09-06-2010, 07:07 PM
What are your favorite iPad apps?
View Full Version : Favorite iPad apps metro 09-06-2010, 07:07 PM What are your favorite iPad apps? Lord Helmet 09-07-2010, 11:31 AM Hmm.. Twitterific Angry Birds HD IMDB Wikipanion Air Video Netflix Stanza Google Earth Spark Radio Dropbox ABC Player Reeder Weather Bug Harbor Master Wikihood Words With Friends HD Stick Golf HD Those should get you started. Most are free or close to it. BBatesokc 09-07-2010, 11:39 AM Here's my list from another thread.... Bento, Amazon, Corkulous, Twittelator, Pages, DropBox, Downloads, DocToGo, CNN, Ap Mobile, Pulse, LifeHacker, Mashable, SoundPaper, iHeart Radio, mSecure, PocketMoney, TV Guide, Netflix, Hulu+, UrbanSpoon, Ebay, Dragon Dictation, Zinio, Informant HD, iPodcastStudio, WordPress, EverNote, TWC Max+, Flixster, Gas Cubby, StP, CraigsPro, FlipBoard, PS Express, PhotoGene, PhotoPal, iNet, iOwn, Read It Later, Eyewitness, Whistle, Mark on Call,, Momento, ABC Player, Wikihood, iFitness, Lose It!, Music ID, OKStatutes09, iBooks, Kindle, AppAdvice, ShutterSnitch, TextFree, MileBug, and Friendly. A great companion software title for your desktop is the FREE Handbrake. Great for ripping DVD's for importing into your iPad! Don't forget the USB/SD card adapter and a cordless MicroSD scanner. The app, 'AppAdvice' is an awesome blog type app that reviews apps and posts when great apps go on sale. I've gotten many free or greatly reduced apps by reading their content - paid for itself in one download. metro 09-07-2010, 04:51 PM Flipboard is a really innovative app that I am finding will alter the way I do business. HewenttoJared 09-21-2010, 01:34 PM Timetree. I'm completely geeking out with it. flintysooner 10-23-2010, 10:14 AM Atomic Web browser Lord Helmet 10-28-2010, 12:18 PM Plex I have a Mac Mini hooked up to my TV as a media center with Plex. I can stream my entire media collection (movies, TV, etc) from this Mini to my iPad using the iOS version of Plex. Not only that, but it also encodes flash video on the fly and sends it to my iPad as well (ESPN3, Hulu etc). Also works over the internet (there is some moderately geeky setup to get this working though). Eep 10-28-2010, 12:44 PM Plex I have a Mac Mini hooked up to my TV as a media center with Plex. I can stream my entire media collection (movies, TV, etc) from this Mini to my iPad using the iOS version of Plex. Not only that, but it also encodes flash video on the fly and sends it to my iPad as well (ESPN3, Hulu etc). Also works over the internet (there is some moderately geeky setup to get this working though). You had me at "ESPN3". Thanks for the recommendation! Lord Helmet 11-02-2010, 02:45 PM You had me at "ESPN3". Thanks for the recommendation! FQIW I just updated to the latest Plex Media Center, and it broke flash encoding to iOS devices...I'm sure it will be fixed with the next release though. Eep 11-05-2010, 01:57 PM I've fallen in love with Highly Visual (, an image-centric RSS reader. I've always found traditional RSS readers to be tedious for viewing the image-heavy, text-light feeds prevalent in the art/fashion/architecture/design spheres. Highly Visual is ideal for these types of feeds because, rather than a list of article titles, you're presented with a grid of the images contained in them. This allows you to base your choice of what to read on which images you find most compelling. Once you select an image, you can swipe through other images in that article and read any accompanying text. Unless you exclusively are interested in feed sources where the articles' images are of equal or higher significance to their text accompaniments, Highly Visual won't be your only RSS reader. However, it does what it was designed to do very well, looks great in the process, and is well worth the $2.99 price tag (IMO, of course). HewenttoJared 12-02-2010, 12:04 PM Osmos is a really neat game. Nothing else like it out there on any platform. HewenttoJared 12-17-2010, 12:21 PM Infinity Blade is also impressive. PennyQuilts 12-17-2010, 08:34 PM This is an excellent thread - thanks. HewenttoJared 12-20-2010, 09:19 AM Star Walk. Hands-down the neatest sky-watching tool I've ever used. HewenttoJared 03-05-2011, 08:45 AM World of Goo ties Osmos for most creative games on the platform. BBatesokc 04-21-2011, 11:28 AM Just an FYI - if you have any iDevice (phone, touch pad) you can download the FREE Sirius app and try it free for 30-days. I'm really liking it. Much better than having it in my car (My new Edge came with it). With the App you can listen from your home computer, or take your iDevice in any car or location and listen. I wasn't a fan of the Sirius in a fixed car radio but I really like this mobile version. I'm told an Android version will be out soon for the EVO. Pete 04-21-2011, 12:11 PM I have a whole list I want to download as soon as my new iPad2 arrives. It was just shipped a couple of days ago and this will be my first iPad, although I've had a couple of iPhones. Apple is gradually winning me over! I'm most anxious to try some of the remote control apps and want to get an RF/IR dongle to control my home theater plus lots of other household electronics. HewenttoJared 04-21-2011, 01:17 PM Gotta try Osmos! Pete 04-21-2011, 02:08 PM Here is a good list by PC Magazine of the top 75 apps:,3253,l%253D250054%2526a%253D250058%2526po%253D1, 00.asp?p=n HewenttoJared 07-24-2012, 06:46 PM Osmos added multiplayer in recent update. It is really well done! My GC name is TasteTheRainbow if anyone wants to add me. |