View Full Version : Project 180
Thanks so much for the info and photos. I know BOK just spent a bunch of money reworking the sidewalks and plaza.
However, couldn't the City merely coordinate this with the owners?
BTW, the owner is Rainey Williams of Stage Center Tower fame.
Just received this from Shannon Cox who works on Project 180 for the City (and does a great job, BTW):
The sidewalk along Robinson around the BOK has been determined to be left in place due to the basement under the sidewalk.
Below is what was reported to Steve in regard to the BOK area. Knowing that the north side of BOK was left alone due to the same basement issues, he asked if we would be installing the lighting in the area.
We are working with them (BOK) to see if lighting can be installed. It’s not as simple as changing out the old light with a new light. The structural engineer designed a footing for the new lighting and it does not match the old lighting. So, it would require pulling up sidewalk and installing a footing. Then we run into the risk of affecting the waterproof layer over the basement of the BOK. So we are looking at it, it is a difficult area and is very limited in the ability to change things.
The NW corner of RS Kerr and Robinson WILL be revised/reworked. The ramps and railing will be removed and tactile domes similar to the NE corner (and all P180 corners) will be built.
Rover 10-17-2013, 01:10 PM I am impressed they responded and so quickly. This site has amazing reach and impact.
OKCisOK4me 10-17-2013, 01:28 PM Thank God!
Lazio85 10-23-2013, 08:34 AM Project 180 and the SandRidge Commons
by Communications, 10/22/2013 5:00:00 PM
Beginning Thursday, October 24th, Dean A. McGee Avenue from Broadway to Robinson will be closed for Project 180 street work. At that time, access to SandRidge parking structures will be from Broadway Avenue only, via the south side of the street, which will be open from Broadway to the SandRidge lower level parking ramp. Employees who park in these garages are encouraged to pay attention to routing changes throughout this process. The City’s projected completion date for McGee Avenue is April 28th, 2014.
On October 31st, Robinson Avenue will also close, with an expected completion date of July 13th, 2014. The Robinson Avenue ramp to the loading dock will remain open throughout the construction, with access to the ramp from the south only (Kerr and Robinson). In addition, sidewalks around the SandRidge Commons will remain open and foot traffic will not be affected.
Here is the latest phasing:
OKCisOK4me 10-29-2013, 05:43 PM ............and then we tear it all out for the streetcar project................
shawnw 11-06-2013, 11:40 AM ............and then we tear it all out for the streetcar project................
I brought this up at the last Project 180 public meeting (on 10/23) and was assured that the sectioned design of the new streets was conducive to this approach and that waiting for the rail tech to be determined would be too much of a delay (for example we don't know if wires will be underground or overhead). We'll see if that turns out to be case of course...
traxx 11-07-2013, 12:26 PM Street construction has gone off the deep end. I was trying to get to the Braniff building today and not only is it blocked from all directions by car, but it's also blocked nearly all the way around by foot. I ended up parking a couple of blocks away which is no big. But then when I started walking toward the building, they left no path to get there by foot. Big plastic barrier fences block just about any way you go to try to get there. I ended up having to walk through wet cement that had been spilled because there was no other way around and I was wearing dress shoes because I'm in my work clothes. When I got back to the office I had to get it off the top, side and bottoms of my shoes as best I could. I also found some on my slacks. I just hope it comes out of the floor mat in my car.
I understand construction is a messy business. But leave at least some way for pedestrians to traverse it. This has to be killing business for those businesses on the first floor.
Lazio85 11-08-2013, 10:06 AM Street construction has gone off the deep end. I was trying to get to the Braniff building today and not only is it blocked from all directions by car, but it's also blocked nearly all the way around by foot. I ended up parking a couple of blocks away which is no big. But then when I started walking toward the building, they left no path to get there by foot. Big plastic barrier fences block just about any way you go to try to get there. I ended up having to walk through wet cement that had been spilled because there was no other way around and I was wearing dress shoes because I'm in my work clothes. When I got back to the office I had to get it off the top, side and bottoms of my shoes as best I could. I also found some on my slacks. I just hope it comes out of the floor mat in my car.
I understand construction is a messy business. But leave at least some way for pedestrians to traverse it. This has to be killing business for those businesses on the first floor. (
shawnw 11-08-2013, 10:39 AM If I remember from the last P180 meeting Sandridge donated the equivalent number of parking garage spots as had been lost on the street, but I could be misremembering...
traxx 11-08-2013, 11:08 AM (
Wow. That's a long time for it to be torn up like that. The sidewalks were open but you couldn't get from a sidewalk on one side of the street to the sidewalk on the other. It seems to me that they should just tear it up in portions so that there's at least some path to and from the building. Kitchen 324 will probably see a decline in business but still do okay because it's a desitnation. But I don't see how the barbershop survives this.
UnFrSaKn 11-25-2013, 11:01 AM At least the City doesn't have this issue... yet.
Urbanized 11-25-2013, 11:03 AM That used to be a regular occurrence around NW 23rd and Penn.
OKVision4U 11-25-2013, 11:07 AM At least the City doesn't have this issue... yet. - When Streets Attack (
This happened in Boston. Tom Cruise had a really tough time kiling those things in War of the Worlds in 05'.
LakeEffect 11-25-2013, 11:40 AM This happened in Boston. Tom Cruise had a really tough time kiling those things in War of the Worlds in 05'.
What happened in Boston, the .gif or War of the Worlds? (The .gif is Russian)
Couple of photos courtesy of Mr. Cotter; first is of Robinson between Kerr and McGee; second is of McGee between Robinson and Broadway:
OKC?s Project 180 hits manhole snag | The Journal Record (
OKLAHOMA CITY (Journal Record) – The Project 180 downtown streetscaping project, originally promised to upgrade every observable element of infrastructure from street paving to park benches, will proceed without new manhole covers.
City Council members agreed without discussion to set aside a pricing agreement with Nebraska-based Deeter Foundry for custom-made utility covers. In a memo from the public works department Tuesday, City Manager Jim Couch explained the reason for the reversal.
“Due to the inability of private utility companies to agree on common sizes, these manholes will not be purchased,” he wrote.
That doesn’t seem to be the case from the company’s perspective. Steve Lawson at Neenah Foundry, the parent company of Deeter, said the original pricing contract of $318,495 that the city originally approved turned out to be too expensive.
An OGE Energy utility company spokesman said a change in manhole cover sizes isn’t something that was discussed, although designs imprinted on the covers did come up.
In late 2010, the City Council approved a pricing agreement with Deeter Foundry for manhole covers for Project 180 streetscaping. Project 180 is a $140 million streetscape refurbishment for the entire downtown business district. ...
(re intital bid) Multiple sizes were included in the pricing agreement. As far as Deeter company representatives knew, the manhole covers would remain the same size as their other standard orders, although the imprint design might change. Deeter and Neenah have long-standing contracts to provide utility covers for municipalities across the state.
When asked to clarify City Hall’s recent memo regarding sizes, Project 180 coordinator Shannon Cox said officials had tried to bring all the downtown covers to a single, common size. That’s where the discrepancy arose, she said.
But even if the covers couldn’t be resized, they could still be replaced with a unifying design. Cox said that’s also a problem, because some of the utility companies objected to having the words “Oklahoma City” imprinted on their covers.
... Cox said she doesn’t know yet how the unspent funds will be applied elsewhere in Project 180. She said all other streetscaping components will be improved as originally planned.
OKCisOK4me 01-07-2014, 04:25 PM Well at least we have the initial manhole covers with the "You Are Here" pins in them.
Rover 01-07-2014, 04:41 PM OKC?s Project 180 hits manhole snag | The Journal Record (
OKLAHOMA CITY (Journal Record) But even if the covers couldn’t be resized, they could still be replaced with a unifying design. Cox said that’s also a problem, because some of the utility companies objected to having the words “Oklahoma City” imprinted on their covers.
Seriously?????? They object to having OKC on them. Great community citizens....NOT.
shawnw 01-07-2014, 04:54 PM I guess I never realized that the utilities owned the manholes/covers...
Wow, what a mess:
Of Sound Mind 01-15-2014, 09:45 AM Yes, it is. And it's ridiculous.
shawnw 01-15-2014, 09:51 AM I went to the last P180 public meeting and there was lots of promises of it being better this time around...
Just wait until this happens to Park Avenue, oh goodness....
OKCisOK4me 01-15-2014, 07:30 PM I went to the last P180 public meeting and there was lots of promises of it being better this time around...
Just wait until this happens to Park Avenue, oh goodness....
At least there are workers in one of the pics above!
ljbab728 01-16-2014, 12:28 AM Yes, it is. And it's ridiculous.
And what would be your suggested way to do this latest project without being ridiculous?
Urbanized 01-16-2014, 06:32 AM Just a quick note, because I don't think it has been mentioned: over the past few weeks a number of the decomposing P180 crosswalk stripes have been sandblasted and re-applied.
kevinpate 01-16-2014, 06:40 AM Did they ever find a way to turn this back into Project 180, or is still destined to end up closer to Project 90(ish)
Lazio85 01-24-2014, 04:11 PM Pictures from this afternoon. (
Project 180 ( by lazio85 (, on Flickr (
Project 180 ( by lazio85 (, on Flickr
pickles 01-24-2014, 04:23 PM Good god.
Plutonic Panda 01-25-2014, 02:30 PM Good god.What do you expect, they're replacing a street lol
Lazio85 01-30-2014, 01:15 PM (
Project 180 ( by lazio85 (, on Flickr (
Project 180 ( by lazio85 (, on Flickr (
Project 180 ( by lazio85 (, on Flickr (
Project 180 ( by lazio85 (, on Flickr
Lazio85 02-28-2014, 01:22 PM (
Project 180 ( by lazio85 (, on Flickr
UnFrSaKn 03-18-2014, 03:48 AM OKC Central: Five years later, Project 180 continues | (
No penalties have emerged over Project 180’s completion, now set for late 2015
You can see in the phasing attached in the article at the top of the page, the last phases of this project will go through at least the middle of 2016.
LakeEffect 03-18-2014, 08:17 AM My favorite line from Steve's editorial:
"Wenger said on Monday that studies are ongoing whether the street will stay six lanes or be reduced to four as recommended by consultants."
Did the City hire additional consultants to study what the consultants had to say? :)
Oh, and one more thing. The more I walk downtown, the more I hate the beg buttons for walking. The pedestrian signals should ALWAYS work, not only when the button is pushed. The amount of confused walkers (visitors and regulars alike) is astounding.
Anonymous. 03-18-2014, 08:24 AM My favorite line from Steve's editorial:
"Wenger said on Monday that studies are ongoing whether the street will stay six lanes or be reduced to four as recommended by consultants."
Did the City hire additional consultants to study what the consultants had to say? :)
Oh, and one more thing. The more I walk downtown, the more I hate the beg buttons for walking. The pedestrian signals should ALWAYS work, not only when the button is pushed. The amount of confused walkers (visitors and regulars alike) is astounding.
I was wondering about this, too. Perhaps we need a separate thread. This is definitely a problem if WALK signals do not operate unless button is pressed.
My favorite line from Steve's editorial:
"Wenger said on Monday that studies are ongoing whether the street will stay six lanes or be reduced to four as recommended by consultants."
Did the City hire additional consultants to study what the consultants had to say? :)
Oh, and one more thing. The more I walk downtown, the more I hate the beg buttons for walking. The pedestrian signals should ALWAYS work, not only when the button is pushed. The amount of confused walkers (visitors and regulars alike) is astounding.
That was the biggest thing I noticed walking around Vancouver. There were no buttons and the walk signs always flashed. The pedestrian always had priority to turning vehicles. And, there were VERY few dedicated turn lanes. It felt like Stillwater all over again. Start walking and cars stop for you. The only push buttons I found were at intersections that had lights going one way and stop signs the other. The lights flashed green and when you press the walk button they automatically changed. I wish we had those here.
I also can't understand why the intersection where Gaylord turns into Broadway was not changed. I really wish they would have reconnected 3rd.
Snowman 03-18-2014, 02:56 PM My favorite line from Steve's editorial:
"Wenger said on Monday that studies are ongoing whether the street will stay six lanes or be reduced to four as recommended by consultants."
Did the City hire additional consultants to study what the consultants had to say? :)
Oh, and one more thing. The more I walk downtown, the more I hate the beg buttons for walking. The pedestrian signals should ALWAYS work, not only when the button is pushed. The amount of confused walkers (visitors and regulars alike) is astounding.
Kinda feels like the mentality; if you don't get the answer you like, you can always find another consultant, if done properly the people who liked the prior answer(s) will not notice till the project is too far to change.
As a consultant, I can tell you many engagements start with the answer they want you to solve for, and then have you work backwards from there.
It's an old game of using an ostensibly objective expert to bolster a decision already made.
Not saying that is what is happening here, but it's a common tactic.
traxx 03-18-2014, 04:39 PM Some streets were trimmed out as the city saw some street reconstruction run over budget. Those overseeing the program now don’t even remember when Project 180 also was set to include modern new bus stops and standardized sidewalk vending machines for newspapers.
Some gaps will remain in the downtown grid; the confusing intersection of E.K. Gaylord, Dean A. McGee Avenue and Broadway will remain confusing and outdated.
Downtown is not as pedestrian friendly as some early planners might have hoped, but the terrain is friendlier than it was five years ago.
Sounds like a case of "It's not as good as what was advertised but it's not as sucky as it could be."
shawnw 03-18-2014, 11:01 PM As a downtown liver, I'm generally very pleased walking on P180 sidewalks daily. There's only a very few head scratchers for me.
catcherinthewry 03-19-2014, 09:26 AM As a downtown liver
Do you come with onions?:)
It looks like the work they've been doing on Dean A. McGee between Broadway and Robinson is almost complete.
Hope they keep knocking out these sections at the same pace, although SandRidge had already done the sidewalks on the south side of the street.
Spartan 03-19-2014, 09:50 AM Seriously?????? They object to having OKC on them. Great community citizens....NOT.
Maybe they are just holding us hostage until we approve the Small Tower?
I deleted the duplicate post soondoc made here and everywhere but the Lumber Yard thread.
soondoc 03-25-2014, 11:55 AM Bellaboo, I actually have and I have stated before that OKC has made huge strides. I brag about that to people all the time. I was at the NCAA wrestling tournament this past weekend and people from all over the country were in town. It has a 15 million dollar impact on the economy in 3 days compared to 9 million for St. Louis when they hosted men's basketball, so I am just giving you figures as to how big the event was.
I was hoping OKC would shine and people would be impressed with our city but just the opposite happened. I heard how stagnant and gloomy the place seemed, how such a great wrestling state could be sooo unprepared for such and event. Restaurants all over the city, even Bricktown didn't even know the even was going on until thousands go in to the restaurants they are so understaffed. At other cities that host it, all over the city are signs saying "welcome wrestling fans" and I never saw one sign anywhere I went. It was 6 sessions for 2 days and 18,000 fans per session so it is a big deal. Anyway, back to the topic of people saying our airport was tiny, is this really a major league city, our city looked dingy, etc.
Sorry, but I took it personal and yes, I have been around. I think it is YOU that hasn't been around to other places like Fort Worth and a hand full of other cities who do get things done. I think OKC has done some very good things to not be such a depressing place but it is still very, very average. I think the image of having the Thunder here has done more for morale and giving the city more exposure in a positive way. OKC needs to do more and bigger projects NOW, not years from now on certain things. I don't know why more people just don't understand that "perception can be reality" when it comes to things like this. Those people with negative perceptions of our city may not change now because they didn't see anything that wowed them. They focused on the negative and that is what I want to shake. I wish they could've seen things that left them with glowing impressions of our city. Heck, I went to the Memorial on Sunday and it was probably the biggest draw for all the people in for the wrestling tournament. Did not see a single "Welcome Wrestling Fans" or anything that even remotely cared they were there. That really disappointed me. If any of you think I am negative in my posts I am sorry. I just don't accept being mediocre and truly care and want OKC to be great while I think many of you are content on little changes here and there and more accepting of what is going on and haven't been to many other places to see how we could be and simply are not because of our actions. OKC is 1 or 2 in the nation in unemployment for larger cities and this IS IS IS the time you make hay when the sun shines. Their is no excuse as to why this city should not be BOOMING other than the decisions that are made. Our governor should be out recruiting the nation about our economy and bringing in companies to this state like Gov. Rick Perry does for Texas.
Plutonic Panda 03-25-2014, 12:00 PM Bellaboo, I actually have and I have stated before that OKC has made huge strides. I brag about that to people all the time. I was at the NCAA wrestling tournament this past weekend and people from all over the country were in town. It has a 15 million dollar impact on the economy in 3 days compared to 9 million for St. Louis when they hosted men's basketball, so I am just giving you figures as to how big the event was.
I was hoping OKC would shine and people would be impressed with our city but just the opposite happened. I heard how stagnant and gloomy the place seemed, how such a great wrestling state could be sooo unprepared for such and event. Restaurants all over the city, even Bricktown didn't even know the even was going on until thousands go in to the restaurants they are so understaffed. At other cities that host it, all over the city are signs saying "welcome wrestling fans" and I never saw one sign anywhere I went. It was 6 sessions for 2 days and 18,000 fans per session so it is a big deal. Anyway, back to the topic of people saying our airport was tiny, is this really a major league city, our city looked dingy, etc.
Sorry, but I took it personal and yes, I have been around. I think it is YOU that hasn't been around to other places like Fort Worth and a hand full of other cities who do get things done. I think OKC has done some very good things to not be such a depressing place but it is still very, very average. I think the image of having the Thunder here has done more for morale and giving the city more exposure in a positive way. OKC needs to do more and bigger projects NOW, not years from now on certain things. I don't know why more people just don't understand that "perception can be reality" when it comes to things like this. Those people with negative perceptions of our city may not change now because they didn't see anything that wowed them. They focused on the negative and that is what I want to shake. I wish they could've seen things that left them with glowing impressions of our city. Heck, I went to the Memorial on Sunday and it was probably the biggest draw for all the people in for the wrestling tournament. Did not see a single "Welcome Wrestling Fans" or anything that even remotely cared they were there. That really disappointed me. If any of you think I am negative in my posts I am sorry. I just don't accept being mediocre and truly care and want OKC to be great while I think many of you are content on little changes here and there and more accepting of what is going on and haven't been to many other places to see how we could be and simply are not because of our actions. OKC is 1 or 2 in the nation in unemployment for larger cities and this IS IS IS the time you make hay when the sun shines. Their is no excuse as to why this city should not be BOOMING other than the decisions that are made. Our governor should be out recruiting the nation about our economy and bringing in companies to this state like Gov. Rick Perry does for Texas.Huh.... I work with my father and he owns an interdependent car rental service; I picked up tons of people and shuttled them to and from the airport and they told me the exact opposite. They loved the city and it seemed inviting and "homey". They were amazed at how much construction is going on here.
I even told people that were from bigger cities that OKC still has a long way to go and it gets pretty boring here at times and they told me this city is truly becoming a great city and is one of the fastest growing cities they've seen in awhile. Not sure who you were talking to, but everything I've heard from people that were here for the wrestling tournament said they loved it.
soondoc 03-25-2014, 12:09 PM Panda, I love hearing that. I was going by people that were complaining that I heard and the wrestling message boards have a couple threads about OKC and it isn't a very nice read. I am sure that many did enjoy and have better impressions. I was most disappointed in how unprepared that most business were and our leaders for not advertising and spreading the word out to businesses all over the city as to how big of an event this was. Like I said, I never saw one single sign even welcoming people here for the even and like I said, it was a huge one with a 15 million dollar economic impact.
I saw where some local people associated with the events have already forwarded letters to the mayor, etc. as they were none to happy. Sorry for being negative in my posts but it is tough love I promise. I dream of OKC becoming some great city and sometimes I have to realize it never will be all that I hope and dream for it to be but much better than I ever envisioned it to be several years ago.
Plutonic Panda 03-25-2014, 12:19 PM Panda, I love hearing that. I was going by people that were complaining that I heard and the wrestling message boards have a couple threads about OKC and it isn't a very nice read. I am sure that many did enjoy and have better impressions. I was most disappointed in how unprepared that most business were and our leaders for not advertising and spreading the word out to businesses all over the city as to how big of an event this was. Like I said, I never saw one single sign even welcoming people here for the even and like I said, it was a huge one with a 15 million dollar economic impact.
I saw where some local people associated with the events have already forwarded letters to the mayor, etc. as they were none to happy. Sorry for being negative in my posts but it is tough love I promise. I dream of OKC becoming some great city and sometimes I have to realize it never will be all that I hope and dream for it to be but much better than I ever envisioned it to be several years ago.Bro, I've read threads about Austin where people bash it and say what a horrible city it is. Same about Portland, Seattle, NYC, L.A., and any other city. You can't make every single person happy.
Just fyi, going and posting on multiple threads saying pretty much the same thing(I've heard nothing but bad things about OKC and MAPS3 is going to be a failure)... you come off as trolling and with the sole intent of trying to start an argument. Not trying to be a dick, just sayin.
Of Sound Mind 03-25-2014, 12:41 PM Bro, I've read threads about Austin where people bash it and say what a horrible city it is. Same about Portland, Seattle, NYC, L.A., and any other city. You can't make every single person happy.
Just fyi, going and posting on multiple threads saying pretty much the same thing(I've heard nothing but bad things about OKC and MAPS3 is going to be a failure)... you come off as trolling and with the sole intent of trying to start an argument. Not trying to be a dick, just sayin.
Preach it!
dcsooner 03-25-2014, 01:18 PM bellaboo, i actually have and i have stated before that okc has made huge strides. I brag about that to people all the time. I was at the ncaa wrestling tournament this past weekend and people from all over the country were in town. It has a 15 million dollar impact on the economy in 3 days compared to 9 million for st. Louis when they hosted men's basketball, so i am just giving you figures as to how big the event was.
I was hoping okc would shine and people would be impressed with our city but just the opposite happened. I heard how stagnant and gloomy the place seemed, how such a great wrestling state could be sooo unprepared for such and event. Restaurants all over the city, even bricktown didn't even know the even was going on until thousands go in to the restaurants they are so understaffed. At other cities that host it, all over the city are signs saying "welcome wrestling fans" and i never saw one sign anywhere i went. It was 6 sessions for 2 days and 18,000 fans per session so it is a big deal. Anyway, back to the topic of people saying our airport was tiny, is this really a major league city, our city looked dingy, etc.
Sorry, but i took it personal and yes, i have been around. I think it is you that hasn't been around to other places like fort worth and a hand full of other cities who do get things done. I think okc has done some very good things to not be such a depressing place but it is still very, very average. I think the image of having the thunder here has done more for morale and giving the city more exposure in a positive way. Okc needs to do more and bigger projects now, not years from now on certain things. I don't know why more people just don't understand that "perception can be reality" when it comes to things like this. Those people with negative perceptions of our city may not change now because they didn't see anything that wowed them. They focused on the negative and that is what i want to shake. I wish they could've seen things that left them with glowing impressions of our city. Heck, i went to the memorial on sunday and it was probably the biggest draw for all the people in for the wrestling tournament. Did not see a single "welcome wrestling fans" or anything that even remotely cared they were there. That really disappointed me. If any of you think i am negative in my posts i am sorry. I just don't accept being mediocre and truly care and want okc to be great while i think many of you are content on little changes here and there and more accepting of what is going on and haven't been to many other places to see how we could be and simply are not because of our actions. Okc is 1 or 2 in the nation in unemployment for larger cities and this is is is the time you make hay when the sun shines. Their is no excuse as to why this city should not be booming other than the decisions that are made. Our governor should be out recruiting the nation about our economy and bringing in companies to this state like gov. Rick perry does for texas.
LakeEffect 03-25-2014, 01:27 PM Quit posting the same post all over... even if it has merit (not commenting on that) it's annoying to see so many threads hijacked...
dankrutka 03-25-2014, 02:28 PM ditto!
Lol. Cynical posters unite!
soondoc 03-25-2014, 02:40 PM Some of you all seriously need to get some of that estrogen out of your system. Go get your T-levels checked asap and your responses to my posts may change. I've never seen more whining and crying over my posts that are done out of concern and a call for more action at a time that we are riding the biggest wave in many decades for this city.
warreng88 03-25-2014, 02:50 PM Some of you all seriously need to get some of that estrogen out of your system. Go get your T-levels checked asap and your responses to my posts may change. I've never seen more whining and crying over my posts that are done out of concern and a call for more action at a time that we are riding the biggest wave in many decades for this city.
The big issue started with you copying and pasting the same thing to six different threads. I understand that you want to start discussion but you also did no research to understand how MAPS works or what projects have already started. We are FIVE years into Project 180 and so many of the DT streets have been transformed as well as the Myriad Gardens and the Bicentennial Park. You asking if this was going to happen and doubting OKC's ability to start things without simple research screwed your opinion in my eyes and several other poster's eyes at first glance.
dankrutka 03-25-2014, 03:14 PM Some of you all seriously need to get some of that estrogen out of your system. Go get your T-levels checked asap and your responses to my posts may change. I've never seen more whining and crying over my posts that are done out of concern and a call for more action at a time that we are riding the biggest wave in many decades for this city.
Our problem is not that we all act like women (way to insult half the board), but that neither your methods (excessive posting via copying and pasting), content (inaccurate, uninfomed), nor presentation (cynical overgeneralizations) merit much of a response. If your next posts have a little more substance I think you'll find posters here are more than willing to talk about the strengths and shortcomings of Oklahoma City.
CuatrodeMayo 03-25-2014, 03:23 PM like
LocoAko 03-25-2014, 03:32 PM Huh.... I work with my father and he owns an interdependent car rental service; I picked up tons of people and shuttled them to and from the airport and they told me the exact opposite. They loved the city and it seemed inviting and "homey". They were amazed at how much construction is going on here.
I even told people that were from bigger cities that OKC still has a long way to go and it gets pretty boring here at times and they told me this city is truly becoming a great city and is one of the fastest growing cities they've seen in awhile. Not sure who you were talking to, but everything I've heard from people that were here for the wrestling tournament said they loved it.
While we're sharing anecdotes, I had my twin brother in town and showed him around OKC for the first time. It was just a quick driving tour of some of the core neighborhoods (Bricktown, CBD, Midtown, DD, Plaza, and 23rd St if I recall) but he really didn't enjoy it. He's from NYC and hasn't traveled much outside of the Northeast corridor, so I think that is partly to blame for his skewed perspective (since clearly OKC and NYC aren't comparable), but he commented frequently that the city looks boring, spread out, kept pointing out empty lots and the lack of sidewalks, etc. The worst part for him was the lack of activity outside of car traffic, with almost no one walking around anywhere. I was really dismayed since I'm growing to have a real soft spot for this city even if I do recognize some of its issues, but I'd been hoping that he'd like it here a little more and see its charm. I made sure to tell him about the streetcar, convention center, and Central Park (since I took him to the Skydance bridge which he did enjoy) but he still insisted that OKC was simply "the biggest small town [he'd] ever seen."
Oh well... not gonna win 'em all, I guess. I imagine he would have enjoyed himself more if we'd had the opportunity to walk around and actually go out to bars and restaurants, but it just didn't work with our schedule.
Edited to add: Interestingly, the one thing he did seem to dig about OKC was its "grittiness". It isn't a word I would have used on my own, but he did like how many re-worked and re-purposed buildings there were in areas like AA and Film Row... I think he thought it had a true urban look (just with a lack of street life, apparently) rather than a super clean-cut suburban type of neighborhood.