View Full Version : November OKC Meeting Frank Falcone on Corydoras

11-03-2010, 09:27 AM
Just thought I'd share about the upcoming meeting featuring a speaker from New Jersey, a world's renowned breeder with many Corydoras.

This month we have a very exciting presentation lined up! Frank Falcone will give his talk entitled "Remedial Corydoras Breeding."

Frank is one of the most accomplished breeders of Corydoradinae catfish in the world, having spawned more than 60 species to date, and is the only person to have spawned Corydoras sp. CW016 (aka Corydoras sp. "Teniente"), yet he remains humble saying that if he can breed corys, anyone can, and his talk is geared to getting you to do just that.

Frank is a prolific seller of corys and other fish including guppies and other livebearers, characins, and cyprinids on AquaBid under the name "Coryologist," although he is clearly in it for the fish, rather than the money.

Frank has been in the hobby for more than five decades. He devoted his first four decades in the hobby almost exclusively to fancy guppies, which makes his breeding of 60+ species of Corys and related genera even more remarkable, since his Cory breedings have all been in the past 10 years or so. Frank is working on a book on fancy guppies, corys, and aquatic photography. (For more on Frank's history in the hobby and his forthcoming book, see his post on on that topic.)

Frank also runs AquaRadio, an Internet radio station, and hosts its flagship show "Sounds Fishy to Me" for which podcasts of previous broadcasts are available. He is also working to establish the American Corydoras Society.

One of the reasons this talk is so special is that Frank rarely gives public presentations these days because his travel is extremely limited. For that reason, we have worked out a special arrangement whereby Frank will present his talk from his home in New Jersey through a live Internet connection. We will get to see his beautiful presentation on the big screen in the library auditorium, we'll be able to hear and see him streaming live over the Internet, and he'll be able to see and hear us as well.

If you have particular questions that you would like to ask of Frank, you may email them to him beforehand at bigfrank [at] mac [dot] com. This is in addition to asking him questions at the time of the presentation.

Date and Time: Sunday November 7, 2010 at 1:00pm. (Note that Daylight Saving Time ends at 2am Sunday, so if you forget to set your clock back, you'll be there an hour early.)

Location: The Robert M. Bird Health Sciences Library Auditorium
OU Health Sciences Center
1000 Stanton L Young Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1208

The Oklahoma Aquarium Association forum at - Free to be a member of the forum and in the club. We will be having a decent size auction (free for anyone attending) at the meeting. You can bid on anything, and even bring anything (fish, aquarium related, etc) to the auction. Send me a PM for any questions or assistance.