View Full Version : Any MAPS money available for Zoo Ampitheatre?

08-24-2010, 01:14 AM
I had the chance to go to a show at "Zoo Amp" a few years ago and had to leave for a family emergency soon after walking thru the front gate and never made it to my seat.

My Wife went to a gig there this weekend and said the place was horrible. She said there was some sort of sludge that was running off the zoo property and into the ampitheatre and said it made the grounds very slick. There were a few people that slipped and fallen. An EMT that made his way out to help was rescued by my wife and her friends as he nearly injured himself slipping trying to get to those that needed help. There was no craziness
on the floor. Just people waiting for a show and slipping in this foul residue.

Is this the norm for the Zoo Ampitheatre? And if so can we start from scratch and get
some sort of venue that would support a 6000 to 10,000 seat outdoor venue that was
a little nicer? Maybe in the place of the Zoo Amp or possibly on Lake Hefner with a backdrop of the lake behind the stage. This is a place i used to frequent as a college
student and it was nice and safe.

I'm thinking the city would support a venue like this and I know I would do a little less
complaining about the $4 charge for a 16 OZ bottle of water if i was a little less likely
to bust my butt on a slick floor and spill it everywhere. Seriously, $4 for a water in 100 + degree weather?

Just sayin'.......


08-24-2010, 10:42 AM
Kevin Cronin of REO Speedwagon did an interview with the Oklahoman a couple of years ago where he talked about how he loved to play the Zoo Amphitheater because it is different than the generic amphitheaters that have sprung up all over the country. I am not sure the sludge mentioned is the norm, but it can be a little muddy in parts after it rains. I like the Zoo Amphitheater but it can always use some improvements. I do not like the rule they have followed the last couple of years that does not allow people to bring lawn chairs in after 6,000 tickets have been sold. People show up with their lawn chairs and have to take them back to their cars when they are told they can not bring them in. I think the Zoo Amphitheater is somewhat unique compared to other amphitheaters. I would hate to see it close down especially since some people have volunteered time and effort to actually improve the place.

I have enjoyed going to concerts at Frontier City over the years but I have been told they now charge extra for people to sit in the chairs at the front. It used to be first come, first served. I have not been to a concert there in a couple of years though. Outdoor concerts in the summer in Oklahoma City are hot regardless of where they are held at.

Bigray in Ok

08-24-2010, 03:09 PM
I went to concerts at the Zoo Amp. backin the 70's and knew some people who worked on making the ZA a cool place to go. I hope it continues.

08-24-2010, 07:03 PM
Haven't been in a while, but enjoyed the concerts I have attended. Never tried them for a daytime concert. I like my shade too much to compete for the limited amount they have available.

08-24-2010, 10:25 PM
Since there are already plans in the works for more than one outdoor entertainment area in the downtown area as a result of MAPS and Project 180 it's unlikely any MAPS fund would be allocated for the zoo amphitheatre.

08-25-2010, 01:44 PM
where was the "sludge" coming from? how much of the place was it covering? it's a pretty big area (9000 or so capacity) for all of it to be covered... where was she sitting? i know there is some sort of outdoor shower on the east side of the amphitheater close to the front, and there may have been a little runoff from that, but it would just be a small area... never in my 30 years of going to shows there have i heard of anything like that. the grounds are grass and sandstone primarily, so any moisture will make it slicker than normal.

i love the place. seen some great shows there - grateful dead, inxs, willie nelson, social distortion, judas priest, zz top, steve miller band (who hasn't seen a steve miller show at the zoo?)... i like the uniqueness of the place, unlike the cookie-cutter feel of many outdoor amphitheaters around the country. i do agree the concession prices are higher than i think they should be, but i'm not a businessman trying to make money, just a consumer...

08-25-2010, 02:55 PM
exactly as ljbab says. We are already building 2 such venues downtown with MAPS 3 and Project 180 money so it wouldn't make much sense to do so.

09-08-2010, 12:53 AM
Cool - Thanks for the heads up on the new venues. I did not see that information. Is an ampitheatre included in the mix?


09-08-2010, 10:51 PM
Cool - Thanks for the heads up on the new venues. I did not see that information. Is an ampitheatre included in the mix?


From what I've seen in plans, there will be such venues in both the Myriad Gardens and the Central Park areas.