View Full Version : Bummer Fox25

09-16-2010, 02:44 PM
Heard Lauren was leaving - moving back to California.....didn't she like us here???? ;-)

Drumscode - wha't the scoop?

09-16-2010, 03:01 PM
Good luck to her in the future!

09-16-2010, 06:03 PM
Maybe she sees Am as her yoda and wants to follow her?

09-17-2010, 06:28 AM
Yesterday was Britten Follett's last day reporting with Fox25. She's a great friend and reporter ~ My wife and I will miss her.

09-17-2010, 07:01 AM
Yeah, Bates - I saw source mush have gotten in wrong - unless both of them are leaving. I like Britten too - very down to earth!!!!

09-17-2010, 08:52 AM
Lauren Richardson announced it on her Facebook page a while back, I believe her last day is September 24th. And if you watched the news last night, you also saw that Britten Follett is leaving to take a dream job outside of television.

Most everyone that comes here from out of state realizes that Oklahoma pretty-much stinks and ends up going back to family in their original state.

Melissa Maynarich went back to CA. Lauren is going back to CA. Amy McRee is moving to CA. I guess all that talk about Oklahoma City being "Big League" was just media hype.

It would not surprise me to see Jaime Cerreta head back to AZ in a few years to work with her family business either.

09-17-2010, 09:57 AM
Wow nice attitude there drumsncode...I am pretty sure sentiments like that help us out greatly! Nothing like taking what is here and trying to make the most of it. Oklahoma is pretty dang great for not having many geographical aids such as mountain ranges or Oceans etc... It does however have Desert and Mesas in the NW, Rolling Granite hills in the SW and South (arbuckle Mtns.) and Pine forests in the Southeast, and tons of great lakes in the East and Deciduous forest and rolling hills in the Northeast. The people are some of the most friendly that you could ever meet.

Sure it is not LA, and it is not NYC, and it is not (insert name here) but you know what, that is a good thing! It is not supposed to be any one of those, becuase it is Oklahoma, and it is its own unique place with its own unique history. Oklahoma is not a state that needs to try to mimic other states, it doesn't need to follow anyone else because it is leading and making its own way as it always has done.

Complain if you will, it only marks you as a negative complainer who is not willing to roll up your sleeves and contribute to its greatness. Life is far too short to be unhappy so for your own sake if you feel so miserable here by all means correct your location and live happy. Trust me, Oklahoma will be just fine without you, that said we would love for you to stay and play but not everyone can see it for what it is. Good luck!

09-17-2010, 10:20 AM
OKC Television is a launch pad to bigger jobs. Now that we do have a lot of media types in and out of the city because of the Thunder expect to see more exit. Most in TV will admit that there is a certain market that they want to work in and so they use smaller markets like us as a stepping stone.


09-17-2010, 08:18 PM
OKC Television is a launch pad to bigger jobs. Now that we do have a lot of media types in and out of the city because of the Thunder expect to see more exit. Most in TV will admit that there is a certain market that they want to work in and so they use smaller markets like us as a stepping stone.

It's the same thing with Austin and all markets of this size. Younger ones looking to "get ahead" move onto other opportunities, the younger ones move onto other markets all the time. The ironic thing about that is there have been quite a few of the older anchors who have moved back to the Austin market from somewhere else, ones that were on stations here 20 years ago when my wife first moved here.

Most of the people that I knew 20 or so years ago at KOCO headed somewhere else because of opportunities and not because of the state...they were strictly looking to move up in responsibility as a primary goal and markets size as a secondary goal and why many of them ended up in Oklahoma originally, it was a step up from where they were before.

09-17-2010, 10:02 PM
OKC Television is a launch pad to bigger jobs. Now that we do have a lot of media types in and out of the city because of the Thunder expect to see more exit. Most in TV will admit that there is a certain market that they want to work in and so they use smaller markets like us as a stepping stone.


Please note that Amy McRee wasn't moving to California for a job. She was moving to be with her husband and isn't going to be in the news business. She said she wants to just spend time with her family.

09-17-2010, 10:12 PM
Please note that Amy McRee wasn't moving to California for a job. She was moving to be with her husband and isn't going to be in the news business. She said she wants to just spend time with her family.

Good for her. I'm sure if Amy gets the itch to be in front of the camera again, she could probably find something. I suspect by her comments on the air the other night that she wants to be a full time Mom. That is the biggest job on the planet. I wish her well.
