View Full Version : SandRidge Center & Commons

Doug Loudenback
05-20-2010, 08:31 AM
Sure. There's not a whole lot to tell, though. I got hired during the Kerr McGee/Tronox split to do some legal work for them in early '06. Seems KM dumped a lot of environmental lawsuits in Tronox's lap when they divided. So a couple of us ended up moving over to the India Temple building to go through mountains and mountains of old environmental records, groundwater charts, etc. There was so much of it that there just wasn't room in the regular tower. Ended up staying there for about a year.

One interesting thing is that it's the building where the KM execs used to take their secretaries back in the day for some "lunchtime relaxation". I understand there's actually a bedframe still in that building somewhere, but I wasn't one of the ones who went snooping for it.

The building itself is connected to the Conncourse, and all the lighting and plumbing still function. The Elevators still work. The interior was redone a long time ago, so there's not really a lot of old fixtures or anything like that in there. It's all the 1980s office look inside. They were able to slap in high speed internet connections for us, though, so all the wiring is up to date. The ceilings are standard office drop ceilings. From what I remember, they've already yanked out all the asbestos, so no worry about that.

I don't really have any interesting stories to tell, though.
Thanks, Hoya, that's probably the most 1st hand information about the building that ANYONE has posted in this forum. Aside from the potentially juicy story you theorized, it sounds that the building was quite functional quite recently.

What floor did you work on? Were all the floors utilized? Were there any interior vestiges at all of the old building, e.g. door frames, doors, etc.?

One more thing: Were any safety hazards present that you observed and/or were cautioned about?

05-20-2010, 08:36 AM
Good point Popsy!

I looked at their income statement from their 2009 Earnings report and they lost over $1 Billion in 2009.

That is something to worry about. I know a lot about this company and I can't say what I know, but they can't afford to do the plaza. They really need to sell those buildings. That would be the responsible thing to do for the stockholders.

Their 1st quarter earnings statement was just released, it looked okay, but they aren't worth much, I don't see how they can afford a $100million renovation/destruction.

Do any of you building huggers work downtown ???

I used to for years up until 7 months ago, however I have live and have owned property downtown for years now, so I have a vested stake.

Do any of you building haters live downtown?

I haven't found one of the Sandridge supporters that live or own property downtown.

05-20-2010, 10:44 AM
If you want to keep these eyesores, then buy them from Sandridge, put your money where your rants are.

SandRidge and Kerr McGee, for years and years, have fielded TONS of offers for the buildings and refused them ALL. SandRidge has turned down 3 different prospective buyers.

It's hard to not get tired of the typical uninformed people with an opinion. Get informed first, please. You can do that just by reading.

05-20-2010, 10:51 AM
So wish I could be there today wearing my "Keep Downtown Urban" t-shirt. Spartan, go ahead and give them my two cents as well!

05-20-2010, 10:55 AM
Well I wish I could have gotten one of those, so we're even. Maybe they'll have some extras at today's meeting.

05-20-2010, 11:12 AM
Why aren't you guys crying about the huge trees being bulldozed at the Myriad Gardens ??

05-20-2010, 11:22 AM
What is the timeframe on these being torn down if it is approved?

Doug Loudenback
05-20-2010, 11:26 AM
Trees grow back. But, for the life of me, I can't find one destroyed and not replaced downtown building that is starting to twig yet. Bad seeds, I guess.

05-20-2010, 11:28 AM
Why aren't you guys crying about the huge trees being bulldozed at the Myriad Gardens ??

They're also being replaced..

05-20-2010, 01:43 PM
Why aren't you guys crying about the huge trees being bulldozed at the Myriad Gardens ??

As Spartan and Doug pointed out, #1 many of them are being transplanted back and #2 more are going to be planted. Buildings don't grow back.

05-20-2010, 01:51 PM
I hope the appeal doesn't pass, tear down those old buildings! We need more park space downtown...

05-20-2010, 01:58 PM
yeah park space and parking lots and and a Cabela's on the other side of downtown, way to be progressive!

05-20-2010, 02:09 PM
As Spartan and Doug pointed out, #1 many of them are being transplanted back and #2 more are going to be planted. Buildings don't grow back. Get a life.

Just exposing the hypocrisy of most of you, ignore one issue while jumping on the wagon on another. BTW, the trees that are being bull dozed and whose remnants are being loaded into the back of dump trucks are not being transplanted anywhere.

05-20-2010, 02:23 PM
Some of the trees are being transplanted, others were toward the end of their lifespan

05-20-2010, 02:23 PM
All you opposing posters. This is all you do also, just sit there and agree with with whoever has money. No matter the situation, even if they are destroying a part of our city.

You make us urbanists look good.

05-20-2010, 02:37 PM
Some of the trees are being transplanted, others were toward the end of their lifespan

Do you really believe that ?

05-20-2010, 02:40 PM
Just exposing the hypocrisy of most of you, ignore one issue while jumping on the wagon on another. BTW, the trees that are being bull dozed and whose remnants are being loaded into the back of dump trucks are not being transplanted anywhere.

maybe you should start a petition group as well against the new Myriad Gardens redesign. Oh wait, I've seen no one come out against it.

05-20-2010, 02:47 PM
Thanks, Hoya, that's probably the most 1st hand information about the building that ANYONE has posted in this forum. Aside from the potentially juicy story you theorized, it sounds that the building was quite functional quite recently.

What floor did you work on? Were all the floors utilized? Were there any interior vestiges at all of the old building, e.g. door frames, doors, etc.?

One more thing: Were any safety hazards present that you observed and/or were cautioned about?

We were on the 4th floor, and were the only ones in the building at the time. Had the whole place to ourselves, pretty much. We went around and looked at the other floors, and the only thing different about the 4th floor was that it was the one that had been cleaned up. All the others had empty boxes, old desks, mountains of dust, scattered papers, etc.

I really don't remember any remaining original interior, but then again, I wasn't looking for it at the time. I think the elevator was fairly old, and perhaps the windows. I'm not really sure, though.

There were no safety hazards that we had to worry about. The only thing they warned us against was putting too many file cabinets in the middle of a large open area on the floor. We had probably 200+ boxes of files stacked up and didn't have any problems, but maintenance had warned us not to get too much more than that at any one time.

05-20-2010, 04:17 PM
Steve is blogging live from the meeting on I just thought to look there.

05-20-2010, 06:03 PM
We got continued until June 28th (?). The meeting lasted until 5:30. There is a short recap up on my blog now. I am worn out..using WiFi, waiting on some friends to go out for drinks which I could really use. I have never seen a public meeting for ONE issue (pretty much) last 4 hours.

The National Trust is going to be able to perform (and pay for themselves) a historical analysis, which is different from an engineering analysis. The difference is this: Basically an engineering analysis goes through an old bldg trying to find out why it needs to be demolished; a historical analysis basically goes through a building trying to figure out why and how it can be saved.

The entire slate of demolitions is being pushed back, but we wouldn't be having this problem if they had done the demolition permits separately as they should have in the first place. That was a bad motion originally made at the DDRC (Jim Loftis?).

Doug Loudenback
05-20-2010, 06:09 PM
Quick meeting report: just got home from the Board of Review hearing which lasted until about 5:15-5:20 ... short story ... it became evident that the board felt that it hadn't been presented enough information ... most particularly was the absence of any engineering studies on the buildings ... NOW, engineering studies will be done (w/the exception of Petroleum Tower) and the hearing was continued to June 17.

All in all, the day has to be seen as a setback for SandRidge and a foot in the door by Preservation Oklahoma.

I'll get a blog article up later tonight ... if the videos I took with my cell phone are at all worthwhile, they will be included.

ON EDIT: I see that Nick has the next date as being June 28 ... maybe I got it wrong.

05-20-2010, 06:17 PM
No you're right Doug, I'm wrong. It's "28 days from now" not June 28 haha. I asked Jonathan Poston at the end of the meeting if he can even do the historical analysis in 28 days and he seemed to be less than enthusiastic, but like everyone on our side, relieved that we got the chance. I think we got lucky if you ask me..we definitely brought our A-Game on that one. Everyone was just great.

05-20-2010, 08:04 PM
Very interesting development that Cliff Hudson is the chairmen of the board of the National Trust. I think we can safely assume he's not buddy-buddy with Tom Ward lol. He's one of the few business leaders in OKC that's politically liberal.

Also you may have seen on Steve's blog that Skirvin GM John Williams endorsed the demolition, calling the buildings "eyesores". Here's the email I sent him. Feel free to send him your thoughts.

Mr. Williams-

I just wanted to let you know how extremely disappointed I am that you have come out in support of Sandridge Energy's short-sighted plan to demolish several historic structures including the oldest building downtown because "they are eyesores". As an employee of the Colcord Hotel, I find it extremely disturbing that you would say this when your own hotel sat empty for many years and was considered an eyesore by many. Like these buildings, the Skirvin also had an "ugly" mid-century facade that was delicately removed and the Skirvin was restored to its former glory, making it the true crown jewel of OKC. You of all people should recognize the benefit of preserving history over trigger-happy demolition.

You really are a breath of stale air.

:bow: :beaten_fi :tiphat: :LolLolLol

If you want to keep these eyesores, then buy them from Sandridge

They aren't for sale, and haven't been for decades!! :omg: Pay attention.

Why aren't you guys crying about the huge trees being bulldozed at the Myriad Gardens ??

There actually has been some minor hand-wringing about that in another thread, if you were paying attention. But that's apples to oranges.

05-20-2010, 09:03 PM
I don't think anyone is willing to go so far as to say, "Here's a letter from Cliff. He's against this." I am actually worried that next we'll see a letter from him supporting SandRidge..wouldn't surprise me. Cliff WAS the chairman of the board for OCPS, keep in mind. Really good guy.

There was one particular big player downtown who was an incredible nuisance in my opinion, added nothing every time he spoke, and just looked incredibly negative and narrow minded..not going to name names tho.

Why does all of this damn name dropping even mean anything??? It just reinforces that the big corporation nobody wants to stand up to gets carte blanche to do whatever in the hell they want AGAINST city code, and none of us will ever get that privilege.

05-20-2010, 09:19 PM
Leslie Hudson, Cliff's wife was present at the meeting; sitting with the Preservation OK group.

05-20-2010, 09:23 PM
No telling though. These revelations of name dropping are nothing but bad news.

05-20-2010, 09:30 PM
Appeal denied, foregone conclusion...interpretation for the benefit of the novices...

05-20-2010, 09:38 PM
Appeal denied, foregone conclusion...interpretation for the benefit of the novices...

May I ask what body denied the appeal and when?

05-20-2010, 09:40 PM
There was one particular big player downtown who was an incredible nuisance

For which side?

05-20-2010, 09:44 PM
Do you really believe that ?

Let's see: do I believe an anonymous poster on OKCTalk or architects, engineers and planners with the city I've known for a decade or more?
God forbid attributed or factual info get in the way... sorry, I'm gonna keep on doing it.

05-20-2010, 09:45 PM
Appeal denied, foregone conclusion...interpretation for the benefit of the novices...

No denial or affirmation today. Three members today were casting questions on the DDRC decision....

05-20-2010, 09:54 PM
The appeal will be denied... and, I have personally watched the trees butchered and hauled off at the Myriad Gardens...maybe you should look...

05-20-2010, 09:56 PM
I personally watched some trees being cut down, as you say, and others being moved.

05-20-2010, 09:59 PM
bulldozed down and chopped up and put into dump trucks...

05-20-2010, 10:19 PM
bulldozed down and chopped up and put into dump trucks...

No one is denying that. They said that SOME trees were being transplanted and some that were at the end of their lifespan were removed completely. 80% of the trees haven't even been touched and hundreds will be added.

05-20-2010, 10:20 PM
end of lifespan , my arse...Steve did a great job today blogging from the BOA meeting...

05-20-2010, 10:28 PM
Let's withhold judgment about the Myriad Gardens until it's all said and done. I think we will be pleased. The real test is not how many trees are present, but how many people. This same principle applies to the SandRidge proposal.

05-20-2010, 10:29 PM
As has been said, you cannot grow bricks. There was nothing of historical interest in the design of the Myriad Gardens, and it's not as it contained century-old oaks. I suspect they have been removing the tree of the 80s: the Bradford pear, which is brittle and has a finite lifespan.

05-20-2010, 10:31 PM
You have no idea what you are talking about...idle are very inconsistent...

05-20-2010, 10:37 PM
You have no idea what you are talking about...idle speculation...

As opposed to you..?

05-20-2010, 10:38 PM
I don't think they were Bradford Pears... but I think you need to consider how vigilant folks like Jim Tolbert are when it comes to the gardens and the trees....

05-20-2010, 10:42 PM
As opposed to you..?

I have personal observation on multiple days of Myriad you even live in OKC...

05-20-2010, 10:44 PM
Yes. I work downtown and have personal observation of the gardens on a daily basis as well. What else ya got?

05-20-2010, 10:46 PM
I was downtown before the Myriad Gardens...

05-20-2010, 10:59 PM
Oh good grief...

05-20-2010, 11:01 PM
I was part of the urban renewal process that many of you so detest...

05-20-2010, 11:12 PM

05-20-2010, 11:12 PM
Yes it was... I'm not someone who detests the Urban Renewal era. I'm someone who seeks to learn from that era - to find out what was done right, what was done wrong.
So Soonerus, what do you think was done right and wrong from that era? Can we learn anything from it that might guide us today?

05-20-2010, 11:16 PM
Do you like the Myriad Gardens area ??

05-20-2010, 11:21 PM
Yes I do. But I also remember it being very underwhelming when the Crystal Bridge first opened because the landscaping was so new. I'll be intrigued as to how it will look not when the changes are completed, but several years later after the new landscaping takes root.

05-20-2010, 11:22 PM
It used to house buildings...crappy buildings..

05-20-2010, 11:28 PM
I love the Myriad Gardens, but I would have no problem if that land was clear cut and leveled to make way for development. Besides, there's going to be a new park just south of there anyway.

05-20-2010, 11:32 PM
It used to house buildings...crappy buildings..

For the most part, you're right. It also was home to the Tivoli Inn (formerly the Oklahoma Club) and the Biltmore - and I'm not sure everyone would say those were crappy.
But it should also be noted neither Urban Renewal or planner I.M. Pei wanted to see those torn down - they called for them to be a part of the gardens.
Now, back to current day...
What lessons do you see from the past that apply to today?

05-20-2010, 11:38 PM
Sometimes tearing down sorry old loser buildings can result in positive advancement...

05-20-2010, 11:49 PM
Okay. Fast Forward to now. We have a garden/park, we're planning a huuge Central Park. Do we need even more Green Space? Let's tell Devon to stop work and plant grass instead.

05-21-2010, 12:21 AM
And Soonerus do you think tearing down all buildings that aren't shiny and new and replacing them with parks is actually a good thing for an urban environment? [Where the model to follow is reuse and rehabilitation for old buildings, or demolish and rebuild] Especially when all urban parks in the Downtown area proved to be not-so-popular attractions. Including the consequently under-remodel Myriad Gardens?

05-21-2010, 12:35 AM
SandRidge and Kerr McGee, for years and years, have fielded TONS of offers for the buildings and refused them ALL. SandRidge has turned down 3 different prospective buyers.

It's hard to not get tired of the typical uninformed people with an opinion. Get informed first, please. You can do that just by reading.

Oh... now you're the wise one, well, it's obvious not enough money was "fielded" to reverse "their" plan for these buildings. Bottom-line, they own the buildings and it's their decision to sell or not. As for "being tired", it's just as easy to be weary of some people's arrogance.

05-21-2010, 12:47 AM
Let's withhold judgment about the Myriad Gardens until it's all said and done. I think we will be pleased. The real test is not how many trees are present, but how many people. This same principle applies to the SandRidge proposal.

Agreed. The Myriad Gardens isn't a tree farm, it's a park.

05-21-2010, 12:48 AM
Like I stated earlier, the only thing SR needs approval for is demolition. They purchased the entire block as a package for $25/SF. Now they own it lock, stock, and barrel, they knew this to be the case. Buyer Beware! They could entertain developers, but based on the fact that they would rather de-densify and reduce the tax implications of their propery holdings, I doubt it would fit in their "corporate need". Their corporate "need" is not a legitimate reason in the ordinace for wholesale demolition. There are other legitimate uses besides offices that might be profitible for SR or others. No opportunity exists for others at this time. In that case, them SR can just hold them...or do something else with them.

05-21-2010, 07:05 AM
Let's withhold judgment about the Myriad Gardens until it's all said and done. I think we will be pleased. The real test is not how many trees are present, but how many people. This same principle applies to the SandRidge proposal.

I would sort of say the two go hand-in-hand, especially as a park in the natural climate that OKC and humid most of the time, sun beating down.

Oh... now you're the wise one, well, it's obvious not enough money was "fielded" to reverse "their" plan for these buildings. Bottom-line, they own the buildings and it's their decision to sell or not. As for "being tired", it's just as easy to be weary of some people's arrogance.

This is my Chris Matthews laugh: Hawhawhawhaw!!