View Full Version : SandRidge Center & Commons

06-08-2011, 05:01 PM
Again, I hope your right for the sake of OKC and Oklahoma for that matter because OK is "way" dependent on the oil and gas industry and is not diversified in industry. I could see the 80's happening all over again, and Oklahoma would not have a leg to stand on.

I think as we saw in the late 90's, OKC is more diversified than you think. When oil prices hit rock bottom in the late 90's, we did just fine, because of our diversified economy, in aviation, biotech companies, etc. And the gas industry is generally more stable than the oil industry. Chesapeake is mostly gas, and Devon has both. Back in the 80's, most of the energy companies you're referring to were completely oil. KerrMcGee even survived the 90's by expanding their chemical division, which is now Tronox Inc.

06-10-2011, 08:51 PM
At the beginning of this thread, a SandRidge employee reported that floors 17-29 were renovated a couple of years ago and that the plan was to ultimately do the same for 1-16.

Seems like the recent building permits for 14, 15 & 16 indicate they are starting to work their way downward, renovating a few floors at a time.

Yes, floors 4, 17-29 were renovated a couple years ago.
Floors 8-12 are original, but they are occupied as well.

Currently LL, L, M, 5, 6, 7 are under construction...with 14, 15, 16 to follow.

06-10-2011, 08:58 PM
LockeDown, how many floors would you say are fully occupied in the tower?

Or put another way, at what percentage capacity does it currently sit?

06-10-2011, 09:12 PM
Of the 30 floors in the building, 26 are available for office space. I'd say 19 of the 26 are occupied/in-use...but it is hard to say "fully" as each floor is layed out differently and have differing functions. Offices are larger and more spread out on the renovated floors, and are mostly full-capacity. Couldn't really give an accurate number though.

06-12-2011, 07:22 PM
I found this article by Steve from June of 2008:

Company plans for ex-Kerr-McGee tower may reshape the look of whole city block
By Steve Lackmeyer
Business Writer

Life is returning to the former Kerr-McGee tower downtown, where more than 300 construction workers are working to recreate the landmark into a modern office building.

SandRidge Energy, which bought the tower last year, has about 250 employees working in the first 16 floors while the 17th through 29th floors are being gutted and rebuilt. By year's end, the company expects to have all of its 500 employees headquartered downtown.

To date, the company has spent about $50 million to buy and renovate the tower.

‘There are still a thousand things to consider'
Dirk Van Doren, chief financial officer at SandRidge, acknowledges the company has been fairly quiet about the project — but it's not because they're being secretive.
"There are still a thousand things to consider,” Van Doren said. "This building was really built in the '60s — it opened in 1972. But the thinking was '60s — it was different.”

Van Doren said the company is taking a major step this month with the hiring of New York City-based Rogers Marvel Associates. Instead of just looking at potential improvements to the tower, the architectural and planning firm is tasked with looking at the entire city block and how it relates to the rest of downtown, he said.

"We want to engage the public more than what has happened in the past,” Van Doren said. "We want to impact the energy of the city in a way that will draw people out.”

Van Doren said he's eager to look at how much, if at all, the tower should tap into The Underground pedestrian tunnels. While understanding of the need for underground access during inclement weather, Van Doren said he's not so sure of the message sent by empty sidewalks.

In the final years before Kerr-McGee was bought out by Houston-based Anadarko Petroleum, the tunnel access was heavily secured and not open to the public.

06-12-2011, 07:37 PM
To do some math in terms of future expansion...

SandRidge Tower: 490,000 square feet
Braniff Building: 83,000 square feet (SR said they would use this for expansion if needed)
Total: 573,000 square feet

Square footage needed per employee: 300 (estimate based on various standards)
Capacity of two buildings: 1,910 employees
Current number of employees downtown: 600 (according to Lackmeyer article of 6/13)

06-12-2011, 08:50 PM
warren, we have not been able to get straight answers to how many people SR employs in downtown OKC, how much of the tower is currently occupied... Even how much of it has been renovated.

Steve Lackmeyer said he was hoping to do a story about all this but he's swamped and I don't think the people at SandRidge have been very forthcoming.

My guess is that building is less than half occupied. And don't forget, they are still planning to renovate the old Braniff building.

Pete, your presumption about my situation was/is dead-on. That said, my attention is on SandRidge this week.

06-12-2011, 10:42 PM
Have you tried disguising yourself as a SandRidge employee?

06-13-2011, 10:17 AM
Not sure that will be necessary.

06-13-2011, 01:53 PM
Looks a lot better than the building that is there now.

06-13-2011, 02:04 PM
SandRidge has also submitted detailed plans for the Braniff renovation.

The design committee is taking issue with the plan to re-skin the southern and eastern facades of the building.

06-13-2011, 02:44 PM
The design committe has already approved the large metal canopy that you see in some of the renderings between the tower and the Braniff building:

06-13-2011, 03:07 PM
Do you know what it is about the re-skinning they find objectionable?

06-13-2011, 03:28 PM

This will look just as ugly as Globe Life in 40-50 years, if it's still there.

06-13-2011, 03:30 PM
The staff recommendation was to deny their request to re-skin those two elevations because being a historic building, the guideline is to preserve as much of the existing facade as possible. This plan would represent completely replacing more than 40% of it with modern-looking materials.

However, this is just a recommendation to the committee; they will consider the project 6/16 (along with the auditorium / gym building and several other items).

06-13-2011, 03:33 PM
I think this building will be great for downtown and represent a real bright spot for downtown Architecture.

06-13-2011, 04:41 PM
The staff recommendation was to deny their request to re-skin those two elevations because being a historic building, the guideline is to preserve as much of the existing facade as possible. This plan would represent completely replacing more than 40% of it with modern-looking materials.

However, this is just a recommendation to the committee; they will consider the project 6/16 (along with the auditorium / gym building and several other items).

Anybody wanna lay odds it goes the way SR prefers it to go? I figure if a company can carry the day on knocking buildings down, in the face of a not very quiet push back, then putting a new skirt and lipstick on the buildings they keep probably won't turn out to be a major obstacle for them.

06-13-2011, 05:01 PM
I like the design, especially since they will be maintaining/restoring the facade on the Robinson side. And making the part that faces the plaza and tower more modern ties them together.

I also really like the design of the auditorium / fitness center. The way the auditorium is cantilevered over the outdoor patio below and the general geometry is pretty striking. It sounds like they are doing everything with a high standard and I trust the architects, Rogers Marvel.

Still not sure about the plaza but will reserve judgment until it's finished.

06-13-2011, 05:11 PM
Certain people will just object to anything SR tries to do. Makes no sense.

I'd say Marvel is very accomplished and not prone to putting their stamp on some schlocky project.

06-13-2011, 05:30 PM
They have also employed a first class landscape architect, Hoerr Schaudt. Like Devon, they sought out a design/build dream team and are spending a lot of time and money on all this.

Those other buildings are gone forever so I'd rather concentrate on getting all this stuff done, as it will add back a great deal to the area.

And has been pointed out before, those buildings, the plaza and even the tower have been dead for a long time -- decades. At least now we'll see lots of new life and energy in that area of downtown. And after seeing how great the Myriad Gardens turned out, I really look forward to seeing how the new SR campus integrates with a revamped Kerr/Couch Park. That whole park area is mostly concrete and straight out of the 70's.

Hoerr Schaudt, working with the city and Elliott, will also renovate Kerr Park across the street with a sloping lawn and more trees. “Our practice is about the overlap between architecture, landscape, and urban design, so it’s kind of an ideal project for us,” Rogers said.

06-13-2011, 11:00 PM

06-13-2011, 11:04 PM
Wow, I had no idea that building was red brick... Here is an Oklahoman photo that shows a section with the paint removed on the north facade:

Doug Loudenback
06-14-2011, 12:15 AM
As for me, I'm pretty much jaded with the last SandRidge experience and, regardless of the merits/demerits of SandRidge's proposal as concerns the Braniff Building, the larger issues other than resurfacing the south and east side of the Braniff Building have already been lost. I have no passion to get involved in SandRidge Part 2. Whatever happens happens.

06-14-2011, 12:33 AM
As for me, I'm pretty much jaded with the last SandRidge experience and, regardless of the merits/demerits of SandRidge's proposal as concerns the Braniff Building, the larger issues other than resurfacing the south and east side of the Braniff Building have already been lost. I have no passion to get involved in SandRidge Part 2. Whatever happens happens.

You're right, Doug. We just have to keep our fingers crossed that they will do something that will be beneficial in the long run.

06-14-2011, 10:19 AM
I am sorry some are still bitter and miffed that they couldn't put SR in its place. The gall of SR to spend >$100 trying to improve their property and area of bring life to an otherwise dead part of downtown.

06-14-2011, 10:47 AM
The irony is that they are now trying to renovate a long-vacant historical structure and seem to be putting lots of time and money into restoring the original facade while substantially upgrading and modernizing the remainder.

By far the biggest mistake on their part is the way they've handled this whole thing because they are investing tons of money, adding lots of high-paying jobs and completely regenerating a very big part of the CBD. But they've made lots of enemies and it didn't have to be that way.

If this all comes off and there is a completely renovated and largely full tower (cost of this alone would be about $20 million), the Braniff building is reworked with tenants and ground-floor retail/restaurants along Robinson, a world-class landscape architect reworks the main plaza PLUS Kerr/Couch Park and a fantastic, iconic auditorium/health center gets constructed on the site of that awful old Globe Life building.... Well, that is cause for much celebration and will forever change downtown for the better. That is the best we can hope for now, even without considering the possibility of an additional tower.

06-14-2011, 03:36 PM
I'm going to step out and risk getting tomatoes thrown at me again.
SandRidge, quite frankly, did a terrible job communicating last year. Starting off fresh with some new folks, I'm learning things now that I didn't fully comprehend before. Most importantly, I now believe it's incorrect to say the India Temple building was demolished to make way for permanent plaza. I don't think anything they've got to say diminishes the fight, the disagreement over whether the India Temple building was historic and needing to be preserved. But for urban design advocates, there is clearly the potential for a new building to take the place of the India temple and the surviving parking structure fronting Broadway.

Doug Loudenback
06-14-2011, 07:15 PM
That's pretty risky stuff, my main man.

06-14-2011, 07:34 PM
There isn't much parking left in that structure... Just the rooftop and the one level below. I'd guess no more than 150 spaces total.

I believe the rest of that building has day care, a small fitness center, the auditorium and just a few offices. None of that will be needed when they complete the big structure next to Kerr Park.

06-15-2011, 12:31 AM
I'm going to step out and risk getting tomatoes thrown at me again.
SandRidge, quite frankly, did a terrible job communicating last year. Starting off fresh with some new folks, I'm learning things now that I didn't fully comprehend before. Most importantly, I now believe it's incorrect to say the India Temple building was demolished to make way for permanent plaza. I don't think anything they've got to say diminishes the fight, the disagreement over whether the India Temple building was historic and needing to be preserved. But for urban design advocates, there is clearly the potential for a new building to take the place of the India temple and the surviving parking structure fronting Broadway.

Steve, you got suckered back in. I remember not too long ago you said you were going to stick to the nostalgia area for posts. LOL

06-15-2011, 06:53 AM
nice to see/hear they have plans for additional buildings along Broadway, to replace the parking structure.

But what worries me, is that none of those buildings were in the renderings, and I suspect that statement might have been 'rushed' in to appease those who are pissed about the loss of so many buildings.

I hope Im wrong, and that SR always had planned to add more buildings, they need to do something with thaat parking structure - it has potential for streetfront retail, or it should be removed and a PROPER parking structure be built.

06-15-2011, 07:59 AM
Steve, you got suckered back in. I remember not too long ago you said you were going to stick to the nostalgia area for posts. LOL

Pete and I had a talk. I'll participate to a certain degree, and just ignore the idiots as best as I can. And yeah, there are a couple of people on this site who seem to think the amount of words they type into a keyboard make them an expert on everything and judge over everyone else. But I do realize they don't represent everyone. So there. I said it. Moving on.

06-15-2011, 08:04 AM
nice to see/hear they have plans for additional buildings along Broadway, to replace the parking structure.

But what worries me, is that none of those buildings were in the renderings, and I suspect that statement might have been 'rushed' in to appease those who are pissed about the loss of so many buildings.

I hope Im wrong, and that SR always had planned to add more buildings, they need to do something with thaat parking structure - it has potential for streetfront retail, or it should be removed and a PROPER parking structure be built.

I'm pretty sure if you look at some of Pete's posts a few pages back the buildings are in the renderings but there aren't any specific plans for them yet because they are more in the future.

06-15-2011, 10:02 AM
I'm dealing with some newer folks at SandRidge who are, shall I say, making a better effort at communicating. What I'm seeing indicates new buildings will appear on their properties sooner rather than later.

06-15-2011, 11:41 AM
In New York City, there is an adage about driving and signaling. I keep getting told not to signal before I change lanes as it will let the person behind me know what I am going to do and they will try to cut me off and make it impossible for me to get where I am going. They believe you just change lanes without notice and without hesitation. Then be prepared to be honked at and hand signaled. But at least you get to make your move. This may well be SR's philosophy. If they announce too soon they will be criticized harshly no matter what they do and certain people will try to block it. Many people believe it is easier to be yelled at after the fact than to ask permission.

06-15-2011, 11:52 AM
Good to hear that SR is trying to be more open. It's really hard to understand what the heck they were thinking in the way they've handled this whole situation to date, but here's hoping they've learned from that experience and will be better in the future. Already seems that way.

The more I think about this -- and especially now there are firm plans to start adding things back and doing some serious construction rather than destruction -- the more I like it.

A year ago as I walked down RSK, Broadway and Dean A. McGee I was absolutely shocked about how completely dead, cold and ugly that area was. Everyone likes to think of our CBD as being compact and it is but it also must be said that fully half of that pretty small area is ghostly and the NE sector (north of Couch, east of Robinson) has been virtually deserted. Not just the SR Tower, but all three of the buildings they've razed, plus the Braniff, plus the old Globe Life plus Kerr/Couch Park plus the massive old KMc parking structure (most of it gone now), the old library... Not to mention the completely empty Dowell Center and the AT&T buildings (even the older ones) that look deserted even if they aren't completely. And that area has three large drive-thru banks! If these are even used at all anymore I can't imagine what for.

We can talk all day long about building density and urban canyons but the bottom line is that whole area was a complete wasteland for decades and nobody was doing anything about it. I worked in Leadership Square in the 80's and never, ever even ventured over to that area... And why would I or anyone else? My one distinct memory was taking my lunch over to Kerr Park for an outdoor concert, sitting on a hot piece of concrete and being reminded why I didn't do it more often.

If you haven't walked those streets I think it's hard to comprehend how sad this situation is and has been for a very long time. It's nothing short of embarrassing and even though I wish some things had been done differently, I for one am glad that some big changes are finally happening.

06-15-2011, 12:23 PM
Here are two street views, both from Robinson looking east. The first is along Robert S. Kerr, the second along Dean A. McGee.

In both these images EVERYTHING on both sides of the street is unoccupied and/or completely deserted -- and I don't mean just when these photos were taken. Think about that! Both streets (as well as Broadway north of Couch) look like something from the bad days of Eastern Europe but only after an apocalypse has taken all the human inhabitants.

And it has been this way for decades!

06-15-2011, 12:25 PM
And, I think that livening that area helps extend downtown into AA and is a better passage coming from DD area. Some forward looking buildings and more life in the area just helps in the mosaic.

06-16-2011, 11:45 PM
SandRidge Energy's plans for Braniff Building renovation approved

I think the Braniff renovation is really good, even as a historic preservation kind of guy. Oh yeah, and there's to be a new building where the old Kerr-Mac stood, which is nice.

06-17-2011, 12:16 AM
SandRidge Energy's plans for Braniff Building renovation approved

I think the Braniff renovation is really good, even as a historic preservation kind of guy. Oh yeah, and there's to be a new building where the old Kerr-Mac stood, which is nice.

I agree that I think they did a pretty decent job of trying to integrate the historic aspects of that building into the more modern campus. And that is good news about the new building where the India Temple building and parking garage were located. Hopefully it will contribute to a more urban feel to that area since most of the criticism of SR has been that they are suburbanizing downtown.

06-17-2011, 01:22 AM
Oh yeah, and there's to be a new building where the old Kerr-Mac stood, which is nice.

I think you mean India Temple.

Glad to see this moving forward. Also interesting to see that Tom Ward is taking a much more visible role in discussing these developments, as he was notably absent from the conversation about the previous buildings that were razed.

Larry OKC
06-17-2011, 04:46 AM
I agree that I think they did a pretty decent job of trying to integrate the historic aspects of that building into the more modern campus. And that is good news about the new building where the India Temple building and parking garage were located. Hopefully it will contribute to a more urban feel to that area since most of the criticism of SR has been that they are suburbanizing downtown.

Some of the recent posts and the article give the impression that SR may have learned a lesson. Forgive me if I am not ready to jump on the pro SR bandwagon just yet. There is a glimmer of hope here but this from the article still gives me pause.

“The critical portion of the building to be replaced is how the alley way looked facing the SandRidge building,” Ward said. “The idea is to be able to use the building. I felt like it needed to work with the SandRidge Commons area and the SandRidge building.”

The company, he said, needs to provide “a better view” going from one building to the next.
Goes right along with the previous rational for destruction. The whole improving the "sight lines". How does changing the facade make them be able to "use the building"? it has no bearing on the usability/function of the interior.

“This building has two faces that never were meant for presentation to the public,” Faulkner said.
Obviously, they weren't meant to be seen because there were other buildings preventing that. Isn't that what makes the area Urban rather than Suburban?

All of that said, I am not against the modernizing of part of the building facades. But it will be interesting to see how they blend the historic with the new. It can be done but mixing like that is an art, so it looks like a cohesive building instead of 2 different buildings depending on the viewing angle. So we will have to wait and see.

06-17-2011, 07:40 AM
SR hasn't changed any of their plans

06-17-2011, 09:18 AM
Some of the recent posts and the article give the impression that SR may have learned a lesson. Forgive me if I am not ready to jump on the pro SR bandwagon just yet. There is a glimmer of hope here but this from the article still gives me pause.

Goes right along with the previous rational for destruction. The whole improving the "sight lines". How does changing the facade make them be able to "use the building"? it has no bearing on the usability/function of the interior.

Obviously, they weren't meant to be seen because there were other buildings preventing that. Isn't that what makes the area Urban rather than Suburban?

All of that said, I am not against the modernizing of part of the building facades. But it will be interesting to see how they blend the historic with the new. It can be done but mixing like that is an art, so it looks like a cohesive building instead of 2 different buildings depending on the viewing angle. So we will have to wait and see.

I don't think that SR "learned their lesson". I think that they did a poor communications job, but they haven't been "schooled". I think their plans are going through as they originally envisioned. The public now can see a little more and can see some things being done, so the criticism may cool a little. Their lack of transparency created a lack of trust. Maybe they are working on that now.

The architects they are using are well qualified and not someone looking to make a name for themselves...they have that. I think they are aware of the issues of integrating an older building into new development. I think that it is often hard to communicate the "vision" of design, so some of us will have to wait to see if what they do works or not. Integrating more contemporary with more traditional is difficult, but you can see it being done pretty well by Rand on the Chesapeake campus. And, we will see if the uber modern Devon tower works with the existing other buildings downtown.

06-17-2011, 09:51 AM
I think you mean India Temple.

Yeah, my bad. The article said new building to replace an aging parking structure at 120 N Robinson. Guess they meant Broadway?

06-17-2011, 09:57 AM
The article said new building to replace an aging parking structure at 120 N Robinson. Guess they meant Broadway?

Actually, I think Steve meant 120 Robert S. Kerr, which is the old Globe Life Building (largely parking). because later he writes:

In the amenities building (120 N Robinson)

06-17-2011, 10:11 AM
Here are some photos from the Oklahoman article:

06-17-2011, 02:23 PM

One structure on Kerr where the parking structure that looks like a a build and one in place of the India Temple.

06-17-2011, 07:27 PM
The parking part of the old Globe Life building has become a big bird sancutary.

06-17-2011, 09:35 PM
Agree 100 percent w/ the gist of your comments. (Pete's comments on the general area being desolate for quite some time now.)

06-17-2011, 11:03 PM
I walk by this area every day and am just waiting to see things shape up...lots of workers, should be interesting...

06-17-2011, 11:25 PM
Actually, I think Steve meant 120 Robert S. Kerr, which is the old Globe Life Building (largely parking). because later he writes:

Yep. The long hours, work load are doing a number on me.

06-18-2011, 06:20 PM
NewsOK question...where the heck do you find the pictures that accompany the articles? I never see any links for pictures on story's page, but then people post photos they say they saw on the NewsOK site. What the heck am I missing?

06-18-2011, 07:57 PM
The downside to doing historical related videos (Bricktown) is I end up chasing the white rabbit on the OHS website. Here's one of a series from a parade on N. Broadway. Shows the corner of the India Temple. Pioneer Building is right above it. The Oklahoman in the background.

Map (,-97.514209&sspn=0.003608,0.006319&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=122+N+Broadway+Ave,+Oklahoma+City,+Oklahoma+ 73102&ll=35.46923,-97.514496&spn=0.001804,0.00316&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=35.46923,-97.514496&panoid=k9TCnLYSuNwkGj4udHPRvg&cbp=12,11.71,,0,-7.41)

Street level.

The person must be at the top of the Skirvin Tower aka 101 Park Avenue (
Everything on the right side is now that parking garage I got kicked out of.

06-18-2011, 08:28 PM
NE corner of SandRidge Commons.

Pioneer Building in the background.

Map (,+Oklahoma+City,+Oklahoma,+731 02&aq=&sll=35.470676,-97.514388&sspn=0.001804,0.00316&ie=UTF8&geocode=FVsyHQIdqQsw-g&split=0&hq=&hnear=113+N+Broadway+Ave,+Oklahoma+City,+Oklahoma+ 73102&ll=35.47087,-97.514535&spn=0.000451,0.00079&t=h&z=21&layer=c&cbll=35.47088,-97.514445&panoid=mi2GcxboUa-PtG0BoDRQdg&cbp=12,228.11,,0,-2.14)

06-19-2011, 04:16 PM
I can barely look at photos from back then without getting a really uneasy feeling. I can only imagine how urban OKC was at one time, and I really wish I could have been there to see it. Few decades late though. Ha.

06-19-2011, 05:55 PM
It is even harder to look at if you REMEMBER it back then. I still sometimes think I will wake up and it is all like it used to be. BUMMER!!!!

06-19-2011, 06:00 PM
It is even harder to look at if you REMEMBER it back then. I still sometimes think I will wake up and it is all like it used to be. BUMMER!!!!

All the cars were mostly black...or some hybrid metallic olive green...:tiphat:

BTW--you will wake up like that...but--you will be in the Great Beyond...

06-19-2011, 09:00 PM
Everyone wants to remember only the best. However, people forget that downtown had become very run down with lots of vacancies and lots of vagrants. While nostalgia is great, OKC downtown is becoming greater than it has ever been. The future is a lot more exciting than the past ever was.

There is a good show on the subject, by the way....Midnight In Paris.

06-20-2011, 02:28 PM
Everyone wants to remember only the best. However, people forget that downtown had become very run down with lots of vacancies and lots of vagrants. While nostalgia is great, OKC downtown is becoming greater than it has ever been. The future is a lot more exciting than the past ever was.

There is a good show on the subject, by the way....Midnight In Paris.

Wow, you and I have whole different take on that picture. Sure, the point is that being overtly nostalgic for bygone eras is quixotic, but the difference in the two cities -- OKC and Paris -- could not be more stark.

In the Paris of his dreams -- the bohemian 20s -- Paris was populated by all of the significant writers and artists of the era. However, in the Paris of today, you still have arguably the most beautiful city in the world, pulsing with international vibrancy. By contrast, downtown OKC of previous eras was teeming with people, great restaurants, housing, public transit, great architecture, plentiful retail establishments, and urban density. Today, it is primarily a central business district (with much vacancy) and a tourist entertainment district surrounded by empty lots and degraded and/or demolished architecture. Pretty stark difference, no?

It seems like your boosterism is beginning to border on the absurd. We're all stoked by the tremendous improvements OKC has made and is planning, but that does not mean that we're going to have a "greater" downtown than we did in the past. Frankly, it will be another half century in all likelihood before OKC's downtown is regenerated with as much activity as existed there as recently as the early 1960s. We have a long way to go before claiming our downtown is "greater" than it was in previous eras. That's not nostalgia, that is a fact.