmas) they wear themed outfits, not the traditional uniform That explains a lot. Even though I've only been a few times I never saw anyone dressed like that photograph. As for taking kids, not everyone has the hangups about the human body that most Americans do. It's not like they give lapdances there. Although I do have a funny story about a friend's 9 year old daughter she took there once and how the daughter lectured the waitress on her attire. Pete 12-21-2017, 10:42 AM Nothing says Christmas like these 'outfits': Roger S 12-21-2017, 10:53 AM Wonder what Mrs. Claus thinks about Santa's new helpers? dankrutka 12-21-2017, 10:53 AM As for taking kids, not everyone has the hangups about the human body that most Americans do. It's not like they give lapdances there. Although I do have a funny story about a friend's 9 year old daughter she took there once and how the daughter lectured the waitress on her attire. I'd like to hear the story. Lol. In my opinion, I don't think this is just about Americans having hangups about human bodies (with which I agree), but women at these types of restaurants are presented as sexual objects for everyone to stare at. For impressionable young girls and boys, it definitely sends the message that women's bodies (or even specific body parts) are the standard by which women should be judged, but it sends these messages to adults too. These types of expectations, which are propagated by a beauty industry that wants women to feel insecure and thus buy their products to fix their bodies, is a main reason why the self-confidence of middle school girls plummets. They see these body expectations and feel like they don't measure up. Moreover, they present women's bodies as objects for us to critique, judge, and even take. These restaurants do not promote some healthy valuing of human bodies or healthy approach to relationships in my opinion. If you don't believe me, consider how a women without a "good body" is perceived by the customers? As you might guess, I personally would not go patronize one of these establishments myself so I'm not exactly their target audience. Lol. jerrywall 12-21-2017, 11:10 AM I think the lingerie outfit is extreme, but I've never been there while they dressed like this, but thier normal attire isn't that far out of line than many bars or restaurants. Yes, there's a focus on attractive waitresses, which is a whole other societal bag of worms, but it's normally not this sexualized. I may be desensitized considering how much time I've spent at biker bars though. u50254082 12-21-2017, 11:35 AM It takes a lot of work to stay slim and to look good. If this can make someone money then more power to them. mugofbeer 12-22-2017, 07:49 AM Been to the one in Addison, TX - awful food. The one in S Denver is only slightly better. Joe Kimball 12-23-2017, 10:34 PM This is the Christmas setup, right? I was there with my father a few years ago, and they were all attired in brief caricatures of lumberjack-type garb: Scottish plaid bustiers, khaki daisy dukes, and the like. TheTravellers 12-24-2017, 02:54 PM This is the Christmas setup, right? I was there with my father a few years ago, and they were all attired in brief caricatures of lumberjack-type garb: Scottish plaid bustiers, khaki daisy dukes, and the like. I'm pretty sure that the lumberjack stuff is their usual outfit, that's what it's been the 2 times I've had to go there with friends (who have bad taste in food). |