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09-28-2018, 03:26 PM
I've said this before and many will throw rocks at me for saying it, but i dont feel like restoring the grid at the Cox site is a good idea. We have land in the heart of downtown that's primed for that next arena when the Peake is ready to go. Getting that land back later would make the project a LOT more expensive. The Cox can still serve a purpose for smaller events and will most likely be a cheaper option than the new CC anyway. The fact that we have two venues so close could be beneficial for very large events too.

There really isn't anything there to NEED the grid restored either, as in you dont get anything from it. East/West you just get access from a rail wall with no connection to bricktown and then the park. North South, you aren't REALLY blocked today because people walk through the Cox all day and get to be indoors while they cross. But that being said, there isn't much need there between the 2 hotels and the Peak. Normal downtown workers go to SantaFe and go north or west to their buildings, not south towards the Peak.

There is SOOOO much open land right now with C2S, we definitely don't need a plot like this open. And without a developer ready to build without TIFF/etc, then we'll just end up with another OG&E/Stage Center debacle.

I disagree. This site is perfect for restoring the original street grid. Chesapeake Arena won't need to be replaced for decades. Renovated/expanded but not replaced and is in a great current location. The question is more will the Cox site be developed to its potential and I hope it is.

09-28-2018, 03:28 PM
the city will rebuild the street grid and carve up the land, offering piece(s) to developers. CBD expansion will be the protocol here, meaning at least midrise development.

Keep in mind, CBD rules are different for the other downtown districts or in the rest of the core. One can nearly be assured the city will uphold them at the Cox site due to the expense it has taken and will to demolish it; as well as the inherent value of the land once the Cox become obsolete. I can assume there every block of the four will require at least one tower above 15 floors - again, CBD expansion here. ..

09-28-2018, 05:03 PM
Once demolished (2020-21) and there are some proposals made, then decide whether or not what to do with the street grid; not limited to the current grid.

10-01-2018, 08:15 PM
Was looking over some recent shots and realized what an astonishingly big impact this site can have on downtown. Will be exciting to see what happens with all of this!

10-01-2018, 08:19 PM

It's just a monster monolith, especially as it takes the entire eastern boundary of the Myriad Gardens and completely blocks the Santa Fe Station.

Can't wait for it to be gone.

10-02-2018, 07:16 AM

It's just a monster monolith, especially as it takes the entire eastern boundary of the Myriad Gardens and completely blocks the Santa Fe Station.

Can't wait for it to be gone.

Would love to see a central street with a terminal vista of the Station when standing at the opposite end of the Myriad Gardens.

10-02-2018, 10:13 PM

It's just a monster monolith, especially as it takes the entire eastern boundary of the Myriad Gardens and completely blocks the Santa Fe Station.

Can't wait for it to be gone. may become Myriad Gardens Part III and the Holy Larry Nichols may convince Rehco never to build a lot and we'll have the head of the cross standing 844 feet tall and the rest of the "T" nothing but lowly ground level vegetation, with some parking.The Boulevard could be seen as the spear going directly into the side to finish it all off.

10-02-2018, 11:20 PM
Would love to see a central street with a terminal vista of the Station when standing at the opposite end of the Myriad Gardens.

A restored California Ave would dead end at the station entrance: L24EHpRGMRjn81ymXnQ

Broadway would terminate at Reno with Chesapeake Arena as the terminus

10-03-2018, 07:39 AM
I don't think there's enough demand for land in downtown OKC right now to demo the Cox Center. In 10 years that might be different, but right now I think it's unlikely to generate the level of investment that we desire.

For that development to truly be a "success", we probably need something larger than the proposed OG&E/Clayco project. There's twice as much available land here, and this need a $1 billion-plus level of investment. To do it right, the city probably needs to coordinate 4 or 5 different developers, each one moving forward on a different piece of the property with their own (well funded) projects. But I don't think anybody is ready to do that right now.

Let's say there are (at least) 3 barriers to this moving forward today. First, we've got a lot of Class A office space that is unfilled thanks to the BOk building that just opened up. It will fill up eventually, but we don't have a pressing need for more office space downtown right now. Second, until First National opens up, we've got very little information on how the city will handle high rise housing. As I understand it, it's almost impossible to get loans to build high rise residential until the city proves it can support something comparable. Third, the city can't use any TIF funds to help with a hotel for the foreseeable future because of our deal with Omni.

Now, all those issues could be worked out. BOk may fill up in the next few years, and if the oil industry continues to recover, or we get some more tech companies moving here, we may need more Class A space in the future. From what I understand, Harold Hamm runs a super-tight ship, and once he retires here in 5 or 10 years, it's possible that CR could grow significantly. Our outlook on office towers could be a lot stronger in 2028 as opposed to today. First National may be a huge success, and high rise residential could work very well in OKC. And Omni may do such good business here that they might want to exercise their option to put an additional hotel on the Cox Center grounds.

But I don't think any of this is going to happen the day after the new convention center opens. I'd suggest keeping the Cox Center open for smaller conventions, at least for a few years until a truly world-class (not make believe world class like we sometimes see) proposal is ready to go.

Im a little shocked to see someone agree, even if for different reason. But can't say im sad to see it LOL. The lack of NEED and investment to build on the site is a MAJOR factor. As Hoya said (and i sort of said) unless we have someone lined up that doesn't require a billion dollars in TIFF to even make the project move, then we're not doing ourselves any favors by dozing. Im sure the symbology of having this much land vacant (along with the Stage Center) in the heart of downtown would not be a good thing. And as said, we're far from needing more Class A space or really residential of any kind either. The market simply isn't there. If it were, we'd have people lined up ready to submit proposals for the land.

10-03-2018, 07:43 AM
Im a little shocked to see someone agree, even if for different reason. But can't say im sad to see it LOL. The lack of NEED and investment to build on the site is a MAJOR factor. As Hoya said (and i sort of said) unless we have someone lined up that doesn't require a billion dollars in TIFF to even make the project move, then we're not doing ourselves any favors by dozing. Im sure the symbology of having this much land vacant (along with the Stage Center) in the heart of downtown would not be a good thing. And as said, we're far from needing more Class A space or really residential of any kind either. The market simply isn't there. If it were, we'd have people lined up ready to submit proposals for the land.

When MAPS3 wraps up in a few years, I think the opportunity from outside investment will grow exponentially. A several billion dollar development is undoable for a local investor group. But what if a firm in Dallas or Los Angeles is interested?

10-03-2018, 11:52 AM
We definitely don't need to keep the Cox. Restoring the grid and expanding the CBD organically but with a master plan only makes sense.

10-03-2018, 12:44 PM
We definitely don't need to keep the Cox. Restoring the grid and expanding the CBD organically but with a master plan only makes sense.

I.M. Pei i think is still doing occasional consulting work... maybe the city could hire him for the master plan

10-03-2018, 01:11 PM
I.M. Pei i think is still doing occasional consulting work... maybe the city could hire him for the master plan


10-03-2018, 07:05 PM
I.M. Pei i think is still doing occasional consulting work... maybe the city could hire him for the master plan

thanks so much for may laugh of the day with that suggestion. LoL.

10-04-2018, 12:46 PM
Until we have a funded plan on paper utilizing one company or multiple companies, I would prefer if they operated the COX as is nod try to increase the total convention/event business in downtown OKC. The Stage center site and bob Moore parking lots are cautionary tales.

10-04-2018, 12:49 PM
Until we have a funded plan on paper utilizing one company or multiple companies, I would prefer if they operated the COX as is nod try to increase the total convention/event business in downtown OKC. The Stage center site and bob Moore parking lots are cautionary tales.

I believe that would be the approach.

I don't believe they are going to demolish an existing, functioning and valuable city asset without having real development lined up.

If for no other reason, a massive amount of public parking would be lost.

07-12-2019, 03:01 PM
City council to vote next week on extending the Blue's contract at the Cox Center for 2 more seasons.

Sounds like it will be around at least that long.

PBC NBADL, LLC owns the Oklahoma City Blue professional basketball franchise (the “Team”) which is a member of the National Basketball Association’s development league (“G-League”), and is the affiliate of the Oklahoma City Thunder, a franchise of the NBA which plays home games at the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City.

The Team and SMG desire to enter into an Extension Agreement to the January 9, 2015 Extended Use License Agreement with SMG for presentation of professional basketball at the Cox Convention Center. The 2015 Extended Use License Agreement provided for an initial term of three years, with two one-year renewal options. The second renewal option was exercised and effective through the 2018-2019 G-League season.

The Extension Agreement provides for a third renewal term consisting of two seasons, concluding at the end of the 2020-2021 season. Three oneyear extensions may subsequently be exercised upon mutual written consent and agreement of the parties. The attached Term Summary outlines key points of the proposed Extension Agreement.

Adoption of the Resolution by the OCPPA will authorize SMG to enter into the Extension Agreement with PBC NBADL, LLC to present professional G-League basketball at the Cox Convention Center Arena.

jonny d
07-12-2019, 03:59 PM
City council to vote next week on extending the Blue's contract at the Cox Center for 2 more seasons.

Sounds like it will be around at least that long.

Would probably have an out clause if a definitive plan is in place for redevelopment of the site once the new CC is open. But this is smart, either way.

07-13-2019, 08:43 AM
City council to vote next week on extending the Blue's contract at the Cox Center for 2 more seasons.

Sounds like it will be around at least that long.

I would think it will take at least that long to fully complete and move the convention center and make even basic proposals for redevelopment of the current one.

07-13-2019, 09:07 AM
In this video, Mike Carrier with the CVB talks about some time lines with the convention center. Unfortunately, he stood on the opposite side of the room from his slides so we can't see those in the video, but he gives a lot of good info.

02-05-2020, 07:14 PM
OZ Oklahoma City's zones

The area of the cox center represent 4-square blocks for prime development opportunity if and when the City decides to drop the wrecking ball on the Cox center site.

Will OKC be able to salvage 900 underground parking spaces.
Will the 4 sq., blks be return to street grid; also parceled out.
Will Omni exercise their exclusive rights if a hotel comes into play.
Will a wealthy developer/s invest in OKC's Opportunity Zones.

As dreaded as it seems; it may be a while before or if the cox is demolished.

Should OKC approach 2021-25 with optimism...

02-05-2020, 07:51 PM
OZ Oklahoma City's zones

The area of the cox center represent 4-square blocks for prime development opportunity if and when the City decides to drop the wrecking ball on the Cox center site.

Will OKC be able to salvage 900 underground parking spaces.
Will the 4 sq., blks be return to street grid; also parceled out.
Will Omni exercise their exclusive rights if a hotel comes into play.
Will a wealthy developer/s invest in OKC's Opportunity Zones.

As dreaded as it seems; it may be a while before or if the cox is demolished.

Should OKC approach 2021-25 with optimism...

Moving for the sake of motion will not help OKC at all. OKC can wait on demolishing that until they have a solid plan in place. No need to rush.

02-05-2020, 09:20 PM
I'd be fine if this takes 25 years to develop. This city gets one shot to redevelop what will ultimately be the foremost real estate site in the entire state of Oklahoma.

02-06-2020, 06:40 AM
Doubt the arena is razed before the new fairgrounds arena is open anyway.

02-06-2020, 11:20 AM
Doubt the arena is razed before the new fairgrounds arena is open anyway.


The coliseum should be among the 1st four projects under construction where this venue can start reaping benefits; regardless of what happens with the Cox site.

02-07-2020, 08:01 AM
Not to mention the fact that there is absolutely ZERO, NADA, NO demand for office space at all. Occupancy is low and getting worse as the energy sector shrinks. BOK/Sandridge/Leadership/Bancfist/etc. We don't need the hotel space, and if they're built, they're not going to go here.

I've said it before too, restoring the grid doesn't get you anywhere. East/West buts you into EK Gaylord. North/South buts you into the Peake. You'd get 4 blocks of un-needed ground floor retail ability.....and that's a dime a dozen downtown. Unless we have 4 towers to build in it's spot, there's just no need.

AND, we'd lose the prime location for building the Peak's replacement. We seriously have zero incentive to do anything with this site and the city knows it. And for sure the private sector knows it because no one is least not one that actually has any potential to actually DO anything. And even then they're gonna want mega TIF and breaks and we've been burned there many a times.

"not gonna happen".

09-11-2020, 10:14 AM
Huh... Wouldn't have guessed this as a good use for the space, but I'm not opposed...

09-11-2020, 10:35 AM
That's a great idea. Let it happen.

09-11-2020, 10:44 AM
This is a really interesting idea!

09-11-2020, 10:46 AM
Though I'd love for it to get razed and redeveloped into something cool, that seems incredibly unlikely in any reasonable time frame, so definitely intrigued by this idea. Would have to be done right and coupled with some pretty significant tax deals to make it successful, but could be cool.

09-11-2020, 11:22 AM
If that works out and actually gets used as imagined, that sounds like a fantastic idea.

09-11-2020, 11:55 AM
Really interesting and unexpected option for this building. I'm almost always pro adaptive reuse, so good luck to these guys.

09-11-2020, 01:03 PM
Really interesting and unexpected option for this building. I'm almost always pro adaptive reuse, so good luck to these guys.

It would definitely add some life to downtown and the hotels would do well with out of town guests coming in for filming

I like this idea!

09-11-2020, 01:13 PM
I worked on the lot at Paramount for 3 years and did consulting projects for several other large studios in L.A.

A huge investment is required to create sound stages. Where is that money going to come from?

I look forward to hearing this discussed in City Council on Tuesday.

09-13-2020, 11:26 AM
There are so many questions that require answers before a decision is made on the Cox Convention Center. There are millions in previous bonds and MAPS Initiative funds tied to this facility.

Let's see what a 'letter of intent' by Prairie Surface Media offers. What's on the line; think about it.

This seems like an exciting use of the Cox Center since the only use we've heard is its potential fallback as an overflow for the new convention center which we don't see happening anytime soon during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As for the question on 'money to back this project' anyone think this would be a problem getting investors from Los Angeles alone to support the OKC Cox Convention Center conversion idea...

09-13-2020, 12:53 PM
I think this is a good interim solution. But long term - that building needs to go. That superblock needs to be replaced by a vibrant, human scaled area. With the current looming economic depression that idea may be another decade in the future than initially thought, so if this keeps the lights on and activity around it in the meantime - go for it.

09-13-2020, 04:58 PM
I don't see how this works as an interim project.

There is a massive investment needed to convert open space into sound stages. Who is going to do that for even 10 years? And then you have to hope you get a ton of productions to come to Oklahoma City.

Would be great If this happens, but every city has had surplus arenas and convention centers and none have gone this route, including the Forum and Sports Arena in L.A. and for a long time there was a big shortage of studio space there.

Maybe the plan is to do a cheap-and-dirty setup and then see who they can rent to. Otherwise, this doesn't make a lot of sense to me.


09-13-2020, 08:36 PM
I don't see how this works as an interim project.

There is a massive investment needed to convert open space into sound stages. Who is going to do that for even 10 years? And then you have to hope you get a ton of productions to come to Oklahoma City.

Would be great If this happens, but every city has had surplus arenas and convention centers and none have gone this route, including the Forum and Sports Arena in L.A. and for a long time there was a big shortage of studio space there.

Maybe the plan is to do a cheap-and-dirty setup and then see who they can rent to. Otherwise, this doesn't make a lot of sense to me.


If so - then this is not a great idea. It's creative, but it will allow one of the largest land-use failures of Oklahoma City to continue perpetually. What about repurposing the Crossroads Mall as this? Has tons of space sitting and that area could use some investment and attention. Not to mention the huge parking lots could be used to setup temporary outdoor stages and driving scenes.

09-15-2020, 11:26 AM

09-15-2020, 11:32 AM
Was there a city council meeting today?

The notice and agenda were never posted on the city's portal, which is a big violation of the open meetings act.

09-15-2020, 11:33 AM
no one has talked about what happens to the parking yet, does that remain a city managed asset or does that become dedicated to the workers there in part or in full? if there is any public parking remaining, will the elevators be access controlled and if so will the only exit for members of the public be the stairs going up to Reno?

09-15-2020, 11:40 AM
Turns out there was a city council meeting today.

I'm furious the meeting and agenda were never posted. Effectively, someone could press the issue and invalidate any votes taken today.

Anyway, here is the letter of intent; I am still very skeptical about this as it makes zero sense to me:


09-15-2020, 11:54 AM
Was there a city council meeting today?

The notice and agenda were never posted on the city's portal, which is a big violation of the open meetings act.

new link for the council agendas going forward

09-15-2020, 12:02 PM
It seems iffy, on how they would convert the arena and everything to basically massive open space.

However, There is going to be backlog of projects, and a lack of stage space for a year or two because of the COVID shutdown.

I guess it is better than it sitting empty.

09-15-2020, 12:09 PM
It's one of those things that sounds good and gets everyone excited but makes zero sense to anyone who knows about the business side of the industry.

09-15-2020, 01:57 PM
Okay so I was able to watch some of the presentation but wasn't able to finish. Sorry if this is a stupid question I just want to make sure I'm understanding correctly. This LOI is essentially granting them go and hit up their connections and gauge interest in producing films at the Cox Center (probably cheaply)? From there, if they get a good response they move into lease negotiations with the city to actually make it happen?

Also Pete, you obviously are well versed in the film industry. My question to you is if the infrastructure was in place do you think they would be able to land filming for streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Etc.)? I know nothing about the film industry but I understand that there will need to be very significant TI allowance or buildout and someone will have to pay for it. Who pays for it is a whole different fun conversation that I'm sure people will have when the time comes. But for now, it sounded like the people behind this at the very least have experience and decent connections. Again, pardon my ignorance regarding the film industry and thanks in advance.

09-15-2020, 02:07 PM
Also Pete, you obviously are well versed in the film industry. My question to you is if the infrastructure was in place do you think they would be able to land filming for streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Etc.)? I know nothing about the film industry but I understand that there will need to be very significant TI allowance or buildout and someone will have to pay for it. Who pays for it is a whole different fun conversation that I'm sure people will have when the time comes. But for now, it sounded like the people behind this at the very least have experience and decent connections. Again, pardon my ignorance regarding the film industry and thanks in advance.

I just don't think this is remotely realistic.

Productions require an entire army of experienced crew members and we don't have any of that here.

Also, literally every city and state has been trying to seduce production for the last several decades. All the sudden OKC is going to do something none of these places have ever thought of?

Then you add on the tremendous cost to convert what is essentially a warehouse into a working soundstage... If there is such demand, why not do that in L.A.? Warehouse space is cheap and even the L.A. Forum has been empty since the Lakers and Kings moved to the Staples Center in the 90's.

And no disrespect to the two people trying to make this happen, but it's not like they are some sort of Holywood power brokers. The guy wrote one episode each for 3 TV shows of minor consequence, the most recent being 6 years ago. He mainly does local PBS stuff and travel writing for 405 Magazine. The actress has had nothing more than a bunch of bit TV parts. Again, I'm not putting them down and there are tons of people who would kill for even that much work, but there are literally thousands of people with those credentials and unless there is something huge not being mentioned, none of that experience is going to translate directly into recruiting full productions to a city that has had virtually zero in the past.

Of course, I will be very happy if this happens. I just don't see how it makes any sense other than as a fun idea.

09-15-2020, 02:16 PM
Gotcha, I'm following now. Thanks for the explaination.

09-15-2020, 02:31 PM
They just issued this press release:


***Entertainment Industry Veterans and Oklahomans’ Matt Payne and Rachel Cannon Lead New Venture***
***Oklahoma City Grants Rights to PSM to Transform Cox Convention Center Into Motion Picture and Television Studio***

Oklahoma City, OK – September 15, 2020 - The City of Oklahoma City has granted Prairie Surf Media (PSM), the newly established multi-media production company, the rights to establish Prairie Surf Studios in the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City. The new entity will house the largest clearspan soundstages in the Midwest.

Rachel Cannon and Matt Payne, co-chief executive officers of PSM, in jointly announcing the new partnership, said Prairie Surf Studios will encompass more than 260,000 square feet of production space including 140,000 square feet dedicated to five clearspan soundstages ranging from 25,000 to 32,000 square feet each. The production facility will also offer attached hotels, a diner with a separate kitchen, a commercial-grade kitchen and an underground tunnel system connecting to shops, hotels and restaurants.

Cannon and Payne, who have both spent decades working in the entertainment business in Los Angeles, saw an opportunity in their home state to help elevate the industry by providing infrastructure. They jointly stated, “We are passionate about empowering storytellers while creating jobs that will truly create economic diversity for Oklahoma. The entertainment industry is not just actors and directors. Each production is packed with high-paying jobs that range from construction workers and electricians to accountants and tech. With unemployment at an all-time high, we want to show Oklahomans how their existing skillsets can pivot into this brand-new industry.”

They continued, "Launching Prairie Surf Media has been a labor of love and we are eager to introduce filmmakers across the globe to our beautiful state. Among our state’s highlights are our famed Tallgrass Prairie, Little Sahara, Black Mesa, charming small towns and growing downtown metropolises. Our environmental diversity will serve as the perfect backdrop for countless stories in television, film, documentaries and commercials.

“As productions continue to ramp up, we are acutely aware of capacity issues and safety concerns that the entertainment industry currently faces due to the pandemic. With that said, we can confidently say when we open our doors it will be to a safe environment following industry-wide protocols. With an attached hotel and commercial-grade kitchen,
productions have the capability to self-contain their crews for safety."

Securing the space was no small feat for PSM. Cannon and Payne said, “We are indebted to our investors led by Christian Kanady of Echo Investment Capital, and many other supportive individuals including Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt, a visionary who helped put our deal together with the Cox Center, Lieutenant Governor Matt Pinnell who provided unyielding guidance for which we’ll be forever grateful, as well as other state leaders.”

Oklahoma Lieutenant Governor Matt Pinnell said, “I have the utmost respect for Matt and Rachel and their exciting new venture – Prairie Surf Studios. The film and television industry are going to bring in tax revenue, jobs and other opportunities for rural and urban Oklahomans. This gives us a great opportunity to showcase to the world our state’s rich history, geographic diversity and our biggest asset – our warm and welcoming people.”

Mayor Holt stated, “I was so impressed when I met Rachel and Matt and learned of their vision for enhancing the entertainment industry in Oklahoma as well as building a media hub. Prairie Surf Studios is another example of what happens when we invest in ourselves. The Cox Center would not have been available if it wasn’t for the voters’ approval to build a new convention center. We realize our global economy is shifting and the entertainment industry is no different. The studio fits perfectly into the city’s economic development strategy and will help create many jobs at a time when they are most needed.”

Holt continued, “We welcome producers and directors to Oklahoma City where they will find talented actors, electricians, set designers, costumers and makeup artists. I know they are going to be pleasantly surprised when they experience the beauty of our entire state.”

Tava Maloy Sofsky, director of Oklahoma Film and Music, said, “I have known and worked closely with Matt and Rachel for years. Their dedication and love of the arts, their creative minds combined with their savvy business sense, will surly make Prairie Surf Studios a premier destination for all types of productions. Suffice it to say, I am beyond thrilled that these boomerangs are back home sharing their years of entertainment industry expertise to help mentor and launch the next generation of talent both in front of and behind the cameras.”


About Rachel Cannon:
Rachel Cannon is an entertainment executive, entrepreneur, mentor, accomplished television
actress, writer and producer. With an acting career in Los Angeles that spans over 20 years,
Cannon has been featured in such iconic television series as “Big Bang Theory,” “Two and a
Half Men,” “Mad Men,” and for the last 6 years she has recurred on the hit comedy series
“Fresh Off The Boat.” Combining this on-set experience with her strong entrepreneurial spirit,
Cannon is now focused on helping to shape and bring creative opportunities to the film and
entertainment industry in her home State at this transformational time.

About Matt Payne:
Matt Payne is an Emmy-nominated filmmaker, writer, photographer and educator based in
Oklahoma City. In his 15 years based in Los Angeles, Payne worked as a writer on CBS's Vegas,
Without a Trace and The Defenders. In 2015, Payne moved back to Oklahoma City and since
then, has taken a key role in the Oklahoma film community producing documentaries for
Griffin Communications and the OETA Foundation as well as teaching film business and
screenwriting at Oklahoma City University among other things.

About PSM:
Prairie Surf Media (PSM) is an Oklahoma City-based global production studio focused on
multi-platform content creation. Through its innovative and transformative leadership team,
the company is poised to kick start the growth of streaming, television and motion picture
production in Oklahoma. With decades of combined experience in the entertainment industry,
PSM is the undisputed category leader in the state. PSM is co-founded by Oklahoma natives,
Rachel Cannon and Matt Payne.

For more information on Prairie Surf Media, Prairie Surf Studios, Matt Payne and
Rachel Cannon go to:

Plutonic Panda
09-15-2020, 04:44 PM
I hope this happens. It would be amazing for the city!

09-15-2020, 05:48 PM
Per what Pete says this may be a long shot of actually working but I wish them luck!

Plutonic Panda
09-15-2020, 09:38 PM

09-16-2020, 07:47 AM
If they dont have a company lined up to make the investment needed to do this, then i say let's move on. I absolutely do not want to sink millions of dollars in to the place just to HOPE someone comes by to film. I can't support the city funding making this happen. If there's a need, then there will be a production company out there willing to do it. Otherwise, yeah I dont think that's going to happen.

The city shouldn't be doing this stuff anyway, it's not their job to be a business no more than it's their job to be a landlord for an office building.

09-16-2020, 08:24 AM
Let's see what they have to offer:

Has anyone heard them say that they needed any kind of investment from the city...

Concerns we should all have since the Cox Convention Center was funded thru bonds in 1971 construction and received MAPS funds there after.

What kind of structural changes would be made to Cox Center (permanent or temporary). You know there's money in California (investors) to fund this project. Although it seems on the surface to good to be true, this is where the negotiations stage begins.'

Before we all jump to conclusions, again, let's see what they have to offer... This just allows negotiations to begin--nothing is final.

Only drawback I see is the Cox Center will not be available as a back-up venue for possible overflow of the new convention center--with Covid-19, at this point--will even that be an issue...

How will SMG be affected by this negotiations--will they be involved...

09-16-2020, 08:46 AM
If they dont have a company lined up to make the investment needed to do this, then i say let's move on. I absolutely do not want to sink millions of dollars in to the place just to HOPE someone comes by to film. I can't support the city funding making this happen. If there's a need, then there will be a production company out there willing to do it. Otherwise, yeah I dont think that's going to happen.

The city shouldn't be doing this stuff anyway, it's not their job to be a business no more than it's their job to be a landlord for an office building.
Is the city planning on funding this, though? Honestly asking. I was under the impression the group behind it was putting together the financing but I could be wrong.

09-16-2020, 08:49 AM
There has been no mention of city funding but that doesn't mean it isn't coming; I have no idea where the money would come from.

09-16-2020, 09:46 AM
Christian Kanady, CEO of the dwindling Echo Energy, is the lead investor and will be sourcing additional investments. He is/has been reducing his exposure to Oil/Gas for some time now. He has commercial real estate investments around the city with a strong desire to make downtown OKC more vibrant. Obviously this is self-serving to a degree, since he has no tenants in his rather expensive building at Kerr Park.

09-16-2020, 10:14 AM
Christian Kanady, CEO of the dwindling Echo Energy, is the lead investor and will be sourcing additional investments. He is/has been reducing his exposure to Oil/Gas for some time now. He has commercial real estate investments around the city with a strong desire to make downtown OKC more vibrant. Obviously this is self-serving to a degree, since he has no tenants in his rather expensive building at Kerr Park.

He was mentioned in the press release as an investor.

He paid $10.7 million for the old Parkside Building and it's almost completely empty other than a handful of his own employees.

09-16-2020, 10:28 AM
There has been no mention of city funding but that doesn't mean it isn't coming; I have no idea where the money would come from.

Appreciate the info you bring to all discussions; you are our major source and shield with your wide range of expertise especially since you recently relocated back to OKC from LA.

It sounds like they want to enter into a short or long-term lease for the Cox Center; still we don't know the terms associated with an agreement--as with any lease will the city (owner) be asked to fund anything--we need to see the agreement since OKC still owns this venue.

Don't know if you (Pete) can answer this question: Do you know or recall if the cities of Los Angeles or Hollywood were ever asked to fund any of the motion picture industry prompts, stages or venue projects...

09-16-2020, 10:28 AM
The group is using Saxum as their PR firm, so either Renzi Stone is personally involved in the soundstage development, or Kanady & Co. are shelling out some good dough.

It also could be that the State is behind the PR, as this group has an agreement with the city and state to promote the facility.