Manifest Destiny OKC
09-04-2014, 08:36 AM
View Full Version : Kaiser's Manifest Destiny OKC 09-04-2014, 08:36 AM Kaiser's Pete 09-04-2014, 08:45 AM Yeah, despite the owner's claim in that article, it's been pretty clear the most recent operators were failing long before construction. Bad service, inconsistent food quality and very erratic hours that weren't even communicated on social media -- or a simple sign on the door -- were all huge red flags long before construction started. Sounds like all this was a good excuse to shut down and regroup. Mike_M 09-04-2014, 08:58 AM Honestly, I kinda hope this says something to all of the LOCAL eats to stop with the annoying hours of operations. I don't know how many times I've tried to entertain friends from out of town to only have my top 10 picks closed on Sunday, Monday, Saturday after 7, Wednesday after 8. I understand it's not my money, but I've said it on other threads. People want to hate chains, but I know that Texas Roadhouse, Applebees, and BWW will have a reliable website with up-to-date information, and will be open at peak times, and at the very least will honor their hours, if not stay open late for their patrons. Manifest Destiny OKC 09-04-2014, 09:01 AM Before I say any more I've got to mention that I know the current operator of Kaiser's. Having said that I have witnessed so much negativity on this site (oftentimes based on horribly inaccurate information) that it makes my stomach turn. These are people we're talking about, foks! People trying their best to feed themselves, their children, keep their lights on etc etc etc. Owning a small business is no easy feat and I don't think the current owner is even 30 years old yet. Obviously he's made some mistakes but please try to keep that in mind. This is one guy we're talking about here, not some huge corporation. And further to that point: HUGE hat's off to DoctorTaco for venting about his experience, but, ultimately giving them another try. He/she didn't know what the outcome would be (and it happened to be much better than last time) but at least they were given another shot. Major appeal to ethos in my opinion. I wish everyone one on this site was so educated and DoctorTaco's opinions are definitely some I'll give close consideration to in the future. But I don't think their is any denying Kaiser's was experiencing some problems prior to this construction. Though it should be mentioned this is not the first closure of this intersection in the last year and definitely not the first construction related problems. Did everyone forget about the building that was ATTACHED to Kaiser's until about a year ago? And remember that parking lot behind it thats no longer there? Even the couple of spaces he had out front are gone now and you can't even see the building behind all of those signs. Sure, McNellies is still busy but they are a very well established bar (and large conglomerate) and GoGo is busy as well but they both have their own parking lot and I'm willing to bet revenues are still down. Hopefully he or the new owners get everything straightened out. I think this place has a lot of potential and I would hate to lose such a cool, old building. I haven't been in a while so hoping they open sooner rather than later. okclee 09-04-2014, 09:01 AM Kaisers would be a great midtown spot for pizza by the slice. Like Empire 2. Pete 09-04-2014, 09:06 AM ^ Very good points. It's frustrating enough to have substantially curtailed hours, but they should at least be honored. Such a strange thing in OKC to have to stop and think, "Is that place going to be open when I get there?". Urbanized 09-04-2014, 09:19 AM My comments weren't personal in nature; simply matter-of-fact. Unfortunately, that is what business is, a matter of fact. You have enough capital or you don't. You have a good business plan or you don't. You understand your market or you don't. You adapt to changes that the market throws your way... ...or you don't. Believe me, I know these things first-hand. I wish the previous operator well and hope he lands on his feet, takes lessons learned from this venture - both its failures and its successes - and comes back better than before, conquering the world with a new endeavor. That's the American Dream. At the same time, I am anxious to see this high-profile property - historic in its own right and important to the success of Midtown - in the hands of a well-capitalized and creative operator. Pete 09-04-2014, 09:41 AM Kaisers would be a great midtown spot for pizza by the slice. Like Empire 2. There is a pizza place going in on the north side of the roundabout at 1112 N. Walker ( but I'm not sure if they will offer by the slice. Manifest Destiny OKC 09-04-2014, 09:52 AM Urbanized I wasn't necessarily talking about you and your right on all accounts and make good points. I might argue about a small business ability to 'adapt' when a construction project has literally engulfed you and access their isn't enough working capital (obviously they had enough--they made it two years) to survive. But #1 its a matter of opinion and #2 the owner even said in the article: “They (officials at St. Anthony) were letting me know what was going on, and they had a person I was dealing with who would address things personally. This is really no one’s fault – it happens." so apparently he's ok with it. You raise good points. About Empire 2 okclee: I can't think of a worst tenant. A bunch of drunk hipsters overtaking this century old, pure institution and papering it with dumb images of Mr. T while blasting Vampire Weekend? I'd rather they just board it up. okclee 09-04-2014, 09:58 AM About Empire 2 okclee: I can't think of a worst tenant. A bunch of drunk hipsters overtaking this century old, pure institution and papering it with dumb images of Mr. T while blasting Vampire Weekend? I'd rather they just board it up. Board it up that's a great idea, You're funny! :rolleyes: AP 09-04-2014, 10:04 AM About Empire 2 okclee: I can't think of a worst tenant. A bunch of drunk hipsters overtaking this century old, pure institution and papering it with dumb images of Mr. T while blasting Vampire Weekend? I'd rather they just board it up. Wow. I think that is a little harsh... OKCretro 09-04-2014, 10:32 AM About Empire 2 okclee: I can't think of a worst tenant. A bunch of drunk hipsters overtaking this century old, pure institution and papering it with dumb images of Mr. T while blasting Vampire Weekend? I'd rather they just board it up. also wondering if the server has washed their hands in the last week, or when they are going on their next break to vape some more... bchris02 09-04-2014, 10:35 AM Empire is a very successful business and OKC should be thankful to have it. This town needs more businesses like it. It's not everyone's crowd or style but those who don't like it don't have to go there or even hang out in the Plaza. Manifest Destiny OKC 09-04-2014, 12:22 PM I love Empire and have literally even been there this week. They are the perfect fit for their location and really add a lot to that area. The Plaza would not be the same without them. But I stand by my belief that would be a bad fit for Kaiser's and don't think my statement was harsh at all. Well, maybe to Mr. T. dankrutka 09-04-2014, 01:30 PM About Empire 2 okclee: I can't think of a worst tenant. A bunch of drunk hipsters overtaking this century old, pure institution and papering it with dumb images of Mr. T while blasting Vampire Weekend? I'd rather they just board it up. You lose a lot of credibility when you call for more humane treatment of the Kaiser owner's in one post and then slander an entire group and business (who also has owners with lives with families to feed, etc.) in the next. What's the saying? Practice what you preach... AP 09-04-2014, 01:46 PM You lose a lot of credibility when you call for more humane treatment of the Kaiser owner's in one post and then slander an entire group and business (who also has owners with lives with families to feed, etc.) in the next. What's the saying? Practice what you preach... +1 Manifest Destiny OKC 09-04-2014, 02:00 PM Perhaps you didn't see this response, directly before yours: I love Empire and have literally even been there this week. They are the perfect fit for their location and really add a lot to that area. The Plaza would not be the same without them. But I stand by my belief that would be a bad fit for Kaiser's and don't think my statement was harsh at all. Well, maybe to Mr. T. Mel 09-04-2014, 02:19 PM I hope Kaiser's makes a comeback. Too much of our historical buildings have been torn down already in the name of "progress". Echo's of pei plan. dankrutka 09-04-2014, 02:23 PM Perhaps you didn't see this response, directly before yours: I love Empire and have literally even been there this week. They are the perfect fit for their location and really add a lot to that area. The Plaza would not be the same without them. But I stand by my belief that would be a bad fit for Kaiser's and don't think my statement was harsh at all. Well, maybe to Mr. T. I saw it. Empire may or may not be a bad fit for that space (I think it would be a fantastic fit if there wasn't one already nearby, but that's beside the point), but you didn't retract derogatorily calling Empire's clientele "drunk" while insulting "hipsters" and insulting aspects of the the interior design (which was designed by a person who is, in your words, "trying their best to feed themselves, their children, keep their lights..."). Your previous call for treating others more humanely rings hollow when this thread has largely consisted of constructive criticism yet you actually insulted people. Anyway, it's not a big deal... Moving on. Clown puncher 09-04-2014, 07:40 PM ^ Very good points. It's frustrating enough to have substantially curtailed hours, but they should at least be honored. Such a strange thing in OKC to have to stop and think, "Is that place going to be open when I get there?". Kinda like Nic's Roger S 09-05-2014, 07:30 AM Kinda like Nic's Nic's closings are usually health related. It's why he no longer serves breakfast. And with the long lines at Nic's it's usually just a good idea to have a backup plan regardless. Urbanized 09-05-2014, 07:43 AM Yeah, every time I go to Nic's I go with the expectation that I won't get in. It makes the times when you do get a seat feel like winning the lottery. It's part of the charm. Other places, not so much. HangryHippo 09-05-2014, 08:23 AM In his weekly video, Steve mentions that another restaurant operator may be taking a look at this building. Any guesses as to who that might be? okclee 09-05-2014, 12:51 PM Yeah, every time I go to Nic's I go with the expectation that I won't get in. It makes the times when you do get a seat feel like winning the lottery. It's part of the charm. Other places, not so much. Winning the Burger Lottery! You nailed it. Last time I was there I won the lottery with the bonus play. He was on the verge of closing early that day but let me and a few others in but locked the door right behind me. It was about 1:00, I sat along the window eating while others were being turned away with the closed sign and a locked door. I felt like a Rockstar! kevinpate 09-05-2014, 01:10 PM Maybe I'm a tad nuts, but this just seems like a good place for a 24/7 simple diner fare. FighttheGoodFight 09-05-2014, 01:20 PM Maybe I'm a tad nuts, but this just seems like a good place for a 24/7 simple diner fare. I'd take anything as long as the hours are consistent and actually open late on the weekends. shawnw 09-05-2014, 01:25 PM 24/7 would rock bchris02 09-06-2014, 08:41 AM Maybe I'm a tad nuts, but this just seems like a good place for a 24/7 simple diner fare. Other cities the size of OKC and even much smaller cities support such establishments. It really surprises me there isn't one here already. I really don't see how it could NOT be successful if in the right location. RadicalModerate 09-06-2014, 10:21 AM A couple of years ago, my wife and I stopped in at McNellie's for a beer and a sandwich. After that, we strolled across the street to Kaiser's for something resembling a dessert. I thought both places were real good. But I like that entire area of OKC so I'm probably biased. I hope the potential new operators of Kaiser's share my affection for The Neighborhood Venueance (venue/ambiance). For we Suburbanspawlite Villagers it's, like, a mini-vacation. So to speak. ps: "Unfixable Structural Damage"?: Structural Schwamage . . . (more like it) Urbanized 09-06-2014, 01:49 PM The "structural damage" part of this story concerns me. IIRC, I'm pretty sure St. Anthony has made a play for this property and the past - but was rebuffed - and would probably still like to own it. If the owner has had a change of heart and would like to cash in, it would be great cover for doing so. I would really, REALLY hate to see any harm come to that building. IanMcDermid 09-07-2014, 09:51 PM I'd love to see a 24/7 but good luck to the person that wants to operate it. dankrutka 09-07-2014, 11:25 PM Other cities the size of OKC and even much smaller cities support such establishments. It really surprises me there isn't one here already. I really don't see how it could NOT be successful if in the right location. Can you give some examples of smaller cities with 24/7 local diners in their core? I'm familiar with several smaller/similar cities (e.g., Wichita, Tulsa...) and none of them have one. Mel 09-07-2014, 11:45 PM A simple menu diner might swing it. Breakfast served anytime. Nothing like Breakfast at 0200. John 09-08-2014, 11:24 AM I've always wanted Jimmy's Egg to try 24/7 at one of their locations -- this would be a great building for them to give that a go. bchris02 09-08-2014, 12:21 PM Can you give some examples of smaller cities with 24/7 local diners in their core? I'm familiar with several smaller/similar cities (e.g., Wichita, Tulsa...) and none of them have one. I am thinking primarily on the east coast where they seem to be more common than here in the heartland. I am pretty sure Tulsa had one but it closed rather recently. Memphis TN has one and they are pretty similar to OKC in size. I think Midtown would be perfect with the growing population, bar crowd, and St Anthony's workers there to give it business in the late-night hours. Uptown/23rd may also be a contender in the future though I don't think they are quite their yet. LocoAko 09-08-2014, 01:09 PM I am thinking primarily on the east coast where they seem to be more common than here in the heartland. I am pretty sure Tulsa had one but it closed rather recently. Memphis TN has one and they are pretty similar to OKC in size. I think Midtown would be perfect with the growing population, bar crowd, and St Anthony's workers there to give it business in the late-night hours. Uptown/23rd may also be a contender in the future though I don't think they are quite their yet. It is one of the things I miss most about New Jersey. Diners everywhere, open 24/7, and reliably giving you the same quality of food everywhere. Bullbear 09-08-2014, 02:07 PM I would love to see some 24/7 diners for late night eats.. I love Cafe Brazil in Dallas.. great food and coffee and 24/7 at the Cedar Springs location. and in Austin its always great to stop in at Magnolia Cafe for gingerbread pancakes at 3am.. or chicken and Waffles at 24 in Austin. With the other projects in this area and the hospital there I think Kaisers could be a great location for that type of diner.. Plaza might be a great fit as well. Jersey Boss 09-08-2014, 03:21 PM It is one of the things I miss most about New Jersey. Diners everywhere, open 24/7, and reliably giving you the same quality of food everywhere. Absolutely! Not enough folks of Greek origin out here, lol. bchris02 09-08-2014, 03:39 PM I would love to see some 24/7 diners for late night eats.. I love Cafe Brazil in Dallas.. great food and coffee and 24/7 at the Cedar Springs location. and in Austin its always great to stop in at Magnolia Cafe for gingerbread pancakes at 3am.. or chicken and Waffles at 24 in Austin. With the other projects in this area and the hospital there I think Kaisers could be a great location for that type of diner.. Plaza might be a great fit as well. 16th St Plaza or Plaza Court in Midtown? And I agree. I really miss places in Charlotte like Amelie's French Bakery and Midnight Diner. I wish OKC could have those kind of places. Bullbear 09-08-2014, 04:53 PM 16th St Plaza or Plaza Court in Midtown? And I agree. I really miss places in Charlotte like Amelie's French Bakery and Midnight Diner. I wish OKC could have those kind of places. I meant plaza district.. but plaza court as well.. being next to a Hospital is a good place for a 24/7 diner in my opinion. bchris02 09-08-2014, 05:30 PM I meant plaza district.. but plaza court as well.. being next to a Hospital is a good place for a 24/7 diner in my opinion. I agree. Something like that would be nice in the 16th St Plaza, but I don't believe there is enough 24/7 activity in the district today to sustain it. Midtown however is very close if not already there. Manifest Destiny OKC 09-09-2014, 02:35 PM I saw it. Empire may or may not be a bad fit for that space (I think it would be a fantastic fit if there wasn't one already nearby, but that's beside the point), but you didn't retract derogatorily calling Empire's clientele "drunk" while insulting "hipsters" and insulting aspects of the the interior design (which was designed by a person who is, in your words, "trying their best to feed themselves, their children, keep their lights..."). Your previous call for treating others more humanely rings hollow when this thread has largely consisted of constructive criticism yet you actually insulted people. Anyway, it's not a big deal... Moving on. Their is no refuting the fact that a large portion of Empire's clientele are hipsters. Nowhere did I imply anything derogatory about the hipster subculture other than to identify them as the group to whom Empire primarily caters. If their clientel consisted of yuppies, geriatrics, single dads, humpback whales, dogs etc I would have used that identifying feature but, alas, it doesn't. Furthermore my use of the word 'drunk' (which doesn't even necessarily carry a negative connotation) was used, once again, as an irrefutable identifying factor for a portion of their patrons. You seem to have trouble with your own, subjective stereotypes surrounding the use of those words by stating I used them derogatorily. I'm sorry your confused. And you are correct, rather than apologizing for my dislike for Mr. T I doubled down on it. So as to clarify: I really, really like Empire but I subjectively do not like Mr. T. But your missing the big picture here Dan. The intention of my original post was to stick up for a young, struggling, single (as in now financial backers or partners) businessman who's getting kicked around on here for making some bad decisions. Do you know who owns Empire? Why don't you do a bit of investigation into that matter and, when you discover its largely owned by one of Oklahoma City's most powerful, well connected and wealthiest family's I think you'll have a little different perspective on 'mouths to feed.' Pete 09-09-2014, 03:17 PM Isn't the last operator of Kaiser's now completely out of the picture? And I didn't see anyone getting "kicked around". People voiced their opinions and the issues seemed to be very valid. People on this site and in OKC in general are very supportive of the local, little guy. But the restaurant business is tough and if you don't measure up, the internet in general is usually very harsh. I would add that many are protective of Kaiser's and when an operator does not seem to be doing it's legacy justice, they are going to get an earful. zookeeper 09-09-2014, 04:46 PM Isn't the last operator of Kaiser's now completely out of the picture? And I didn't see anyone getting "kicked around". People voiced their opinions and the issues seemed to be very valid. People on this site and in OKC in general are very supportive of the local, little guy. But the restaurant business is tough and if you don't measure up, the internet in general is usually very harsh. I would add that many are protective of Kaiser's and when an operator does not seem to be doing it's legacy justice, they are going to get an earful. Well said. Manifest Destiny: So, who owns Empire? Clown puncher 09-09-2014, 09:08 PM Well said. Manifest Destiny: So, who owns Empire? I might be wrong ,but I believe it's the same people that own deep fork, drum room, etc.... Teo9969 09-09-2014, 10:08 PM I might be wrong ,but I believe it's the same people that own deep fork, drum room, etc.... Definitely not. I know for certain that Courtney Valentine is part of the project (former GM of Divine Swine, wife of Josh Valentine current chef of the George) Bullbear 09-10-2014, 09:59 AM Definitely not. I know for certain that Courtney Valentine is part of the project (former GM of Divine Swine, wife of Josh Valentine current chef of the George) Yup Mantison 09-25-2014, 12:36 PM There is a 24/7 Diner in Stillwater, Shortcakes, that is packed round the clock. Sure, it's college kids, but you don't think OKC has the college kid population to keep a diner full if run like Shortcakes in Stillwater? DoctorTaco 09-25-2014, 12:39 PM I saw a group of businessmen in Kaiser's yesterday with what looked like a camera crew. Urbanized 09-25-2014, 07:03 PM Weird CCOKC 09-25-2014, 09:09 PM I saw a group of people in their today around 12:30. I didn't see a camera crew though but I was not looking for one. kjones 09-26-2014, 01:25 PM I think would be a great location for an all about cha shawnw 09-26-2014, 02:41 PM i like the old foodies location better as a 24hr diner option for the OCUL crowd... Manifest Destiny OKC 09-26-2014, 03:53 PM Kaisers Diner | Home of the Buffalo Burger ( Looks like they have some pretty good/cool plans in store. kevinpate 09-26-2014, 06:39 PM C'mon, 24/7 ... please !?!?! The world needs good breakfast chow that isn't corporate chow. I do not dislike IHoP or Waffle House, but thre's just something fair more yummy in the country fried taters of a small diner in the wee hours. ljbab728 10-15-2014, 12:01 AM Ready to open again and here's wishing them good luck. The historic Kaiser’s in Midtown is set to reopen as a diner just one month after it shut down amidst fears the building suffered damage from construction next door at St. Anthony Hospital. “Everything is fine,” Cory said. “It was a case where it was thought there was damage, but everything is fine.” Cory said she is dedicated to bringing back Kaiser’s as an old-fashioned diner in a way that hearkens back to its founder, Anthony J. Kaiser. DoctorTaco 10-15-2014, 08:38 AM Very pumped about this! The funny thing about that article is that, while the owners are trying to spin like they are changing things around, really next to nothing is different aside from a subtle name change and the addition of a jukebox. Which is fine. I think the business model of Kaiser's is a good one, it just needed better execution. Pete 10-15-2014, 08:51 AM Wow, suddenly the damaged building has healed! BBatesokc 10-15-2014, 09:03 AM Wow, suddenly the damaged building has healed! Probably as soon as they realized there was not going to be a big check from an insurance provider. Laramie 10-15-2014, 12:39 PM Probably as soon as they realized there was not going to be a big check from an insurance provider. LOL! You're right Brian. That's the best cure for damage when St. Anthony's check was not in the mail... |