View Full Version : SandRidge Center & Commons
mcgrawsdad 02-02-2009, 11:28 PM Markets are like tides, they come and go. The key is all in the timing. IMO, now is the perfect time to buy solid energy companies that have been hammered with the fall in commodities. Both SD and CHK have good assets. I like the SD play better however, more upside potential I believe in the short run.
DesingerOKC 02-20-2009, 02:29 PM I work for a design firm in Edmond that is working with Rogers Marvel Architects out of NY on this project. They are doing some really neat things and it's going look amazing when they're done. The executive floor will include a glass staircase that's stunning.
LakeEffect 02-22-2009, 02:14 PM I work for a design firm in Edmond that is working with Rogers Marvel Architects out of NY on this project. They are doing some really neat things and it's going look amazing when they're done. The executive floor will include a glass staircase that's stunning.
If you are, then you are not a friend to other local designers... traitor is a good word that comes to mind. A local firm rightfully had the whole contract, had amazing designs, and was pushed out by an overreaching SandRidge contact and a contract-poaching outsider firm.
LakeEffect 02-22-2009, 02:18 PM Sorry about my previous comment DesignerOKC. I know you aren't personally involved in the behind-the-scenes work, but I do think it's crap that a local firm was pushed out because SandRidge's contact wants to make a name for herself. From what I know, the local firm actually designed the staircase, not Rogers Marvel.
metro 02-23-2009, 09:23 AM pics or renderings??
DesingerOKC 02-23-2009, 10:40 AM Cafeboeuf you need to calm down. You might think you know what you're talking about but I doubt you have all the facts. We've been working with SandRidge from the very start and have nothing to do with the architects they choose.
Any update on this project?
Has the interior renovating -- including the executive floors -- been completed?
Any plans for the outdoor plaza?
There was also talk about a restaurant.
metro 08-14-2009, 09:37 AM SandRidge is really a quiet corporation. Don't hear much of anything out of them. Originally I believe this was supposed to be finished two years ago.
adaniel 08-14-2009, 09:45 AM I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I know someone who works there and, if they are to be believed, I wouldn't expect to hear anything from them soon. Gas is below $4.00/mcf, so I would expect to hear much from any of the natural gas companies around here.
OKCMallen 08-14-2009, 01:00 PM And lower than that in the mid-con region. adaniel is right- I wouldn't expect to hear tons from CHK, DEV or SDRGE for a while.
architect5311 08-15-2009, 09:22 AM This project continues to move forward........:busterbun
Expect to hear something regarding both Kerr/Couch Park and SandRidge HQ within the next couple of months.
lonestarstatesux 10-08-2009, 03:32 PM Kerry we are not in an oil bust. Oil will be 60 bbl by July 4th. A very healthy price that will keep the o&g sector in oklahoma running at full employment. I will also make another prediction. SD will be a $14 stock by labor day.
I just wanted to reiterate how excellent a call this was.
OUGrad05 10-08-2009, 07:49 PM I just wanted to reiterate how excellent a call this was.
Unfortunately gas prices are still in the 4 dollar range, spot prices finally made it above 4 dollars today. 4 to 7 is decent, I just hope we dont see the industry pickup a bunch of rigs real fast and put us back into over supply at this time next year.
okcpulse 10-08-2009, 08:28 PM Expect to hear something regarding both Kerr/Couch Park and SandRidge HQ within the next couple of months.
Regarding???Regarding renovations.
metro 10-09-2009, 11:46 AM Expect to hear something regarding both Kerr/Couch Park and SandRidge HQ within the next couple of months.
I imagine this is in regards to the renovations improvements that were supposed to be announced about 2 years ago and already done? I guess late is better than never. I wonder if Rand Elliot is still the architect.
Doug Loudenback 12-06-2009, 01:44 AM See Steve Lackmeyer's article here: NewsOK (
Old Kerr-McGee tower to anchor new project for Sandridge Energy
Fewer than 500 employees have completed the move to 123 Robert S Kerr Ave. in downtown Oklahoma City, and crews have completed gutting and updating the late 1970s decor on the building’s 16th through 29th floors.
As renovations continue on the remaining floors, Ward is preparing to launch an equally ambitious makeover involving the demolition of four buildings, construction of one new building, a new entrance for the 29-story tower, and a redesign of Kerr Park across the street.
All together, Ward estimates the campus makeover will top $100 million.
"What we have is rare,” Ward said. "We have the majority of two blocks, the majority of a third block and part of a fourth block in a metropolitan city. That one company controls so much of a core area in one city is unusual, and that we’re willing to share much of that property with the public is even more unusual.”
Ward admits he still doesn’t have a new name for the headquarters — but one will be chosen soon and announced at a Jan. 12, 2010, unveiling of designs and plans for the campus.
In an interview with The Oklahoman, Ward disclosed plans for the new building, which will replace a parking garage and office tower across from the tower that overlooks Kerr Park. In its place, SandRidge intends to erect a new multi-story building that will house a fitness center, auditorium, a restaurant and retail space that will open into a revamped Kerr Park.
The roof of the "120 Building” will include basketball courts and green space not currently found anywhere downtown. A similar green space, Ward said, will be added to the top of the Braniff Building, 324 N Robinson Ave. — the one old building on the campus Ward plans to keep intact.
"We felt as if the Braniff building is a cornerstone building for the city, so we want to restore it,” he said.
[Ed Note: inserted photos of Braniff Building ...
... end Ed Note]
Ward, however, doesn’t plan to seek to convert the building into housing, as was originally pursued by Kerr-McGee before the company was acquired by Houston-based Anadarko Petroleum in 2006.
Instead, Ward hopes to fix up the building, create retail space on the first floor and either allow the remaining space to be used by the city for "growth related to downtown” or for future expansion of SandRidge Energy’s work force.
SandRidge will file an application with the city next month to tear down the one-time home of the YMCA at the corner of Robert S. Kerr and Robinson, the 111 Robert S. Kerr Building, which was built in 1902 but was covered with a false concrete facade in the mid-20th century, and the 11-story "KerMac Building” at 135 Robert S. Kerr.
By doing so, Ward said, the company will be able to create a new main, consolidated tower entrance opening up to the southwest corner of Robert S. Kerr and Robinson — into the heart of the central business district.
Read more (
As one interested in historical preservation, it will be particularly sad to see the 1902 India Temple building bite the dust. Though you wouldn't recognize it from the drawing below, done in 1903 ...
... or from this photo in an early-day postcard ...
... the original building still stands but has been hidden from public view for several decades after Kerr-McGee enclosed it with false fronts. It sits at the SE corner of the Sandridge Campus, at Broadway & Kerr.
This 1902 building later became the Wright Building and served as the temporary location for the state legislature between 1913-1917, until the the State Capitol was completed.
I surely would have liked to see Sandridge find a way to strip away the false exterior and restore this historic 1902 building to a place of honor. If not the oldest (and it may well be), it is certainly one of the oldest buildings still standing in Oklahoma City, even with its false front.
But, then, I don't own the property, and I do appreciate this initiative of a downtown corporation in the ways described in the article. I'll hold out hope that Sandridge may come to see this building as at least as historically important as the 1923 Braniff Building which is included in its plan for renovation and reuse.
The building referred to as the "KerMac" building is another vintage building which will bite the dust in Sandridge's proposal. Originally, this building was the Oklahoma Savings & Loan built in 1929:
As exciting as this development is, I'll mourn the loss of yet 2 more vintage buildings, one having a particularly unique place in our city's history.
Larry OKC 12-06-2009, 05:19 AM Thanks Doug for another great post. The false front part reminds me of a county courthouse (?) somewhere in Oklahoma that had the same thing done to it. They discovered the hidden treasure during demolition (this was in an article in the past year I think). But think that the article indicated they proceeded with the demo and didn't try to save anything. Sad.
Anyway, this is just another example of a long list of the "forward momentum" continuing with or without MAPS 3. Just as it has been doing for the past 16 years.
CuatrodeMayo 12-06-2009, 08:19 AM Bravo for such grand plans by Sandridge. However, I too am extrememly uncomfortable with demolishing the old India Temple. We have lost too much built history as it is.
SOONER8693 12-06-2009, 09:32 AM "New multi-story" building. I wonder what this means? Multi-story being 4-5 floors or 10-20 floors. ?
flintysooner 12-06-2009, 09:36 AM Maybe Steve will write a follow up article or blog post about the discussion regarding preserving, restoring, or replacing the buildings.
It really does not upset me though and, in fact, relieves me some because I was afraid there might not be anything done there.
Also I can see how this plan does provide additional benefit and opportunity for the entire downtown area.
Unlike Larry it seems to me that this project only adds to the idea of continuing improvements to the heart of Oklahoma City.
betts 12-06-2009, 09:51 AM Thanks Doug for another great post. The false front part reminds me of a county courthouse (?) somewhere in Oklahoma that had the same thing done to it. They discovered the hidden treasure during demolition (this was in an article in the past year I think). But think that the article indicated they proceeded with the demo and didn't try to save anything. Sad.
Anyway, this is just another example of a long list of the "forward momentum" continuing with or without MAPS 3. Just as it has been doing for the past 16 years.
I too would like to see them try to strip the facade and, since Tom Ward is so pro-downtown would love to ask him why he isn't planning on doing so.
Larry of course there will be some forward momentum without MAPS passing, but I think one would be fooling oneself if one thought momentum won't increase dramatically if MAPS passes. Why settle for less?
Steve 12-06-2009, 09:56 AM There will be more coverage for sure. SandRidge was wanting to withhold some details until January. But there are other bits of info that cut due to space that I'll post on my blog today.
Help me get all these buildings and proposed developments straight.
Match the letter in the map to the number below:
(Here are my best guesses: 1-B, 2-E, 3- D, 4-A, 5-C
#1 – The new building, which will replace a parking garage and office tower across from the tower that overlooks Kerr Park. In its place, SandRidge intends to erect a new multi-story building that will house a fitness center, auditorium, a restaurant and retail space that will open into a revamped Kerr Park. The roof of the "120 Building” will include basketball courts and green space not currently found anywhere downtown.
#2 - A similar green space will be added to the top of the Braniff Building, 324 N Robinson Ave. — the one old building on the campus Ward plans to keep intact. Ward hopes to fix up the building, create retail space on the first floor and either allow the remaining space to be used by the city for "growth related to downtown” or for future expansion of SandRidge Energy’s work force.
#3 - SandRidge will file an application with the city next month to tear down the one-time home of the YMCA at the corner of Robert S. Kerr and Robinson
#4 – (also tear down) 111 Robert S. Kerr Building (is this the former India Temple?), which was built in 1902 but was covered with a false concrete facade in the mid-20th century
#5 – (also tear down) the 11-story "KerMac Building” at 135 Robert S. Kerr.
Steve 12-06-2009, 10:07 AM D and C need to be reversed. Something that may confuse history buffs is that the KerMac title was used for three different buildings during the life of Kerr-McGee. A similiar situation occurred with the Oklahoma Hardware Co. in Bricktown.
Steve, your article says the former Y building is at the corner of Robinson and RSK. Is this not correct?
Also, the first rendering (with the basketball court) shows green space where there is now the west part of the parking structure... Is the plan to tear that out and create a park?
Steve 12-06-2009, 10:12 AM The difficulty in describing that building is that it morphs into the old KerMac building... the rendering is of the building that will replace the old garage, which currently overlooks Kerr Park....
Thanks for the clarification. I guess in any case both those buildings will be coming down.
But the question about parking was directed at what I labeled "West Parking" in the aerial. In the basketball court rendering, that space is covered with trees. So, this part of the parking structure is to be demolished as well as the building across the street from the tower?
Steve 12-06-2009, 10:16 AM I'm posting on OKC Central in a few minutes a more detailed description of where everything is at. Sadly, space, while generous, didn't allow for printing everything I would have wanted.
Great! Look forward to it.
I'm also curious about the need to tear down the former India Temple building... Perhaps they are planning to expand the East Parking to make up for the other parking demolition?
This is the building that would be demolished to make room for the new building with the basketball court on the roof... It's 14 stories! That's a big building to knock down right in the middle of the CBD -- will make for an interesting demolition process:
Spartan 12-06-2009, 10:57 AM For those wanting to know more about the plans for Couch Park, which SandRidge is also going to maintain and renovate..
Steve 12-06-2009, 11:22 AM Spartan, that's not the plan. I'll explain later. For now, see my latest post on this at OKC Central - Information about Oklahoma City, Bricktown and beyond (
lasomeday 12-06-2009, 12:51 PM Do you think that the city will allow them to tear down these historic buildings? I like the ambition of the plan, but I don't like the tearing down of buildings. We should try to salvage as many as we can. I just worry if the price of Nat Gas stays low that they won't finish their project and we will have torn down more buildings and have nothing to show for it.
Dar405301 12-06-2009, 01:08 PM steve, do you have any more info. about the proposed "multi-story" building that will replace the parking garage and office tower across the street? also, will drawings/plans be presented to the public in the 1-12-10 unveiling?
wsucougz 12-06-2009, 02:42 PM I would be concerned that they tear down all these buildings and nothing goes up in their place. Natural gas isn't exactly strong right now and I'm constantly hearing about a glut of reserves in this country.
Plus, has there ever really been a detailed feasibilty study done on the restoration of the India Temple? Whether it's possible, what the cost would be, etc. It's been said that nobody is sure whether the original facade is intact - well, let's get in there and knock a chunk of concrete off.
I have a feeling that this is going to get interesting.
Great information in Steve's blog, specifically the quotes from Anthony McDermid (who I respect and trust) saying the old India Temple building is beyond saving.
Still, I wonder what Sandridge plans to do with that site?
I suppose we'll learn a lot more in about a month when they release more detailed plans.
Also, I'd love to see some before and after photos of the interior of the tower.
Urbanized 12-06-2009, 05:18 PM As someone who is very pro-historic preservation, I'm far more concerned in this case about the loss of urban fabric, much of it upper-story, historic or not. Concern about preserving the India Shrine Temple is admirable -- and appropriate -- but tearing down buildings that line downtown streets and replacing them with plazas or other street-level amenities is a far more treacherous proposition. It is the continued suburbanization of downtown, and flies in the face of all of the effort Oklahoma City is putting toward "walkability." Less building frontage at zero setback = less pedestrian-friendly environment. This is an accepted rule of good urban planning.
What we don't know (maybe these are the details Steve promises to print in January) is what the demolished structures would be replaced with. If there are going to be other structures that come out to and interact with the street, eliminating a gap-toothed appearance, it will be more acceptable than just tearing them down to make the corporate tower more visible. I'm really interested in seeing what their planning firm (much lauded, if I remember), has come up with.
jbrown84 12-06-2009, 05:33 PM I wish the India Temple could be salvaged for reasons already mentioned. The others--especially the garage next to Kerr Park--I can live without.
If they demolish everything they want to, it's sure going to leave a lot of empty space, and only the garage has a replacement building planned.
"New multi-story" building. I wonder what this means? Multi-story being 4-5 floors or 10-20 floors. ?
From the rendering it appears to be the former, when compared to the adjacent Dowell Building.
This is the building that would be demolished to make room for the new building with the basketball court on the roof... It's 14 stories! That's a big building to knock down right in the middle of the CBD -- will make for an interesting demolition process:
It's also just about the ugliest building downtown.
For those wanting to know more about the plans for Couch Park, which SandRidge is also going to maintain and renovate..
That appears to just be her entry to the contest. It can't be the plan they are using because Project 180 calls for there to no longer be any vehicle traffic through there.
That former Globe Life building isn't so horrible -- just typical international style architecture.
But I agree with Urbanized about pulling down the one building along Robinson, as that is the one true urban 'canyon' downtown and to replace it with a very large open space would be a big subtraction IMO.
Do we really need all this open space downtown? They are already re-doing and blending Kerr & Couch parks, Devon is adding a good-sized park, the Myriad Gardens is getting completely revamped, plans are well underway for Central Park, and we already have largely unused plazas at the BOK Building and Leadership Square.
I love that Sandridge wants to invest in downtown but I'm not sure this is right approach.
Is anyone occupying the KerMac and former Y buildings?
Steve 12-06-2009, 08:36 PM Pete, the buildings targeted for demolition are all empty. Jack and I, um, got to "visit" the inside of the Braniff and KerMac buildings while their ownership was in transition and we posted photos at our personal website, (just search for Braniff and it should pop up).
As for other details - I've given all I got. They're withholding some details until January.
Doug Loudenback 12-06-2009, 09:13 PM Well, this has been an education for me. For years, I've labored under the impression that there were only 3 associated buildings + the tower in the campus. Only by reason of Steve's article has it finally registered that the old YMCA was/is there, too, even though I cannot presently picture it.
Anyway, from Vanished Splendor is the following postcard and text:
Also, here's an interesting image from the 6/14/1931 Oklahoman which shows the prominence of the Braniff building (2nd from left) at the time.
ronronnie1 12-06-2009, 09:43 PM So OKC is still obsessed with tearing down buildings in the CBD? The more things change, the more they stay the same. Pathetic.
Steve 12-06-2009, 10:00 PM So ... I was right? (Seriously Doug, you got me panicking, but I've not had time to check out what everyone had insisted was correct until you challenged me on it). I had assumed I might be needing to make a correction...
Doug Loudenback 12-06-2009, 10:06 PM So ... I was right? (Seriously Doug, you got me panicking, but I've not had time to check out what everyone had insisted was correct until you challenged me on it). I had assumed I might be needing to make a correction...
Yes, you were/are right. I guess I've had a black hole in front of me all this time! I still can't place the building ... I tried using MS Maps birds eye view but the various angles don't show it. Calls for a walkabout.
The building that I mentioned when talking with you that was destroyed to make way for Ramsey Tower was the YWCA, not the YM.
jbrown84 12-06-2009, 10:07 PM I always thought that building looked like it had once been two separate structures.
Doug, the building on the NE corner of Robinson and Kerr makes an L shape, but the eastern section (former Y) is set back a little and you can see where they made a bridge of sorts between the two former structures, with the main entrance in this spot. The two sections have a similar style, but appear to have been remodeled at different times.
Larry OKC 12-06-2009, 10:07 PM Larry of course there will be some forward momentum without MAPS passing, but I think one would be fooling oneself if one thought momentum won't increase dramatically if MAPS passes. Why settle for less?
I have been in full agreement with the "accelerator" slogan. But you bring up an excellent point: Why settle for less ... than a ballot and ordinance that is legal and binds them to build the projects that aren't mentioned?
Why settle for less than honesty and integrity when it comes to our elected City leaders and the Campaign that they are running?
There was more spin, half-truths and yes, even an out-right lie in the MAPS 3 flier in Sunday's paper.
Steve 12-06-2009, 10:08 PM Did any of you see the sidebar on how Kerr-McGee fought the Braniff Building being placed on the National Register of Historic Places? My favorite line from the history director: "your argument is weak ..."
Doug Loudenback 12-06-2009, 10:11 PM I think you must have intended to post this in another thread, Larry.
Steve 12-06-2009, 10:12 PM GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can't escape it!
Doug Loudenback 12-06-2009, 10:13 PM Did any of you see the sidebar on how Kerr-McGee fought the Braniff Building being placed on the National Register of Historic Places? My favorite line from the history director: "your argument is weak ..."
Yes, I read the whole article in the paper this morning. Very interesting ... I hope a close inspection is done before a decision is made.
Doug Loudenback 12-06-2009, 10:14 PM I always thought that building looked like it had once been two separate structures.
Doug, the building on the NE corner of Robinson and Kerr makes an L shape, but the eastern section (former Y) is set back a little and you can see where they made a bridge of sorts between the two former structures, with the main entrance in this spot. The two sections have a similar style, but appear to have been remodeled at different times.
Thanks for the tip. I'll try and get down there tomorrow and that info will help.
Larry OKC 12-06-2009, 10:19 PM I think you must have intended to post this in another thread, Larry.
Doug, no, sorry, was responding to Betts post #6 in this thread (responding to my post near the beginning of the thread).
Decious 12-06-2009, 10:19 PM GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can't escape it!
Happens in every gang war. Bullets meant for other people or even slugs just meant to shock the system hit innocent grandmothers and babies all of the time. It's hard to escape when the graffiti is being spread with such reckless abandon. Let's hope that this thread isn't a mortal victim. This thread feels like a safe haven. I feel protected. LOL!!
Will this have any bearing on the yet to be constructed Chamber of Commerce? Might it help the city to reconsider the going design?
Steve 12-06-2009, 10:22 PM Decious, the Chamber hq building project is on hold and is, from everything I know, totally unrelated to the SandRidge plans, and vice versa. I think I understand your question - but I just don't see any linkage, at least right now. SandRidge is, I think, a block south of the chamber site.
Decious 12-06-2009, 10:31 PM Decious, the Chamber hq building project is on hold and is, from everything I know, totally unrelated to the SandRidge plans, and vice versa. I think I understand your question - but I just don't see any linkage, at least right now. SandRidge is, I think, a block south of the chamber site.
Thanks Steve.
betts 12-06-2009, 10:35 PM Decious, the Chamber hq building project is on hold and is, from everything I know, totally unrelated to the SandRidge plans, and vice versa. I think I understand your question - but I just don't see any linkage, at least right now. SandRidge is, I think, a block south of the chamber site.
Do we know why the Chamber building is on hold? Not that I care, really, as I like the little triangle of grass, as does my dog, but I am curious. I don't remember reading anything about it being put on hold in the past.
Steve 12-06-2009, 10:36 PM There was a slight hit to the economy last year that may have made fundraising a bit more challenging... at least that's what I gathered after watching Jim Cramer on CNBC. I only know what Jim tells me.
Doug Loudenback 12-06-2009, 10:37 PM My understanding is that it is "the economy," Betts.