View Full Version : SandRidge Center & Commons
Lafferty Daniel 03-22-2012, 06:27 PM Hey, could you tap your caps lock button for me one more time?
OK, since you work for SR, please post some photos of their landscaping from different angles, if you think it makes that much of a difference. But I think it's pretty telling when SR employees are getting on here and telling us that every photo taken is "not the most flattering angle" to quote yourself. Show us something that is flattering.
I also have a bit of news for you. Sometimes (gasp) finished construction does not always match the renderings. In fact, this happens a lot in OKC, because we have very lax building standards and frequently see a developer switch and bait in this town. It's usually a given that you can tell a LOT more about a finished product from how construction is beginning to shape up than from renderings.
I'm not going to argue the point on the Kermac and India Temple buildings with someone who doesn't understand that historic can be easily defined and proven, and I would also point out there were redevelopers who wanted to turn those buildings into apartments, which would have had a higher economic and revitalizing yield than..coniferous trees.
So I write five words in all caps and you say that? lol. Oops, I mean LOL!
And just because I don't bash Sandridge means that I work for them? Am I reading that correctly? It must really irritate you that some of us like to have a positive outlook on life rather than a negative one (like you do).
It's kinda funny how you talk about how the renderings are going to look completely different than what the final product will be (just because you don't agree with it), but then turn around and talk about how some of the buildings were going to prosper because someone proposed turning them into residential. What makes this any different? And who is to say that it would have actually worked? Oh yeah, you do, because you love to twist the facts to fit your argument.
I don't why I respond to someone who is so delusional, they think Larry Nichols is purposely getting the city of OKC to stall on Project 180 to drive out small businesses. Yup, that's what someone who just sank $750 million into downtown OKC wants. They want other businesses located downtown (that are not competing with them) to fail.
I can't wait until you finally graduate and get into the real world so you can get a grasp on reality.
Lafferty Daniel 03-22-2012, 06:31 PM Also, number of historic buildings Devon has torn down (so far): 0
Number of parking garages Devon has eliminated or significantly built onto: You get the point
Actually, the number of historic buildings torn down by Sandridge is zero as well. They kept the Braniff building. But I can't wait to hear your conspiracy theory on this as well.
ENLIGHTEN ME O' ENLIGHTENED ONE!!!! (sorry for caps)
Spartan 03-22-2012, 07:10 PM So I write five words in all caps and you say that? lol. Oops, I mean LOL!
And just because I don't bash Sandridge means that I work for them? Am I reading that correctly? It must really irritate you that some of us like to have a positive outlook on life rather than a negative one (like you do).
It's kinda funny how you talk about how the renderings are going to look completely different than what the final product will be (just because you don't agree with it), but then turn around and talk about how some of the buildings were going to prosper because someone proposed turning them into residential. What makes this any different? And who is to say that it would have actually worked? Oh yeah, you do, because you love to twist the facts to fit your argument.
I don't why I respond to someone who is so delusional, they think Larry Nichols is purposely getting the city of OKC to stall on Project 180 to drive out small businesses. Yup, that's what someone who just sank $750 million into downtown OKC wants. They want other businesses located downtown (that are not competing with them) to fail.
I can't wait until you finally graduate and get into the real world so you can get a grasp on reality.
Let us know when you have taken the more flattering photos.
Just the facts 03-22-2012, 07:27 PM NEBU opens to the sidewalk ... on the west side of the building
I didn't know that. You can walk from the sidewalk right into the restaurant? Does anyone have any pictures of the enterance? Do you know if they have plans for an external sign?
Lafferty Daniel 03-22-2012, 08:23 PM Let us know when you have taken the more flattering photos.
haha, there's a reason a good majority of people on here always argue with your posts. I wish you would finally figure out why.
Maybe you'll figure it out after you figure out who Joe Carter is...
dankrutka 03-22-2012, 08:24 PM I think that is correct that there's an entrance off the west side...
Spartan 03-22-2012, 09:27 PM haha, there's a reason a good majority of people on here always argue with your posts. I wish you would finally figure out why.
Maybe you'll figure it out after you figure out who Joe Carter is...
So, you have the more flattering SR photos, no?
Sometimes I wish could run an IP check for double accounts on here...can't say enough how fishy it is for someone with 50 posts, all of them defending SR, to reference an obscure thread from last month, which I already admitted I was wrong on (I do that, admit when I'm wrong, you know). However, I do indeed have a pretty good idea why there are 3-4 accounts on here that tend to "follow me around" on here.
But don't worry, I plan to keep challenging people, criticizing screw-ups, questioning things, and demanding better. So that's not going to change.
By the way, since you seem to know who I am (obsessed much, or did you just open up SandRidge's file on me?), why don't you please tell us who you are? Name, age, residence, education level, and anything else that is pertinent. Give us 3 up-to-date references as well, you can include Tom Ward as one of them. Thanks!
metro 03-22-2012, 10:24 PM Actually, the number of historic buildings torn down by Sandridge is zero as well. They kept the Braniff building. But I can't wait to hear your conspiracy theory on this as well.
ENLIGHTEN ME O' ENLIGHTENED ONE!!!! (sorry for caps)
KerMac and India Temple ring a bell?
Bellaboo 03-22-2012, 10:28 PM KerMac and India Temple ring a bell?
These two weren't on the historical register were they ?
metro 03-22-2012, 10:34 PM Historical Register isn't the only basis for a building being historical or significant.
Spartan 03-22-2012, 11:00 PM
In all instances in which historic protection is explicitly offered vis a vis a National Register listing, the standard is also applied equally to properties that are "likely eligible" for the National Register. This is because a National Register listing is a long, detailed process which has obviously not been done for every property that is eligible.
This would be through codified extended protection under Section 106 in Executive Order 11593. This only relates to any projects receiving federal funding OR all instances in which the National Register serves as the basis for local preservation ordinances. OKC has a local preservation ordinance.
The Braniff Building was only on the National Register because Bob Blackburn did a challenge nomination waaay back in the day when Kerr McGee wanted to tear the building down. This was before the federal government overhauled the National Register process and eliminated the possibility of filing a challenge nomination.
I know. Facts suck.
Rover 03-22-2012, 11:08 PM Also, number of historic buildings Devon has torn down (so far): 0
because they were torn down years ago.
Spartan 03-22-2012, 11:10 PM Well I know you're not about to defend I.M. Pei, so for the purposes of our naive little Devon-good, Sandridge-bad dichotomy here, we don't HAVE to connect Devon to I.M. Pei. We all sleep better that way, I think. =)
Rover 03-22-2012, 11:20 PM Well I know you're not about to defend I.M. Pei, so for the purposes of our naive little Devon-good, Sandridge-bad dichotomy here, we don't HAVE to connect Devon to I.M. Pei. We all sleep better that way, I think. =)
Say what? I'm not about to get into another petty pi$$ing match over who is evil, who is not, or who conspires and doesn't. Just saying Devon and SR's challenges to vitalize,or revitalize areas of dead downtown are apples and oranges. In the end, both are instrumental in bringing thousands of jobs to downtown, helping increase demand for housing downtown, investing more money in developing downtown than ANYONE ELSE, and paying more taxes downtown than others. They are going to be lightning rods and attract much criticism...some deserved, some not. Bottom line, as Pete points out, there is life where there wasn't thanks to SR. I think in 5-10 years we can judge whether the bad of tearing down a couple of noted buildings was worth it and whether their master plan for the campus is good, bad, or just controversial.
Spartan 03-22-2012, 11:42 PM I was joking Rover. In fact, that one was quite obvious, my message tone was dripping in satire.
But I would say you reiterate one of the foundational problems with OKC. "If you're 'creating jobs,' you have carte blanche to do whatever you want." It's as if those jobs depend on those corporations and developers being able to run roughshod over the very radical idea of building standards like every other "big league city."
No historic buildings to tear down = No new jobs at SandRidge. It's almost as if they're in the business of tearing down historic buildings and NOT in the business of energy, or some other nebulous things that have nothing to do with urban design and should still be compatible. Or is there a better reason why energy corporations are inherently incompatible with our lofty hopes for urban design? Either explain why these two concepts are incompatible together, or explain what you meant with your above post.
I know you're quite reasonable, and I know you support the idea of urban development standards and gentrification. So I'm curious why you appear to be making statements to the contrary.
I will put it as an ultimatum. In my opinion, and probably the overwhelming opinion of others who are "into" urban planning, what SandRidge did is absolutely indefensible within the microscope of urban planning. Now, there are other microscopes that you can look through and have a better light of that company in, but not as far as urban planning is concerned. And furthermore, what I've been saying (and getting grief for in the last few pages) is that so far SandRidge has done absolutely nothing to justify a reevaluation from that perspective. I hope that their future plans will warrant changing my opinion on them.
I'm not trying to get into rehashing old battles over long gone buildings and redrawing the battle lines, mostly because apparently SR is going to fire up all their old poster accounts on here and flame anyone who steps out of line. I get flamed enough as it is. My point is to look at this within the context of NOW. The 1 positive thing I have seen SR do is give a nominal $1 million donation to build a $7 million children's pavilion that will be named after them, which seems odd that Knopp gave them the naming rights for that with so much fundraising now left for him to do, but maybe there was pressure, maybe they've promised more, none of us could know the circumstances.
Oh, and their landscaping (which didn't necessarily look BAD in the renderings, other than being contextually inappropriate) is painful to witness going in. None of us expected it to look as bad as it does, and if they had mentioned they were adding cedars (which are not only considered a weed species in Oklahoma, but also a huge fire danger), that probably would have raised some flags as well.
So it would be nice if detractors could keep their backlashings within the scope of 2012, not 2009.
Rover 03-23-2012, 12:00 AM I was joking Rover. In fact, that one was quite obvious, my message tone was dripping in satire.
But I would say you reiterate one of the foundational problems with OKC. "If you're 'creating jobs,' you have carte blanche to do whatever you want." It's as if those jobs depend on those corporations and developers being able to run roughshod over the very radical idea of building standards like every other "big league city."
Your tactic is to extrapolate every statement I make to absurdity. I have never implied anyone had any right to run roughshod over anyone. I support standards and adherence. I support urban concepts. I do not support vitriol, paranoia, or the hate of anyone successful. I acknowledge planning shortcomings of the past and am also sure some of the things the new Urbanist planners of today are so dead sure of today will be looked at with disdane in a few more decades. And in the short run, I prefer to let some things complete before I condemn it. Looking at a picture is far different than watching a film. While I regret the loss of the India temple building, I am not yet prepared to damn all that SR is doing.
And yes, I do think adding jobs, and good jobs, is the most fundamental and secure way to build a sustaining and growing downtown. I appreciate those who are doing that.
Spartan 03-23-2012, 12:06 AM I haven't damned all that SR is doing. If I've made any comments as to their business relations, industry standing, drilling techniques, etc etc, not only would that be problematic because I'm ignorant on those issues, but it wouldn't be relevant.
I think I once made a remark explaining why I'm not drinking the koolaid yet on this second tower, and I used their sagging stock as one reason. Not that that's prevented a particular corporation up on 63rd from going expansion crazy, so who knows. I'll stick to urban design issues, because I know I'm not even qualified to as much as speculate on anything else that SandRidge has or hasn't done, and I'm totally fine admitting that.
By the way, I'm not sure how else I was supposed to interpret this remark. Sounds like a means to an end, urban planning bedamned kind of statement to me, especially in the context of the SR debacle. To suggest that something else other than the urban environment is the end of urban planning is exactly anti-urban planning.
In the end, both are instrumental in bringing thousands of jobs to downtown, helping increase demand for housing downtown, investing more money in developing downtown than ANYONE ELSE, and paying more taxes downtown than others.
I'll remind you that in 1990 OKC tried throwing money around to entice jobs, thinking that's all we needed. It turned out to be a huge failure because our quality of life was so low, nobody would want to come here. Places like Seattle, Boston, Minneapolis, etc--may not have the most booming economies, but they are innovative enough to provide their citizens incredible economic opportunities and additionally, those citizens enjoy the highest quality of life in the country, and the world.
Public administration in this eon is a quality of life vs. economic development machine. If we as a city can not even balance urban planning practices in the realm of quality of life (urban planners supposedly exist to design an environment that improves, accommodates, and enriches human life) then there is absolutely no question that we are backtracking to the pre-MAPS days regardless of the kind of development money being thrown around.
It's not about jobs or development. In the end, it should be about quality of life, in my opinion. And if that means that YOU are making only $40,000 rather than $50,000 (there are NO examples that corroborate this, as higher QoL locales almost ALWAYS command higher salaries than OKC, which isn't saying a lot anyway) but you're quality of life is higher (better health, better environment, better amenities, better engagement, better educated), which is better.
If you have a habit of bending over backwards to protect the golden goose (economic development, but specifically, for oil and gas) and yet your economic progress has only led your citizens to make $29,000 a year and you lead the charts in every social problem category, you may be misguided (or as Bill Engvall says..).
Rover 03-23-2012, 12:21 AM It really wasn't saying that at all. Corporations still need to be good and responsible citizens. But, they should also be acknowledged for the positive things they are doing that furthers the Urbanist agenda, even if it is indirect. The people they hire, the taxes they pay, etc., all helps in the urban development, even when it isn't obvious. We hav eto view these things more holistically.
Spartan 03-23-2012, 12:28 AM Fair enough. But direct implications for the urban environment are obviously worth dwelling over a lot more than indirect implications, not that you said anything to the contrary, I just wanted to add that.
And to head off what will probably be prov1x and others' next line of attack, SandRidge was not going to move to Houston over building plans. Give me a break. And if a corporation is holding us hostage to damage our city or else they'll move to Houston, is that a corporation you even want in your community? Probably not. That's why SR's rhetoric during that debacle went pretty far IMO, but NEVER directly went there, and I distinctly remember Marsha Wooden denying that was on the table.
Rover 03-23-2012, 12:41 AM Spartan, I would say that much of Seattles progress is due to a few companies that have become MAJOR economic generators for the city. Boing and Microsoft havent exactly promoted the new Urbanist agenda. But, their high paying jobs and lots of them, as well as the other companies born there to support or compete with them, created favorable demand that drove certain development downtown. But there are lots of suburbs and sprawl and city problems.
Spartan 03-23-2012, 01:37 AM However, Boeing is HQ'd in Chicago and Microsoft is in Bellevue, an entity all its own. I agree though, and Microsoft's campus is pretty awful. Especially if you compare to Apple:
BoulderSooner 03-23-2012, 07:24 AM Yeah, really excited about this one. For the past 25 years or so I have squinted my eyes and imagined sidewalk dining under the Colcord canopy. Looking across the street on the re-worked gardens will make it that much better. I can't wait.
i heard the other day that after "flint" opens devon is going to do a floor by floor room by room full renovation of the colcord
Lafferty Daniel 03-23-2012, 08:14 AM So, you have the more flattering SR photos, no?
Sometimes I wish could run an IP check for double accounts on here...can't say enough how fishy it is for someone with 50 posts, all of them defending SR, to reference an obscure thread from last month, which I already admitted I was wrong on (I do that, admit when I'm wrong, you know). However, I do indeed have a pretty good idea why there are 3-4 accounts on here that tend to "follow me around" on here.
But don't worry, I plan to keep challenging people, criticizing screw-ups, questioning things, and demanding better. So that's not going to change.
By the way, since you seem to know who I am (obsessed much, or did you just open up SandRidge's file on me?), why don't you please tell us who you are? Name, age, residence, education level, and anything else that is pertinent. Give us 3 up-to-date references as well, you can include Tom Ward as one of them. Thanks!
Gosh you're thick.
No, I don't have flattering pictures. I actually don't even have a camera. That's why I posted earlier about wishing more people would take pictures of sandridge, chesapeake arena, etc. I know I know. You'll probably skip right over this because it doesn't fit your conspiracy theory, but I had to inform the other open-minded people on here.
And just by looking at the first couple pages in this forum, I've posted in the Devon, Sandridge, Chesapeake Arena, East bricktown apartments, DT getting ready for the playoffs, Preftakes, and a few others. But you're right, all my posts have to do with defending sandridge... (that's sarcasm, in case you're too thick to pick up on it)
And I actually have no idea who you are. I just know you're a student because you've said that on here many times like we're supposed to bow down to you. (I might only have 50 posts, but I'm on here usually every day reading. But that's because I don't feel the need to post every single little thought that comes in my head. You should try that!) Forgive me if I don't take a twenty something year old who hasn't even finished school seriously. I said it earlier, I can't wait until you get into the real world so you can get a dose of reality. Maybe it'll knock you off your ivory tower, who knows?
And maybe you missed earlier where I said I wasn't crazy about how sandridge looks right now? I just feel that maybe, MAYBE, we should wait until it's further along before we start acting like what they are doing is the equivalent of murder. But we all know you're not going to be reasonable like that. So please, flame away.
Rover 03-23-2012, 09:03 AM However, Boeing is HQ'd in Chicago and Microsoft is in Bellevue, an entity all its own. I agree though, and Microsoft's campus is pretty awful.
Boeing was based there for a huge portion of their growth and employ a huge number of people there in great paying positions. My point is that wages and salaries drive development. If there is no money in the economy then planning principles be damned, there will be no development, urban or otherwise. We need to keep focusing on bringing new jobs to downtown and then keeping the payroll dollars there.
And Bellvue is basically just a suburb of Seattle. I have worked on a number of MS buildings and I think it proves my point....add the jobs and development grows. I supplied the last two residential towers there that were built to give the MS people nice condos so they can stay there close to their offices during the week. They built the shopping center at the base so they have quality retail and restaurants, entertainment, etc. they are giving them a reason to be there instead of heading to their homes in the hills after work.
Wanted to post this rendering again because it's clearly recent: properly reflects the metal canopy between the SR Tower and Braniff, shows proposed P180 street improvements, etc.
Also shows how they hope to use similar glass features to tie together the amenities building, Braniff and the proposed office structure east of the tower.
We still don't know how tall the new building may be, but my guess is they won't want it taller than the tower in the middle.
And here's something that is clearly quite recent and very interesting...
Note the expanded Broadway/Kerr parking garage (we had heard about this about a month ago) and the Automobile Alley buildings. Looks like a strong commitment to street-side retail:
And here's a closeup of the canopy/plaza area.
A $750,000 building permit was issued just yesterday for the canopy:
And one more from Rogers Marvel:
Just the facts 03-23-2012, 09:32 AM Oh the irony that they removed the top 20 floors of Chase so it improved the sightline to the amenities and Braniff buildings. LOL
catch22 03-23-2012, 09:38 AM Oh the irony that they removed the top 20 floors of Chase so it improved the sightline to the amenities and Braniff buildings. LOL
And kept the India Temple. Lol.
wsucougz 03-23-2012, 09:50 AM 10:08 EDT Rumor: SandRidge Energy active on unconfirmed takeover speculation
There have been a number of similar rumors about SD lately and the company recently approved buyout clauses for their executives in the case of acquisition. Hopefully they can avoid something like this and it's just rumor. Their land in the Mississippian, Permian, WTO and (soon to be)gulf is worth a lot more than market cap + debt, so it's probably an attractive takeover target provided trust obligations and such aren't too messy for a would-be buyer.
Obviously something like this would most likely be a detriment to the in-progress development.
metro 03-23-2012, 10:02 AM And here's a closeup of the canopy/plaza area.
A $750,000 building permit was issued just yesterday for the canopy:
All that's missing is a deer, a dog, zombies and Will Smith.
metro 03-23-2012, 10:03 AM And kept the India Temple. Lol.
Actually India Temple isn't in that pic. It was where the new horizontal building is immediately east of the tower.
Spartan 03-23-2012, 10:07 AM Actually India Temple isn't in that pic. It was where the new horizontal building is immediately east of the tower.
No metro, that's the India Temple we both knew and loved (well, in its altered state nonetheless).
Oh the irony that they removed the top 20 floors of Chase so it improved the sightline to the amenities and Braniff buildings. LOL
Don't put it past them...
metro 03-23-2012, 10:45 AM I still don't see it.
One thing I noticed no one has posted yet, all the Sandridge buildings show them having a green rooftop. Sure hope it comes to fruition!
Bellaboo 03-23-2012, 12:03 PM Am I seeing the 'amenities' building higher than first projected ? almost to the upper section of Dowell center ?
dankrutka 03-23-2012, 12:51 PM So, this means they're planning on putting up 2 new buildings for retail and such along Broadway?!? That would be great.
Am I seeing the 'amenities' building higher than first projected ? almost to the upper section of Dowell center ?
It will cover the east side of the Dowell Center up to 12th floor, which will leave 13-18 newly exposed.
blangtang 03-23-2012, 01:33 PM anyone hearing anything credible about the takeover rumors? Lots of upside call buying today. I thought they were in the process of spinning off another royalty trust.
Rover 03-23-2012, 01:42 PM Not so fast on the takeover rumors:
sooner2000 03-23-2012, 01:42 PM Here's a good article outlining the reasons Sandridge is an unlikely candidate for takeover: (
sooner2000 03-23-2012, 01:44 PM Sorry for the double post. Rover beat me to it.
Just the facts 03-23-2012, 01:52 PM I don't believe anything from The Street unless Lenny Dykstra's name is on it.
Rover 03-23-2012, 01:53 PM Rover beat me to it.
Because I have AT&T. :phone:
wsucougz 03-23-2012, 02:31 PM Similar takeover rumors seem to surface about every 6 months. Probably just a rumor, but interesting to think of the implications for downtown were such a thing to occur. If they get bought out, hopefully it isn't for at least a couple years.
UnFrSaKn 03-23-2012, 05:40 PM And one more from Rogers Marvel:
What's the biggest glaring omission from this model?
metro 03-23-2012, 05:41 PM Devon tower
Just the facts 03-23-2012, 06:24 PM What's the biggest glaring omission from this model?
That is because Devon Tower is not on Google Earth.
Spartan 03-23-2012, 07:55 PM But a miniature Chase Tower is, I guess..
Just the facts 03-23-2012, 10:03 PM But a miniature Chase Tower is, I guess..
No, they made Chase smaller so you could see the Sandridge buildings. If Devon wants their building on Google Earth they can pay someone to do it or wait for a 13 year old in San Diego to do it for them.
Spartan 03-24-2012, 12:02 AM No, they made Chase smaller so you could see the Sandridge buildings. If Devon wants their building on Google Earth they can pay someone to do it or wait for a 13 year old in San Diego to do it for them.
Or Russia.
HOT ROD 03-24-2012, 09:22 PM However, Boeing is HQ'd in Chicago and Microsoft is in Bellevue, an entity all its own. I agree though, and Microsoft's campus is pretty awful. Especially if you compare to Apple:
Microsoft is HQ in Redmond, WA not Bellevue.
Snowman 03-24-2012, 09:43 PM Microsoft is HQ in Redmond, WA not Bellevue.
True, though due to Bellevue city limits being on the west, south & east of the main campus; they have buildings in Bellevue as well.
HOT ROD 03-24-2012, 09:49 PM most of our Bellevue buildings/space are in downtown and house the online division. We also have offices in parks in several areas of Bellevue - including my office which is in the Advanta complex in SE Bellevue. But by far, the bulk of MSFT headquarters including where most of the executives (particularly Ballmer and Gates) sit is in Redmond.
One final point, Microsoft campus may not be attractive from an urban pov but we are in the suburbs and not in the cbd of Seattle. ......
From about a week ago:
Spartan 04-05-2012, 09:43 PM Wow. I honestly think the Braniff renovations are going to make us realize, once again, just what hidden diamonds in the rough these historic buildings can be pre-renovation. It's such a shame we're not doing the same thing to the KerMac.
blangtang 04-13-2012, 02:01 AM another big buyer today of upside in Sandridge. This time there were no takeover rumors! It was about a month ago there were big buyers in the April and Mays, but now its out into the fall. Someone big bought 20,000 calls ( 2 million share equivalent, or about $1.5 mill bet on upside ) maybe it was T. boone!
to be clear, the bets are the stock of SD (currently around 7.50) will be above 8 bucks by the fall.
G.Walker 04-13-2012, 12:50 PM Looks like the new Sandridge Amenities building is increasing in size, according to the DDRC agenda for April 19! Good Deal
Just the facts 04-13-2012, 01:09 PM Looks like the new Sandridge Amenities building is increasing in size, according to the DDRC agenda for April 19! Good Deal
An increase in height plus other items:
at 120 Robert S Kerr Ave (DBD), by Aaron Young for
SandRidge Energy for a modification to previously approved Certificate of
Approval to: a) increase overall building volume from 88,000 to 92,000
gross square feet of enclosed interior space with approximately 13,000
gross square feet of occupied exterior terraces; b) increase overall building
height from 106’-0” to 127-6” to accommodate program, structural and
HVAC requirements; c) revise first floor façade design previously submitted
as architectural concrete and glass to glass storefront system; d) modify
entries and canopy at street level north façade; e) install mechanical louvers
between third and fourth levels at north, south, east elevations; f) add new
level for fitness center at 5th floor; g) revise park level façade design (east
elevation) from screen wall system to primarily glass storefront system; and
h) install partial “café” glass wall at street level south and east elevations.
Also if interest at the same meeting:
Install seventeen 20 ft by 30 ft Temporary Large Display Banners above
the canopy on the north facade of the Chesapeake Energy Arena
Good site plan showing all the various SandRidge buildings: