08-31-2010, 01:27 PM
I am not sure this is the right area but was wondering if anyone was planning to enter anything in the state fair? I've got some quilts I plan to enter.
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PennyQuilts 08-31-2010, 01:27 PM I am not sure this is the right area but was wondering if anyone was planning to enter anything in the state fair? I've got some quilts I plan to enter. kevinpate 08-31-2010, 04:51 PM Not even planning on entering the gates, let alone a contest, but luck to you all the same. Dustin 08-31-2010, 04:53 PM Not even planning on entering the gates, let alone a contest, but luck to you all the same. Ohh come on! You gotta go for the turkey legs!! kevinpate 08-31-2010, 05:00 PM Ohh come on! You gotta go for the turkey legs!! Nah, can get better turkey at Van's and a pile of brisket and sausage too, just so the other parts of the plate don't feel left out. I'm kind to plates like that. Easy180 08-31-2010, 06:18 PM Missin out on the absolute best part of the fair People watchin Bigrayok 08-31-2010, 08:49 PM Jeff Foxworthy once said something to the effect, "If you think your family has problems, go to the state fair and after a few minutes you will realize you aren't doing so bad''. I am always fascinated by where people people come from and how some can afford to go to the fair. I love the state fair though, even though I mentioned in another thread I do not like some of the changes over the years. My favorite food item is the Italian Sausage Sandwiches with peppers and grilled onions. I also like the Pork Loin Sandwich from the Oklahoma Pork Producer's booth. I am ready for the fair to start. Bigray in Ok PennyQuilts 08-31-2010, 09:30 PM Well, I am about ready for some rain so the fair must be due. I like the funnel cakes, the livestock exhibitions, the mobile home exhibitions (don't ask me why but I do), etc. I avoid the Midway and the rides but it is such a tradition that I like to go - but hate the parking. Thunder 09-01-2010, 05:51 AM Not sure if I will be able to go this year. Mom got her foot pain (same as last year), so I may make her to use a wheelchair (like I did for Mother's Day at the Zoo). For me, I have just ordered $200 worth of fish (these are rare, special, blah blah blah from Lake Malawi) and plus new tank and equipments. That is a lot of money for my hobby. Plus I just paid the $176 bench warrant to avoid arrest (stupid police). *sighs* What a world. bombermwc 09-01-2010, 06:50 AM Hey if you wanna see the people from the fair, you don't have to wait. Just go to walmart! ddavidson8 09-01-2010, 07:28 AM Not sure if I will be able to go this year. Mom got her foot pain (same as last year), so I may make her to use a wheelchair (like I did for Mother's Day at the Zoo). For me, I have just ordered $200 worth of fish (these are rare, special, blah blah blah from Lake Malawi) and plus new tank and equipments. That is a lot of money for my hobby. Plus I just paid the $176 bench warrant to avoid arrest (stupid police). *sighs* What a world. Huh? Kerry 09-01-2010, 08:04 AM Thought you all might find this interesting. The Michigan State Fair is no more.;_ylt=AoKq2TrHwjJXAN yTgwnNTepH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTNqcDU5NnRjBGFzc2V0A2FwLz IwMTAwOTAxL3VzX2Zvb2RfYW5kX2Zhcm1fbWljaGlnYW5fZmFp cgRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wdWxhcgRjcG9zAzQEcG9zAzQEc2VjA3 luX3RvcF9zdG9yaWVzBHNsawN0cmFkaXRpb25lbmQ- This year, he and his family are home after Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm canceled the fair, saying debt-ridden Michigan could no longer afford to subsidize it. Granholm's decision makes Michigan the only Midwestern state and one of few nationwide without a state fair. The Michigan State Fair had been a state tradition for 160 years and held at Eight Mile and Woodward, within Detroit city limits, since 1905. But the fair had been running deficits and needed $360,000 from the state in 2008 to cover losses. Fewer than 220,000 people passed through last year. At its peak in 1966, the fair drew 1 million. Thunder 09-01-2010, 09:43 AM Sucks for Michigan. I find it funny that they did not hold a rally to collect donations. A dollar or two from every person would greatly help. Hell even plenty of them being able to donate 5 or 10 bux. Kerry 09-01-2010, 10:02 AM Sucks for Michigan. I find it funny that they did not hold a rally to collect donations. A dollar or two from every person would greatly help. Hell even plenty of them being able to donate 5 or 10 bux. Or instead of donations, they could have just attended the fair. If you read the article the head of the Minnesota State Fair has pretty good insight into what went wrong in Michigan. PennyQuilts 09-01-2010, 08:07 PM I worry that someday the fair will go away. As it is, wuite of a bit of it is tradition left from an earlier, more agricultural period. Oh well. OKCbyTRANSFER 09-09-2024, 08:48 PM Reviving this since the fair starts this week. If you choose to pay for parking (or tickets at the gate) the fair is now cashless. You'll need a credit/ debt card to pay. The vendors can still accept cash, and ATM machines are still there. But the fair itself will not. NavySeabee 09-09-2024, 09:47 PM We went last year after not attending for several years. It’s just not worth going anymore. The food was way overpriced and the exhibits were not all that great. gjl 09-09-2024, 10:33 PM I miss PennyQuilts. Her profile shows last activity 11-20-2015. OKCbyTRANSFER 09-10-2024, 01:30 AM I miss PennyQuilts. Her profile shows last activity 11-20-2015. Yes, I saw that too when I found this thread. Jeepnokc 09-10-2024, 06:02 AM We went last year after not attending for several years. It’s just not worth going anymore. The food was way overpriced and the exhibits were not all that great. I was surprised to see the turkey legs for $18 a piece last year. That used to be one of the things I would always get but now I don't. That brings up the question.....what is everyone's must have at the fair? 1, Pronto dog (the long one...not the short one) 2. Dan's Indian Taco 3. Chicken on a stick (The one booth where they put a roll on the end) 4. Curly fry basket Gone and haven't found suitable replacement: 1 Pork Council Pork sandwich 2. Sammys Pizza/calazone gjl 09-10-2024, 07:24 AM Everything is overpriced for what you get at The fair but it's a once a year thing so we just go and don't worry about what we spend. We have to get at least one corn dog or pronto dog and one strawberry crepe and the rest what ever we see that sounds good at the time. We try and get at one thing we have never had and the wife and I split a lot of items so we can try more stuff. One thing I had a couple of years ago that was a huge disappointment was the deep fried twinkie. It was I think $8 and was horrible. jedicurt 09-10-2024, 07:41 AM We went last year after not attending for several years. It’s just not worth going anymore. The food was way overpriced and the exhibits were not all that great. was my thoughts the last time i went, which was 2019. i just have no desire to go anymore, i used to love walking through all the exhibit halls for hours, but it just seems like all of those have gone way downhill in terms of quality of vendors gjl 09-10-2024, 07:45 AM We also go on Senior day when it's free to get in for us. The last few years we've been renting the little electric scooters too. brunnesa 09-10-2024, 08:11 AM We will go probably 3 times this year. We really enjoy eating the different foods and people watching. We also enjoy some of the free concerts. gjl 09-10-2024, 08:23 AM Yes people watching. We used to count mullets but lately there doesn't seem to be near as many as years ago. Urbanized 09-10-2024, 10:35 AM Mullets are more en vogue right now than they have been since the 1980s...I'll bet mullet spotting at this year's fair will be off the chain. gjl 09-10-2024, 11:33 AM It seems broccoli heads are the new in thing. OKCbyTRANSFER 09-10-2024, 07:32 PM We will go probably 3 times this year. We really enjoy eating the different foods and people watching. We also enjoy some of the free concerts. Tuesday is "Taste of the Fair": $4 gate admission and food vendors will have a $4 option to choose. Mountaingoat 09-10-2024, 08:45 PM It seems broccoli heads are the new in thing. What's not to like? This and a little ranch dressing. kukblue1 09-13-2024, 09:33 PM What has happen to the state fair? Now in all honesty I haven't been since probably 2017 but went tonight from 5-9:30 walked around went and saw Morris Day and the Time and that place seemed empty. The concert areas was pretty full but There were hardly any lines for food. Walking around the exhibits was easy. Also when did it become mostly people just sailing homemade stuff or jewelry cookware etc ? Is guess the home and garden show is for more home stuff but just seemed like a lot less exhibits of home improvement or landscaping than in the past. Fair food also just doesn't do it for me. I know it's expensive but it's not good expensive it that makes sense. Also went looking for a Shed. I figured there be 2 or 3 different shed companies there nope only 1. So maybe it's just me but just didn't seem the same as years ago. Jeepnokc 09-14-2024, 06:38 AM Went yesterday. Very light crowd. Tried the carne asada mexican street corn and it was very good, Worthy enough to add into my fair rotation. Bennett Building seemed the same. Car building has gotten ever more sad this year, There was Ford, Dodge, Jeep,, Toyota and Hyundai. That was it, Big surprise was to see one of the beer booths with full liquor (Makers, crown, vodka, etc). It is the old jamaican me crazy that is back by the main stage, Didn't see liquor any where else. Paule4ou 09-14-2024, 07:43 AM was my thoughts the last time i went, which was 2019. i just have no desire to go anymore, i used to love walking through all the exhibit halls for hours, but it just seems like all of those have gone way downhill in terms of quality of vendors 90% of the vendors are the same every year…..and most of the time even in the exact same location! gjl 09-19-2024, 10:05 AM My observations after attending the State Fair yesterday 9/18/24 (Senior Day). The crowd seemed smaller than last year but still a lot of people. Seemed to be less food vendors. Seemed to be less vendors in the buildings. It is still a PITA getting into the fair from the Reno entrance. You have to walk all the way down to the back side of the horse barn and then cut through it to get into the fair. And it smells lovely. I hope it goes back to somewhat how it was after the new arena is finished and the old one removed. About 1/2 of the automatic handicapped doors on the buildings don't/didn't work. This is inexcusable when there is so much time to prepare for the fair and so many people that need to use them. The bathrooms in the Bennett Building are acceptable but could use some work. The bathrooms in the horse barn were the 2nd best. The bathrooms in all the other buildings we went in are just disgusting and need a total remodel and update. There has to be money for this for what they charge for attendance and vendor fees. This needs to get done. Overall we had a good time and will go again next year on Senior Day again. Celebrator 09-19-2024, 10:59 AM My observations after attending the State Fair yesterday 9/18/24 (Senior Day). The crowd seemed smaller than last year but still a lot of people. Seemed to be less food vendors. Seemed to be less vendors in the buildings. It is still a PITA getting into the fair from the Reno entrance. You have to walk all the way down to the back side of the horse barn and then cut through it to get into the fair. And it smells lovely. I hope it goes back to somewhat how it was after the new arena is finished and the old one removed. About 1/2 of the automatic handicapped doors on the buildings don't/didn't work. This is inexcusable when there is so much time to prepare for the fair and so many people that need to use them. The bathrooms in the Bennett Building are acceptable but could use some work. The bathrooms in the horse barn were the 2nd best. The bathrooms in all the other buildings we went in are just disgusting and need a total remodel and update. There has to be money for this for what they charge for attendance and vendor fees. This needs to get done. Overall we had a good time and will go again next year on Senior Day again. I sure hope you write fair officials and report your experiences--good and bad! Nothing will change if they don't hear from people. TheTravellers 09-19-2024, 11:12 AM I sure hope you write fair officials and report your experiences--good and bad! Nothing will change if they don't hear from people. That's a bad take on it. The state fair should *absolutely* have known about the broken doors, bad bathrooms, etc., they should *not* have to rely on the people attending filling out a form. Of course, that can't hurt, but there's no excuse for all that not being fixed before the fair opens (or if they broke/got disgusting during it, they should've found it and fixed it). jn1780 09-19-2024, 02:03 PM That's a bad take on it. The state fair should *absolutely* have known about the broken doors, bad bathrooms, etc., they should *not* have to rely on the people attending filling out a form. Of course, that can't hurt, but there's no excuse for all that not being fixed before the fair opens (or if they broke/got disgusting during it, they should've found it and fixed it). You have to wonder if they spent anytime at all testing bathrooms or doors before the fair or if things broke during the fair and they don't want to pay someone overtime to fix things after hours. OKCRealtor 09-19-2024, 02:58 PM I went twice this year, I can't recall ever doing that except maybe as kid with parents/grandparents. Since I have a 5 year old it seemed like perfect opportunity to take her a 2nd time apart from our usual family outing for some one on one. The crowds weren't crazy on Sunday or Tuesday, it was pretty warm but not miserable so that was good. Obviously the prices for stuff are ridiculous but it's a rare experience one a year so I didn't really mind. I think I paid $16 for a lemonade and cheese stick at one stand oof. Celebrator 09-19-2024, 03:18 PM That's a bad take on it. The state fair should *absolutely* have known about the broken doors, bad bathrooms, etc., they should *not* have to rely on the people attending filling out a form. Of course, that can't hurt, but there's no excuse for all that not being fixed before the fair opens (or if they broke/got disgusting during it, they should've found it and fixed it). Yeah, okay, it's a bad take. Whatever. Of course they should have known about that stuff! But if you see stuff wrong, you report it! Give me a break...bad take. Dob Hooligan 09-19-2024, 04:21 PM I'm guessing they work to maintain the buildings regularly while over 70,000 people a day attend. But, human nature tells us that substandard facilities during the exact moment we were there must be permanent. If the bathroom is checked, cleaned and restocked every 2 hours, it doesn't matter to me, because it was dirty when I was there. gjl 09-19-2024, 04:46 PM I'm guessing they work to maintain the buildings regularly while over 70,000 people a day attend. But, human nature tells us that substandard facilities during the exact moment we were there must be permanent. If the bathroom is checked, cleaned and restocked every 2 hours, it doesn't matter to me, because it was dirty when I was there. It seems you think I am just being nit picking about the bathrooms and they just happened to be a little unkept when I happened to go in them. . It's not a matter of the bathrooms being dirty. they are old and outdated. Many of the faucets don't work and the stand alone sinks are from 50 years ago. They need to be completely remodeled with modern fixtures and counters. Apparently you haven't been in them to just think I was saying they just dirty. One bathroom in particular in the Centennial building just reeked of urine. That shouldn't happen in a modern bathroom. The bathrooms in the Bennett building didn't. Dob Hooligan 09-20-2024, 09:11 AM It seems you think I am just being nit picking about the bathrooms and they just happened to be a little unkept when I happened to go in them. . It's not a matter of the bathrooms being dirty. they are old and outdated. Many of the faucets don't work and the stand alone sinks are from 50 years ago. They need to be completely remodeled with modern fixtures and counters. Apparently you haven't been in them to just think I was saying they just dirty. One bathroom in particular in the Centennial building just reeked of urine. That shouldn't happen in a modern bathroom. The bathrooms in the Bennett building didn't. I mean no disrespect or offense. I agree that many bathrooms are old in the Fairgrounds, and could use an update. A bathroom that has stalls with broken door latches, missing doors or seats is a real, immediate need. I don't think that is the issue at the Fairgrounds. Missing toilet paper, paper towels, soap, or clogged and dirty areas are also a real need. I think the janitorial staff there is doing an okay job keeping up the daily use. Make no mistake, I fully believe there are many bathrooms there that could use a full makeover. I "think" it would cost over $100,000 to work over each bathroom there. They probably have sewer and vent lines that need to be dug up and replaced; water lines that are inside the concrete block walls and are so corroded they don't flow; electrical service that is no longer up to snuff, etc. Management then looks at the failings of the rest of the 60-year old building and decides to replace the whole structure. So they decide to hold off on the bathroom remodel. See if it can limp along a few more years, right? jn1780 09-20-2024, 02:07 PM The long term "vision" is probably to demolish the buildings they have not already replaced. Broken handicap buttons is a problem though.... Dob Hooligan 09-20-2024, 03:58 PM The long term "vision" is probably to demolish the buildings they have not already replaced. Broken handicap buttons is a problem though.... Agree that handicap door issues are a real problem that needs an immediate fix. But I don't know if those doors have an automatic shut-off when something blocks the way, and can be reset easily (kind of like escalators) or there is a bigger issue with them. I'm guessing they can be reset. gjl 09-20-2024, 04:51 PM One issue with one automatic door was the button was actually on the door jamb. So anyone on a scooter or wheelchair had to go right up to the door to push the button then you are directly in the way of the door opening. Whoever thought that was a good idea is just dumb. At the Bennett Building the pole outside the door with the buttons was barely attached to the ground and none of those buttons worked. And there was one building that didn't have any automatic doors at all on one entrance. And on Senior day there were plenty of people that needed them. kukblue1 09-20-2024, 08:20 PM Talked to a friend today that has worked security for years at the fair. He has noticed that the crowd size seems way down this year. He thinks it's cause of the age limit thing. Lot's less kids. Should be interesting too see the numbers this year. Minors would go to the fair all the time. gjl 09-20-2024, 10:28 PM There was a time when schools had Fair Day when you got out of school one day to go to the fair. I can remember being dropped off at the fair by mom and picked up later in the day. scottk 09-21-2024, 10:56 AM Talked to a friend today that has worked security for years at the fair. He has noticed that the crowd size seems way down this year. He thinks it's cause of the age limit thing. Lot's less kids. Should be interesting too see the numbers this year. Minors would go to the fair all the time. We noticed what seemed like less people last Saturday when the weather was cooler. Made walking around enjoyable. In my opinion, it's the costs and what the overall fair offers. As everything has gone up, families and individuals have less disposable income to spend or direct their spending elsewhere. The gate admission is fine, but it's the additional prices once you get in the gate can really add up quickly. We went for three hours, and dropped $100 on some just okay BBQ, some cotton candy and a pretzel, and a ride or two. Honestly, it really wasn't time or money well spent. Car shows, AG expositions, and hot tub vendors really don't pull people in like they use to? Pete 09-21-2024, 12:19 PM ^ Even the car show is incredibly lame. I walked through last year and it's a shadow of what it once was. And don't forget the 537 massage chair vendors! gjl 09-21-2024, 01:39 PM it was only Ford/Lincoln (1/2 the building), Toyota (1/4 the building) and Hyundai (1/4 the building). The pavilion. Mountaingoat 09-21-2024, 04:06 PM No Canoo's?? Missed opportunity? Pete 09-21-2024, 04:13 PM I remember when virtually every car make was represented at the fair. Now they have 3 out of what, 20? Dob Hooligan 09-21-2024, 04:55 PM I think the car business has changed. The new models and model year change over isn't a big thing that happens in September/October anymore. The spring Auto Show is a better way to get crowds. And fewer dealers take part in that anymore. Dealers don't see a benefit from the big consumer events. Not a bump in sales; cars get damaged; employees hate the overtime and overall experience. Bill Robertson 09-21-2024, 06:15 PM I think the car business has changed. The new models and model year change over isn't a big thing that happens in September/October anymore. The spring Auto Show is a better way to get crowds. And fewer dealers take part in that anymore. Dealers don't see a benefit from the big consumer events. Not a bump in sales; cars get damaged; employees hate the overtime and overall experience.For many years I was part of the electrical crew that ran power to cars at the spring OKC and Tulsa auto shows. It used to take 5 or 6 of us 2 10 hour days and a couple guys part of a third day. Now 3 guys do it in only 2 days. There aren't half the makes showing up as what used to. gjl 09-21-2024, 06:34 PM Thinking about it Ford/Lincoln only had 1/2 the building on one side. The other side of that 1/2 was miniature golf so really only 3/4 of the building had cars. My wife asked me if after the fair are those cars sold as 100% new. I didn't know. I would figure they would have to discount them since many of them had tons of people in and out of them. Bill Robertson 09-21-2024, 07:08 PM Thinking about it Ford/Lincoln only had 1/2 the building on one side. The other side of that 1/2 was miniature golf so really only 3/4 of the building had cars. My wife asked me if after the fair are those cars sold as 100% new. I didn't know. I would figure they would have to discount them since many of them had tons of people in and out of them.I always wondered about the cars myself. For the spring shows there are traveling companies that do the displays, backdrops, rotating stages, etc. Local dealers are given a spec for cars to be provided for each show. I don't know if the show cars are discounted or if they give them a super duper detail job and sell them as pristine. Dob Hooligan 09-22-2024, 08:42 AM I always wondered about the cars myself. For the spring shows there are traveling companies that do the displays, backdrops, rotating stages, etc. Local dealers are given a spec for cars to be provided for each show. I don't know if the show cars are discounted or if they give them a super duper detail job and sell them as pristine. I think carmakers give an allowance for each of the “show cars”. The dealer might try to retail it normally at first, to see if it sells at full price, and then discount it as time goes by. warreng88 09-23-2024, 10:00 AM Am I the only one who thought it was ironic that there was a massive downpour on the last day of the fair when the weather had been relatively quiet the rest of the time? jn1780 09-23-2024, 11:56 AM Am I the only one who thought it was ironic that there was a massive downpour on the last day of the fair when the weather had been relatively quick the rest of the time? The state fair is starting to loose its power to manipulate the weather. It was the last day before it brought the rains. :) White Line Nightmare 09-23-2024, 12:05 PM The state fair usually brought rain with it. This year it waiting until the last day. We went on the 21st. And my woman said we aren't going next year. Fewd was just up way more than usual. And one of the cheese stands she liked was not out there this year. OKCbyTRANSFER 09-23-2024, 04:04 PM The state fair usually brought rain with it. This year it waiting until the last day. We went on the 21st. And my woman said we aren't going next year. Fewd was just up way more than usual. And one of the cheese stands she liked was not out there this year. If it was the Wisconsin Cheese vendor, who's been there for about 30 years, you're not alone. I volunteer at the fair, and many many guests asked where they were this year. The owner recently passed away and the family has not yet decided how to move on. Maybe next year once they regroup (?). That was no fault of the fair. The Shriners have not been back since covid, their choice. Sometimes it's about making new memories. bamarsha 09-23-2024, 04:32 PM I think carmakers give an allowance for each of the “show cars”. The dealer might try to retail it normally at first, to see if it sells at full price, and then discount it as time goes by. If I were to guess (and that's all it is), I would guess they used the fair display cars as courtesy cars (the ones they let people drive when their car is in the shop). Again, that's a guess, as I don't know how the courtesy cars get decided either. |