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08-01-2013, 01:52 PM
26 Reasons Why The University Of Oklahoma Is The Best University To Ever Grace This Earth (

24. This is the main library: Bizzell. Have you ever seen something so gorgeous? It belongs in Disney World.

The OSU version. Have OU fans ever seen something less gorgeous and so lame?

08-01-2013, 02:11 PM
I love this! Its part of the new Headington Hall at OU.

Its called the Guardian. Its a very nice touch IMHO.

It's a replica of the statue atop the State Capitol, FYI.

08-01-2013, 02:53 PM
24. This is the main library: Bizzell. Have you ever seen something so gorgeous? It belongs in Disney World.

The OSU version. Have OU fans ever seen something less gorgeous and so lame?

Well when you compare a pic from the spring with nice clouds in the background with a cool photo filter to a winter pic without any can certainly make them look quite different.

08-01-2013, 03:44 PM
OSU's building is nice, but I prefer Bizzell to any building on OSU's campus. I'm a little biased though. I helped write that article.

08-18-2013, 09:15 PM
Private development continues at the OU Research Campus. If they can also land the GE research facility that would be a major win.

New office complex being built in Norman | (

08-19-2013, 09:51 AM
It's been a year since i was working with the OU Research Campus, but at that time, they were just waiting for the Ancor tenant for 5 Partners Place, and 6 Partners Place was in the early design phases. so i'm sure they are well beyond that phase for it by now

08-19-2013, 10:05 AM
I thought the announcement for the new GE energy research center location was going to be made by now?
I would like to know what the hold up is... but I hope they are not have second thoughts about our area?
An OU location for this new GE venture gives the biggest bang possible to our entire state.

08-19-2013, 10:34 AM
I thought the announcement for the new GE energy research center location was going to be made by now?
I would like to know what the hold up is... but I hope they are not have second thoughts about our area?
An OU location for this new GE venture gives the biggest bang possible to our entire state.

I thought it was said that the site would be chosen in the next 6-9 months from the announcement, and it was just announced in April. I don't think there is a hold up, we are only 4 and a half months out from the initial announcement.

08-19-2013, 11:19 AM
I thought it was said that the site would be chosen in the next 6-9 months from the announcement, and it was just announced in April. I don't think there is a hold up, we are only 4 and a half months out from the initial announcement.

I thought they said this summer? but you are probably right!:D

11-01-2013, 11:43 PM
I took these a few weeks ago of Headington Hall:

11-02-2013, 10:12 AM
I have to say the vast majority of buildings constructed in OU's 21st century building boom have been impressive. There are always a couple exceptions, but it seems like the designs have almost always honored the Cherokee Gothic architecture with an occasional modern twist.

11-02-2013, 10:19 AM
The interiors, gardens and landscaping have all been equally impressive.

The improvement just over the last 15 years or so has been incredible. I love walking around and taking it all in.

11-02-2013, 12:31 PM
Well when you compare a pic from the spring with nice clouds in the background with a cool photo filter to a winter pic without any can certainly make them look quite different.
The osu building is a very nice looking piece of architecture too.

11-03-2013, 09:58 PM
Upcoming Norman campus projects where funds have been requested by the state or through private donations:

- S. J. Sarkeys Complex Addition for Health and Exercise Science: This project will consolidate Department of Health and Exercise Science faculty and students in one location with adequate space. The planned addition to the building will be sized to include approximately 19,550 gross square feet constructed to the south of the existing facility. The addition will provide new lab space, classrooms, and faculty offices, by expanding the existing basement and first floor. The project also includes modifications to the western façade that provides a new front entrance to the building off of Asp Avenue and ties the existing building into the new construction. The total estimated total project cost is $10,000,000.

- Chemistry Building Renovation: As new facilities for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry are constructed, spaces in existing facilities will be vacated and reprogrammed for other instructional and research uses. Renovation will be required to reconfigure space, upgrade building systems and improve accessibility. The estimated total project cost is approximately $10,000,000.

- Biological Sciences Building: Many of the teaching and research facilities utilized by the departments of Biology and Microbiology and Plant Biology, and the Oklahoma Biological Survey are outdated and insufficient to meet the needs of undergraduate teaching, research and current safety standards. In addition, the wide dispersal in multiple locations of the activities and faculty in the biological sciences is another significant impediment to accommodating dramatic growth in student numbers and the achievement of goals. The envisioned building would allow centralization of critical facilities and personnel. The plan would provide a new greenhouse and a superior learning environment for students including a new modern lecture hall, modernized research facilities, and open spaces for students, faculty and staff that will enhance opportunities for cross-disciplinary research collaborations and larger group projects.
The estimated total project cost is $80,000,000.

- Life Sciences Center, Phase II: This project will complete the program requirements necessary to support the instructional and research activities of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and will ultimately consolidate and integrate the teaching and student services programs with the research programs to be constructed as Phase I. Phase II will contain approximately 100,000 gross square feet and will provide the department with state-of-the-art teaching laboratories for General, Analytical, Physical, Biological, Quantitative and Organic chemistry; teaching laboratory support and chemical stock room meeting the current life-safety requirements for storage and handling of hazardous materials; student advising and student services areas including an Information Commons, group study spaces and computer lab; and a 150-seat seminar auditorium. The project will also construct a parking structure. The estimated total project cost is $50,000,000.

- Armory Renovation: This project, with an estimated project cost of $12,000,000, will renovate the current Armory building to provide much needed and up-to-date classroom space required to teach classes in military science. The project will also make needed code, life safety and accessibility improvements to the building and update the building’s mechanical and electrical systems.

- Multi-Tenant Light Industrial Facilities, Phase I: This project will provide high bay light industrial space and office space for University research programs and which may be leased to entities wishing to locate near other technology resources at the University Research Campus. This phase will construct two pods, containing a total of approximately 73,000 gross square feet of space. Planning will include defined areas for additional pods. Necessary infrastructure and parking areas associated with the new buildings will also need to be constructed as part of the project. The estimated total project cost is approximately $16,000,000.

- Board of Regents minutes available online

11-04-2013, 09:57 AM
- Multi-Tenant Light Industrial Facilities, Phase I: This project will provide high bay light industrial space and office space for University research programs and which may be leased to entities wishing to locate near other technology resources at the University Research Campus. This phase will construct two pods, containing a total of approximately 73,000 gross square feet of space. Planning will include defined areas for additional pods. Necessary infrastructure and parking areas associated with the new buildings will also need to be constructed as part of the project. The estimated total project cost is approximately $16,000,000.
What would this^ be for?
It almost sounds like something you would build for GE?

11-04-2013, 12:41 PM
What would this^ be for?
It almost sounds like something you would build for GE?

Haha, I don't think so. It sounds like they are building bay areas, like the EPF, but for research teams rather than competition teams. I know a lot of groups, such as the geotechs, who are always looking for more space, so this is a great idea.

I really want to figure out how to bring up a refurbishment of Fears Lab to the reagents. It's an extremely valuable asset to the university and the state, but you sure wouldn't know it by looking at it. I would love for it to be fixed up to integrate it with the rest of the research campus, but I hear they're being given a hard time about it.

11-04-2013, 12:52 PM
That list has been around for years and years and is part of a long-range plan.

11-04-2013, 01:40 PM
The Biological Sciences at $80 million is intriguing. I wonder where this would go? Perhaps a replacement for GL Cross connecting to Richardson Hall?

It's also interesting to see all of the planned development of the research campus. Hopefully there is a master plan for this growth. I'm not a fan of how it has developed so far with so much surface parking and little cohesion tying the buildings together.

11-04-2013, 02:05 PM
The Biological Sciences building is planned for the research campus.

11-04-2013, 02:13 PM
I have to say the vast majority of buildings constructed in OU's 21st century building boom have been impressive. There are always a couple exceptions, but it seems like the designs have almost always honored the Cherokee Gothic architecture with an occasional modern twist.
What would be an exception? I've liked everything they've done since 2000. I've particularly liked the renovations they've done on the south oval. Some of those buildings were butt ugly.

As for OU vs. OSU libraries, I've never been in OSU's library, but the reading room in Bizzell is beautiful.

11-04-2013, 02:26 PM

11-04-2013, 08:31 PM
The Biological Sciences building is planned for the research campus.

Bummer. Not a fan of moving academic functions to the research campus.

03-29-2014, 10:04 PM
View of Headington Hall from the Asp Avenue Parking Garage. I took this yesterday, March 28.

03-30-2014, 10:11 AM
OU has finally approved funding that would completely rebuild Imhoff road between Chautauqua and Jenkins.
They said work would start in April and end this next August.
This stretch of road has been in poor condition for a long time.

I posted this on another thread but figured it was worth posting here.
OU has approved 12 million dollars for storm shelter construction.

03-30-2014, 10:58 AM
I was on campus yesterday and noticed they are progressing with the reconstruction of the south oval. Brooks will be a pedestrian/bike path all the way across campus from Elm to Jenkins, and both sides of the oval will be ped/bike paths with car and bus traffic only on Asp. It should be a really nice improvement when it's finished.

03-30-2014, 11:17 AM
I was on campus yesterday and noticed they are progressing with the reconstruction of the south oval. Brooks will be a pedestrian/bike path all the way across campus from Elm to Jenkins, and both sides of the oval will be ped/bike paths with car and bus traffic only on Asp. It should be a really nice improvement when it's finished.

Yes, that is called "Scholar's Walk":


04-01-2014, 10:16 PM
Are the dedicated bike lanes part of this project, or is that a future phase? I know they eventually want to have bike lanes on both sides of the south oval to connect to the dorms, and along the Brooks pedestrian mall. These would also connect to the existing bike lanes on Asp that end at Lindsey (which will also get bike lanes) and future paths on the north oval and University Blvd. I hope they paint them crimson like this rendering:

04-04-2014, 08:59 AM
If they put a bike lane in, it needs to be outside of the space a car would be in. The second picture is what's wrong with adding bike lanes without doing actual construction. You put bikers on a road built for CARS, and don't give the cars adequate room for them to drive past each other with a biker on either side. You can't just leave an existing road-width there, you have to increase the width for it to work right. Otherwise you're just putting the biker into the position of feeling they have the right of way (which legally or not, the car always risk your own life but if I were riding the bike, I'd always let the car be the winner), and you get a large car (say a box truck) and lets just see what happens.

And if the bikes are going to be on the ROAD, which was built for CARS, then they need to follow the traffic laws. That means either you stay on the sidewalk and use the cross walk, or you wait for the light to turn green. But you don't get to just have it your way whenever you feel like changing it up. If you do, you should get a ticket.

I'm not opposed to bike lanes or bikers. I just don't want them on the road. I want them where they should be, which is a dedicated lane. I am opposed to the crap-faces (which are not all of them) that think that because they are on a bike, that they don't have to follow any rules but their own.

04-04-2014, 09:45 AM
I'm not opposed to bike lanes or bikers. I just don't want them on the road. I am opposed to the crap-faces (which are not all of them) that think that...

Typical bomber...

04-04-2014, 10:24 AM
If they put a bike lane in, it needs to be outside of the space a car would be in. The second picture is what's wrong with adding bike lanes without doing actual construction. You put bikers on a road built for CARS, and don't give the cars adequate room for them to drive past each other with a biker on either side. You can't just leave an existing road-width there, you have to increase the width for it to work right. Otherwise you're just putting the biker into the position of feeling they have the right of way (which legally or not, the car always risk your own life but if I were riding the bike, I'd always let the car be the winner), and you get a large car (say a box truck) and lets just see what happens.

And if the bikes are going to be on the ROAD, which was built for CARS, then they need to follow the traffic laws. That means either you stay on the sidewalk and use the cross walk, or you wait for the light to turn green. But you don't get to just have it your way whenever you feel like changing it up. If you do, you should get a ticket.

I'm not opposed to bike lanes or bikers. I just don't want them on the road. I want them where they should be, which is a dedicated lane. I am opposed to the crap-faces (which are not all of them) that think that because they are on a bike, that they don't have to follow any rules but their own.

No mater if it is marked a bike lane or not, bikes have the right to be there, you usually only see shared lanes marked on roads without a passing lane that are around 25 miles an hour anyway and are probably residential

Plutonic Panda
04-04-2014, 01:26 PM
If they put a bike lane in, it needs to be outside of the space a car would be in. The second picture is what's wrong with adding bike lanes without doing actual construction. You put bikers on a road built for CARS, and don't give the cars adequate room for them to drive past each other with a biker on either side. You can't just leave an existing road-width there, you have to increase the width for it to work right. Otherwise you're just putting the biker into the position of feeling they have the right of way (which legally or not, the car always risk your own life but if I were riding the bike, I'd always let the car be the winner), and you get a large car (say a box truck) and lets just see what happens.

And if the bikes are going to be on the ROAD, which was built for CARS, then they need to follow the traffic laws. That means either you stay on the sidewalk and use the cross walk, or you wait for the light to turn green. But you don't get to just have it your way whenever you feel like changing it up. If you do, you should get a ticket.

I'm not opposed to bike lanes or bikers. I just don't want them on the road. I want them where they should be, which is a dedicated lane. I am opposed to the crap-faces (which are not all of them) that think that because they are on a bike, that they don't have to follow any rules but their own.I agree. Oh, and this is coming from someone who bikes everyday. Bicyclists need to learn to stay to the side of the road and not take up an entire lane.

04-04-2014, 01:44 PM
I agree. Oh, and this is coming from someone who bikes everyday. Bicyclists need to learn to stay to the side of the road and not take up an entire lane.

In bike-friendly Denver, bikers have the same right to be on the road as others. What they so-ofter forget is that the law also requires them to stay to the right if there is room. I've had a verbal or 2 with those who ride at a leisurely pace holding up traffic behind yet have plenty of opps to move right.

Plutonic Panda
04-04-2014, 02:02 PM
In bike-friendly Denver, bikers have the same right to be on the road as others. What they so-ofter forget is that the law also requires them to stay to the right if there is room. I've had a verbal or 2 with those who ride at a leisurely pace holding up traffic behind yet have plenty of opps to move right.Well, that's what I mean, some bikers seem to think they own the road and act like jackasses taking up an entire lane and hold up traffic and just piddle along.

04-04-2014, 03:20 PM
Well, that's what I mean, some bikers seem to think they own the road and act like jackasses taking up an entire lane and hold up traffic and just piddle along.

I have no problems with bikers in the lane. The only problem I have is when they do not obey the runs of the road. Such as not stopping at stop signs or signalling. I am a biker myself and I try my best to stay on the right and obey the rules. It really isn't too hard.

04-04-2014, 03:21 PM
Well, that's what I mean, some bikers seem to think they own the road and act like jackasses taking up an entire lane and hold up traffic and just piddle along.
It sure seems like its those types of bikers who have a greater tendency to be struck and killed.
I have known 2 bikers that had "the bikers attitude" that have been killed...
One of them was turn into a grease spot by a Mac truck.

Plutonic Panda
04-04-2014, 03:30 PM
It sure seems like its those types of bikers who have a greater tendency to be struck and killed.
I have known 2 bikers that had "the bikers attitude" that have been killed...
One of them was turn into a grease spot by a Mac truck.Yeap, ultimately physics will determine who has the right of way.

04-04-2014, 03:35 PM
For every 1 stupid bike rider, there are 200 stupid car drivers.


04-04-2014, 03:40 PM
For every 1 stupid bike rider, there are 200 stupid car drivers.

Maybe so, but how often will the bike rider do well in the car -vs- bike collisions?

04-04-2014, 03:41 PM
Yeap, ultimately physics will determine who has the right of way.

Yep... there have been more than a few times when the law just isn't going to protect bike riders.

04-04-2014, 03:41 PM
There really are ton of bike riders in central Denver and all power to them. I'd be cool with it if there was a dedicated street or 2 for bikers and local traffic just to keep them off the main roads.

Plutonic Panda
04-04-2014, 03:45 PM
For every 1 stupid bike rider, there are 200 stupid car drivers.

;)Probably because there are 1000x more car drivers than there are bike riders period.

04-08-2014, 08:55 AM
Typical bomber...

I stand by it, and looks like other agree with me.

You can argue bike rules all you want, but like Plutonic and OU said, "knowing" you are right when it's a fight between a car and a bike means nothing, but that you're dead or at least injured. I don't want to keep bikes away, I want them placed where they should be...where they are safe. So don't put words into my mouth...remember, you're setting yourself up to fight with the person that supports people getting off their butt and walking. I just don't think that shoving a stripe of paint on an existing road counts. It's just a cheap-butt way of saying you're bike-friendly without having to fork it over for it to be done proper.

Do 5 minutes of google searching on bike lanes and you'll see what it SHOULD be like, and you WON'T see this OU style plan anywhere there. What you will see, is what I'm talking about. A separate lane that does NOT take away space from the car. Either do it proper, or let them stay on the sidewalk and make them follow sidewalk rules.

Mississippi Blues
04-08-2014, 09:24 PM
Probably because there are 1000x more car drivers than there are bike riders period.

Really? That's why I see more cars than I do bicycles, I guess. I couldn't figure that out, but this makes so much sense. LOL

04-08-2014, 10:14 PM
Do 5 minutes of google searching on bike lanes and you'll see what it SHOULD be like, and you WON'T see this OU style plan anywhere there. What you will see, is what I'm talking about. A separate lane that does NOT take away space from the car. Either do it proper, or let them stay on the sidewalk and make them follow sidewalk rules.

Are you saying walking? Cause bikes should not be ridden on the sidewalk, the one with it in the lane may just be a reminder to the cars as much as a recommendation to promote bike use, plus even if it was not marked a shared lane it is not exuding bikes from using that road anyway.

Plutonic Panda
04-08-2014, 11:02 PM
Really? That's why I see more cars than I do bicycles, I guess. I couldn't figure that out, but this makes so much sense. LOL
Yeah I know, it's kind of shocking at first, but when you realize it, it all comes together.

Plutonic Panda
04-08-2014, 11:03 PM
Are you saying walking? Cause bikes should not be ridden on the sidewalk, the one with it in the lane may just be a reminder to the cars as much as a recommendation to promote bike use, plus even if it was not marked a shared lane it is not exuding bikes from using that road anyway.
I believe it is pretty clear what Bombermwc is saying. Bikes should not take up space from cars and I agree. They need to their own separate lanes on certain streets.

Mississippi Blues
04-08-2014, 11:35 PM
Yeah I know, it's kind of shocking at first, but when you realize it, it all comes together.

Man. No joke. At first, I thought you were full of it, but then I got to thinking and what you said seems pretty logical. +2 street creds for you! Haha

TAlan CB
04-09-2014, 06:17 AM
For every 1 stupid bike rider, there are 200 stupid car drivers.

No doubt this is true, numbers alone would dictate this is true. Having said this, the problem lies in physics and 'common sense'. The same argument I have with pedestrians crossing outside the crosswalk or whenever they want. They may have the 'right of way' or live where this is common - like university towns - but the car will win every time. Common sense tells you that your 'rights' do you little good when your dead.

Plutonic Panda
04-09-2014, 11:27 AM
Man. No joke. At first, I thought you were full of it, but then I got to thinking and what you said seems pretty logical. +2 street creds for you! HahaNo problem. :)

04-09-2014, 12:09 PM
In an attempt to get back on topic, I was on campus last weekend and checked out the construction on the South Oval. I really like the idea of making it pedestrian only. Gaylord Hall is a nice addition and the remake of Gould hall is spectacular. The new facade on Collings Hall is an improvement, but nothing special. I'm ready for a remake of Gittinger and Kaufman, those are two of the ugliest buildings on campus. Overall I like what they've done on the South Oval, but it wouldn't take much to improve it because most of those buildings were hideous.

04-09-2014, 04:29 PM
In an attempt to get back on topic, I was on campus last weekend and checked out the construction on the South Oval. I really like the idea of making it pedestrian only. Gaylord Hall is a nice addition and the remake of Gould hall is spectacular. The new facade on Collings Hall is an improvement, but nothing special. I'm ready for a remake of Gittinger and Kaufman, those are two of the ugliest buildings on campus. Overall I like what they've done on the South Oval, but it wouldn't take much to improve it because most of those buildings were hideous.
They are both getting 5million dollar renovations actually. Just approved by the BOR. or I think that's what this article says. Talks about it on the 2nd page.

Professor honored, shelters discussed » University » The Norman Transcript (

04-09-2014, 04:33 PM

Great news:

· Gittinger Hall renovation and improvements, $5 million

· Kaufman Hall renovations and improvements, $5 million

04-09-2014, 06:15 PM
And after those buildings are renovated then they can address GL Cross. OU needs a modern life sciences building on campus. I know they've discussed building a new facility on the south campus but I think moving any classes down there is a bad idea. Research is fine and belongs there, and meteorology because of the NWC.

After that I would hope Dale would be the next target for a major reconstruction. It's already too small for the number of students and classes at peak times. They could easily tear down Copeland Hall and expand the building to the north. This would also be a good place for a future parking garage on the surface lot along Elm.

04-11-2014, 10:35 PM
^This semester in my 4th year architecture studio, my class was divided into two sections that are doing two different projects. The section I'm not in are doing parking garages to go in place of the parking lot at Elm and Lindsey, varying from around 5-8 stories tall, with retail and office space fronting Elm and as tall as the garage as well. Some pretty cool designs they are doing!

04-12-2014, 10:24 AM
KayneMO, if you could post some pictures that would be awesome. I'm an OU architecture grad and wish I could see the projects on display in the gallery , but you can't get into Gould without a card, unless that's recently changed.

04-12-2014, 10:34 AM
KayneMO, if you could post some pictures that would be awesome. I'm an OU architecture grad and wish I could see the projects on display in the gallery , but you can't get into Gould without a card, unless that's recently changed.

You can get into Gould on weekdays at normal hours during the day. It's locked late at night and on the weekends.

04-13-2014, 07:53 PM
OU has finally approved funding that would completely rebuild Imhoff road between Chautauqua and Jenkins.
They said work would start in April and end this next August.
This stretch of road has been in poor condition for a long time.
I have been hearing for the last 15 years that they are going to tie in Imhoff with Constitution and do away with one of the signal lights. Makes sence after the demolished the 100 block of Krattlli apartments.

04-26-2014, 11:16 AM
Five Partners Place, OU Research Park:

04-26-2014, 12:32 PM
Beautiful building.

04-27-2014, 09:02 AM
Looks taller in person.