View Full Version : SandRidge Center & Commons

05-18-2011, 11:34 AM
True. In complete fairness to Sandridge, it's really never been a spectacular to view building. With the recent demolitions and all the road construction around its base, its simply an uglier pimple than it was

So, why don't we wait until the project is complete, including 180, and then make judgements.

05-18-2011, 12:20 PM
Steve Lackmeyer had some great interior shots of a glass staircase on the top floors of the SR Tower and it looks really sharp.

Rand Elliott did all their interior design and when I asked Steve about the possibility of getting more photos of the interior renovation work as well as info on how many floors have been completed, how many they are presently occupying, etc. he said he hopes to do a more in-depth report soon. I'd also love to see some photos of the vintage 1970's interiors from the earlier days.

By all indications, SandRidge is committed to quality, up-scale work. I really look forward to them starting to rebuild that entire area.

05-18-2011, 08:14 PM
One thing is for sure - that building was intended to be viewed from a distance, not up close. That is probably one of the reasons it was built right in the middle of the block surrounded by other buildings at the base.

Actually I thought it was supposed to be viewed from really close, like right at the base. I've never tried this myself but aren't the weird windows supposed to all look the same size if you look straight up at it?

05-18-2011, 08:56 PM
Actually I thought it was supposed to be viewed from really close, like right at the base. I've never tried this myself but aren't the weird windows supposed to all look the same size if you look straight up at it?

No - it is supposed to look like an inverted pyramid.

Larry OKC
05-19-2011, 02:52 AM
Actually I thought it was supposed to be viewed from really close, like right at the base. I've never tried this myself but aren't the weird windows supposed to all look the same size if you look straight up at it?

I vaguely recall something to theat effect...some sort of forced perspective thing...but can't recall where I saw it (probably over in Doug's blog somewhere).

05-21-2011, 02:52 PM
So, why don't we wait until the project is complete, including 180, and then make judgements.

What, and just talk about only the weather until then? :-P

Doug Loudenback
05-21-2011, 03:24 PM
Steve Lackmeyer had some great interior shots of a glass staircase on the top floors of the SR Tower and it looks really sharp.

Rand Elliott did all their interior design and when I asked Steve about the possibility of getting more photos of the interior renovation work as well as info on how many floors have been completed, how many they are presently occupying, etc. he said he hopes to do a more in-depth report soon. I'd also love to see some photos of the vintage 1970's interiors from the earlier days.

By all indications, SandRidge is committed to quality, up-scale work. I really look forward to them starting to rebuild that entire area.
Now that it's a done deal, I hope so, too. I only pay occasional attention to this thread at this point, waiting for something to actually start happening other than destruction.

05-25-2011, 04:56 PM
Photo from today.

Note the large basement being extended all the way to the Braniff building. I suppose that round structure was pre-existing? Anybody know what it is used for?

05-25-2011, 06:10 PM
I was by the location a little while ago. While I regret the decision to destroy a couple of the buildings, you have to admit that the tower looks much more impressive and imposing from street level. I think the drama was what they were going for. If you can ignore the destruction of history, from an architectural standpoint it will be an improvement. Or at least that is my impression right now. We will see when it is finished.

Larry OKC
05-26-2011, 02:11 AM
Rover: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (if it is more attractive or not, many would disagree). Personally don't think the building looks that bad and I rather liked the plan to build a second tower and a 'connector" building between the two. Did notice in the rendering I saw (think it was over in Doug's blog) that the 2nd tower looked like a twin to the 1st with the exception of the odd window sizes and been standardized). Twins, just not identical twins. But you are correct, the 'drama" is what they were looking for (boy did they get drama). That was the stated reason for tearing down the India Temple and others..."to improve the sight lines". Although many would argure that type of building belongs in the burbs along Memorial or NW Expressway and not in the "urban" CBD.

05-26-2011, 08:07 AM
Isn't it the 5th or 6th tallest building in the state? Not a suburban building. It is just that it is more Houston urban than Chicago urban.

Lafferty Daniel
05-26-2011, 04:41 PM
Anyone have an idea of what the cost would be to paint the tower? Or if that is even possible? It's just such an ugly color. There's a building in Tulsa that has a similar design but is white and it actually looks pretty good.

05-26-2011, 04:42 PM
Once you paint it, though, you have to keep painting it and it can be a maintenance nightmare.

On all the renderings I've seen, that is not in the plans.

05-26-2011, 04:48 PM
Isn't it the 5th or 6th tallest building in the state? Not a suburban building. It is just that it is more Houston urban than Chicago urban.

Hey come on, don't insult Houston like that...

05-26-2011, 05:43 PM
Isn't it the 5th or 6th tallest building in the state? Not a suburban building. It is just that it is more Houston urban than Chicago urban.

It is the 6th tallest in OKC, 12th tallest in the state (2 feet from being 13th tallest).

Lafferty Daniel
05-26-2011, 08:46 PM
Here's the building I was talking about.

05-26-2011, 08:50 PM
110 West 7th Building (

Larry OKC
05-26-2011, 09:53 PM
Isn't it the 5th or 6th tallest building in the state? Not a suburban building. It is just that it is more Houston urban than Chicago urban.

Rover, what I meant in saying it was more appropriate in a suburban setting had nothing to do with the height of the building but the plazas, surface parking lots etc surrounding it (much like the other tower office buildings along NW Expressway. Sandridge is tearing down the urban buildings around it. All I am saying, if that is the look they want, build it where it is more appropriate rather than destroying what little urban fabric we have left.

05-27-2011, 06:26 AM
It is the 6th tallest in OKC, 12th tallest in the state (2 feet from being 13th tallest).

Wow. That's a lot of skyscrapers in Tulsa when you think about it..

05-27-2011, 09:56 AM
Hey come on, don't insult Houston like that...

Smile :)

05-27-2011, 09:57 AM
Rover: you missed the "plazas" I mentioned right before the surface parking part...

No, I saw that, just didn't realize they were tearing down the buildings to make more surface parking lots. I was surprised.

05-27-2011, 10:42 AM
I moved a bunch of posts to the General Urban Development thread.

Please keep this about SandRidge Commons. Thanks.

Larry OKC
05-27-2011, 10:25 PM
No, I saw that, just didn't realize they were tearing down the buildings to make more surface parking lots. I was surprised.

Its all good. Sorry if I wasn't clear. As far as Sandridge is concerned I don't think they are tearing down buildings for surface parking lots, just another underutilized corporate plaza in the immediate area.

05-28-2011, 06:27 AM
Anyone have an idea of what the cost would be to paint the tower? Or if that is even possible? It's just such an ugly color. There's a building in Tulsa that has a similar design but is white and it actually looks pretty good.

Once you paint it, though, you have to keep painting it and it can be a maintenance nightmare.

On all the renderings I've seen, that is not in the plans.
As Pete stated, once you do that it because and awfully expensive maintenance item that most building owners do not want to incur. It is also a rough cast concrete which necessitate a ton of prep work with block filler before you can paint it. The odds of it ever being finished out with some kind of coating is about 0.01% in my opinion.

Here's the building I was talking about.
That building is probably not painted or coated in any way, it was probably built with white concrete instead of a non-pigmented concrete like the Kerr-McGee building was built with.

05-28-2011, 07:09 PM
Let's paint it pink or purple! Hey, it would make the skyline look unique!

05-28-2011, 09:24 PM
isnt there a building in the NWEX CBD that used to be the same colour as KM but now is Red? Union Bank building?

My wish, is to change the colour of the windows, to say blue tint or somehow a reflective quality to the sky. There is a building in Denver, Republic Tower, that looks much better with blue windows.

Larry OKC
05-28-2011, 11:06 PM
You are correct HotRod. Can see it from my apt parking lot not sure which building it is, it is a dark red/maroon/brownish...color percetion changes depending on time of day/overcast etc

05-28-2011, 11:38 PM
isnt there a building in the NWEX CBD that used to be the same colour as KM but now is Red? Union Bank building?

My wish, is to change the colour of the windows, to say blue tint or somehow a reflective quality to the sky. There is a building in Denver, Republic Tower, that looks much better with blue windows.

05-29-2011, 10:35 AM
I think that Union Plaza looks much worse painted that red/brown color. Fortunately, using exposed concrete on the facades of buildings has gone out of favor, because once erected there isn't much you can do with them.

The Oil Center is another hideous example:

05-29-2011, 12:05 PM
I actually really like Union Plaza. "Wow, that's truly hideous" is my first reaction to Oil Center, but then my second reaction is... in 20-30 years, this might look really cool. A throwback to the 1960s in all its glory.

05-29-2011, 01:48 PM
Way, way too many concrete facade buildings in Oklahoma City. It's the cheapest possible approach and not used much for a good reason.

And sadly, the Oil Center buildings were actually constructed in 1973 and 1978... Not that that awful tilt-up concrete was ever in style. Other pre-fab concrete monstrosities in addition to the ones show below: 1, 2, and 3 Grand Park, the Midfisrt Building and Lakepoint Towers (63rd and & NW Ex.). All of these were built in the 80's.

This building (near the old Classen Circle) was built with the same cladding in 1981 (!) but at least they subsequently did a better job of putting a cap on it and trying to mask the ugliness:

And these two buildings at 63rd & NW Expressway were built in 1980 -- this is exactly what that Classen Circle building and Oil Center looked like before they tacked on various elements:

Compare Union Plaza to Valliance Tower (completed within two years of each other), which uses granite instead of concrete:

05-29-2011, 09:22 PM
Valiance tower would be a great fit downtown..

05-29-2011, 11:59 PM
Valliance Tower is actually very small. I think up next to the skyline, it's just slightly larger than Mid America Tower (current Devon building). Much narrower, too.

It looks larger since it is by itself on NW Expressway.

05-30-2011, 08:31 AM
Since this discussion is about SR, don't you all think that if they build a second tower it will be along the lines of the original plan and not some completely different architecture? I think that part of the problem of the tower is that it was never a project that was complete as planned. Therefore it is totally out of context. Perhaps what is being done and what is being planned compensates somewhat for that. Any plan that is only partially executed is going to be compromised.

05-30-2011, 09:25 AM
If they were to build a second tower, I'm sure it would be modern yet attempt to be complimentary to the existing building.

I'm sure architects could find a way to make that happen. I think Chesapeake has done a good job of blending very traditional brick buildings with modern elements, for example.

05-30-2011, 09:55 AM
The Oil Center and other buildings of that ilk are actually built with precast double-T's instead of a tilt wall type construction, it was strictly because it was a very cheap way to build. Double-T's are still used today, mainly for parking garage decks, that is all I have used them for. The exposed concrete buildings were popular in the early 70's as part of the modernist/brutalist movement, the SW Bell building at NW 23rd & Rockwell is another of that style. We do a lot of tilt-wall office buildings down here but they can be made to look nice, we have done either acrylic coated or a color integral concrete, none are the rough, exposed gray concrete.

They have improved the looks of the Oil Center and First Fidelity building on NW Expressway but there is only so much you can do with them. I thought Union Plaza looked better when it was tan.

05-30-2011, 10:08 AM
I should have said pre-cast rather than tilt-up.

It's just that OKC has way too many of them and they were still being erected well into the 80's. They are memorials to the very low standards set by local developers and tenants, too, for that matter.

I don't feel the same about the SR Tower because it represents a real movement of it's era and was done with some expense and style. I put Founders Tower in the same category. The others I mentioned are nothing more than examples of throwing up the cheapest possible structures that were marginal from Day 1 and only look worse over time. And we have a bunch of them scattered mainly along and nearby NW Expressway.

The good news is it seems standards in town have been raised across the board. Still too many plain EIFS structures but most everything of a larger scale has featured decent materials.

At least SandRidge is putting lots of money into the building and surrounding area. I really look forward to seeing everything finished.

05-30-2011, 11:22 AM
Yeah, those double-t building are prime examples of a certain type of construction, the cheap and fast way of the era. There are also some on South Meridian between I-40 and the airport. Thomas Concrete sold the crap out of those during the 70-80's oil boom but ultimately it does come down to what developers want for the money, some just don't care about anything other than the money involved.

EIFS is still a bane on the current construction world. I don't have a problem with it is as an accent, on other materials, the newer Walgreen's store use it as an accent over CMU block or at least the stores at NW 23rd & May, Casady Square, NW 39th & MacArthur, 33rd & Boulevard, Bryant & Edmond Rd that I worked on are that way. The only area it is used as a fenestration are the drive-thru canopies but the main building still has CMU.

I do agree that the standards for most have improved, OKC has come a long way from the old C.A. Henderson developed strip malls that were the absolute bare minimum when it came to design.

06-03-2011, 07:02 AM
I heard yesterday that a Panera is going in in the Sandridge Tower. I hope not. I'd think they can do better, so I'm going to hope my information was incorrect.

06-03-2011, 11:09 AM
I heard yesterday that a Panera is going in in the Sandridge Tower. I hope not. I'd think they can do better, so I'm going to hope my information was incorrect.

I would think that a national chain of this type would be a welcome addition downtown. Does everybody just automatically dislike anything happening at SR. LOL

06-03-2011, 11:10 AM
I would think that a national chain of this type would be a welcome addition downtown. Does everybody just automatically dislike anything happening at SR. LOL

Maybe it makes them Panini their pants?

06-03-2011, 11:16 AM
I like Panera....hope this comes through.

06-03-2011, 11:18 AM
I just dislike Panera, that's all. But, there are certainly plenty of other dining options for me, so whatever. I keep hoping for an Old School bagel or decent deli. Chipotle would be nice too, if we have to have a chain.

06-03-2011, 11:20 AM
All of the Paneras I go to are usually pretty busy. This might be good for that part of downtown, getting some foot traffic that is not 100% business oriented.

06-03-2011, 11:29 AM
And people can take their Panini's and go sit in the landscaped plaza. Sounds nice. (Big grin with tounge in cheek and a wink.)

06-03-2011, 01:38 PM
All of the Paneras I go to are usually pretty busy. This might be good for that part of downtown, getting some foot traffic that is not 100% business oriented.

I agree, it may be just what that part of CBD needs to get some foot traffic. Sandridge isn't a draw, it just isn't even though it's a decent sized employer. Panera attracts the creative class work from your car, work from Panera entrepreneurs that stay for the free wi-fi, this could be a very good thing for downtown and I hope it pans out.

06-03-2011, 01:46 PM
Would this actually be in the tower or in the new cubist glass building??

06-03-2011, 10:47 PM

hahaha... this is the foto i used on my OKC profile i made for myspace. i stretched the pic to make it look taller.

06-04-2011, 10:33 AM
Would this actually be in the tower or in the new cubist glass building??

I doubt it, considering that is their fitness center. Maybe the other building they are renovating?

06-07-2011, 07:50 PM
Building permits issued today for remodeling floors 14, 15 & 16 -- each for about $.5 million.

SandRidge is certainly splashing out the cash; I'm sure they are spending (or have spent) similar amounts on all 30 floors plus furniture, telecom, etc.

06-07-2011, 09:50 PM
I have not weighed in on this whole subject at all, but here is my main problem: How many floors of the Sandridge tower are completely occupied? Half? Yet, the council allowed them to tear down six buildings with hopes that they would finish everything off. Why didn't the council allow them to tear down the building, but only when the tower was completed? What happens if Sandridge completely tanks, goes BK and starts laying off people? Then we have a half finished tower and remains of six buildings never to be brought back.

06-07-2011, 10:03 PM
I have not weighed in on this whole subject at all, but here is my main problem: How many floors of the Sandridge tower are completely occupied? Half? Yet, the council allowed them to tear down six buildings with hopes that they would finish everything off. Why didn't the council allow them to tear down the building, but only when the tower was completed? What happens if Sandridge completely tanks, goes BK and starts laying off people? Then we have a half finished tower and remains of six buildings never to be brought back.

6 buildings that for the most part weren't worth saving, except for maybe one.

06-07-2011, 10:04 PM
warren, we have not been able to get straight answers to how many people SR employs in downtown OKC, how much of the tower is currently occupied... Even how much of it has been renovated.

Steve Lackmeyer said he was hoping to do a story about all this but he's swamped and I don't think the people at SandRidge have been very forthcoming.

My guess is that building is less than half occupied. And don't forget, they are still planning to renovate the old Braniff building.

Larry OKC
06-08-2011, 01:54 AM
Hmmm, given the possible low occupancy, maybe SandRidge is just "flipping" the property...making it whatever the highest grade for office space is and a 'turn key" type of thing. Some new company comes in and it is all move-in ready???

06-08-2011, 09:09 AM
Hmmm, given the possible low occupancy, maybe SandRidge is just "flipping" the property...making it whatever the highest grade for office space is and a 'turn key" type of thing. Some new company comes in and it is all move-in ready???

Definitely not the plan. They are planning for major growth and similar to chesapeake, making room to accommodate it.

06-08-2011, 09:44 AM
Definitely not the plan. They are planning for major growth and similar to chesapeake, making room to accommodate it. Source? Hope you are right?

06-08-2011, 10:35 AM
Definitely not the plan. They are planning for major growth and similar to chesapeake, making room to accommodate it.

True. The misinformation about Sandridge on this board would be comical if it weren't so sad. I have a feeling as Steve said you will see more info coming out soon.

06-08-2011, 11:43 AM
At the beginning of this thread, a SandRidge employee reported that floors 17-29 were renovated a couple of years ago and that the plan was to ultimately do the same for 1-16.

Seems like the recent building permits for 14, 15 & 16 indicate they are starting to work their way downward, renovating a few floors at a time.

I wonder what their timetable is for demolishing the one building next to Kerr Park, building their fitness center there, renovating the Braniff building and completing the plaza?

06-08-2011, 01:57 PM
Source? Hope you are right?

No source, just logic. There plans are very similar to Chesapeake's and since tom ward was a cofounder of chk, I think they will developed their offices on a similar timeline...add space so they can grow. They are renovating the tower in increments, why would they only renovate half and then wait until they've outgrown it to renovate the rest. They are being preemptive so they have room to house future employees.

Also, they are an energy company not price-Edwards or people buying a rundown house, why would they spend millions on a campus that they intend to be their hq and are building to grow with the company, then flip it and start over? What large energy company has or would ever do that?

06-08-2011, 02:53 PM
No source, just logic. There plans are very similar to Chesapeake's and since tom ward was a cofounder of chk, I think they will developed their offices on a similar timeline...add space so they can grow. They are renovating the tower in increments, why would they only renovate half and then wait until they've outgrown it to renovate the rest. They are being preemptive so they have room to house future employees.

Also, they are an energy company not price-Edwards or people buying a rundown house, why would they spend millions on a campus that they intend to be their hq and are building to grow with the company, then flip it and start over? What large energy company has or would ever do that? Again, I hope your right for the sake of OKC and Oklahoma for that matter because OK is "way" dependent on the oil and gas industry and is not diversified in industry. I could see the 80's happening all over again, and Oklahoma would not have a leg to stand on.