View Full Version : Petco going to San Antonio instead of Norman

11-24-2010, 07:32 PM

Well Phooey!

11-24-2010, 07:36 PM
They'll be sorry!

11-24-2010, 11:15 PM
Obviously a joke. PETCO is alive and thriving quite well in Norman near the Super Target. There is one in OKC on NW Expressway. Another in Edmond and Stillwater. Three in Tulsa...which is quite strange. And one in Muskogee. We really need one in the Mid-Del area.

Go there for listing of all the stores in the state.

11-25-2010, 12:00 AM
Obviously a joke. PETCO is alive and thriving quite well in Norman near the Super Target. There is one in OKC on NW Expressway. Another in Edmond and Stillwater. Three in Tulsa...which is quite strange. And one in Muskogee. We really need one in the Mid-Del area.

Go there for listing of all the stores in the state.

Thunder, you're not understanding the point. This isn't about a PETCO retail store being opened. It's about a large corporate office being opened employing many people.

11-25-2010, 02:05 AM
Well, they failed hardcore by relocating to Texas. Only smart companies know to locate in OKC. We need another skyscraper.

What is it about San Antonio that is so glorious?

11-25-2010, 08:14 AM
San Antonio is a great town - super climate, great food, lot's to do, near good schools, near the Hill Country, all that. My folks both grew up there and I lived there for a year when I was 18. I got homesick and came back to Oklahoma but it wasn't because San Antonio wasn't a great place - it just wasn't home.

11-26-2010, 12:15 PM
Since the new governor Fallin wants Oklahoma to be more business friendly, I wonder what all she and her Republican cohorts have in mind, so Oklahoma can compete better with Texas? I guess eliminating the Oklahoma state income tax would be one of them.

11-26-2010, 12:22 PM
Bunty, I know a lot of folks including me that would like that but how do you propose the get the money necessary to continue providings services? It is easy to propose solutions it is quite another to make them work.

11-26-2010, 12:43 PM
Well, with Republicans ruling at the State Capitol like never before, it will be interesting to see what they can try to come up as to how to replace the state income tax. Former Gov. Keating sure couldn't do it when he tried. I suppose most any proposals to raising any taxes, such as raising the state sales tax, will surely be shot down. But doing that may not be all that bad, if state sales tax can be kept lower than Texas.

So I guess if Republicans want to get serious about abolishing the state sales state discussion will have to focus on what state services can be eliminated. Doing that surely won't be easy, either. Anyway, maybe the safest and least politically charged way to go is to simply keep up shaving off the state sales tax a little bit at a time every year when tax revenues are up until the state sales tax finally disappears. But doing that will take patience.

11-26-2010, 12:55 PM
I suspect sales tax reduction isn't even on the long range radar.

11-26-2010, 02:46 PM
I don't see the need to eliminate the state income tax. The system is quite helpful to force people into savings. At the beginning of the year, they can file the paperwork and get a huge chunk of money back to be used for vacation, spending, or into personal savings. If the timing is right, to help cover funeral cost for a family member.

11-26-2010, 03:13 PM
I don't see the need to eliminate the state income tax. The system is quite helpful to force people into savings. At the beginning of the year, they can file the paperwork and get a huge chunk of money back to be used for vacation, spending, or into personal savings. If the timing is right, to help cover funeral cost for a family member.

Oh Thunder.

11-26-2010, 03:35 PM
I don't see the need to eliminate the state income tax. The system is quite helpful to force people into savings. At the beginning of the year, they can file the paperwork and get a huge chunk of money back to be used for vacation, spending, or into personal savings. If the timing is right, to help cover funeral cost for a family member.

We've determined this guy is a joke, right?

11-26-2010, 05:22 PM
It is no joke. We all pay into the income tax. Honestly, I am thankful to have the income tax deducted from my paychecks, cuz I can easily blow away the xtra money. So, with those money being safe somewhere in the government's La La Land, I can file each year to get them back. It makes me happy to receive a huge chunk of money at once. Why is it a joke? Everyone knows this.

11-26-2010, 05:28 PM
I don't see the need to eliminate the state income tax. The system is quite helpful to force people into savings. At the beginning of the year, they can file the paperwork and get a huge chunk of money back to be used for vacation, spending, or into personal savings. If the timing is right, to help cover funeral cost for a family member.

Sad but this is somewhat true as we all know 75% of us don't save a dime all year...fed return is usually set aside for our one biggie vaca each year

11-26-2010, 05:46 PM
Sad but this is somewhat true as we all know 75% of us don't save a dime all year...fed return is usually set aside for our one biggie vaca each year

I can't even imagine. Who is that stupid? That is what people do? Jeeze, no wonder so many people think some fairy godmother government is supposed to make sure they are taken care of. They clearly are living in some sort of fantasy bubble if they think that sort of financial plan is normal. The notion of taking a big vacation when they don't have savings is brain dead.

11-26-2010, 05:51 PM
I don't see the need to eliminate the state income tax. The system is quite helpful to force people into savings. At the beginning of the year, they can file the paperwork and get a huge chunk of money back to be used for vacation, spending, or into personal savings. If the timing is right, to help cover funeral cost for a family member.

Always good to loan the govt. money at *zero* interest...let me know if you ever need a loan at loan-shark rates! Death can be a hard thing to work out the timing on...

11-26-2010, 06:09 PM
I can't even imagine. Who is that stupid? That is what people do? Jeeze, no wonder so many people think some fairy godmother government is supposed to make sure they are taken care of. They clearly are living in some sort of fantasy bubble if they think that sort of financial plan is normal. The notion of taking a big vacation when they don't have savings is brain dead.

Walk outside...look straight, right and left...just described what all your neighbors do

You have heard that lots of folks credit card vacations right?

11-26-2010, 06:43 PM
Walk outside...look straight, right and left...just described what all your neighbors do

You have heard that lots of folks credit card vacations right?

I don't think my neighborhood is much into that - most of us are nearing retirement and have saved to buy our property, some have paid it off in anticipation of retirement and NONE of us take silly vacations. At our age, watching a hawk making lazy circles in the sky is about as exciting as we want it.

But I know there are an abundance of idiots out there. In our last neighborhood, for example, we had a terribly crappy public school and the neighbors sent their kids to private Catholic school - and took at least 2 big vacations a year. They dropped nearly $10,000 to spend time at Disneyworld, every year, not to mention a couple of smaller vacations and multiple trips to NY to visit family. The husband had a good job but they were not saving and going into debt. Car repairs, need to replace the washer, etc., put them in the hole, further. They didn't budget for basic expenditure. They eventually dropped the private school because they couldn't afford it (didn't seem to hit them that a decent education was more important than the holidays and the constant entertaining). I had hoped they were just silly - not that huge portions of the population would think that was normal.

That sort of lifestyle is nonsustainable. I don't have words to describe such behavior beyond the basic moronic, stupid, idiotic, dumb.

But that is just stupid. When I was young and poor and barely making ends meet, living hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck, we spent more than we should have just to keep up and cover the predictable things like the fridge breaking down. But we NEVER spend money on big vacations. That would have just been nuts. We had a hard enough time making sure the kids had shoes.

Twenty years of prosperity and discretionary income has warped people's sense of financial reality - especially those who have never had to pinch pennies. For us, SAVING is normal.

11-26-2010, 08:24 PM
It is no joke. We all pay into the income tax. Honestly, I am thankful to have the income tax deducted from my paychecks, cuz I can easily blow away the xtra money. So, with those money being safe somewhere in the government's La La Land, I can file each year to get them back. It makes me happy to receive a huge chunk of money at once. Why is it a joke? Everyone knows this.

Up to a certain income, you don't pay taxes. You get back far more than you pay in.

11-26-2010, 08:43 PM
Texas tax system looks better from Oklahoma's yard. But trust me, it isn't. What you don't pay in state income taxes you do pay hefty in property taxes, sales taxes on cars and taxes on utilities. There is a reason it is called Texas...

Taking Every eXtra Asset and Savings

11-26-2010, 09:15 PM
We will have a state income tax in Texas before Oklahoma will repeal it...and pulse it right, the tax burdens are similar, they just skin the cat in different ways. Our property taxes on a home valued at 150K is $3,400 for next year and we pay those out of pocket and they have gone up an average of $200 a year since I moved here in 2003. My sisters is easily under a 1,000 in OKC for a larger home. There are also more fees for everything and the fees keep going up every year since those are not considered taxes by the gov't.

11-26-2010, 09:58 PM
They need to elimnate the Grocery tax.

11-27-2010, 09:56 AM
Always good to loan the govt. money at *zero* interest...let me know if you ever need a loan at loan-shark rates! Death can be a hard thing to work out the timing on...

As opposed to earning 2 bucks at .5% in a savings account

11-27-2010, 10:23 AM
We will have a state income tax in Texas before Oklahoma will repeal it...and pulse it right, the tax burdens are similar, they just skin the cat in different ways. Our property taxes on a home valued at 150K is $3,400 for next year and we pay those out of pocket and they have gone up an average of $200 a year since I moved here in 2003. My sisters is easily under a 1,000 in OKC for a larger home. There are also more fees for everything and the fees keep going up every year since those are not considered taxes by the gov't.

Most every state w/o income tax gets the money another way--usually property taxes...which renters pay as well--and think they don't...

11-27-2010, 12:09 PM
Most every state w/o income tax gets the money another way--usually property taxes...which renters pay as well--and think they don't...
I know, that is why when I hear people touting that Texas doesn't have a state personal income tax it doesn't mean that you aren't paying roughly the same amount of taxes as someplace with one, all you save is filling out a form. The one that really irritates me is the ones that say Texas doesn't have a income tax on businesses, that is an outright falsehood since the corporate franchise tax has been expanded to include pretty much any type of business entity in the state....then you have property taxes on equipment heaped on top of that. Again, the same basic tax under a different name.

11-27-2010, 01:00 PM
WELL I WISH Oklahoma would quit trying to compete with Texas and just be the best state we can be, i hate it when we ask why are they going to Texas instead of Oklahoma? Duh, theres like 25million people in texas and only maybe 4 million in Oklahoma, its about a lot more than state taxes trust me