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11-20-2010, 12:52 PM
Watching Mr. T on an infomercial for Flavor Wave

Not sure if that is rock bottom but it has to be close

11-20-2010, 01:50 PM
Money talks and bull**** could buy anyone for cash--even you! And--why should he care at all? Haughty pride is the tool manipulators use to control others with to do their bidding...

11-20-2010, 03:28 PM
Watching Mr. T on an infomercial for Flavor Wave

Not sure if that is rock bottom but it has to be close

A single panel comic in the Dallas Morning News, about a month ago (can't remember which strip): POV- Looking over Mr T's shoulder as he checks off a list. "Things to do today"
1. Buy bread.
2. Pick up dry cleaning.
3. Revive career.
4. Pity fools.