View Full Version : Otasco reunion (oklahoma tire and supply stores)

08-31-2010, 08:49 AM
Last year I had contact with several people that were from "OTASCO" families.

I received the following information if anyone is interested. I may fly in and go to this. My Mom would have really enjoyed seeing some of the children and grandchildren of her former co-workers.

We (former OTASCO families) will meet Saturday, September 25, 2010 at the Golden Corral Restaurant located at 520 South MacArthur (just north of I-40 and east of MacArthur) Oklahoma City. We have reserved the room beginning at 1:00PM. Let's see if we can top last meeting's attendance. *******

09-01-2010, 02:01 PM
Here is a snippet of information on the history of OTASCO.

03-24-2012, 01:22 AM
If any of the Otasco people ever decide to meet again, let me know. My husband and brother both worked for the company at the end, and my mom worked for the company when I was born. We'd love to see some of the people again.

03-24-2012, 02:12 AM
I have to admit, from personal experience, that neither Auto Zone nor O'Reilly's--nor even combined with proto-Target/fading CRAnthony's--could match the customer service provided by Otasco (short for Oklahoma Tire and Supply Company?) . . .

Which leads me to wonder about that entire Walmartian Land Grab out by Choctaw . . =)

Why didn't they simply bulldoze the entire "shopping center" (on the n. side of 23) rather than building anew and starving the remnants to death (metaphorically speaking).

Hopefully, the Walmartians will erect a monument to . . .

Roger S
10-19-2014, 06:18 AM
I was driving through Marlow on my way to the CASA Big BBQ Bash in Lawton and I spotted this.