View Full Version : Recycling?

07-17-2010, 08:22 AM
I just moved here. When I got here, I had three gray/blue bins that came with my house, for garbage.

No one on my street seems to have a blue bin for recycling.

Does Edmond recycle at all? If so, does it go out on the same day as recycling?

It feels weird throwing out bottles and cans. I'm from Canada where we recycle EVERYTHING.

07-17-2010, 09:57 AM

Here ya go! I know what you mean about it feeling weird to not recycle. Once you get used to it, it makes you crazy to not do it. Seems bizarre. I have gone so far as to take my cans out to the car to take home and put in the recycle bin when I am visiting and someone isn't recycling.

Oh, and welcome!

07-17-2010, 09:25 PM
Yep you should have a recycle bin too. I will say I hate the recycle bins Edmond has as they allow for all the paper to just blow out all over the street. Not very useful if you ask me.

07-18-2010, 10:47 AM
Maybe your neighbors seeing your recycling bin out on trash day will encourage them to get one as well!

I live in OKC, so the Edmond program might be different, but when I called the City for my recycling bin, they said I would get it in 3-5 days. It was actually waiting on my lawn for me the night that I called. I didn't even have to make a trip to City Hall to go pick it up like I did in my previous city.

07-18-2010, 10:48 PM
Ahhhh, thanks everyone, and thanks for the welcome Penny.

I'm actually under OKC utilities, so I'm excited about not having to go pick it up. Must call them tomorrow.

08-20-2010, 09:44 PM
Oklahoma City residents can get rid of their used, unwanted, obsolete and damaged household electronic equipment in an environmentally sound manner and free of charge by dropping it off at State Fair Park between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 21.

08-20-2010, 09:55 PM
Oklahoma City residents can get rid of their used, unwanted, obsolete and damaged household electronic equipment in an environmentally sound manner and free of charge by dropping it off at State Fair Park between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 21.
I've taken advantage of this in the past. Before I went, I was worried that I would have to park far away and carry my heavy stuff over a long distance. That was not the case at all - when I got there a bunch of big guys ran up to my car, unloaded my recyclables, and sent me on my way without me even having to turn off the car. It was great!

08-22-2010, 03:10 PM
I've taken advantage of this in the past. Before I went, I was worried that I would have to park far away and carry my heavy stuff over a long distance. That was not the case at all - when I got there a bunch of big guys ran up to my car, unloaded my recyclables, and sent me on my way without me even having to turn off the car. It was great!

i took advantage of this event yesterday, too... got rid of some old broken tv's and computers that i didn't know what to do with. great service!

08-25-2010, 10:21 AM
Edmond recycles everything. On Saturdays (not sure the hours) they have a community recycling center open Just South of 2nd Street, west of Broadway. They even recycle cardboard and other not as common items. They have a glass dumpster, tin, aluminum, cardboard, plastic, paper, etc. I also found a BUNCH more info on the City of Edmond's website about all their recycling programs.

You Can Recycle

* Aluminum beverage cans
* Clean aluminum foil
* Glass beverage bottles
* Clean food jars and bottles
* Newspapers, including ad inserts
* Magazines and Phone Books
* Plastic milk jugs
* Plastic beverage containers, food containers, and detergent jugs that are stamped with a "1" or "2" on the bottom, and plastic beverage/drink containers marked with "3" through "7" on the bottom
* Tin food cans and lids (rinse clean but no need to remove labels)
* Aerosol cans (only if they are completely empty)

These Cannot Be Recycled through the Curbside Program

* Egg cartons
* Foam, including styrofoam and packaging materials
* Plastic wrap
* Cardboard (corrugated paper board*), cake and cereal boxes
* Tissues and used paper towels
* Oil, antifreeze or chemical containers

* Although the corrugated paper board is too bulky for the curbside collection program, you can recycle your cardboard boxes by taking them to the Edmond Recycling Center. Be sure to place corrugated materials in the container marked CORRUGATED.
The Edmond Recycling Center is located at 3333 Progressive Dr. located on the northeast corner of I-35 and Covell.

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon.

Items Accepted at Recycling Center:
# Plastics containers # 1-7; rinsed and flattened
# Glass - clear, green and brown colors. Please rinse glass containers.
# Newspaper, mixed paper (office paper, copy paper & junk mail), magazines, brown paper bags and shredded paper
# Aluminum cans and foil, tin cans. Please rinse cans and foil.
# Cardboard paper, includes corrugated and pressed wood paper (cereal and food boxes) and paper egg cartons. All cardboard must be flat.

08-25-2010, 12:22 PM
The annoying thing is they claimed to move some of the service to a more "convenient" location - over to I-35 and Covell...which is probably only convenient for the City..the most convenient spot for everyone is where it has been south of 2nd.

08-25-2010, 04:08 PM
That's great information, thanks.

But like you stated - I think the annoyance of having to drive that far to recycle will cause a lot of people not to do it.

08-25-2010, 04:11 PM
That's great information, thanks.

But like you stated - I think the annoyance of having to drive that far to recycle will cause a lot of people not to do it.

Yeah...The City decided to built that new stuff out East of I-35, which is great since there is space out there, but the vast majority of the Edmond population lives West of it isn't too convenient for us.

08-27-2010, 10:21 PM
People in my neighborhood "recycle" by leaving their uncovered recycle box outside beginning Thursday morning/afternoon (pickup is Friday afternoon) which results in all their "recyle" stuff decorated my yard and the street. Depending on my mood, I either throw it all into my trash can (which results in it not being recycled) or ignore it until the wind eventually scatters it all over the neighborhood. I've yet to see ANYONE other than myself pick up all the "recycle" stuff that litters the neighborhood. One week, I picked up enough to fill my trashcan halfways--and that was just the stuff in MY yard, not in the street or anyone else's yard. For this reason, I am AGAINST curbside recyling. The recycling bins provided are an open challenge to Oklahoma wind to see how far everything can be scattered because they do not have lids and people being people, well, they are too lazy to clean up after themselves.

08-28-2010, 04:53 PM
People in my neighborhood "recycle" by leaving their uncovered recycle box outside beginning Thursday morning/afternoon (pickup is Friday afternoon) which results in all their "recyle" stuff decorated my yard and the street. Depending on my mood, I either throw it all into my trash can (which results in it not being recycled) or ignore it until the wind eventually scatters it all over the neighborhood. I've yet to see ANYONE other than myself pick up all the "recycle" stuff that litters the neighborhood. One week, I picked up enough to fill my trashcan halfways--and that was just the stuff in MY yard, not in the street or anyone else's yard. For this reason, I am AGAINST curbside recyling. The recycling bins provided are an open challenge to Oklahoma wind to see how far everything can be scattered because they do not have lids and people being people, well, they are too lazy to clean up after themselves.

To me part of the problem is the poor design of the bins - not the idea of streetside recycling. They could get tubs that have a 2 sided lid that doesn't latch shut but at least puts pressure over the top of the stuff in there...

08-29-2010, 06:26 AM
Yes, that is the reason I'm against it....because the city does not use bins that prevent littering. If proper bins were used, I'd be all for it and recycling as well. As it is, I've no wish to take time off work to sit outside and make sure my recyle stuff doesn't blow all over the neighborhood nor do I wish to comb the neighborhood in search of it only to have to throw it away.

I don't understand why the city uses the bins it does. Don't city officials want to promote a CLEAN image of Edmond? It's such an easy fix; so I suspect it'll never happen.

10-13-2010, 08:55 AM
Yeah...The City decided to built that new stuff out East of I-35, which is great since there is space out there, but the vast majority of the Edmond population lives West of it isn't too convenient for us.

I wonder if they'd ever consider building a transfer station/recycling station on the west side? Maybe somewhere out by Deer Creek. We used to live in Albuquerque and "convenience centers" as they were called were all over the place. It was a whole lot cheaper than the one on Covell too. Less than $10 to dump a truck load of "junk".

10-13-2010, 11:01 AM
I would like to see Okc change to the large recycling bin.

This would cut down on the recycling items blowing down the street on the many windy days like here in Okc. Also this type is picked up with the truck lift and then sorted at the recycling center.

10-13-2010, 02:09 PM
I would like to see Okc change to the large recycling bin.

This would cut down on the recycling items blowing down the street on the many windy days like here in Okc. Also this type is picked up with the truck lift and then sorted at the recycling center.

My wife would love that - she always has our recycling tub full - although she's pretty ticked off at them at the moment. She recently learned that they will not take sonic cups and our recycle contain had a couple at the bottom. Rather than just leave the whole thing, the recycling guy dumped the whole thing out in the yard/street and sorted it there, leaving just blowing all over the yard. My wife is 8 mos. pregnant and was out there picking up after that idiot.

10-14-2010, 10:58 AM
Eh, its good exercise for her. Don't let her give you any crap excuse about "swollen ankles" either, they'll try to milk that one.

10-14-2010, 12:06 PM
Eh, its good exercise for her. Don't let her give you any crap excuse about "swollen ankles" either, they'll try to milk that one.

Trust me...she's in much better shape than probably 80% of pregnant women - but its kind of tough to bend over at this stage to pick stuff up.

04-06-2011, 11:10 AM
The city of the Village has changed up their recycling program and is the First in the entire state to do this......

New Big Blue recycling bins are now used and they take everything that is recyclable.

Bill Robertson
04-06-2011, 02:29 PM
On our street there were a couple of us that recycled when OKC first started. Now I would estimate 75% do. Maybe it's contagious. I hope so anyway.

04-06-2011, 03:28 PM

The Village will be switching over to the full size Big Blue and the collection will be using the recycle trucks with lifts.

No more sorting, no more Oklahoma winds blowing the little blue buckets around and the items in it littering the neighborhoods.

Best of all you can earn redeemable points through the Recyclebank. Average household ears $20 per month and many up to $40 per month.