View Full Version : ARINC expanding aircraft operations at WRWA

12-01-2010, 03:58 PM
Good economic news but it probably means more noisy engine runs late at night in my neck-o-the-woods.

More details here: that mentions creating 150-200 new high-paying jobs.

12-01-2010, 04:16 PM
They could run 4-5 Greyhounds to SoCal, Ohio or Michigan with "Machinist/Avionics Tech Wanted" banners on the side, and they'd have their skilled workers in 24 hours.

12-01-2010, 04:18 PM
I wonder why the DOK didn't mention the 150-200 new jobs?

I'm not a journalist, but I think I would have added that to the news article.

12-01-2010, 04:27 PM
Excellent news! And earlywine, ARINC rarely does many engine runs. They are primarily an avionics/electronics modification company for aircraft. They install, repair, and service radios, navigation equipment, flight management computers, etc. At least that is mainly what they do at OKC, I have seen them do airframe maintenance, but rarely powerplant (engine) stuff.

Jobs: high paying is right. Avionics technicians are in high demand and easily make 60-130k+ a year based on training, employer, and experience. Regular AMT (Aviation Maintenance Technicians without Avionics training -- a.k.a. Aircraft Mechanics) make 25-65k a year. For some larger airlines, with a lot of seniority, an AMT can make the same as an Avionics Technician.

These are good jobs to bring here.

12-01-2010, 08:00 PM
I work in the aviation industry and am surprised the announcement didn't get more attention. The Boeing announcement was huge, but this one isn't far behind. These are plum jobs, the kind of jobs that are the foundation of a growing economy, exactly the kind of jobs OKC needs.

12-01-2010, 11:34 PM
Agreed, very large news. You'd think 150-200 new high paying jobs in a growing sector for Oklahoma would make a bigger story.

Would also like to remind everyone the hangar that is going up on the east side of the field near ARINC is not the hangar that ARINC is building, that one is Atlantic Aviation, an FBO. Comparison: the hangar ARINC is building is twice the size vertically as well as floor space as the Atlantic Aviation hangar.

12-02-2010, 07:55 AM
Interesting that they are part of The Carlyle Group. They own a lot of stuff which could be good for OKC in the long run if this works out for them. Here is a link to all the companies owned by Carlyle.

Guess who else they own. Hertz.

12-02-2010, 12:20 PM
Interesting addition to the story link.

The journalist added the quote...... “The work that will be accomplished at our expanded aircraft modification facility will create between 150 and 200 new high-paying jobs in the Oklahoma City area over the next couple of years.”

Read more:

12-02-2010, 02:56 PM