View Full Version : Moving to Edmond
eRod v1.0 07-23-2010, 06:27 PM Hey guys and gals! I am taking a new job in OKC and moving your way in a few months. We decided on Edmond as the place to live after listening to many peoples opinions, and I happen to have a best friend who lives in Stillwater. Can anyone give me the ins and outs of the town? Bare with me as I have a few questions, lol. I've been told to try and get my kids (ages 3 and 5) in the Deer Creek schools. Agree/disagree? I'll be working over by Will Rogers, so what areas would you suggest I look for houses? Also it's important that the neighborhoods be kid friendly. For TV, would you go satellite, Cox, or U-Verse? How about a golf course my family can join? My wife and I both play, and my kids love to putt around. Someone suggested The Greens CC. Anyone play there or belong there? That's it for now! Thanks in advance.
hipsterdoofus 07-23-2010, 11:00 PM Deer Creek has great schools from what I know...Edmond's schools are good as well but everything out Deer Creek way is pretty new. As far as the other questions I'm sure there are others that can answer them better than I could.
fuzzytoad 07-23-2010, 11:41 PM Hey guys and gals! I am taking a new job in OKC and moving your way in a few months. We decided on Edmond as the place to live after listening to many peoples opinions, and I happen to have a best friend who lives in Stillwater. Can anyone give me the ins and outs of the town? Bare with me as I have a few questions, lol. I've been told to try and get my kids (ages 3 and 5) in the Deer Creek schools. Agree/disagree? I'll be working over by Will Rogers, so what areas would you suggest I look for houses? Also it's important that the neighborhoods be kid friendly. For TV, would you go satellite, Cox, or U-Verse? How about a golf course my family can join? My wife and I both play, and my kids love to putt around. Someone suggested The Greens CC. Anyone play there or belong there? That's it for now! Thanks in advance.
1. traffic is HORRIBLE every single day.
2. Deer Creek isn't any worse/better than the other schools for that age in Edmond. It's more of a Social Acceptance thing for the parents, nothing to do with the kids..
3. It doesn't really matter where you look, if you're working at Will Rogers and you live North of 33rd, you're going to be looking at 35min-1:20 hour morning traffic during normal(7am-9am) rush hour.. All depends on the amount of morons on the road... Anytime before/after that you're looking at a roughly 25-35min drive.. same for evening drive
4. Pretty much every neighborhood in Edmond is kid-friendly.
5. go with Cox.. U-verse is a joke.. Satty is ok if you only want certain channels(a'la carte), but Cox isn't bad at all here..
6. There's a multitude of golf courses around this area.. You don't need to focus on any one area in the OKC metro area, there's a golf course for you, trust me..
7. Edmond isn't all that bad.. the houses and neighborhoods are nice.. The shopping in Edmond as a city sucks, unless you're over the age of 65 or like to shop for nothing but dusty, aged wannabe "antiques". Grocery shopping choices in Edmond are outstanding, as long as you aren't counting on shopping in overpriced "trendy" places like Whole Foods or Trader Joes.. We don't have them and imho, don't need them...
The bad parts about Edmond are:
Traffic - The traffic here is retarded. There's a traffic light every 400 feet on pretty much every single street, and they aren't synchronized.. some are on timers, some are on sensors, some just stay one color for hours at a time for no reason..
Snobs - There's LOTS of snobby people here.. It's bad enough to get into the school system.. That may not be a problem for you, just letting you know..
Water - The tap water in most of Edmond is horrific... It smells, it tastes like rotten eggs, destroys indoor plumbing gaskets on a 10-14 month rotation and has unique ability to somehow eat thru PVC pipes.. Your first home improvement investment should be on a water-treatment system, seriously..
If you have teens, or like to go out at night and rip it up, you won't be doing it in Edmond.. If that's what you're looking for - awesome.. Just something to keep in mind..
Good things(since it probably looks like I'm being negative):
It's quiet.
Crime is almost non-existant
There's a new gun range, in addition to an open-air private range
There's lots of riding(horse) trails, bike trails, fishing(at Lake Arcadia, just don't drink it or swim), buncha parks..
Churches on every corner and some in-between..
Pretty tight community when you need them..
Wow, I typed alot..
Been here for over ten years.. I have more complaints than I do praises, but I haven't found a better place to live in this area :)
hipsterdoofus 07-24-2010, 08:58 AM Ok, maybe I shouldn't have let someone else answer...ignore fuzzytoad - he apparently hates everything and everyone.
1) Traffic being "horrible" is relative to where you live...if you build in the middle of Edmond away from any highways, yes it takes awhile to get out of town (duh?)
2) As I mentioned..I don't know if Deer Creek is wife student taught there though and said that one thing she noticed is that the parents there were as involved as anywhere she had seen...which to me is a good thing. I'm a product of Edmond Schools and cannot complain.
3) The only time it has taken me anywhere near 1:20 to get to work was when we had the flood of the century a few weeks ago. It all depends on what time you are leaving town. I usually get from Edmond to Downtown OKC in less than 30 minutes.
4) Somewhat agree with this...I mean there are a few less desireable parts of town, but doubt you'd be looking there anyway
5)I don't have cable but I will say that AT&T's customer service is pretty bad on the DSL I have with them.
6) no comment
7) no comment
As for a few of his other comments - I already mentioned about traffic. As far as the snobs - that is a myth made up by other suburbs in the area to have a reason to dislike Edmond. My extended family has always been in Edmond, but I've lived other places. I've not seen any more snobs in Edmond than you would in other places where there are a few well-off people. I'm not sure how you can say the tap water is Edmond gets its water from 2 distinct sources, Wells and Lake Arcadia. It does NOT taste like rotten egs and it does not destroy plumbing gaskets....apparently someone spiked fuzzytoads water - probably because he's so hateful.
Anyway just I think a more balanced view of things. I'm not really sure why fuzzytoad lives here if he hates it so much...its a good place to live, just try to get on the side of town that is closest to your work. Also, keep in mind it is possible to live in OKC limits and have deer creek or edmond schools. I know a lot that do that but watch out...OKC doesn't seem to care much about those people and runs years behind on roadwork in those areas (although they are finally catching up on some of it).
eRod v1.0 07-24-2010, 10:23 AM Thanks for the comments so far, even you fuzzy. Lol. Traffic is not a big deal. It's unavoidable, so adjust your times. Shopping for me is not a big thing, but I can tell you now you guys have about 500 more stores than where I live now, lol. All I need is a Walmart for groceries! My wife and I aren't big bar goers, so the night life is not a big deal to me. Besides, having friends over for some drinks is usually a lot more fun. When I meant kid friendly, I was really asking are there neighborhoods that have more kids than others. I guess it's not a big deal, but where I live now, it's an "older aged" neighborhood. So, there are only a handful of kids around here for my kids to play with.
Anyways, I am coming down the second week of August for a look around. Any restaurants that I must try while I am there? I am pretty easy and love all types of foods.
Casey 07-24-2010, 11:39 AM I'm with you, hipsterdoofus. I don't find the traffic bad here at all, I don't find people snobby, and I don't find the water tastes like anything.
I just moved to Edmond about three weeks ago, and I love it so far. People are ridiculously nice, there's a ton of stuff available to do, and a large majority of the neighbourhoods are stunningly gorgeous.
angrytoad - what's your favourite grocery store? The only one I've found so far has been Crest Foods, and it's alright.
Not sure what your housing budget is, but there are plenty of new neighborhoods/houses in the Edmond/DC area to fit whatever need you have.
I'd suggest Rose Creek if you're looking to join a golf club. I believe it's only a $500 initiation until the middle/end of August when they finish the new clubhouse and turn completely private.
ImTheDude 07-26-2010, 01:33 PM Not sure what your price range is, but you will not find a more kid friendly neighborhood in Deer Creek/Edmond than Lone Oak. I have 3 friends that live in there and it is a flashback to the 50's. People are out front every night with the kids playing in the streets and the parents socializing, its great. Houses range from the 180's to 250's and there are quite a few for sale in there right now.
eRod v1.0 07-26-2010, 02:16 PM Dude, thanks for the info. I will look into that neighborhood for sure. The other ones that I was told about are Highland Trails and The Grove.
GoThunder 07-26-2010, 11:30 PM Just a couple suggestions for when you're here in August... eat at Othellos if you like Italian food. If not, or if you don't want to spend the money, Hideaway pizza or Cafe 501 are always good.
eRod v1.0 07-27-2010, 05:30 PM Love italian food, so I will for sure check out Othellos. Any good mexican joints?
hipsterdoofus 07-28-2010, 11:15 AM There are more Mexican places than you can try. Chances are, people will try to push you to Ted's, which while good enough, is very overpriced. Just explore til you find something you like...I'm sure you can find something.
fuzzytoad 07-28-2010, 11:46 AM There are more Mexican places than you can try. Chances are, people will try to push you to Ted's, which while good enough, is very overpriced. Just explore til you find something you like...I'm sure you can find something.
I'd say just *barely* good enough.. Avoid Ted's
eRod v1.0 07-28-2010, 12:29 PM I'll keep that in mind about Teds. I think I will go to Othello's.
hipsterdoofus 07-28-2010, 01:42 PM I'd say just *barely* good enough.. Avoid Ted's
Ted's is very much Tex as opposed to mex. At one point it was one of the few Mexican places in town. It became wildly popular. Now there is a Mexican place on every corner and for some reason people still swear by Ted's even though it isn't any better than any other place, they herd you out like cattle, and they charge you a premium.
Casey 07-28-2010, 08:03 PM That's funny, I heard that Ted's was the best Mexican in town. Which made me chuckle a bit, as I've never heard of Ted the Mexican.
cjohnson.405 07-29-2010, 08:11 AM I moved back to Edmond 6 weeks ago (after 5 years in McKinney, TX) and really love it. McKinney is a large Dallas suburb that is one of the fastest growing cities in the US and in an area that is hyper-transitional. My thoughts:
- People in Edmond (and Oklahoma in general) are typically from Oklahoma and there is a great sense of permanence. People are personally invested here and tend to form deep relationships.
- There is no more snobbery here than other communities that have some degree of wealth. It's funny how people in Norman will talk about how snobby Edmond is but they are practicing their own form of snobbery.
- Traffic in Edmond is bad because of poor development (lots of untimed traffic lights). It's worse than Dallas. Seriously, Edmond has really been let down by it's leadership in regards to traffic.
- Because of traffic, I wouldn't take kids to Deer Creek schools and work on the East side. You will be in the car alot. We live on the East side of 35 where there is zero traffic and avoid going West.
- I made a list of restaurants that we enjoy and was glad to see that they are all locals. In Edmond, you don't have to rely on national chain restaurants. My favorites are Othellos for Italian, Humble Pie & Hideaway just for Pizza, Chelinos for Tex-Mex, Flat-Tire for burgers, Steve's Rib for BBQ, Charleston's for American, Fish City Grill for Seafood, and Cafe 501 for sandwiches. Chinese is the lone letdown. We haven't tried any Thai places yet but that is on the list.
- Shopping here is fine for everyday stuff and homegoods. You'll need to head to OKC for clothing.
- There is no nightlife here so you will have to head down to Western in OKC or Bricktown.
- The one thing we miss in Edmond is a high-end grocery store. We used to do our basics at Wal-Mart/Target and then buy lunch meat, fruit, steaks and other stuff at Market Street in McKinney. There is a huge difference and it is noticed.
- There are alot of well-known, solid, large churches in Edmond.
- We found a great drive-in theater in Guthrie and have been 3 times in the 6 weeks we've lived here. Something about seeing a movie at the drive-in is so great.
- While we did just go through a home search, I can't really talk to neighborhoods with kids because we had a pretty narrow criteria. I just know that I've seen kids everywhere.
If you join a club or a church or somewhere that plugs you into a group, it is easy to make friends in Edmond. And people here tend to be pretty active and go out and do lots of things. We've been invited more times to hang out with new friends and do more things in 6 weeks than we were over the last 2 years in McKinney.
Good luck.
calitook 07-29-2010, 09:18 AM My husband and I heard that Ted's was great when we first moved here. We thought it was majorly gross. I think it depends on what we're used to. Since we're from CA, we're used to more authentic Mexican food, and not stuff covered in Velveeta.
MightyHorse 07-29-2010, 09:33 AM It seems too oily to be velveeta.
hipsterdoofus 07-29-2010, 10:57 AM And yet the people who like Ted's swear it is the best place to eat ever...
ImTheDude 07-29-2010, 11:26 AM For a nice dinner around $100 for 2, you can't beat Signature Grill in Kickingbird Square. Be sure to make reservations.
eRod v1.0 07-29-2010, 12:59 PM Cjohnson, thanks for the great info. I am looking forward to my trip there in a few weeks. We have a long list of things to do while we are there so I am excited to see the area.
Debzkidz 07-30-2010, 11:19 AM I agree with all the negative comments about Ted's. Blah! The food is overpriced and mediocre at best, but for us, I think the worst part of Teds the the horrible smell of bathroom deodorizer as soon as you walk in the front door. I can't stand to go in there because the smell hits you as soon as you walk in. We've been here for 4 years, also from Texas, but have yet to find any Mexican or Tex Mex that we really like. Do go to Humble Pie for pizza. I love that place.
ImTheDude 07-30-2010, 11:30 AM For authentic mexican, there is a taqueria on Kelly just south of 15th on the east side of the road. Its in a strip mall and is a mexican convenience store with a grill in the back. Best street tacos I have had in the city.
eRod v1.0 07-30-2010, 07:49 PM Can you guys recommend any good builders in Edmond?
ImTheDude 08-02-2010, 11:25 AM If we were going to build, we planned on using
cjohnson.405 08-02-2010, 11:45 AM The Baylor 3 all have very good reputations: Caleb McCaleb, Derek Turner, Chris Moock.
ImTheDude 08-02-2010, 04:00 PM Turner has a great reputation with the Coffee Creek residents right now.
shadow42 08-03-2010, 07:50 AM We have lived in Edmond just over two years, now, having moved from SoCal. It is a nice quiet place to raise a family and people are more than friendly. Do NOT agree with the earlier posts of snobbish people...have not seen it at all. Though all the stop signs are annoying, I would not say the traffic is bad here. Some congestion around the busy shopping areas, but that is it. Coming from TX, it will not bother you. As far as schools, I put mine in Edmond after doing lots of research. Deer Creek is having growing pains and remediation is much higher than in Edmond. A friend of mine pulled her kids out of DC and put them in private school because they were not learning. Some people will swear by DC, though. No personal experience, this is just what I have heard. I have been mostly happy in our Edmond school. The teachers (and principal) are very kind and caring. Very different atmosphere from CA, tho I was happy with our schools there as well.
BTW, Ted's is aweful! Chelino's is probably the best mexican we have found so far. Living in socal for 14yrs and frequenting AZ, I can tell you that the mexican food here is pretty marginal, at best. Best restaurants I have found here....Cafe501(great salads and sandwiches), Lemongrass for Thai, Mr. Sushi, Hobbies Hogies (great sandwiches) .
Most neighborhoods are nice. Parent reviews of schools can be found on Good luck.
PennyQuilts 08-03-2010, 08:48 AM I hate the traffic on Broadway but, fortunately, you can go around it. erod, check with Bo Bolinger, a realtor. He may have some ideas.
hipsterdoofus 08-03-2010, 08:51 AM In regards to Lemongrass for thai - personally I think the food at "Thai Palace" on Fretz & Edmond Road is better (and you get more) - that being said, you would need to go there BEFORE you are hungry as they are really slow. I have been to Lemongrass a couple of times and it is good as well.
corwin1968 08-03-2010, 09:42 AM My wife and I bought a house in Valencia just over a year ago and have been very happy. Valencia is right across the street from "The Grove" and is putting up houses at a much faster rate. Much of the western side of Valencia is Deer Creek Schools while the far eastern side is Edmond schools. There are many young families with children in this edition.
Houses range from low 140's to the 300's. Valencia has 30 acres of green belt area including a lot of paved walking paths and several ponds (the big one is right outside our backyard fence). We have very easy access to highway 74/Hefner Parkway which would be a fast-lane down to Will Rogers Airport (assuming that is what you are referring to). I work relatively close to Will Rogers and my worst commutes are around 30 minutes and if traffic is light it's more like 20-25. Quail Springs mall and a major commercial district are about 4 miles away and very convenient. We have a Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market, a Wal-Mart Supercenter and a Crest grocery store (very large) all within 4-5 miles of us.
I would also add that this area (actually Oklahoma City) is newly developed and doesn't suffer from the horrible traffic conditions of Edmond. Fortunately the city is working on upgrading roads and intersections before the area is built up so hopefully we'll avoid some of the congestion issues I've experiences in the newer areas of Edmond that are just south of us (Penn from 150'th to 164th, in particular).
For restaraunts I would also say avoid Ted's. WAY overpriced and mediocre at best. We go there ocassionaly because their salsas are pretty good. Ron's Hamburgers, Hobbies Hoagies and Mr. Sushi are all in the same shopping center and are excellent mom/pop type places. If you want good mexican food you need to travel down to the SW 44th and Western area. That's where I work and that is where you will find authentic mexican food. For Asian food you will need to go to the Asian district at NW 23rd and Classen. There are several Asian grocery stores and tons of good restaurants (with an emphais on Vietnamese food but others are represented as well).
We have all the major chain restaurants in this area but the real jewels are the locally owned places.
eRod v1.0 09-13-2010, 08:58 PM Haven't checked this thread in a while. I'll be headed to OKC shortly, hopefully within the next 5-6 weeks. Thanks for all of the comments so far. See ya soon!
brownb01 09-16-2010, 10:21 PM Good luck! You'll love it! I've been here a few years, and I think it's great.
The schools are much better, and Deer Creek even better. Fuzzy really has no clue what he's talking's obvious!
Traffic...I guess it just depends on where you live in Edmond. I don't get in any traffic until I get to OKC.
Water doesn't stink...actually I think it's good. Fuzzy maybe drinking out of the wrong water source in his house. Water pressure is great in Edmond.
Snobs...well they are every where in and every city. I always find people without money, think people with money are snobs. Funny really...they don't know these people at all, and they call them snobby. funny.
FFLady 09-17-2010, 08:10 AM I agree with the Teds' comments. Chelino's is probably the best bet in Edmond. If you get their before 5 pm, enchillada dinner & the taco salad are $4.99. Otherwise Wed. evenings has the enchillada dinners for $4.99. I like Alvarado's too! Service has always been great there and the food as well.
I have lived in Edmond for 11 years, and I guess my only complaint would be the traffic. And the train....hehehehe...
dhkosz 09-17-2010, 02:11 PM Oklahoma City limits with Edmond schools is an ideal for a lot of homebuyers. Silverhawk community on NW 178th and Penn is a great area. It's walking distance to the elementary school (Westfield) and has a neighborhood pool and playground. Just a few miles to the south to jump on the turnpike or a few miles to the west to get to Hefner Parkway. Rose Creek, The Greens or Quail Creek for close golf courses. I have Cox and like it for the service but know a lot of people that have switched to U-Verse and prefer it to Cox. Check out the Silverhawk neighborhood on website.
Midtowner 09-18-2010, 07:28 AM Careful with the build quality of the homes in West Edmond. Some of them are only 10-15 years old and are already falling apart.
dhkosz 09-18-2010, 08:38 AM I live in West Edmond and have lived in my house for 10 years (bought it brand new) and have been really pleased with my house as well as the area. There's less traffic than in East Edmond and I can get anywhere pretty quickly!
rebemaul 09-18-2010, 08:54 AM Lone Oak is a great community. Very family oriented. It is eight small neighborhoods - some are gated. I always notice a lot of kids playing and fishing. Very close to Hefner Parkway which will get you anywhere in the city pretty fast. The commute to Will Rogers is not bad at all. There are a few other areas like Valencia, Silverhawk, Grove that I would be careful with - abundance of visible stem wall and some 'unique' builders.
rebemaul 09-18-2010, 09:01 AM I noticed someone said it took 35-1:20 minutes to get to Will Rogers from Deer Creek. I drive that daily and if I leave before 7:30, it takes me 25 minutes. If I leave after, it takes me 30-35 minutes. On the worst day ever, it took my 45 minutes because of two accidents. On the way home, Hefner Parkway backs up at 150th and looks bad, but you go through it pretty fast. Drive home takes about the same time.
hipsterdoofus 09-19-2010, 09:17 PM Oklahoma City limits with Edmond schools is an ideal for a lot of homebuyers. Silverhawk community on NW 178th and Penn is a great area. It's walking distance to the elementary school (Westfield) and has a neighborhood pool and playground. Just a few miles to the south to jump on the turnpike or a few miles to the west to get to Hefner Parkway. Rose Creek, The Greens or Quail Creek for close golf courses. I have Cox and like it for the service but know a lot of people that have switched to U-Verse and prefer it to Cox. Check out the Silverhawk neighborhood on website.
I have a friend who would agree with you on the neighborhood, but he'd probably recommend Jeff Click instead of heartland :-)
eRod v1.0 09-19-2010, 09:57 PM I have a friend who would agree with you on the neighborhood, but he'd probably recommend Jeff Click instead of heartland :-)
Well well. I checked out Jeff Click's website. Amazing homes. My wife fell in love. I'll be contacting them tomorrow, lol.
Steve 09-22-2010, 11:55 AM Jeff Click is well regarded by many and was past chairman of the homebuilder's association
Jettmiester 01-18-2011, 06:34 PM I had a home Built in Silverhawk by Jeff Click Homes (Urbana Series). Never been happier. Location is great and the house is top notch quality and solid. Plus the builder/company owner (Jeff Click) works directly with you. I have been in my New home for about 6 months now. Of course I have have had some minor things to be worked on (very minor- and that is going to happen), but the thing is if you arent happy with the speed of the repair or professionlism of the repair, Jeff sees to it it's taken care of. The man has INTEGRITY.
Love my choice in my home. Hope you do as well. You CANNOT go wrong with a Jeff Click Home. (kinda rhymes doent it?)
AFwife04 02-19-2011, 07:46 AM I live in West Edmond and have lived in my house for 10 years (bought it brand new) and have been really pleased with my house as well as the area. There's less traffic than in East Edmond and I can get anywhere pretty quickly!
ITA! We just moved to Edmond and our home was built in 1999 and it is an awesome house and is in great shape despite the previous dirtbag owners who did NOT care for or clean it very well.
I live East of 35 Edmond and you couldn't pay me enough to live in West Edmond
bucktalk 03-02-2011, 07:01 AM I live East of 35 Edmond and you couldn't pay me enough to live in West Edmond
Hmmm.....and the reason being? We are in west Edmond and find it to be a great part of town to be in.
hipsterdoofus 03-04-2011, 04:11 PM Hmmm.....and the reason being? We are in west Edmond and find it to be a great part of town to be in.
Maybe he doesn't want to be there cause you are there :-P
Snowman 03-04-2011, 07:27 PM East Edmond does have the option of i35 which will be even better over at least the next 10 years as the i44/i235 exchange gets rebuilt and i235 is widened south of that, both Broadway and 2nd keep getting more traffic and stoplights. It would not surprise me if the turnpike authority tries to building a turnpike off of portland/lakeshore drive that ties into i35 north of Edmond in the next 20 to 30 years.
hipsterdoofus 03-06-2011, 04:28 PM East Edmond does have the option of i35 which will be even better over at least the next 10 years as the i44/i235 exchange gets rebuilt and i235 is widened south of that, both Broadway and 2nd keep getting more traffic and stoplights. It would not surprise me if the turnpike authority tries to building a turnpike off of portland/lakeshore drive that ties into i35 north of Edmond in the next 20 to 30 years.
74 is being widened to 4 lanes, although will not be limited access, unfortunately. They started out north and are working their way back to the city.
Hmmm.....and the reason being? We are in west Edmond and find it to be a great part of town to be in.
Traffic and a ton of homes were just thrown up over there
Snowman 03-09-2011, 10:32 PM 74 is being widened to 4 lanes, although will not be limited access, unfortunately. They started out north and are working their way back to the city.
between the easements on some of the neighborhoods/businesses and that they started frontage roads on Portland at the intersection it would not be shocking if they keep enough room to make it controlled later.
hipsterdoofus 03-11-2011, 11:37 AM between the easements on some of the neighborhoods/businesses and that they started frontage roads on Portland at the intersection it would not be shocking if they keep enough room to make it controlled later.
Perhaps - but for now it will not be limited from what a county commissioner told me. I would be pleasantly surprised if they thought ahead and went ahead and acquired the land for that now though...seems a lot of times they don't think that far into the future.
redcup 03-12-2011, 10:48 PM Funny Ted's story: My son and his girlfriend would say let's go out to eat and we would end up at Ted's via their suggestion. My DH and I were not impressed, but went because we thought they really liked it. Finally, I asked where else they liked to eat Tex-Mex and they told us (it was NOT Ted's). They thought we liked it and we thought they did. Needless to say we have never been back! LOL I will say I prefer the east part of Edmond as far as being pretty and not as flat as most of Oklahoma. But, that is a personal pref. I have worked in Edmond, but never lived there. The traffic does suck, but now that the Broadway Ext. is completed for the most part...thank heavens! Good luck in your transition to OK. I will say most here are very friendly and good people.
janejane 03-14-2011, 10:21 AM Edmond is a great place to live.....whether you are young or old...I can't stand to hear people bitch about Edmond and what it lacks, etc..
Jettmiester 03-14-2011, 04:59 PM Edmond is a great place to live.....whether you are young or old...I can't stand to hear people bitch about Edmond and what it lacks, etc..
I agree, I am very pleased so far since moving here.
Joe Daddy 03-14-2011, 05:10 PM Wonder what happened to the OP? He has not posted in this thread since 9/19/2010.
Jersey Boss 03-14-2011, 08:09 PM Better not move to Edmond as the populace there feels threatened by the United Nations.
Jettmiester 03-15-2011, 12:27 AM Better not move to Edmond as the populace there feels threatened by the United Nations.
Is that how it was in Jersey there "Boss"?
metro 03-15-2011, 08:30 AM We have lived in Edmond just over two years, now, having moved from SoCal. It is a nice quiet place to raise a family and people are more than friendly. Do NOT agree with the earlier posts of snobbish people...have not seen it at all. Though all the stop signs are annoying, I would not say the traffic is bad here. Some congestion around the busy shopping areas, but that is it. Coming from TX, it will not bother you. As far as schools, I put mine in Edmond after doing lots of research. Deer Creek is having growing pains and remediation is much higher than inEdmond. A friend of mine pulled her kids out of DC and put them in private school because they were not learning. Some people will swear by DC, though. No personal experience, this is just what I have heard. I have been mostly happy in our Edmond school. The teachers (and principal) are very kind and caring. Very different
atmosphere from CA, tho I was happy with our schools there as well.
BTW, Ted's is aweful! Chelino's is probably the best mexican we have found so far.
Living in socal for 14yrs and frequenting AZ, I can tell you that the mexican food here
is pretty marginal, at best. Best restaurants I have found here....Cafe501(great salads and sandwiches), Lemongrass for Thai, Mr. Sushi, Hobbies Hogies (great sandwiches) .
Most neighborhoods are nice. Parent reviews of schools can be found on Good luck.
That's because the Edmond food and entertainment scene sucks at best, if you want real food and entertainment, eat in the inner loop of OKC. Also, you can't compare baja Mex to Tex Mex.