View Full Version : SandRidge Center & Commons
The same group (Roy Oliver, Mark Beffort & Co.) own Leadership Square, Oklahoma Tower and City Place and all three have zero to very weak lighting elements.
They need to step up their game.
An application was just submitted to the Downtown Design Review Committee to allow the installation of two signs at the top of SandRidge Tower.
It will be considered in their 11/5 meeting.
SharkSandwich 10-16-2012, 04:35 PM An application was just submitted to the Downtown Design Review Committee to allow the installation of two signs at the top of SandRidge Tower.
It will be considered in their 11/5 meeting.
Great! I think this will really add to the skyline, especially at night. But why only 2 signs? Will the sign(s) sit where the "Let's Go Thunder" signs hang, or on top of the building like an hotel sign?
OKCisOK4me 10-16-2012, 05:07 PM I think if they're just covering two sides, they will be on the most popular faces of the building. Most picturesque for me would be east side, cause everyone is always taking pics from the Bricktown parking garage & the north side, where probably most of their employees are coming from.
Just back from a really nice personal tour of the SandRidge Tower and we also snuck over and looked inside the Kitchen no. 324 space in the Braniff Building.
I'll post photos later but WOW the plaster work in that space is already a knockout and they are in the process of installing all the marble tile... Along with the adjacent outdoor dining patio, this is going to be one of the most unique and cool spots in all of downtown. From that perspective, the plaza, canopy, and vistas are really pretty great.
The tower itself is really, really impressive -- much more so than the photos.
And FYI, I tried to make the tour open to our posters here but they were concerned about a big group trudging through the construction site, which is completely understandable. The did say they may arrange a more public event once the Braniff Building is open.
More to follow.
metro 10-26-2012, 12:27 PM Cool Pete.
Praedura 10-26-2012, 01:22 PM ...they may arrange a more public event once the Braniff Building is open.
Incidentally, what is the ETA for this?
More to follow.
Anxiously awaiting... :)
Here are some of the evolving plaza and canopy.
They are finishing the landscaping on all sides of the tower -- won't be long until it's all done. As you can see, they have yet to finish the pavers under the canopy, as there are heating elements that run under the surface. The canopy will have a mesh sort of top that will filter sunlight like a tree, but not provide water-proof cover.
Also of note: SandRidge currently leases three floors in the City Place and even after the Braniff Building is complete, they will likely keep that space. The accounting department will move to the Braniff from the Tower, but they anticipate immediately needing the space they will be vacating. Also, all floors of the tower are completely renovated except for three, and those will be done by spring.
jedicurt 10-26-2012, 02:31 PM The more i keep seeing of the Braniff Building, the more i like the mix of original to modern...
I didn't get any photos of the basement level but it's relatively small and ties into the loading dock (entry from Robinson) and two levels of underground parking under the current parking structure to the east (entry from RS Kerr).
It also connects to the Underground system, as this access had been closed for quite a while. However, only SandRidge employees with a security badge can pass.
Praedura 10-26-2012, 02:48 PM This is going to look AWESOME when it's finished!
Bellaboo 10-26-2012, 03:51 PM I didn't get any photos of the basement level but it's relatively small and ties into the loading dock (entry from Robinson) and two levels of underground parking under the current parking structure to the east (entry from RS Kerr).
It also connects to the Underground system, as this access had been closed for quite a while. However, only SandRidge employees with a security badge can pass.
What is your take on the landscaping since you got more of an upclose look ? Thanks
metro 10-28-2012, 11:12 AM Every time I see Sandridge forest, I keep waiting for Will Smith, his dog and a deer to come out of it.
Praedura 10-28-2012, 02:20 PM Here's a somewhat different view of the SandRidge Center work: (
source: BrettsDiary (
You don't see many photos taken from the rooftop of Leadership Square. Looks kind of roundish up there!
Spartan 10-29-2012, 11:12 AM Unfortunately some buildings remain to block the view from THAT angle
Urbanized 10-29-2012, 11:54 AM Sorry to digress, but I've never understood why that terraced rooftop of Leadership isn't utilized. The way it is tiled with concrete block and with nice doors leading out onto it, it's pretty apparent there was some intention by the designers that it would be used by building tenants as private balcony space or even for building amenities like outdoor cafe/bar space. I understand how the economy has prevented the latter in the years post-construction, but don't understand at all why the former has never taken place, at least to my knowledge. Seriously, a few simple trips to Home Depot could make that a green roof on par with the best in downtown.
What is your take on the landscaping since you got more of an upclose look ? Thanks
It's really starting to shape up. Most of it is either in or in the process of being installed on all sides of the tower now, so it's much easier to visualize the final product.
Kitchen no. 324's outdoor dining terrace is going to be an amazing setting with landscaping all around.
And frankly, after seeing the tower up close and personal, the level of detail and quality of finish is extremely high. So, I have a lot of confidence in the architecture and design teams bringing all the other elements (plaza, canopy, landscaping, Amenities Building, renovated Kerr Park, etc.) up to the same level.
BTW, SandRidge Tower is now easily the nicest building downtown other than Devon Energy Center. They have completely gutted and renovated every square foot, save three floors that are now currently under construction. They have pumped a ton of money into that building and have an architectural team on par with that used by Devon.
Good for SandRidge. I must say I was very disappointed when they announced their plans and tore down several of those old buildings, but if the quality of work they are doing is this high then my opinion of them has gone up substantially.
jccouger 10-29-2012, 02:14 PM The canopy won't provide water cover, dafuq? What use is it then?
BoulderSooner 10-29-2012, 02:17 PM The canopy won't provide water cover, dafuq? What use is it then?
Yes, the canopy is meant to function more like a tree than an umbrella. They also mentioned the plaza would be available for public events, as would the auditorium in the Amenities Building, and that they probably are not going to even charge for their use. And, SD has said they will take responsibility for the programming of the new Kerr / Couch Parks.
I'll upload some of the photos I took of the SD interiors, although I don't think they do the tower proper justice. I was incredibly impressed by it.
Urbanized 10-29-2012, 02:29 PM After looking closely at the up-lighting aimed at the tower recently after they restored it, I honestly believe the canopy exists in large part to serve as a platform for the lights hitting the SW corner of the building. Most of the other lighting is mounted on the tops of outlying buildings on the campus, including the parking garage and the Braniff, but the removal of the buildings at the corner of Robinson and Kerr necessitated finding a new platform for the relatively large lights. They are now mounted on the top of the canopy. Obviously, I think shade and ambiance also factored in there, but I really do think that the lighting drove the creation of the canopy structure.
Interesting point because I noticed large lighting banks that were integrated with the landscaping and sidewalks on all sides but the east, where they sit atop the existing parking structure.
I'm sure their inclusion influenced how the sidewalks and planting beds were placed, as several were at ground level.
Urbanized 10-29-2012, 02:38 PM I did notice that. The thing that really stood out to me was that there is a HUGE amount of light on that building when the lighting is activated, yet you really have to look to find the sources. That generally means it is really well-done. The best lighting is ambient light, reflected off of a structure itself (or a wall, or a product you desire to highlight). In most cases, if the light source is shining into your eye directly - unless it is some type of accent - the lighting plan is less than optimal. From what I have seen (and as an admitted layman in this area) they are doing a good job with the lighting.
That's one of the reasons the new P180-funded street lights make downtown look so much better; they are directed at the street and sidewalk, not into your eye. Less light pollution, less glare, and less light required, yet the subject area is easier to see.
Many have said this over and over again but it really applies to this whole project: You can't fairly judge it until it is complete.
The finishing touches and the way everything works together simply can't be visualized until the final stages. As we are getting close with some of the big elements here, I'm more and more impressed.
It also bodes well for SD driving more construction on the properties they own along Broadway, including the ultimate renovation of the Broadway/Kerr garage. They are willing to spend good money and hire excellent design/build teams.
OKCDrummer77 10-29-2012, 04:04 PM Sorry to digress, but I've never understood why that terraced rooftop of Leadership isn't utilized. The way it is tiled with concrete block and with nice doors leading out onto it, it's pretty apparent there was some intention by the designers that it would be used by building tenants as private balcony space or even for building amenities like outdoor cafe/bar space. I understand how the economy has prevented the latter in the years post-construction, but don't understand at all why the former has never taken place, at least to my knowledge. Seriously, a few simple trips to Home Depot could make that a green roof on par with the best in downtown.
I've been curious about this, too. It looks like nice space that is not utilized by anyone. If I had an office up there, I would go out there at the end of a long day with a glass of brandy and a cigar like Alan Shore & Denny Crane on Boston Legal.
(Disclaimer: I don't actually smoke cigars.) :dizzy:
Rover 10-29-2012, 05:35 PM Many have said this over and over again but it really applies to this whole project: You can't fairly judge it until it is complete.
The finishing touches and the way everything works together simply can't be visualized until the final stages. As we are getting close with some of the big elements here, I'm more and more impressed.
It also bodes well for SD driving more construction on the properties they own along Broadway, including the ultimate renovation of the Broadway/Kerr garage. They are willing to spend good money and hire excellent design/build teams.
I appreciate your comments. It is very hard to always see what the designers intend and to have patience until it is realized. It is much easier to criticize. In much the same way I think the central park will be criticized until finished. In the end, USUALLY (not always), if you willing to pay for world class design talent it is fruitful. In the past in OKC we weren't willing to pay for and utilize world class arch and eng firms, but now we have a few companies willing to do that and to set the bar a lot higher. Devon and SR, through these projects have established a high bar.
Speaking of the tower lighting, you can see one of the long strips of white fixtures in the planting bed in this photo:
Bellaboo 10-30-2012, 09:22 AM The so called forest looks good to me in the pictures, for what can be seen. I've walked all over the inner Washington DC area and everywhere I turned there were these little 'pocket parks'. I don't have a problem with what SandRidge is doing.
betts 10-30-2012, 09:32 AM The "forest"looks considerably better from the inside looking out than the outside looking in. I wasn't enamored of what I can see, but this is fine, IMO.
The "forest"looks considerably better from the inside looking out than the outside looking in. I wasn't enamored of what I can see, but this is fine, IMO.
Yes, it really does.
This is why I think the dining terrace outside of Kitchen No. 324 is going to be a special place.
Similarly, the new AGE restaurant in the Amenities Building that will face the new Kerr Park should be another really cool spot.
If I can just let go of the building they removed from the Robinson corner, I'm very happy and excited about everything else. And after all this time, it's really awesome to see that entire sector of downtown starting to come back to life. For the longest time those several blocks looked and felt like an abandoned Eastern block city.
Here are renderings for the new SD signage.
I think this looks super sharp and like the restraint of not putting their name up there in huge letters.
pw405 11-08-2012, 12:52 PM Here's a few from yesterday. Making great progress on the Braniff building. All shots taken from the south side of the AT&T Building: ( ( ( ( (
Anonymous. 11-08-2012, 01:26 PM Pete, is that just a concrete engraving/bevel for the logo, or is that an actual sign? I would think it would be hard to light, but that twilight photo almost makes it seem lit.
Anyways, I too, like that they are using just the logo and not the name.
Pete, is that just a concrete engraving/bevel for the logo, or is that an actual sign? I would think it would be hard to light, but that twilight photo almost makes it seem lit.
Anyways, I too, like that they are using just the logo and not the name.
The logo will be applied to the exterior and will be slightly raised:
jedicurt 11-08-2012, 01:57 PM The logo will be applied to the exterior and will be slightly raised:
ok... that sounds really cool. I hope it turns out to look as great as what i picture in my head
Bellaboo 11-08-2012, 02:03 PM This makes sense why the signage symbols are exclusive to the East and West side only, due to the sunlight angle exposure.
I'm glad they went this route.
I really don't like the Enogex sign on top of Leadership Square.
Urbanized 11-08-2012, 02:07 PM I suppose the approach to displaying and lighting the logo (by creating relief in sand-colored concrete) is a play on their name. Nice touch, if so.
Rover 11-08-2012, 03:53 PM Very classy. With all the bright colored lighting now downtown, this subtle "blind emboss" is very stylish and a sophisticated touch.
Just the facts 11-08-2012, 04:32 PM SandRidge shareholder pushing for changes | (
One of SandRidge Energy Inc.'s largest shareholders is pushing for a change in management at the Oklahoma City-based oil company.
The investment firm called on SandRidge to reconfigure its board and management team, including replacing CEO Tom Ward, and hire an adviser to explore strategic alternatives
OKCisOK4me 11-08-2012, 04:33 PM I'm glad they went this route.
I really don't like the Enogex sign on top of Leadership Square.
I was wondering if my eyes were playing a trick on me or not. Definitely looks out of place.
HangryHippo 11-08-2012, 04:35 PM SandRidge shareholder pushing for changes | (
I saw this. Does Sandridge have Chesapeake syndrome?
blangtang 11-08-2012, 05:14 PM You can't post stuff like that on this site :tongue:
SandRidge shareholder pushing for changes | (
zuluwarrior0760 11-08-2012, 07:07 PM
I'm so happy to see photos of Sandridge all lit up....... I've got to drive down to see it in
For the Lighting Geeks: the new lighting is all L.E.D. It is the EXACT same fixture
that was used on the Botanical Tube and the Skydance but it is populated with only
white LEDs, not multicolor......The energy savings versus the old system was a little over
70% and enabled them to stay within LEED guidelines on exterior watts per square foot.
The energy savings versus the old system was a little over
70% and enabled them to stay within LEED guidelines on exterior watts per square foot.
Wow, shows what a little technology can do for you! Thanks for the info.
I actually think it looks better now, too. Perhaps a bit brighter and more uniform.
metro 11-09-2012, 10:53 AM The so called forest looks good to me in the pictures, for what can be seen. I've walked all over the inner Washington DC area and everywhere I turned there were these little 'pocket parks'. I don't have a problem with what SandRidge is doing.
DC also has 4 million more people walking around in a MUCH more dense area. Comparing this to DC is laughable.
Just the facts 11-09-2012, 10:57 AM Downtown OKC is all one big park with pocket urbansim. Anyhow, I digress. The building looks much better lit up, but the logo doesn't excite me. I would like for it to either light up, or maybe cast a shadow with the existing exterior lighting that creates a negative effect (would show up black at night)
jedicurt 11-09-2012, 11:15 AM or maybe cast a shadow with the existing exterior lighting that creates a negative effect (would show up black at night)
Isn't this sorta what they are doing? you will see the logo by the portion that is in shadow
Bellaboo 11-09-2012, 11:24 AM DC also has 4 million more people walking around in a MUCH more dense area. Comparing this to DC is laughable.
Just how laughable is it ? We have a little over a million folks and 2 to 3 downtown equilivant parks and they have 4 million folks and about 40 parks ?
Bitchin' about SandRidges greenery is laughable......
kevinpate 11-09-2012, 12:05 PM ... Bitchin' about SandRidges greenery is laughable......
Don't disagree at all. Of course, when ya get right down to it, all gritchin' and moanin' is laughable to someone.
Just the facts 11-09-2012, 02:11 PM Isn't this sorta what they are doing? you will see the logo by the portion that is in shadow
I guess it would help if I read their description :)
jedicurt 11-09-2012, 02:13 PM I guess it would help if I read their description :)
haha... i was lost and thought i was missing something. or perhaps you had a different thing in mind entirely and i was miss reading what you had said.
metro 11-10-2012, 11:21 AM Just how laughable is it ? We have a little over a million folks and 2 to 3 downtown equilivant parks and they have 4 million folks and about 40 parks ?
Bitchin' about SandRidges greenery is laughable......
Notice how I said DC is MUCH denser. It's not uncommon to see most of DT lifeless after certain hours, but there is tons of street life in DC at all hours.
Notice how I said DC is MUCH denser. It's not uncommon to see most of DT lifeless after certain hours, but there is tons of street life in DC at all hours.
In some parts of DC. The central business district there is dead after 5 pm. I used to live there.
Aleksandr Pletnyov 11-10-2012, 04:10 PM I'm really looking forward to any signage that will be put it. And the little forest isn't all THAT bad...
Bellaboo 11-11-2012, 10:29 AM Notice how I said DC is MUCH denser. It's not uncommon to see most of DT lifeless after certain hours, but there is tons of street life in DC at all hours.
You should have said Rome..and I mean old Rome......DC is full of late night gang bangers, in Rome, everyone is enjoying their evening walk well past midnight.
wsucougz 12-02-2012, 01:02 AM It's possible the money flow for this campus could be affected in the near future.
TPG-Axon details corporate spending(among other things) at Sandridge here:
p12-1902sc13da.htm (
CaptDave 12-02-2012, 11:22 AM ^ Is this a case of the new kids trying to keep up with the Joneses (Devon)? Devon was well positioned and managed well enough to build its new headquarters. Did Sand Ridge move too quickly and compromise their future? I hope not.
metro 12-02-2012, 01:42 PM ^ Is this a case of the new kids trying to keep up with the Joneses (Devon)? Devon was well positioned and managed well enough to build its new headquarters. Did Sand Ridge move too quickly and compromise their future? I hope not.
I'd say more like Chesapeake, considering SD CEO was a Chesapeake co-founder and CHK is known for extravagance, it's probably in their culture and he carried it over.