View Full Version : OKC is 11th of another Top 20 list of Recession proof cities
so1rfan 08-30-2010, 01:29 PM
The Daily Beast has come up with a list of 20 "recession-proof" cities across the U.S. The 20 that made the list each showed growth since 2007 in three categories: overall employment, per capita personal income, and metropolitan area gross domestic product.
Thunder 08-30-2010, 07:00 PM Something is not right to have OKC placed 11th. We should be 1st.
Vegan 08-30-2010, 08:21 PM Cedar Rapids and Iowa City's placing does not surprise me. Well, I'm surprised that CR beat IC.
barnold 08-30-2010, 09:06 PM If were so recession proof, why are we cutting services? Another B.S. story of fictional numbers and glorified projections. Okc just didn't get hit as hard because of the energy industry.
dmoor82 08-30-2010, 09:07 PM This is a list of overall recession proof cities not recession proof "Major Cities" if that were The case OKC would be #2 right behind Washington D.C.!
barnold 08-30-2010, 09:17 PM Dmoor82,
So why is our unemployment rate higher than it's been in the last 20 years, new construction down and essential city services being cut to the bone worse than it's ever been in 20 years? Do you mean our city politicians on the horseshoe have been misleading us all along? Until last quarter, they projected nothing but Doom and Gloom.
dmoor82 08-30-2010, 09:23 PM ^^OKC's unemployment rate is One of The lowest rates in The country for Major cities!Oklahoma and OKC in specific is ranked #1 for construction jobs! Those are The facts!Even The not so brightest color in The Crayola box can see OKC is on The rise!
dmoor82 08-30-2010, 09:25 PM Oklahoma #1 for construction jobs Also OKC has been ranked #1 in The past and is still ranked high for Americas recession proof cities,this specific list is overall U.S. cities not Major cities if that was The case OKC would be #2!
jn1780 08-30-2010, 09:30 PM Dmoor82,
So why is our unemployment rate higher than it's been in the last 20 years, new construction down and essential city services being cut to the bone worse than it's ever been in 20 years? Do you mean our city politicians on the horseshoe have been misleading us all along? Until last quarter, they projected nothing but Doom and Gloom.
No were not "recession proof", it just means were in the best shape of all thoses cities in the survey. Unless the Federal Government starts firing people or energy prices collapse(which I think the Federal Reserve and Federal Government would try to prevent by pumping excess liquidity into the system), Oklahoma will remain on the Top 20 list.
barnold 08-30-2010, 09:33 PM dmoor82,
While construction jobs do rate high (not #1 as you list, but give me min. to find the link) you must look at overall unemployment rates. A great deal of the construction jobs you cite are being garnered by out of state temporary residents that will go back to Texas with their new found riches once the jobs are done. Roofs will be finished in the next few months and new construction will still be at a bare minimum compared to 3 or 5 years ago.
dmoor82 08-30-2010, 09:34 PM ^^jn1780 exactly!Try living in AZ,CA,Fl or other states really hit by The recession!but try telling OKCitians that lost there job or had a house forclosed on that OKC is recession proof.
barnold 08-30-2010, 09:37 PM
while we are in better shape than much of the country, we are FAR from recession proof.
dmoor82 08-30-2010, 09:39 PM dmoor82,
While construction jobs do rate high (not #1 as you list, but give me min. to find the link) you must look at overall unemployment rates. A great deal of the construction jobs you cite are being garnered by out of state temporary residents that will go back to Texas with their new found riches once the jobs are done. Roofs will be finished in the next few months and new construction will still be at a bare minimum compared to 3 or 5 years ago.
LOL! not just roofs!try all the construction at the Medical complex or The Oklahoma River or The I-40 realignment,just to name a few!OKC has alot of projects going up in this recession as it stands The Devon tower is The tallest structure rising from the ground in The whole U.S. outside of NYC!So thats The Devon tower,project 180,Sandridge,OK river projects,I-40,Medical towers,Ford Center,OKC outlet Shoppes etc....... all this development and more during this recession!and on top of that MAPS3 was passed during The recession!
dmoor82 08-30-2010, 09:42 PM
while we are in better shape than much of the country, we are FAR from recession proof.
^^While I agree The # is high,OKC's unemployment rate is low for The current recession!
barnold 08-30-2010, 09:43 PM dmoor82,
So by your calculations, we should reinstate all positions eliminated by the city council in the past year for essential city services since we are recession proof? You must be in the construction industry right?
jn1780 08-30-2010, 09:52 PM dmoor82,
So by your calculations, we should reinstate all positions eliminated by the city council in the past year for essential city services since we are recession proof? You must be in the construction industry right?
I think you are upset about the media using the term "recession proof" which I agree its stupid. I don't think dmoor82 is saying that were "recession proof", just trying to justify why the media says were in the top 20.
dmoor82 08-30-2010, 09:52 PM ^^barnold-You must be a Firefighter or policeman/woman?And No I'm not in construction!Dont get me wrong I understand where your coming from!I too dislike The letting go of essential city jobs and agree as soon as tax revenue is up ALL jobs should be reinstated!
dmoor82 08-30-2010, 09:55 PM I think you are upset about the media using the term "recession proof" which I agree its stupid. I don't think dmoor82 is saying that were "recession proof", just trying to justify why the media says were in the top 20.
^^Exacltly,I should have stated that more clearly and from The git go!OKC is in Great shape compared to other Major cities!thats all I'm saying,of course we still have problems and issues to resolve but not anywhere close to other cities!
HOT ROD 08-31-2010, 12:48 AM all major cities eliminated positions and cut costs, including Washington DC and OKC. but it just so happens that DC and OKC are the best surviving major cities in the country - hence the term 'recession proof.'
it doesn't mean there isn't a recession in OKC or DC, it means that the recession hasn't hit these two major cities as hard as it has other cities. Please try to comprehend the results of the study before some of you post; no offense.
Laramie 08-31-2010, 01:42 AM This is a list of overall recession proof cities not recession proof "Major Cities" if that were The case OKC would be #2 right behind Washington D.C.!
Good point!
Kerry 08-31-2010, 09:47 AM If were so recession proof, why are we cutting services? Another B.S. story of fictional numbers and glorified projections. Okc just didn't get hit as hard because of the energy industry.
So you think the economy is based on the size and scope of government? The reality is the economy is better when public sector employment is going down. Public sector employees do not contribute to GDP which is the indicator of economic health.
jpmoney 08-31-2010, 10:25 AM The top 3 are military towns. With that said, Jacksonville and Fayetteville are the two worst cities in NC.
Laramie 08-31-2010, 03:08 PM
while we are in better shape than much of the country, we are FAR from recession proof.
Thanks for the calculator line-graph link!
When you want to know how Oklahoma is doing compare it to Texas and North Carolina (great states to gauge); those are the states that have excellent business-friendly climates.