View Full Version : Another threat from the city

10-27-2010, 12:59 PM

Jersey Boss
10-27-2010, 01:05 PM
The voters have spoken and this is the result. There are no free lunches.

10-27-2010, 01:13 PM
As a former Normaniac from it's better days--before it was taken over by strangers with hyper-leftist ideas...I say...hold a rally in Abe Andrews Park and and march down to City Hall and discuss this...

10-27-2010, 01:15 PM
Since when is mandating that services have to be paid for ultra-leftist? If anything that's what the tea partiers are shouting about all the time, and I think it would be hard to describe any of them as any kind of leftist.

Jersey Boss
10-27-2010, 01:32 PM
Since when is mandating that services have to be paid for ultra-leftist? If anything that's what the tea partiers are shouting about all the time, and I think it would be hard to describe any of them as any kind of leftist.

It's an uber-rightie position to borrow and spend. If that doesn't work, yell and scream.

10-27-2010, 05:16 PM
Yes things are quite liberal here in ultra-leftist Norman, where every voting precinct in the city voted for McCain in 2008 and we always vote to keep our mostly Republican Congress folks in office. At times this liberalness is almost unbearable. I think I might have to move to a more conservative city like San Fran if they keep this up.

I have a few problems with the article, or more specifically the Utility Director's comments. While it is true that we have not seen a trash rate increase in some time, my utility bill (which comes bundled with the water bill) has most certainly seen an increase in the last few years. As a matter of fact the water rate increase which occurred at that time was quite dramatic for me. I was thinking the rates went up two years ago, not four, but maybe I am mistaken. One of the big selling points of that adjustment was all the hoopla about how we needed new arsenic-free tanks around town. I don't understand how anything could be more expensive than something like that, so having just gone through that I don't understand how we could not have enough money now for sustainment unless something was horribly mismanaged or the projected costs were far, far more than what was originally thought, which is also a form of mismanagement.

If the problem is actually related to the economic downturn and a probable decrease in housing starts (and therefore rate payers) in the city, then to say that the service cuts are forever is an inaccuracy as that will correct itself in time as the economy recovers. In fact the Director references the economic downturn himself, so it would certainly seem that this will in fact correct itself at some point. So if that is the case then one has to ask themselves why he is being overly dramatic on this issue. Looking a the text of the last Question which was proposed and failed, a good portion of it dealt with pensions and employee benefits. Now I hate to be "that guy," but bluntly all corporations are reviewing their benefits right now and lots of people are seeing reductions. Has the city performed any activity like this yet? Why not? Go do that and report to your constituents what steps you are taking there before you come back and ask for more money, otherwise you are not getting it.

10-27-2010, 05:26 PM
How about a surcharge of $4/six-pack of beer until finances improve for the city? Another $4/pack for smokes.

10-27-2010, 06:27 PM
Although I don't drink beer and don't like being around cigarette smoke, I am not a fan of "sin taxes." But even if we were to find a form of tax that everyone agreed upon, I still think the city has a responsibility to do some self-auditing and explain to us why this is an issue and why it cannot be worked within the confines that currently exist and how we got here.

10-28-2010, 09:14 AM
How about making politicians PAY to hold their jobs--and the profit goes to city projects. You would have the same people--but the city would get at least some money--not just the politicians getting bribes...sharing the booty--so to speak...

10-28-2010, 12:31 PM
the trash that is burnable start burning it now, and recylce the rest.. Lets see how quick the city will pick up the trash if everyone does this lol.. 15,000 controlled burns lol

10-28-2010, 12:53 PM
the trash that is burnable start burning it now, and recylce the rest.. Lets see how quick the city will pick up the trash if everyone does this lol.. 15,000 controlled burns lol

I like this idea. They would be mimeographing carbon-tax bills so fast it would make your head spin!

10-28-2010, 02:47 PM
the trash that is burnable start burning it now, and recylce the rest.. Lets see how quick the city will pick up the trash if everyone does this lol.. 15,000 controlled burns lol

I like this idea. But who will be strong enough to start the movement?

10-28-2010, 04:35 PM
I don't get the sense of outrage. Two annual "it's on the city" haul-off weekends are scrapped, and yard waste goes to monthly instead of weekly.

Big whoop.

Isn't this exactly what most folks do when income doesn't match desire? The uber rich get a smaller yacht, the lower class get a Kia instead of a fancier car. If income suffers, one makes cuts to function within the income level or one lives beyond their means.

Is it really so bad for a city to take this action? Guess I am missing something.

11-01-2010, 02:38 PM
Concerned Norman cities fed up with their city government and its ways need to start a group like the Stillwater Watchdogs. The crookedness and apparent law breaking they're turning up and reporting is pretty sensational.

11-01-2010, 07:12 PM
I can't believe anyone is getting all bent out of shape on this to the extent they are. This is nothing in the big scheme of things. Get used to it. Something has to be cut and at least you still have the service, even if reduced. In states where housing has fallen off the charts, the cities and counties that rely on real estate taxes are slicing so many services that this seems like easy street. And once the feds start slashing grants and other funding, it is going to just get worse.

11-02-2010, 12:32 AM
Queen Cindy and her crew have set up 'city budget re-education' camps for the citizens since they defeated the requests for increased revenue. I think the target audience for attending these sessions should be the city leaders and bureaucrats first and foremost.

Jersey Boss
11-02-2010, 11:05 AM
Queen Cindy and her crew have set up 'city budget re-education' camps for the citizens since they defeated the requests for increased revenue. I think the target audience for attending these sessions should be the city leaders and bureaucrats first and foremost.

That's helpful.

11-03-2010, 02:51 AM
I once was a part of a 'city budget re-education camp' a man I did not know--he stuck a gun in my ribs and said..."put 'em up Mack!"...

11-08-2010, 11:20 PM
I thought that when Cindy R. was on the council, she always had a valid point and I enjoyed her views. I encouraged others to vote for her, as I had just moved to OKC before the elections. I wonder what the public thought is since the shift from council to Mayor? Same efforts or do you think different? Just wondering....

11-08-2010, 11:55 PM
Just my opinion, but i think she's awful. Case in point- two separate elections held where her side lost. The first was the new library and the second was the water and sewer rate increases. the citizens told the city "no, we don't think so" and the newspapers report stories of her not seeming to understand what the vote meant. Coming right out and saying "oh we think the people really want this but we'll just have to vote again until they approve it".

Plus I hate those damn speed humps that are procreating all over town since she's been mayor, and they are especially bad in ward 4 where she got her start.

I know there's some people who love her and I'd love to hear their case. I actually voted for her when she ran for ward 4 council member against a realtor/developer type. How my mind changed...

11-09-2010, 08:23 AM
The speed humps are my only real gritch with the city. Though I can appreciate their value, they are admittedly annoying when I must use those particular roads. Fortunately, that isn't real often.

What I took away from friends on the most recent No vote for trash/water was more of a "not this increase' sentiment instead of a 'no increase period' sentiment.

11-09-2010, 11:39 AM
I am extremely thankful for the speed humps in my neighborhood. WE fought hard to have them put in (i.e., those in our neighborhood did). The city didn't force it on us; we asked for it. And when we started the process, we were told there was a waiting list because so many people wanted them around town. It has definitely cut down on traffic in our neighborhood, and it has generally reduced the speeding. I'm not a huge fan of the Mayor, but I'm not sure she should get the credit or the blame for the speed humps.