View Full Version : Ludivine
BoulderSooner 09-02-2021, 01:51 PM Right, but seems to me that people mainly go to Ludivine to eat and R&J to drink. I could be wrong, though...
i can only speak for my self ... but the ludivine bar is a fantastic place to have a drink don't know about the total numbers .. you could be correct ..
TheTravellers 09-02-2021, 02:03 PM i can only speak for my self ... but the ludivine bar is a fantastic place to have a drink don't know about the total numbers .. you could be correct ..
Sadly, we missed out on going to Ludivine's bar when they were in the old location (heard it was also amazing), need to try the new bar. We're not too social WRT bars, don't really go to them, just go out and eat, not drink.
BoulderSooner 09-02-2021, 02:22 PM Sadly, we missed out on going to Ludivine's bar when they were in the old location (heard it was also amazing), need to try the new bar. We're not too social WRT bars, don't really go to them, just go out and eat, not drink.
they have all their apps half price in the bar until 4-6 you should check it out it is a very nice place .
also one of the best deals in OKC is
Half price tasting menu Tuesday - Thursday from 5-6pm and 9-10 pm!
** don't know if this is still offered but it is still on their website
TheTravellers 09-02-2021, 02:40 PM they have all their apps half price in the bar until 4-6 you should check it out it is a very nice place .
also one of the best deals in OKC is
Half price tasting menu Tuesday - Thursday from 5-6pm and 9-10 pm!
** don't know if this is still offered but it is still on their website
The tasting menu sounds like something we should go for, thx. We try to eat out on Thu nights and Saturdays (we cook the rest of the time, usually) to try to make a dent in our list of places we want to eat at, and this would be a good way to get out of there with less than a triple-digit bill.
BoulderSooner 09-02-2021, 03:34 PM The tasting menu sounds like something we should go for, thx. We try to eat out on Thu nights and Saturdays (we cook the rest of the time, usually) to try to make a dent in our list of places we want to eat at, and this would be a good way to get out of there with less than a triple-digit bill.
We used to hit up the tasting menu once a month on a Tuesday.
75- 100 dollar a person meal For 37- 50 pretty great deal
Walking around Midtown yesterday, this building is looking very sad now.
The curtains are drawn on the closed Ludivine space and there were homeless living in the alcove facing 10th.
It's just fantastic space and I sure hope they find a replacement soon.
bison34 02-04-2024, 12:45 PM Is there some concern with there being so many empty restaurant spaces all owned by the same group? Midtown Renaissance seems slow filling any of them.
Is there some concern with there being so many empty restaurant spaces all owned by the same group? Midtown Renaissance seems slow filling any of them.
This building is owned by Chip Fudge but yes, this is yet another empty restaurant space in the immediate area.
Bowser214 03-30-2024, 02:12 PM 18740
BoulderSooner 04-01-2024, 08:53 AM 18740
good deal ... and with how that space is built it should not need much work ..
OkieBerto 04-10-2024, 10:25 AM Chef Hutton won the Chopped show he was on last night and said this new restaurant will be called Alma.
Bowser214 04-10-2024, 10:32 AM Can’t wait!
PhiAlpha 04-10-2024, 11:12 AM Chef Hutton won the Chopped show he was on last night and said this new restaurant will be called Alma.
Alma go there the second it opens.
TheTravellers 04-10-2024, 11:27 AM I thought GHST was already open in the former Ludivine space, or am I getting the storefronts along that block confused?
OkieBerto 04-10-2024, 11:28 AM Alma go there the second it opens.
This is high-quality dad joke! Well done!
OkieBerto 04-10-2024, 11:29 AM I thought GHST was already open in the former Ludivine space, or am I getting the storefronts along that block confused?
GHST is in the spot where Ludivine started. They will now take over the spot where Ludivine moved.
TheTravellers 04-10-2024, 11:30 AM GHST is in the spot where Ludivine started. They will now take over the spot where Ludivine moved.
Thx, just reread the tweet and it does say NW 10th, duh on my part...
soonerguru 04-10-2024, 10:09 PM Walking around Midtown yesterday, this building is looking very sad now.
The curtains are drawn on the closed Ludivine space and there were homeless living in the alcove facing 10th.
It's just fantastic space and I sure hope they find a replacement soon.
It is a real neat space, but it's not as good as the original location. Does anyone know why Ludivine moved? I'm genuinely curious.
The restaurant and bar business is incredibly difficult even in the best of times. It's even harder when you move. There are so many variables in a restaurant's success, but location is usually paramount.
There was a certain magic at Ludivine's original location. I can't remember the circumstances that led to them moving. I was excited about the new locale and the new bar was superb, but something seemed to be lost. Maybe that happened before the move -- I honestly don't remember because everything pre-Covid seems like a blur now.
So many restaurants relocate and fail to recapture the magic of their original location.
BoulderSooner 04-11-2024, 08:10 AM It is a real neat space, but it's not as good as the original location. Does anyone know why Ludivine moved? I'm genuinely curious.
The restaurant and bar business is incredibly difficult even in the best of times. It's even harder when you move. There are so many variables in a restaurant's success, but location is usually paramount.
There was a certain magic at Ludivine's original location. I can't remember the circumstances that led to them moving. I was excited about the new locale and the new bar was superb, but something seemed to be lost. Maybe that happened before the move -- I honestly don't remember because everything pre-Covid seems like a blur now.
So many restaurants relocate and fail to recapture the magic of their original location.
the main investor of Ludivine owned the new building location ... and didn't in the original .. and at the time they wanted/needed more space
soonerguru 04-12-2024, 03:55 PM the main investor of Ludivine owned the new building location ... and didn't in the original .. and at the time they wanted/needed more space
Ah. Makes sense.
OkieBerto 06-03-2024, 11:14 AM Excellent article about the new concept "Alma" by Chef Zach Hutton.
Alma: Fine Dining Goes to the Country (
BridgeBurner 06-05-2024, 10:00 AM Very interesting, didn't know they were closing Ghst to open this.
Ghst website down, instagram deleted, and facebook redirects to Alma (
OkieBerto 06-05-2024, 10:11 AM Very interesting, didn't know they were closing Ghst to open this.
Ghst website down, instagram deleted, and facebook redirects to Alma (
I have a feeling this has to do with how GHST was created. It was birthed from a group called UGK, aka Underground Ghost Kitchen. They still exist and run events with young, exciting chefs. The problem is that they seem to create drama with anyone they work with. The original chef at GHST was PacGod, which he goes by, and he left GHST not long after it started. This group said a lot of hateful things about the Owners of GHST, and they lucked into finding Chef Hutton as Scratch was closing down. It seems like Chef Hutton is taking control of the concept and returning to what he does best. It is probably smart for everyone involved to move away from GHST and UGK altogether.
OkieBerto 06-25-2024, 10:13 AM Alma is open for Lunch today from 11 am to 2:30 pm. Dinner begins at 5 pm and goes until 10 pm. They are suggesting you make reservations for dinner if you plan on going.
OkieBerto 07-02-2024, 12:58 PM Alma had a challenging first day. Overnight, they lost power and all their food. The fridge and freezer were also lost, and they still haven't reopened.
Timshel 07-02-2024, 01:53 PM Definitely a bummer. Went by on Friday to grab a cocktail before dinner. Note that the bar and patio are open for drink service. Chatted with Zach a fair bit and he gave us a tour of the restaurant space (and a loaf of very delicious bread!). On Friday they were hoping to be able to re pair the fridge and freezer but as Berto alluded to they announced today they're having to replace them now. Can't imagine having that happen in the first week of being open.....bummer. I'm sure there was a not-insignificant amount of food that was lost as well.
fromdust 09-14-2024, 09:05 AM Aaaaaaand it's closed.
That has to be a record.
mgharfeh 09-14-2024, 09:54 AM hopefully this space is fixed back up. bring ludivine back
OkieBerto 09-14-2024, 12:49 PM Wow!
That has to be a record.
This is crazy!
kukblue1 09-16-2024, 03:56 PM Unless things change they won't be the only one closing. People are broke. I'm one of them I don't eat out nearly as much as I used too.
Unless things change they won't be the only one closing. People are broke. I'm one of them I don't eat out nearly as much as I used too.
There are far, far more restaurants opening vs. closing.
W8N2SKI 09-16-2024, 04:21 PM Unless things change they won't be the only one closing. People are broke. I'm one of them I don't eat out nearly as much as I used too.
Yeah, this is wildly inaccurate. I eat out very often, and most people I associate with and work with do the same. It is hard to keep up with all the new restaurants to try. It feels like there is a new one opening every week.
I've said it many times, but the OKC restaurant and bar scene is rapidly maturing.
Tons more competition which means you'd better bring your A-game (or at least B-game) otherwise people have tons and tons of other choices.
Also, lots of leases are expiring (usually 5 years), and some long-term places have owners who want to retire or just can't keep up with the increased competition.
Also, I usually talk to the operators early on and often try a place out not long after they open. It's usually very obvious who is going to succeed and who isn't.
W8N2SKI 09-16-2024, 04:35 PM I feel that in the city, most districts go through a "refresh" cycle. This is when some old businesses close down after being in operation for many years, and new concepts come in to replace them. It just takes time for these new concepts to attract the right crowd. Midtown is currently going through this with Packard's, Brown's, Louies, Bleu Garten, and 1492 closing. It will take some time for these new tenants to get their footing in a district primed for development.
kukblue1 09-16-2024, 04:36 PM There are far, far more restaurants opening vs. closing.
Aren't opening and profitable two different things?
kukblue1 09-16-2024, 05:00 PM,pronounced% 20drop%20in%20January%202024. So are the numbers wrong? Possible things are just better in Oklahoma?,pronounced% 20drop%20in%20January%202024. So are the numbers wrong? Possible things are just better in Oklahoma?
I'm telling you I keep a comprehensive list of openings and closings in the OKC area and there are far more new restaurants than those that go out of business.
If you haven't noticed, almost as soon as a place closes, another opens in its place. Then, you have loads of new construction on top of that. Pretty simple math.
Okie1234 09-16-2024, 06:43 PM Suprised such a great location with parking spots in midtown can't land stable concept.
There are lots of good chefs/cooks that have no idea how to run a restaurant. You see it over and over again.
W8N2SKI 09-16-2024, 07:11 PM,pronounced% 20drop%20in%20January%202024. So are the numbers wrong? Possible things are just better in Oklahoma?
You can find statistics online to support anything you want. I frequently travel for work, and restaurants in many cities have bustling crowds and long waits. People still eat out often, and it's not just an Oklahoma thing. Many of the new restaurants in OKC stay open well after opening, which indicates that they are profitable.
TheTravellers 09-16-2024, 07:50 PM There are lots of good chefs/cooks that have no idea how to run a restaurant. You see it over and over again.
Alma, apparently.
kukblue1 09-16-2024, 08:16 PM I'm telling you I keep a comprehensive list of openings and closings in the OKC area and there are far more new restaurants than those that go out of business.
If you haven't noticed, almost as soon as a place closes, another opens in its place. Then, you have loads of new construction on top of that. Pretty simple math.
That's great Question is how many are profitable? Like not just a littler more than break even but making a good Profit. There are a bunch of restaurants that run on very little profit or they have one location that makes a profit and another location that does not.
kukblue1 09-16-2024, 08:35 PM Never Mind found it. Only 20% I thought it would be a little higher and I'm sure what part of the country you live in effects it also.
Jeepnokc 09-17-2024, 07:36 AM There are lots of good chefs/cooks that have no idea how to run a restaurant. You see it over and over again.
This is a problem with a lot of professions. There are a lot great lawyers at the DA's office and the Public Defenders office that go into private practice only to return in 6 months to a year as they don't know how to run a business. Professional schools as well as culinary schools need to offer more than a token class on business, marketing and finance. My daughter is working on her doctorate in audiology and not a business class to be found.
^^^ Business isn't for everyone, no matter how many classes you take in school. The restaurant industry, in particular, is tough with so many moving parts. I doubt many business school professors would succeed as business owners. That said, it's always a good idea to pick up some knowledge in accounting and finance in business classes.
Will Dearborn 09-19-2024, 06:30 PM Did something weird happen here or did they just realize right away it wasn't going to work out and pulled the plug to save $$$?
I had a drink at the bar a few weeks back (weekday dinnertime) and was the only one there the whole time.
Urbanized 09-19-2024, 07:23 PM I have no intel other than I’ve known the folks at R&J for a long time and a few of them mentioned early on to me that the Alma folks were a bit difficult and entitled, which surely didn’t translate well in those close environs. I got eye rolls when I asked how the new neighbors were.
OkieBerto 09-20-2024, 09:25 AM From what I have seen and heard the Chef and his team were doing their job. The Management team failed miserably. Even after some of the soft openings, local chefs who helped out to make sure the food came out right were either not paid the amount they were owed, or never paid at all. One of those chefs was a prior chef at the last place they had opened, GHST, and he left because of how management treated him. To me, it seems that the management team was taking advantage of our local chefs. When word gets around like that, most locals will refuse to spend their money at a restaurant.
Timshel 09-20-2024, 03:41 PM I have no intel other than I’ve known the folks at R&J for a long time and a few of them mentioned early on to me that the Alma folks were a bit difficult and entitled, which surely didn’t translate well in those close environs. I got eye rolls when I asked how the new neighbors were.
I do have one firsthand account of this being accurate/that very much made my eyes roll. But I also had positive interactions as well so don't want to be a total negative Nancy. But it would not surprise me if it were a case of ostensibly being a good chef =/= being a good business owner.
prickle 09-20-2024, 09:56 PM From what I have seen and heard the Chef and his team were doing their job. The Management team failed miserably. Even after some of the soft openings, local chefs who helped out to make sure the food came out right were either not paid the amount they were owed, or never paid at all. One of those chefs was a prior chef at the last place they had opened, GHST, and he left because of how management treated him. To me, it seems that the management team was taking advantage of our local chefs. When word gets around like that, most locals will refuse to spend their money at a restaurant.
A few chefs in OKC have a problem with stealing money. Not saying this happened here by any account, but I know it happened at Ludivine and R&J's a while back.