View Full Version : Massage Parlors

10-18-2010, 12:16 AM
I am wanting to get my husband a certificate for a nice, relaxing massage someplace in Norman, Moore, or South OKC. Can anyone recommend one?

10-18-2010, 01:44 PM
Somehow I don't foresee this thread having a happy ending.

10-18-2010, 02:17 PM
I would stick to legitimate 'spas' where they offer a full range of (legal) services and you actually see women customers.

10-18-2010, 02:29 PM
I was thinking of that as well. I want him to be relaxed, but not THAT relaxed. :)

10-18-2010, 03:20 PM
Go to a place that actually has a legit sounding name. Not a place with the windows and door covered up and a sign outside that says "MASSAGE" in big red letters. Elements has several locations up north I'm not sure about your area but you might want to look them up.

10-18-2010, 03:44 PM
Groupon or Wimgo, etc. often has daily deals for massage and other spa treatment - usually 40%-60% off. That makes it a gift for both of you!

10-18-2010, 05:22 PM
Elements massage is a legit place with properly trained professionals. I go there for therapeutic reasons, but they give an excellent relaxing massage, as well, if that is what you were looking for.

You also get a piece of chocolate with the message, "If a massage won't fix it, chocolate will!" or something close to that.

Robinson Crossing
1204 N. Interstate Drive
Norman, OK 73072
(405) 310-4355

10-19-2010, 11:42 PM
What are you supposed to know to do when you go to a massage parlor? Take off all clothes? Keep them on? Or just leave underwear on??

10-20-2010, 08:01 AM
Every spa I've been to the 'norm' is you remove all your clothes. They won't object if you keep on your underwear but the norm is sans-clothing. A proper spa will leave you alone in the room to get undressed. Or, even nicer ones have a changing room where you put your clothes into a locker and put on a robe and slippers as provided. You will then most likely be left alone in the room to get under a warm sheet. Some places they hold the sheet up (where they can't see you) and you lay down and then they place the sheet over you.

I would never go to a 'massage parlor' because the odds are way too high it is just a front for prostitution, probably unsanitary, quality is probably very low, etc. But a legitimate 'day spa' that has lots of female customers is a great treat.

10-20-2010, 11:17 AM
Seach on craigslist.

10-20-2010, 12:46 PM
Or even better, check the ads in the back of The Gazette.

10-20-2010, 01:15 PM
thanks for all the suggestions. I think I might go with Elements.

10-20-2010, 03:49 PM
Has anyone checked with Al Gore for recommendations?


Okay, that was uncalled for.

10-21-2010, 01:52 PM
you might get caught on camera from BBates if you send him to a massage parlor

10-21-2010, 10:09 PM
you might get caught on camera from BBates if you send him to a massage parlor

Not a chance (well, 99% no chance). I actually was on KFOR the other night regarding massage parlor busts.,0,7626883.story

IMO prostitution that is 100% consensual and private is not a priority for our limited resources. That said, how weird would it be to think you're going to a spa for a massage and it turns out to be prostitution joint.

10-22-2010, 06:27 AM
Brain to answer your question in the video; a recent massage parlor bust in Norman made the police a ton of $$$$. They found a very small amount of cocaine which gave them the legal right to confiscate a 2008 Lexus GX470 & an 09 Toyota. In summary, the girls on the street cost the city money where the city 'mines' the parlors. Often with great results.

10-22-2010, 06:59 AM
Brain to answer your question in the video; a recent massage parlor bust in Norman made the police a ton of $$$$. They found a very small amount of cocaine which gave them the legal right to confiscate a 2008 Lexus GX470 & an 09 Toyota. In summary, the girls on the street cost the city money where the city 'mines' the parlors. Often with great results.

I would say that if that specific scenario is true it is a rarity. One, that's Cleveland County and not Oklahoma County. Two, I looked online and I didn't see a County seizure filing for vehicles matching those descriptions (case may still be too new). I know ALOT about who and how the massage prostitution business is run and 75% make very little money and are owner operated and they certainly don't keep items of value at the business location. There are certainly exceptions, but, as a rule, the massage parlor and Internet busts costs tax payers far more than the street busts.

I'm putting together info for one of the TV news stations right now for a sweeps piece and working with a local college's economics seniors on a study of the cost of how much prostitution enforcement costs Oklahoma County based on the current execution of penalties. A massage parlor or Internet sting costs 27x more than a street bust. Also, the average fine for a street prostitute/John is only $150 - Massage parlor or Internet prostitutes/Johns is only $300. None do time (unless they are very habitual) and most get deferred or suspended sentences.

Also, vehicle seizures do not happen nearly as much as police would have you think. Well, they seize alot, but in the end not very many stay seized (this is one reason lawmakers dropped the idea of seizing vehicles used in prostitution). Keep in mind most people (let alone criminals) do not own their cars outright and there is a bank lien. Not to mention the fact that most seized cars (even if clear of liens) are not worth that much money. Now, cash laying around they love to seize. I've looked over about 2 dozen massage parlor and Internet bust court records and almost none show any property seized except for forensic investigative purposes (computers, cell phones, etc.) minus the small amounts of cash. The largest I saw was $2,900.

10-22-2010, 09:15 AM
What are you supposed to know to do when you go to a massage parlor? Take off all clothes? Keep them on? Or just leave underwear on??

Elements has a little note inside the room. I always leave my underwear on. Personal preference. They don't work in that area, anyway. At least not on me...I don't really want them to, anyway!

10-22-2010, 09:26 AM
Seach on craigslist.

That's where I find mine :kicking:

03-16-2012, 04:21 PM
I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to comment on something BBATES said.

"IMO prostitution that is 100% consensual and private is not a priority for our limited resources. That said, how weird would it be to think you're going to a spa for a massage and it turns out to be prostitution joint."

I have only been to a massage parlor once, and was given a 30 minute massage in exchange for computer work at a parlor owned by a co-workers sister. As Brian said, she left the room and told me to take off my clothes and get under the sheet. (I kept underwear on as well).

That being said, I completely agree with Mr. Bates comment above. All of the crime that goes on around here, the crack dealers walking the streets selling crack in broad daylight, and they're concerned with some little old asian women helping a guy "in need" in private, behind closed doors?

I remember reading something on Mr. Bates website about prostitution behind closed doors being a felony, while walking the streets is only a misdemeanor? How does that make sense? Even in news articles about these parlor busts, and people are talking about it being a threat to their children when it all takes place inside away from the public.

Meanwhile, you drive down Robinson avenue and see a dozen prostitutes walking the streets and standing on street corners while you see someones children 2 houses away playing in the yard and street. I wonder how many peoples teenage daughters in that area have been approached by "Johns". How is it better to have this going on out in the open not only near, but RIGHT IN FRONT of your children, than in a motel, or massage parlor somewhere, where no one has to know about it except the 2 parties involved.

If I had to make a guess I'd say that its simply because its easier to bust women/johns when they're doing it right out "in front of god and everyone" so they make the option that is safer for the public a felony to try to force the women onto the streets bordering neighborhoods, or in neighborhoods. Which I'm sure is also putting the pimps/drug dealers and accompanying violence in your neighborhood as well.

03-17-2012, 03:25 PM
I think it ought to be a crime to enact laws that's only purpose is to keep lawyers pockets full. This is definitely one of them along with some of the minor drug use laws.

03-17-2012, 03:42 PM
In addition to Elements, there is Chimera on North Porter. I haven't been, but the lady of the manor enjoyed her massage there.

03-17-2012, 03:47 PM
Markus; Its only a felony behind closed doors if a computer is used (ex. to place ads online or even to communicate via text message or email - cell phones are considered computers), which is how most conduct business. Or, if the prostitution occurs within 1,000' of a church or school.

Police would argue they don't decided what laws to enforce - which is not true, the power of discretion is their most powerful tool.

Second, and in their defense, there are endless examples of human trafficking rings that operate behind closed doors. Without busting them all, how is law enforcement to know which ones are just independents doing their thing and which ones are organized crime?

In light of the Saunders murder and the Homeland Security raids in OKC and Tulsa exposing human trafficking, there are not going to be too many sympathetic ears to hear the cries of the independents and their clients.

White Peacock
03-20-2012, 01:16 PM
I think it ought to be a crime to enact laws that's only purpose is to keep lawyers pockets full. This is definitely one of them along with some of the minor drug use laws.

Speaking of unbalanced laws and minor drug use, I remember a few years ago Governor Henry signed a law making it a felony to simply possess Salvia Divinorum (currently not a federally scheduled substance), while possession of marijuana (a schedule I substance at the federal level) is a misdemeanor.

03-20-2012, 05:52 PM
I think the bust that stick47 was referencing in post 16 was the shop that was on North Flood. The raid was about two years ago. The article ran Feb 2010 at

The following year the operator found herself knee deep in trouble in KY, as noted on Brian's site at

Only Cleveland Co. Case Numbers I turned up in a quick search were cf-2010-151 and cj-2010-256.
No major hauls for the state noted.

03-20-2012, 05:57 PM
I think the bust that stick was referencing in post 16 was the shop that was on North Flood. The raid was about two years ago. The article ran Feb 2010 at

The following year the operator found herself knee deep in trouble in KY, as noted on Brian's site at

Only Cleveland Co. Case Numbers I turned up in a quick search were cf-2010-151 and cj-2010-256.
No major hauls for the state noted.

You may have missed this then:
During Alrich’s 2010 arrest, law enforcement agencies seized drugs, several vehicles and bank accounts.

03-20-2012, 06:15 PM
Dinna miss it. What leo's seize and what they get to keep are not always the same thing. I'm not certain what was actually forfeited due to most of the record items in the cj-2010-256 case I referenced being sealed.

But if I read what is there correctly, a bank came in and sought a summary judgment as to any interests it had in the items where forfeiture was being sought. It doesn't look as though their motion was contested. I may be reading it wrong. Again, it's difficult to say when so much of the information was sealed. But the only disbursements to the leo's that is shown appears to be under 1300 dollars.

03-20-2012, 06:18 PM
Point being though, street prostitutes aren't monetary targets for the vice patrol mafia.

03-20-2012, 06:40 PM
Not usually. In the same vein, the laws you dislike are not really ones designed to line atty pockets. Are the laws designed to supplement the coffers of the leo's and the prosecution effort, oh sure. Overall, as compared to what gets expended, it isn't a lot that they collect.

Then again, all funds for the efforts of law enforcement/prosecution which not garnered from the end user via fines, costs, various assessments, i.e. uber special taxes against the convicted with an ability to pay, are paid for via tax dollars (and an occasional donation) from the honest hard working Joe and Jane Publics out here in freeville america.