10-05-2010, 07:47 PM
Can we rename this thread "Crossroads Mall: A Pipe Dream"?
View Full Version : Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center - therondo 10-05-2010, 07:47 PM Can we rename this thread "Crossroads Mall: A Pipe Dream"? stdennis 10-06-2010, 09:27 AM You keep saying he didn't talk to the lady but this is from the article. The want-to-be buyers, full names unknown, wouldn't talk about it, under the usual sensitivities and anxieties of due diligence. "I look forward to talking about it in the future," a spokeswoman for the website said Thursday. Plus you keep saying he talks to someone who has an NDA and cant talk about it but he should talk to her. If he cant talk about it why would it be any different for her to talk about it? Even if he didn't talk to her according to you it wouldn't matter because there is a non disclosure agreement so she wouldn't say anything either. Matt 10-06-2010, 09:57 AM Can we rename this thread "Crossroads Mall: A Pipe Dream"? Better yet, how 'bout "Crossroads Mall: A (Crack) Pipe Dream"? scootinger 10-06-2010, 10:52 AM I disagree. Spartan, everything you said is so wrong. Crossroads was not a mistake. It never was. The mall did fantastic. The mistake was the action of recent management, the economy, and stupid companies making outdoor "mall" which stupid people encourage them to grow even tho it is a waste of gas to go all over to those stores. Good things can come out of the place again and nothing you can say will stop it. I'll be looking forward to your statement attacking other malls in the state. Your logic is incoherent here. Spartan had expressed that Crossroads was a mistake because it was the result of unsustainable development. You state that the new "outdoor malls" are a mistake for this exact same reason...because it's a "waste of gas". Malls like Crossroads are not very good uses of land, and rely on auto transportation because of their location and how they were developed. It's the same case for big-box shopping centers like the one in Moore. On top of that, I'd suppose the shopping center in Moore is doing fairly well (and will continue to do so for at least a while) based on your other criterion for the success of a shopping center. Spartan 10-06-2010, 11:18 AM LOL!!! Got you backed in a corner. :LolLolLol What? How have you backed me into a corner? You're different. Swake2 10-06-2010, 11:19 AM Your logic is incoherent here. . It's only incoherent on that post? Hell, most of his posts are less coherent than the posts about zombies. Jesseda 10-06-2010, 11:25 AM hey megax11, do you post in the frontier city thrills forum as well? i just noticed that if you do, lol we have things in common we like kevinpate 10-06-2010, 11:44 AM ... while i was trapped in the tunnel with zombies and scary looking hot topic employees, ... Curious .... how could you tell the difference in the two groups? Jesseda 10-06-2010, 11:52 AM the hot topic employees where a lot slower and more rude then the zombies, plus all the piercings.. megax11 10-06-2010, 04:22 PM You keep saying he didn't talk to the lady but this is from the article. The want-to-be buyers, full names unknown, wouldn't talk about it, under the usual sensitivities and anxieties of due diligence. "I look forward to talking about it in the future," a spokeswoman for the website said Thursday. Plus you keep saying he talks to someone who has an NDA and cant talk about it but he should talk to her. If he cant talk about it why would it be any different for her to talk about it? Even if he didn't talk to her according to you it wouldn't matter because there is a non disclosure agreement so she wouldn't say anything either. Okay, but after hearing that, this Mize dude states that it sounds more like a dream. See how news adds little bits of talk that could be seen as dramatic, just for the sake of having a story that people will follow? How does one talk to someone and ask them a question without getting a name first? A spokeswoman says they look forward to talking about it in the future? Why would they say that if they weren't so sure they couldn't get the mall in the first place, but they "look forward to talking about it?" No one can look forward to a future of uncertainty, unless the future is certain to them. megax11 10-06-2010, 04:25 PM hey megax11, do you post in the frontier city thrills forum as well? i just noticed that if you do, lol we have things in common we like Yep, that's me. Megax11... I am really not digging Frontier City's handling (based on my assumptions) of Fright Fest. I had heard they read that forum from time to time, so I like to give input, in hopes that they use it. I really hope they don't charge us 5 bucks for what will surely be a very tiny haunted house, when it used to be free with admission, and the haunted houses were longer. I really would like to see the haunted house remain at the concert area, but where the end of the attraction is, would be a long hallway that extends to the nightmare mine location, where a final few rooms would reside. Steve 10-06-2010, 04:26 PM Megax, I'm trying to understand your logic here. If there were a press release or website out saying something is going to happen, and you have a group of unrelated folks saying it's going to happen, then it's a real deal? metro 10-06-2010, 04:43 PM Steve, he had a dream, isn't that good enough source for you to write the article already? okclee 10-06-2010, 04:56 PM Now Frontier City is being brought into this discussion? Just when I thought this thread could get any better. megax11 10-06-2010, 04:57 PM No. I am saying, however, that I don't believe in coincidence. 3 unrelated people have heard through various means, that the mall has been sold. One was an eye doctor who used to be at the mall, but left along with other businesses, due to the decline of the mall. He is friends with a banker, whose client is the one who bought the mall. The eye doctor found out from the banker himself, that another client of his BOUGHT THE MALL. The second is a store merchant inside the mall. This lady knew about the sale and aparent signing off on the sale. She then writes a website address down that none of us had any clue was in existence. She doesn't know the banker or eye doctor. The third is a friend of mine, who was asked to apply for the trade show displays job. He was formerly with two companies that work trade shows, by setting up displays. The friend of his who asked, is friends with the lady who BOUGHT THE MALL, so when this friend of his mentioned my friend, they were asked to bring him on. Actually that could be 4 people. The banker himself has my eye doctor as a client (I assume; they could just be friends), as well as the person who bought the mall. I'm simply stating that I don't believe in coincidence. If 3 people stood outside in Oklahoma City. One stood on I-240 looking north, one stood on I-40 looking south, and one stood on I-35 looking west, and they all saw an UFO in the sky in the middle of those vicinities, would they be lying, or telling the truth, when they told people? Now imagine they don't know each other. Oh and they didn't have pictures. Coincidence? I wouldn't call it that. I do find it odd that the website was hastily took down. The backup website someone posted here after the original was took down, was taken down. To top that off, the domain is still registered to the people who bought the mall. I just don't see a lady offering a job that doesn't exist to someone. I don't see a banker stating to a friend/client, that another client bought the mall, without it holding any merit. I don't see a merchant inside one of the mall's stores stating that the mall was sold and the deal signed off on, one to two days before I walk in there, without it holding any merit. Oh and by the way... My friend, who was offered the trade show display job, told me the other day that he went around to a few stores in the mall and most now knew the mall had been sold. I don't have the facts, but I'm not quick to point my finger and tell everyone they're wrong, especially if these people are somehow associated with the mall in some capacity. They know more than I do, because their life surrounds the mall (store owner, bankers client who owns the mall, former mall eye doctor, friend who is being offered a job at the new mall). Bottom line, though, I just don't believe in coincidence. Spartan 10-06-2010, 05:28 PM Does anyone remember the deal about that 120,000 domed football stadium somebody wanted to build in OKC? They had a press release and everything.. Steve 10-06-2010, 08:02 PM Yes, Spartan, that was what I was alluding to here. By Megax's logic, that stadium is a done deal. Here's a true story: it wasn't an eye doctor who told me the stadium was a real deal. It was very close friend, a guy who was a hard hitting journalist for years prior, who came to me and insisted this was a real deal. An editor suggested it was for real too. But there was no record of land being bought, no proof of financing, just some guy with a rendering. I declined to do the story. By Megax's standards, this should have been a front page story. I'm starting to assume that those who would think this has already happened are just kids or at least has little experience with these sorts of things. Steve 10-06-2010, 08:03 PM Final comment: CROSSROADS MALL HAS YET TO SELL, DESPITE THE WORD OF AN ANONYMOUS POSTER WHO IS QUOTING AN ANONYMOUS PERSON WHO IS QUOTING THREE MORE ANONYMOUS PEOPLE. Thunder 10-06-2010, 09:29 PM Final comment: CROSSROADS MALL HAS YET TO SELL, DESPITE THE WORD OF AN ANONYMOUS POSTER WHO IS QUOTING AN ANONYMOUS PERSON WHO IS QUOTING THREE MORE ANONYMOUS PEOPLE. It is sold. Just take time for the official process to reflect on the transaction. Give it a few months. OKC obviously wanted to keep this on the hush-hush as much as they can while all the plans is finalized. I guess they just don't want public inputs. Steve 10-06-2010, 09:52 PM You amuse me. Thunder 10-07-2010, 12:19 AM You amuse me. Admit it. You know this is very much coming true. If this was all a prank, that site would still be up to continue the sensation. Instead, it was brought down immediately. I am betting it was only up as presentation for certain eyes only. Not for the press, and especially not for you, Steve, and your personal web site to further speculation. Crossroads Mall is COMING ALIVE! ALIVE! Altho, under a new name. Architect2010 10-07-2010, 12:52 AM I had a dream the other night too. Crossroads was torn down. The whole city rejoiced. Steve 10-07-2010, 07:50 AM Admit it. You know this is very much coming true. If this was all a prank, that site would still be up to continue the sensation. Instead, it was brought down immediately. I am betting it was only up as presentation for certain eyes only. Not for the press, and especially not for you, Steve, and your personal web site to further speculation. Crossroads Mall is COMING ALIVE! ALIVE! Altho, under a new name. Now you really amuse me. I guess you're new to the Internet. Midtowner 10-07-2010, 08:26 AM A preponderance of anecdotal information is not data. CS_Mike 10-07-2010, 08:41 AM Do we need to remind everyone of the current owners of the mall? I don't doubt that there is a buyer who has financing in place and has agreed on a deal with a representative of the Fed, but I also wouldn't doubt that the paperwork is lost in a bureaucratic mess or is sitting on some official's desk awaiting further scrutiny or maybe even a rubber stamp. That could mean that some idiot could all of a sudden decide that the Fed can make more money on the deal if they sit on the property and wait for another buyer. Maybe this "buyer" is confident enough of the deal that he/she is willing to tell the current tenants in order to stave off any further losses, but that doesn't necessarily make it a done deal. I can't believe that anyone would actually speculate that updates to public records are intentionally being withheld to protect a deal. If it's a done deal, it's a done deal; that means there's nothing to protect because the deal can't fall through at that point. I would also think that the Maiden Lane reps would GLADLY let anyone who asked the question know that the property is no longer on their books. Swake2 10-07-2010, 08:45 AM The third is a friend of mine, who was asked to apply for the trade show displays job. He was formerly with two companies that work trade shows, by setting up displays. The friend of his who asked, is friends with the lady who BOUGHT THE MALL, so when this friend of his mentioned my friend, they were asked to bring him on. This is just flat out bullsh!t. Let’s just say for arguments sake that this craziness is happening. Because even if it is, as of now, no one has bought the mall, it isn’t sold. And before anything can be done with the mall, it’s going to have to be purchased. That means once a real, public sale has been agreed to, with real financing, that the sale will have to processed and closed. That takes at least months. Since the federal government is involved, it might well take much longer than that. Once purchased the mall is going to have to completely overhauled. That means surveys, and architects and engineers to redesign the mall and then the new owners will need to get rid of or move tenants based on that design. Those pictures you saw are not designs. No one spends real money on real designs on something they don’t own. All of you have seen is a mock up, and a cheap one. The design step alone could take a year or more. Now design can be done once a property is under contract, but as of now, there is no contract and you certainly can’t move tenants or change leases until the sale is closed and you have actual physical control of the mall. Ending leases, and moving stores takes negotiation and legal work, if a store moves the new store space has to be designed and built. It takes a lot of time. Closing on a sale of the mall, redesigning it and moving tenants as needed conservatively could take well over a year, if not years. Then only after all of that, you would have actual construction which could take months to years. Even if the mall were to be sold today, which it won’t be, it would be at least two years before the center would need someone to build displays. And why would the owners build the displays, isn’t that the work of the tenants? Crossroads does not build the displays for any stores today, why would they do so in a wholesale environment? No one has been contacted about building displays, no displays would be needed for years, and the mall owners wouldn’t do that work anyway. it’s simply not true, it makes no sense. I’m to the point you aren’t just deluded, you are lying and full of crap. Steve 10-07-2010, 10:06 AM I know of an economic development deal in which a very slick web site (as opposed to a fairly basic one for the proposed marketplace) was set up, the CEO hired a staff, press releases were written, and even the mayor at one point was convinced the deal was done. Megax, enjoy the Grand Prix next July 4. Jesseda 10-07-2010, 10:38 AM My friends who knows this friend who has a cousin whose friends sister was bitten by a zombie who was once a big time okc property owner, knew abouta deal going down at crossroads months ago, so he went down to investigate more and thats when he was bitten and turned intoa zombie ,, we are stepping on dangerous ground, maybe thats why no one really knows what the heck is going on Kerry 10-07-2010, 10:58 AM Any chance Crossroads was built on an Indian burial ground? metro 10-07-2010, 11:00 AM Read in the new that 1101,1109 and 1111 E. I-240 Service Rd. were purchased for $2.45 million. Sooner or Later Associates purchased the sites for investment purposes from Crossroads-Maiden Lane LLC. The properties include a 37,008 sq. ft. Fairfield Inn, a 65,558 sq. ft. Residents Inn and a 6,743 sq. ft. Texas Roadhouse Restaurant. Price Edwards & Co. handled negotiations on the sale. Lawyers Title handled the closing. Steve 10-07-2010, 11:05 AM Yep. We saw that too. That's not the mall - it's the properties that surround the mall. Richard wrote it up. Jesseda 10-07-2010, 11:07 AM Interesting development metro metro 10-07-2010, 11:07 AM Yep. We saw that too. That's not the mall - it's the properties that surround the mall. Richard wrote it up. I know, that's why I stated the specific properties. CS_Mike 10-07-2010, 02:36 PM Read in the new that 1101,1109 and 1111 E. I-240 Service Rd. were purchased for $2.45 million. Sooner or Later Associates purchased the sites for investment purposes from Crossroads-Maiden Lane LLC. The properties include a 37,008 sq. ft. Fairfield Inn, a 65,558 sq. ft. Residents Inn and a 6,743 sq. ft. Texas Roadhouse Restaurant. Price Edwards & Co. handled negotiations on the sale. Lawyers Title handled the closing. That entry was posted on 9/24. According to the OK County Assessor's website, the deeds were signed on 7/30. Has that info been on the assessor's page for a month and a half, or did it show up much later? Could this support the possibility that the mall has actually sold and the info just hasn't been posted yet? moonwolfie 10-07-2010, 02:46 PM Its kind of spooky sittin there empty.... Swake2 10-07-2010, 02:55 PM That entry was posted on 9/24. According to the OK County Assessor's website, the deeds were signed on 7/30. Has that info been on the assessor's page for a month and a half, or did it show up much later? Could this support the possibility that the mall has actually sold and the info just hasn't been posted yet? Maybe, EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT THE AGENT SELLING IT SAYS IT HAS NOT BEEN SOLD. okclee 10-07-2010, 03:18 PM Haven't heard from megax today, Where is he? lovokc 10-07-2010, 05:24 PM Its kind of spooky sittin there empty.... The mall is not empty and the mall is not spooky at all. Yes, business is slow there but hardly empty or spooky. megax11 10-07-2010, 05:41 PM Admit it. You know this is very much coming true. If this was all a prank, that site would still be up to continue the sensation. Instead, it was brought down immediately. I am betting it was only up as presentation for certain eyes only. Not for the press, and especially not for you, Steve, and your personal web site to further speculation. Crossroads Mall is COMING ALIVE! ALIVE! Altho, under a new name. People don't want to believe or be convinced. The problem with humanity today is they got too much shoved up their asses, they always want to be negative about something. Then those who want to be positive, are bashed for and called pathetic names, like we're back on the playground in elementary school. That's why humanity has no hope. Too much greed, foolish pride, inferiority and superiority complexes. We'll always be at the bottom of the ladder. Let whoever, be negative, or whatnot. Pity them even. Thunder 10-07-2010, 06:01 PM I'm behind you 100%, megax11. A brother don't let a brother down. No matter what. Matt 10-07-2010, 06:28 PM therondo 10-07-2010, 07:28 PM I'm behind you 100%, megax11. A brother don't let a brother down. No matter what. Really? <vomit> megax11 10-07-2010, 09:19 PM Exactly... I bet half of the people here dishing these second-grade cutdowns are adults. I pity them. Look, to those peeps calling names, acting they are, I can only say this - Bottom line though, I don't believe in coincidence. You peeps give yourselves ulcers all you want. Word of advice though... it's not very healthy to get that blood pressure up. I'm just relaying info. I don't have a reason to call everyone a liar, like many here are. Like I said - Smart |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| Humans We will continue to be until people learn how to handle opinion better, instead of nerd rage, because they feel the need to be right. Carry on, soldiers... Show that age. d(^.^d) MikeOKC 10-07-2010, 09:25 PM We will continue to be until people learn how to handle opinion better, instead of nerd rage, because they feel the need to be right. You HAVE to be kidding. You, of all people, writing this to others? I nominate this thread as most obnoxious thread EVER on OKCTalk. Architect2010 10-07-2010, 09:43 PM Umm. Aren't you the one swearing it's all fact and getting mad because we don't believe you're right? I'd be glad if Crossroads was revived, but you're asking us to believe in a "vision" and "anonymous" people that we don't even know are real. Sounds to me that Humans are smart because they have the reasoning ability to be SKEPTICAL of bullcrap. Present your argument with factual ground and we would be more than willing to believe you; but sadly you haven't. megax11 10-08-2010, 03:27 PM Umm. Aren't you the one swearing it's all fact and getting mad because we don't believe you're right? I'd be glad if Crossroads was revived, but you're asking us to believe in a "vision" and "anonymous" people that we don't even know are real. Sounds to me that Humans are smart because they have the reasoning ability to be SKEPTICAL of bullcrap. Present your argument with factual ground and we would be more than willing to believe you; but sadly you haven't. Nah, bro... I'm not mad in the slightest because people don't believe me. People who want to act the way they are here is there problem, not mine. I stated my info. 3 people have stated the mall has been bought. One is the banker of the lady who bought it. Sorry, but I'm going to believe the mall owner's banker, faster than some yahoo on NewsOK, which journalists have been wrong plenty of times. I'm not asking anyone to believe my visions. My visions were just a method of conversation, and should they ever come true (which it has), then the visions were that of good news for Oklahomans and southsiders especially. However everyone here is quick to say a lady is lying, because the courts don't have records immediately, when she could have said, "hey I'd like this to be a secret so I can surprise the citizens." I'm not saying she did, I'm saying she could have. We don't know for sure. I would do it, but the courts would be happy to oblige for the fact they're selling a toxic asset. Steve 10-08-2010, 03:30 PM Yeah, sure, I guess I'm known for getting it wrong all the time... Swake2 10-08-2010, 03:57 PM You are just pricless I stated my info. 3 people have stated the mall has been bought. One is the banker of the lady who bought it. Sorry, but I'm going to believe the mall owner's banker, faster than some yahoo on NewsOK, which journalists have been wrong plenty of times. Your story is shifting, a good sign of someone who is full of crap, here's what you originally said about "the banker" He then told me, "Yes. The chamber of commerce has been working on that for about 2 years now." I said, "really?" He was like "yeah," and that his banker friend also knows a lot about it. If I remember correctly, I think he said his banker friend is friends with those who bought the mall. And this statement is just moronic: I would do it, but the courts would be happy to oblige for the fact they're selling a toxic asset. The courts aren't selling anything, I don't think you mean to use the word "but" in this sentence and you have just a shocking naiveté about how courts and the real world work. Are you handicapped or young? Which is it? Jesseda 10-08-2010, 04:15 PM where has all the positive-funny-friendly poster gone da du da da du dah, where have all the good posters gone!!!! megax11 10-08-2010, 05:17 PM Yeah, sure, I guess I'm known for getting it wrong all the time... Didn't say you, bro. If you're guilty of something, that's your deal, not mine... I've seen all news outlets get things wrong, you just happen to work for one of those outlets who has reported false news before. Hell News 9 stated some wrong news the other day. When those people got ran off of the highway near 240 and shields, News 9 first reported it as two cars were racing and one flipped, not one was ran off the road, and that a toddler was among those that died in the car that flipped. Boy they had that all wrong, but didn't think to get the facts before breaking the news. Like I said, jumping the gun. News hounds don't want to get scooped. megax11 10-08-2010, 05:21 PM You are just pricless Your story is shifting, a good sign of someone who is full of crap, here's what you originally said about "the banker" And this statement is just moronic: The courts aren't selling anything, I don't think you mean to use the word "but" in this sentence and you have just a shocking naiveté about how courts and the real world work. Are you handicapped or young? Which is it? *points at Swake2* Whatever ya want to think, man... Getting furious like that isn't healthy, man. You're gonna develop... like Hemroids... or something. I say we feed the negative nancies here to the zombies in the secret underground Crossroads tunnel... NOM NOM NOM! therondo 10-08-2010, 05:52 PM Are you handicapped or young? Which is it? I think he just answered that question. He's a moron. kevinpate 10-08-2010, 07:50 PM where has all the positive-funny-friendly poster gone da du da da du dah, where have all the good posters gone!!!! The answer my friend, is zombies in the tunnels The answer is zombies in the tunnels. Steve 10-08-2010, 08:06 PM Not zombies... trolls.... Thunder 10-08-2010, 09:30 PM Ahhh, prayers have finally been answered. KFOR broke the story of the Market Center with reliable sources. :-D Steve 10-08-2010, 09:33 PM Reliable sources have it that a person wants to buy the mall and turn it into a market center. Trolls are still out and about !!!!!!!!!!!!! Swake2 10-09-2010, 07:40 AM Ahhh, prayers have finally been answered. KFOR broke the story of the Market Center with reliable sources. :-D Link? It's not on the website that I can see. lovokc 10-09-2010, 11:03 AM Link? It's not on the website that I can see. I could not find it either. I think Thunder was being funny again. jn1780 10-09-2010, 01:20 PM I wonder how many weeks/months it will be until this thread gets pushed to the bottom of the forum without any new information. Steve 10-12-2010, 11:51 AM Um.... there was no story on KFOR. Not that I saw. |