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06-30-2021, 01:20 PM
The sidewalk and streetscape were promised as part of Project 180 and just completely skipped, like so many other areas.

I remember Mayor Holt tweeting about needing to do a study on how long it may be until development occurs there once ODOT no longer controls it to see whether it makes sense for the city to step in with a sidewalk, but I don't know how the Thunder Alley plans cratering affects that. It really is unattractive and impractical, right in between two of the biggest draws of visitors to our city with no safe connectivity.

06-30-2021, 01:20 PM
To be fair the city thought there was going to be a whole plaza there a year ago. Then Covid happened.

Regarding Prairie Surf Studios, the city should have only given them half the building and they lease out the arena whenever they need it like everyone else. What's dumb about all this, is that arena is probably just sitting empty.

06-30-2021, 01:35 PM
The arena inside is 100% [planned to be?] used by the studio. I believe they either have or are planning to soundproof it and basically make it one of the largest soundstages in the US.

EDIT: Added link to the studio's planned use of the [former] CCC:

06-30-2021, 01:39 PM
To be fair the city thought there was going to be a whole plaza there a year ago. Then Covid happened.

Project 180 happened 10 years before Thunder Alley was ever proposed.

And now that the plaza is not happening anytime soon and the Omni and convention center has been open for months, time to put a bloody sidewalk between our NBA arena and the hundreds of millions of taxpayer investment directly south.

06-30-2021, 02:21 PM
Project 180 happened 10 years before Thunder Alley was ever proposed.

And now that the plaza is not happening anytime soon and the Omni and convention center has been open for months, time to put a bloody sidewalk between our NBA arena and the hundreds of millions of taxpayer investment directly south.

Yep, absolutely unconscionable and inexcusable that this is allowed to happen - just how bad do our city planners have to suck in order to not have this already done? Looks like it would take less than a month to do it, and they should start on it NOW.

06-30-2021, 02:28 PM
I comment on that Holt thread saying at least put down some temporary asphalt

06-30-2021, 03:39 PM
Project 180 happened 10 years before Thunder Alley was ever proposed.

And now that the plaza is not happening anytime soon and the Omni and convention center has been open for months, time to put a bloody sidewalk between our NBA arena and the hundreds of millions of taxpayer investment directly south.

That's true, but Omni and the park are a less than a year old. They should now get some sidewalks in place ASAP.

06-30-2021, 04:09 PM
That's true, but Omni and the park are a less than a year old.

And have been in definite planning and/or construction for many years.

Even if Thunder Alley was to happen, there have been miles of sidewalks done downtown that were later disturbed due to construction.

This should have been done 5 years ago.

06-30-2021, 04:16 PM
oh, i absolutely think this is the case... that is what i was trying to confirm in this... that we might not have needed to lose it, had the city not give the Thunder god-like scheduling power.

Doesn't the NBA do the scheduling of the games, not the Thunder?

06-30-2021, 10:05 PM
If the Stage Center in Los Angeles can have 4 permanent tenants, and host a combined total of 250 events a year. OKC can host a convention during basketball season. There is no reason to not be able to handle a convention with only one tenant.

06-30-2021, 10:39 PM
If the Stage Center in Los Angeles can have 4 permanent tenants, and host a combined total of 250 events a year. OKC can host a convention during basketball season. There is no reason to not be able to handle a convention with only one tenant.

Yes the Staples Center does host 4 permanent tenants.

You ECHL enthusiasts, forget about any other minor league franchise like the ECHL in OKC at Cox Center or the new State Fair Coliseum--it ain't happening.

That's the price you pay for an NBA franchise that is a major league sports entity with the only big league game in town mentality--owned by the riches individuals in the State of Oklahoma.

It's all about the Thunder's dominant future use of the city's main arena for future scheduling purposes--first rights for more available dates for the NBA scheduling matrix.

07-01-2021, 11:53 AM
Doesn't the NBA do the scheduling of the games, not the Thunder?

the NBA makes the schedule based upon available dates that the stadium has. there is no requirement for dates to be "Blacked out" like is done in OKC. This is the thunder dictating that they have to always have first priority, and have items blacked out so that the NBA can schedule accordingly. This is why when the Dallas Stars were looking to move their ECHL team here, they were so confused when they were told that the Arena couldn't be used because they couldn't allow them to have access during the blacked out dates due to the NBA schedule, when literally the Stars organization knows this because they share a stadium in an NBA team. We have allowed the Thunder the ability to basically refuse to allow anyone else on the schedule if they so choose during what would be the NBA season, and that isn't required, because arenas in major cities don't do it. They schedule and make the NBA work around that schedule. That is literally why the NHL always works to release their schedule before the NBA, so that in the shared arenas, they can get the open dates they want and make the NBA work their schedule around that.

this isn't about who schedules the games in the arena for the Thunder, it's about the power that Thunder exerts over the City to prevent many other events from being there, for no real reason.

07-01-2021, 11:54 AM
Yes the Staples Center does host 4 permanent tenants.

You ECHL enthusiasts, forget about any other minor league franchise like the ECHL in OKC at Cox Center or the new State Fair Coliseum--it ain't happening.

That's the price you pay for an NBA franchise that is a major league sports entity with the only big league game in town mentality--owned by the riches individuals in the State of Oklahoma.

It's all about the Thunder's dominant future use of the city's main arena for future scheduling purposes--first rights for more available dates for the NBA scheduling matrix.

oh not, i get that we are never going to get an ECHL team... and i'm okay with that now. it's fine. but it doesn't change the fact that we could have way more events in the arena and the Thunder organization is preventing it for no reason other than they like to have control.

07-01-2021, 11:56 AM
the NBA makes the schedule based upon available dates that the stadium has. there is no requirement for dates to be "Blacked out" like is done in OKC. This is the thunder dictating that they have to always have first priority, and have items blacked out so that the NBA can schedule accordingly. This is why when the Dallas Stars were looking to move their ECHL team here, they were so confused when they were told that the Arena couldn't be used because they couldn't allow them to have access during the blacked out dates due to the NBA schedule, when literally the Stars organization knows this because they share a stadium in an NBA team. We have allowed the Thunder the ability to basically refuse to allow anyone else on the schedule if they so choose during what would be the NBA season, and that isn't required, because arenas in major cities don't do it. They schedule and make the NBA work around that schedule. That is literally why the NHL always works to release their schedule before the NBA, so that in the shared arenas, they can get the open dates they want and make the NBA work their schedule around that.

this isn't about who schedules the games in the arena for the Thunder, it's about the power that Thunder exerts over the City to prevent many other events from being there, for no real reason.

Why does the Thunder have this power when other NBA teams don't (or do they and this is semi-normal? I'm not a sports guy)? This discussion can be moved to another thread if it's too far off topic.

07-01-2021, 12:54 PM
oh not, i get that we are never going to get an ECHL team... and i'm okay with that now. it's fine. but it doesn't change the fact that we could have way more events in the arena and the Thunder organization is preventing it for no reason other than they like to have control.

Do we have to be okay with that...

The new proposed $100 million State Fair Arena where a MAPS 4 sales tax extension and the existing hotel-motel tax will pay for this venue. The new arena like the old State Fair Arena should have the flexibility to host basketball, state wrestling as well as ice hockey. Fans in our city want more minor league sports options like ice hockey and soccer.

The proposed arena would have 4,720 permanent seats, 2,600 retractable seats, open concourses and first-class amenities; that 7,300 seats available for basketball. Will this layout have enough seating for OSSAA basketball or to lure ECHL hockey if the City were to build its own dasher boards. Remember, we no longer have the Cox Center's arena downtown; also the old State Fair Arena frequently drew in excess of 10k to what was referred to as the old big house for the 4A class basketball and below. Tulsa hosted IIRC 5A and 6A basketball at Mabee Center on ORU's campus.

Tulsa could eventually host all OSSAA's football and all basketball events in Tulsa. Another grab like the FFA scenario. They have the flexibility to use Oral Roberts' Mabee Center (11,200), Tulsa University's Donald W. Reynolds' Center (8,355) and the BOK Center (17,839) since they don't have an NBA major tenant dictating use.

Tulsa (you can't blame them) will take advantage of OKC's inability to commit facility use while twiddng its thumbs deciding on its next chess move.

Wake the HELL UP OKC, you're asleep at the wheel...

07-01-2021, 01:27 PM
Why does the Thunder have this power when other NBA teams don't (or do they and this is semi-normal? I'm not a sports guy)? This discussion can be moved to another thread if it's too far off topic.

it is not normal, i can say that. at least from my conversations with people who work in NHL and NBA organizations in larger cities. why is it this way here? i don't know, is it also done this way in other small markets? i also don't know.. i just know that it's dumb, and it is costing OKC money.

07-01-2021, 01:47 PM
The irony is that it's the Thunder that makes us a "Big League City" yet this behavior (cow-towing to the Thunder schedule wise) is not a particularly big league behavior.

07-01-2021, 01:49 PM
The Thunder have a key to the city, just like the big O&G corps.

Side note... Can you believe Clay Bennet bought the Thunder [Supersonics] for just $350MM? The team is worth nearly $1.7B today.

07-01-2021, 02:00 PM
The Thunder have a key to the city, just like the big O&G corps.

Side note... Can you believe Clay Bennet bought the Thunder [Supersonics] for just $350MM? The team is worth nearly $1.7B today.

The Professional Basketball Club, LLC (Clay Bennett, chairman) includes some of the riches men in our state, George B. Kaiser, G. Jeffrey Records, Jr., Robert E. Howard II, William M. Cameron, Everett R. Dobson & Jay Scaramucci. $1.575 billion is the team's net worth according to Forbes in 2021: 21st of 30 teams.

BTW, has former Thunder owner Aubrey McClendon's (22%) shares been sold.

Dob Hooligan
07-01-2021, 04:53 PM
the NBA makes the schedule based upon available dates that the stadium has. there is no requirement for dates to be "Blacked out" like is done in OKC. This is the thunder dictating that they have to always have first priority, and have items blacked out so that the NBA can schedule accordingly. This is why when the Dallas Stars were looking to move their ECHL team here, they were so confused when they were told that the Arena couldn't be used because they couldn't allow them to have access during the blacked out dates due to the NBA schedule, when literally the Stars organization knows this because they share a stadium in an NBA team. We have allowed the Thunder the ability to basically refuse to allow anyone else on the schedule if they so choose during what would be the NBA season, and that isn't required, because arenas in major cities don't do it. They schedule and make the NBA work around that schedule. That is literally why the NHL always works to release their schedule before the NBA, so that in the shared arenas, they can get the open dates they want and make the NBA work their schedule around that.

this isn't about who schedules the games in the arena for the Thunder, it's about the power that Thunder exerts over the City to prevent many other events from being there, for no real reason.

I believe the multi-team arenas usually have a "primary tenant". I recall reading a few years ago that the Mavericks are the primary at the American Airlines Arena in Dallas. This means the Mavericks control and get the revenue from any permanent advertising in the building, they get first choice in any scheduling conflict, and some control of equipment storage and moving, etc.

I think the Thunder's deal in OKC is pretty much in line with other single league cities (Orlando, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, etc.), and the 'Peake and BOK Center both have the same management company. Their main directive is to make sure that any split events stay in Oklahoma.

As a city boy, I don't think I have ever been to the FFA Convention. But I also recall reading that dirt is more costly and time consuming to utilize than ice. So, if the FFA uses dirt floors in the arena I can understand why it would take so much set up and break down time/cost as to make it easier to go to Tulsa. Seems like the ice turnaround time in modern arenas is 18 to 24 hours?

07-01-2021, 11:02 PM
As a city boy, I don't think I have ever been to the FFA Convention. But I also recall reading that dirt is more costly and time consuming to utilize than ice. So, if the FFA uses dirt floors in the arena I can understand why it would take so much set up and break down time/cost as to make it easier to go to Tulsa. Seems like the ice turnaround time in modern arenas is 18 to 24 hours?

I can't tell you for sure but I don't think they do anything that requires a dirt floor in the arena. It's not an animal show or a rodeo. The arena is mainly used for general sessions with room for all of the attendees to be there at the same time.

07-02-2021, 07:29 AM
Do we have to be okay with that...

The new proposed $100 million State Fair Arena where a MAPS 4 sales tax extension and the existing hotel-motel tax will pay for this venue. The new arena like the old State Fair Arena should have the flexibility to host basketball, state wrestling as well as ice hockey. Fans in our city want more minor league sports options like ice hockey and soccer.

The proposed arena would have 4,720 permanent seats, 2,600 retractable seats, open concourses and first-class amenities; that 7,300 seats available for basketball. Will this layout have enough seating for OSSAA basketball or to lure ECHL hockey if the City were to build its own dasher boards. Remember, we no longer have the Cox Center's arena downtown; also the old State Fair Arena frequently drew in excess of 10k to what was referred to as the old big house for the 4A class basketball and below. Tulsa hosted IIRC 5A and 6A basketball at Mabee Center on ORU's campus.

Tulsa could eventually host all OSSAA's football and all basketball events in Tulsa. Another grab like the FFA scenario. They have the flexibility to use Oral Roberts' Mabee Center (11,200), Tulsa University's Donald W. Reynolds' Center (8,355) and the BOK Center (17,839) since they don't have an NBA major tenant dictating use.

Tulsa (you can't blame them) will take advantage of OKC's inability to commit facility use while twiddng its thumbs deciding on its next chess move.

Wake the HELL UP OKC, you're asleep at the wheel...

One of the benefits of OKC is the central location though. OSSAA pivots when both finals teams are from one region in football, but they don't do that for basketball. When regionals and area are going on, the large 5A and 6A high school arenas all over the state fill to the brim. But it's a lot easier for teams to drive 2-3 hours to OKC from the furthest points, than to drive to Tulsa from say Duncan.....MULTIPLE times in a short period. So i dont think the schools would actually support that as long as there is SOME facility in OKC to do it.

Wrestling has gone to Firelake before. And i think they actually liked it better there since the fairgrounds was so large and felt empty for that event.

Now Football, other than UCO, there really isn't a good option in the OKC area. All of the high school stadiums in OKC are smaller, because OKC schools did the multiple high school (and stadium) thing instead of one larger high school per district (and stadium) thing Tulsa schools did. IF we can get that soccer stadium going, then MAYBE we have a second option. But in Tulsa, you have Tulsa University, Jenks, Owasso, BA, Union all with stadiums that can do it. I actually miss when the finals games were at OSU and OU. It felt a lot cooler for 6A to go there instead of another high school stadium.

Should we be complacent? No. But there's just a lot more to that conversation than waiting on a decision on the arena.

07-09-2021, 09:17 PM

07-09-2021, 10:01 PM

Nice article, thanks for sharing...

07-12-2021, 03:40 PM
I think Crossroads Mall might present a tremendous opportunity for Oklahoma City long term!! Incredible amount of space available and customizable; could become OKC's version of Television City esp while the Cox center downtown gets redeveloped back into CBD expansion.

Note that Crossroads has SIGNIFICANTLY more useable space, storage, and parking opportunities than Cox; I hope it is strongly considered for long term planning.

09-23-2021, 08:19 AM
Just saw the trailer for “American Underdog” the Kurt Warner story. Found out that this was the first film shot at Prairie Surf Studio. Also, scenes were filmed at Eley’s Foods and Edmond North. Good to see something coming out of there. Will be interesting to see how it does. Didn’t see if it was direct to digital or to be released in theatres.

09-23-2021, 08:26 AM

Kindom Story Company produces only faith-based films, including American Underdog.

I don't think any of them will be released in theaters as a traditional film would.

09-23-2021, 10:15 AM
It got some good press on the Jimmy Kimmel show. He had Zachary Levi and Kurt Warner on the other night.

09-23-2021, 01:43 PM
Is there a list of movies that have been shot there, or at least scenes?

Dan L
09-24-2021, 08:24 AM

Kindom Story Company produces only faith-based films, including American Underdog.

I don't think any of them will be released in theaters as a traditional film would.

This movie might be different. I just watched a trailer and it stated in theatres Christmas Day.

09-24-2021, 09:28 AM
Lots of good people in the credits on IMDB, good for them!

12-09-2021, 01:13 AM
Wednesday at the Oklahoma Venture Forum lunch, Matt Payne gave a short talk. It was the 1 year anniversary of their deal. I can't remember everything discussed at this point, but the future sounded promising. Hung around a bit after and talked to him. Arranging a tour soon.


Interesting tidbit, he said the #2 guy at CDC had flown in that morning to talk to them about putting in a covid lab so they could have the direct testing, etc, for productions.

12-09-2021, 08:39 AM
Have they booked any new productions at all?

All I've seen is them selling classes for screenwriting and other jobs.

12-09-2021, 09:07 AM
He said there was a major announcement coming in the next couple weeks.

12-09-2021, 03:42 PM
Have they booked any new productions at all?

All I've seen is them selling classes for screenwriting and other jobs.

It seems like the other facility, Green Pastures, is doing more actual work while Prairie Surf does a lot of talk.

Ross MacLochness
12-09-2021, 04:04 PM
There is a production going on there now. Not sure what it is though

12-09-2021, 05:17 PM
So that means OKC has (at least) 2 movie/film/tv production companies?

12-09-2021, 05:29 PM
Correct. Prairie Surf and Green Pastures.

12-09-2021, 10:35 PM
There is a production going on there now. Not sure what it is though

A movie under the name of Nefarious is using their facilities but they are having a few issues not related to Prairie Surf Studios.

Jersey Boss
12-09-2021, 10:37 PM
I haven't seen anything about this on KFOR. I don't know about the other outlets.

"Some people are a fan of overtime and long hours but our usual, normal day in film production is 12 hours and that's already a very long day," said Taylor. "It becomes dangerous past that point because you get so tired and you lose the sharpness you need to drive home or to pick up your equipment and operate safely."

They're hoping to get a contract with IASTE, a union behind entertainment, but says they Nefarious producers are not coming to the bargaining table.

12-09-2021, 10:50 PM
I haven't seen anything about this on KFOR. I don't know about the other outlets.

"Some people are a fan of overtime and long hours but our usual, normal day in film production is 12 hours and that's already a very long day," said Taylor. "It becomes dangerous past that point because you get so tired and you lose the sharpness you need to drive home or to pick up your equipment and operate safely."

They're hoping to get a contract with IASTE, a union behind entertainment, but says they Nefarious producers are not coming to the bargaining table.

I know for a fact that they are flying people into OKC to help with the production so I assume that is to take the place of people who are on strike.

12-09-2021, 10:57 PM
I know for a fact that they are flying people into OKC to help with the production so I assume that is to take the place of people who are on strike.

Those would be called scabs. People have no shame.

Roger S
12-10-2021, 07:17 AM
They're hoping to get a contract with IASTE, a union behind entertainment, but says they Nefarious producers are not coming to the bargaining table.

How nefarious of these producers!

Jersey Boss
12-10-2021, 08:58 AM
Those would be called scabs. People have no shame.

Agree 100%. As I recall the fatal shooting on the set of RUST in New Mexico was preceded by the hiring of scabs when the union workers walked over unsafe conditions.

12-10-2021, 09:01 AM
It looks like the local workers are trying to create a union and Prairie Surf is resisting.

I'm sure a big part of the pitch to lure production here is to circumvent the trade unions that are entrenched in California.

12-10-2021, 01:11 PM
Those would be called scabs. People have no shame.

Or just people happy to work?

Jersey Boss
12-10-2021, 02:12 PM
Or just people happy to work?

There is plenty of work without having to cross a picket line.
They're scabs.

12-10-2021, 05:02 PM
It looks like the local workers are trying to create a union and Prairie Surf is resisting.

I'm sure a big part of the pitch to lure production here is to circumvent the trade unions that are entrenched in California.

Is the strike against Prairie Surf or the movie Nefarious? I have no idea how the entertainment industry works but if it is Prairie Surf doing this then that's pretty lame. They get gifted a sweetheart deal from the city and then turn around and want to fight fairly paying their employees?

12-10-2021, 05:16 PM
The workers would be paid by the production company (whoever is backing the movie) but Prairie Surf is also very involved in recruiting and training all the workers, as they have been charging for all types of classes.

You can be sure they are against unionization because that is a major selling point in luring productions to OKC and away from the very highly unionized entertainment industry in California.

Fun fact: TMZ (as used by the tabloid website and media company) is an abbreviation for "Thirty Mile Zone" which is used by unions in L.A. for guaranteed per diems, mileage reimbursement and other expenses owed to unionized workers. Thus, TMZ is a very common term in the entertainment world.

And one of the big reasons for all these rules and unionization is because productions are notoriously brutal on their workers, often working through the night and not getting a day off for months at a time.

Even bit actors need a Screen Actors Guild (SAG) card because most productions won't even audition actors without one out of fear of reprisal from all the union workers. My flipping dog trainer appeared in the movie "Best in Show" because she had a SAG card due to her work in training screen animals. So, she'd get all kinds of parts just because she held a card.

It's a funny, somewhat incestuous business, but when you are around it, you understand why they have so many rules. The amount of exploitation is unlike anything I have ever seen.

Oh, the stories I could tell... I worked as a management consultant in that biz for years (Paramount, MGM, Disney, others).

12-20-2021, 05:32 PM
American Underdog comes out on Christmas Day.

It's getting very good reviews, currently at 92% on Rotten Tomatoes. From reading the reviews, it seems they downplay the faith aspect to appeal to a wider audience.

12-21-2021, 03:22 PM
American Underdog comes out on Christmas Day.

It's getting very good reviews, currently at 92% on Rotten Tomatoes. From reading the reviews, it seems they downplay the faith aspect to appeal to a wider audience.

The trailer shows Edmond North's stadium (renamed Northern Iowa University) and it appears UCO's stadium is the Green Bay Packers and Rams training camp. Can't tell which OKC Grocery store was used in the movie. Also the arena football segments look to be shot at Norton Arena at the fairgrounds, which is surprising since the Yard Dawgs use to play inside the Cox Center, which is now Prairie Surf's largest sound stage.

12-21-2021, 03:37 PM
American Underdog is a Prairie Surf Studios production? Interesting to see what seems like it's going to be a good success so soon off the bat.

12-21-2021, 03:47 PM
The trailer shows Edmond North's stadium (renamed Northern Iowa University) and it appears UCO's stadium is the Green Bay Packers and Rams training camp. Can't tell which OKC Grocery store was used in the movie. Also the arena football segments look to be shot at Norton Arena at the fairgrounds, which is surprising since the Yard Dawgs use to play inside the Cox Center, which is now Prairie Surf's largest sound stage.

Eley’s on May was used for the grocery store.

12-21-2021, 04:24 PM
Heard there was a restaurant scene shot at the Mule in Edmond but I haven't seen the movie so no idea if it made it to the screen.

12-21-2021, 11:05 PM
Eley’s on May was used for the grocery store.

Never noticed or been into that store. Has anyone else? I think it is kind of cool that a small, independent, neighborhood grocery like that is still in business. Must be doing something right.

12-22-2021, 09:13 AM
Never noticed or been into that store. Has anyone else? I think it is kind of cool that a small, independent, neighborhood grocery like that is still in business. Must be doing something right.

We used to shop there until they became anti-mask during the pandemic. It's a very basic store, meat's kind of iffy, produce selection sucks, but it has the basic canned/boxed/milk/eggs/bread/chips things.

12-22-2021, 02:16 PM
We used to shop there until they became anti-mask during the pandemic. It's a very basic store, meat's kind of iffy, produce selection sucks, but it has the basic canned/boxed/milk/eggs/bread/chips things.

Not a ringing endorsement. Probably fit the bill for the movie in that it looks like many small-town, Midwest grocery stores such as the one Kurt Warner would have worked in before his big break. Really looking forward to seeing this film. I LOVED those Greatest Show on Turf Ram teams and was living in STL at the time--such a fun era for football in that town.

Dob Hooligan
12-22-2021, 02:31 PM
Not a ringing endorsement. Probably fit the bill for the movie in that it looks like many small-town, Midwest grocery stores such as the one Kurt Warner would have worked in before his big break. Really looking forward to seeing this film. I LOVED those Greatest Show on Turf Ram teams and was living in STL at the time--such a fun era for football in that town.

I think it is actually a pretty positive review from The Travellers. He is not afraid to highlight the negative of anyplace he goes. And I say that with zero bad intent or Ill will.

12-22-2021, 03:07 PM
We used to shop there until they became anti-mask during the pandemic. It's a very basic store, meat's kind of iffy, produce selection sucks, but it has the basic canned/boxed/milk/eggs/bread/chips things.

Is that one of those “awe shucks” politely understated state the facts. That place is easily in the top three sketchy OKC establishments. Couldn’t imagine it’s any better since the pandemic began. I can’t begin to state the crackheads I’ve seen stealing bikes and converters in the area.

12-22-2021, 03:13 PM
I think it is actually a pretty positive review from The Travellers. He is not afraid to highlight the negative of anyplace he goes. And I say that with zero bad intent or Ill will.

I’ll chime in. It’s rough. I’ve spent a lot of time in the core of the city. That area in particular I’m very well versed in. How the place is in business still idk. I didn’t even know the grocery stores were anti mask? But in this place I’m not too surprised. Less masks and more dental caries, catalytic converter thefts Does sound right about that place